
Skinner and Mulder had just finished eating dinner on their third 'date'. Mulder was frustrated with how slow things were going but respected Walter's wish to slow things down a bit. He had to jerk off every time he left Walter's apartment.

"There's a great movie on right now. Wanna watch it with me? We can snuggle up on the couch..." Walter suggested.

Mulder smirked at Walter. He'd never just cuddled with anyone while watching something; he much preferred foreplay while watching a movie. Walter had been with a woman too long. He didn't know how to behave with a man.

"What's on?"

"Die Hard...."

Mulder laughed. "Not exactly a cuddling type movie, Walter."

"Oh...right...lemme see..." He grabbed the TV guide from the coffee table.

Skinner flipped through a few pages…"Good Morning Vietnam?"

Mulder shook his head. "I've seen that several times already, Walter."

"Alright…um, in an hour they will show Taps…."

"Walter, let me see that. I think you're decidedly narrow-minded about movies."

"Geez, thanks." He handed the guide over to Mulder.

"Hm, you have all these channels, Walter?"

"Yeah, there was a special for military…."

"Pleasure channel, Walter? I think I need to come over more often."

Mulder grinned when he saw the older man actually flush with embarrassment.

"I told you it was a special…."

"Yeah, right…" Mulder went back to looking at the guide. "Hey, there's a good one coming on - 'Mona Lisa'."

"Mulder, I knew you were into classics but I didn’t think you'd care for some movie from the thirties…."

"No, this movie is from '86. It's about an ex-con who falls for a call girl while driving her to her 'dates'. It's not a romance. It's portrayed too realistically and doesn't end like one."

"Does it have action in it?"

Mulder smiled. "Yeah, sure does and some kinky scenes too."

Walter snorted. "I know now why you want to watch it."

"I didn’t get to watch the whole thing – I kept trying to get my hand in my date's pants."

Walter shook his head.

"Alright, if you think I'd like it."

"I'm sure you will."

"Ok, let me put it on."

Walter grabbed the remote and clicked it on then turned to the appropriate channel. The credits of another movie were winding down and then advertisements for the channel appeared.

"Next Mona Lisa, an ex con befriends a high priced call girl after finding a job as a driver for the mob."

"Are you sure I'd like something like this, Mulder?"


"Alright. Let me get some refreshments then."

Walter left to gather a couple of beers and some pretzels. Mulder sat comfortably on Walter's sofa, sprawled in such a way as to cause the older man to pause a moment when he reentered the living room.

"Damn, you're way too sexy for your own good, Mulder."

Mulder grinned. "Gimme…" he lifted up a hand for a beer.

Walter handed him one then set the pretzels down on the coffee table as the movie began.

Walter had just sat down close to the sprawling Mulder and taken a swig of his beer when he saw a name he was familiar with.

"Bob Hoskins? Is that why you think I'd like this movie? An aging bald guy is in it so therefore I'd like it?"

"You're far sexier than Hoskins, Walter."

Walter grinned.

"Really, it’s a good movie. The plot is intriguing, I promise."


Walter settled back and let Mulder snuggle up against him as he grabbed some pretzels. Mulder put a pretzel against Walter's lips who opened up and ate. He was doing his best not to be distracted from the movie, wanting to see if the movie was as good as Mulder claimed.

Just then the phone rang and Mulder jumped up, "I'll get it."

"Mulder…maybe I should…."

"Nonsense, Walter, watch the movie."

Walter tried to watch the movie and listen to Mulder at the same time.

"Skinner's residence…yeah, he's busy at the moment…OK will do. Bye,"

"Who was that?"

"Kersh—said he'd talk to you Monday since you're 'entertaining.'"


"Does he usually call you on the weekends?"

"No, but if it was important I'm sure he would've insisted I talk to him."


They settled back on the couch and started watching the movie again, this time Mulder was a little distant from Walter. He pouted a bit, bored with the movie already. Damn what he wouldn't do to be allowed just to do more than touch and kiss Walter.

Walter shifted on the couch, getting into the movie now, and really wanted to see what would happen to the relationship budding between George and Simone. He could understand the frustration the man was feeling, wanting to be with someone who gave herself away for money.

At one point, Mulder moved closer, and his hand innocently ran down one of Walter's thighs. Walter was about to shift away when the hand slid into one of his and he felt such a feeling of warmth and sweetness fill him, he smiled. They sat there watching the rest of the movie like that until at one point, the other hand began to move towards his belt.

Walter grabbed the offensive hand in his free one and kissed it.

"Later, Mulder."

Mulder sighed heavily but laid his head against Walter's broad shoulder and watched the movie. When the movie ended, Walter sighed and said, "You were right, I did like that one."

Mulder didn't say anything so Walter turned a bit and saw that his agent had fallen asleep on him. He looked so beautiful and peaceful that Walter didn't have the heart to wake him.

"Come on, Dopey, time for bed." Walter rose slowly; hoping not to wake his agent then lifted him up easily and carried him upstairs. Walter removed Mulder's shoes and pants then tucked him inside the bed. He did the same of himself, taking off his shirt and leaving his undershirt on and boxers.

Walter climbed into bed next to the sleeping man and cuddled up close, so glad he could hold a warm body as he drifted off to sleep.


Mulder woke and wondered what had happened and where he was. It had been a long time since he'd slept so peacefully without waking up in the middle of the night. He remembered the movie, and laying his head on Walter's shoulder. He couldn’t believe he'd fallen asleep on the big guy. He moved his hips a bit and nearly gasped aloud at the long column of flesh that teased his back. He grinned.

Walter wanted to wait, huh? thought Mulder deviously. Let's see about that.

Inching himself up, he let that thick column of heated flesh slip down and lodge itself into the crack of his ass. With a practiced movement, Mulder slowly masturbated that delicious bit of meat.

Walter moaned and Mulder grinned but then Walter woke and pulled away. It was Mulder's turn to moan.

"Mm, sorry about that," murmured Walter when Mulder turned to him.

Walter paused, looking at the sleep rumpled Mulder. He realized that he could do with more sleep rumpled Mulders in his bed. Mulder's hair was all over the place, his lips were poutier than he'd ever seen them, and his eyes were heavy lidded.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, Walter. I want you."

Walter sighed, and began, "Mulder…."

Mulder cut Walter off by kissing him. Walter was too weak to pull away from a wanton Mulder who was deliciously warm in his arms, even with morning breath.

Walter finally pulled away to say, "Mulder, please, we need to talk…"