The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on The Fine Art of Cartography

Number of comments: 4

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From: vib
Date: 03/18/2008
I adore the Amundsen/Franklin thing, it feeds back beautifully into the rest of the story. And the reactions are so satisfyingly them. Thank you.
From: Marcella Polman (
Date: 06/21/2005
Hey. My first posting got lost. It was about how I like this story, that is so cautiously put. But I had my reservations about the title. Turned out it wasn´t the title, but the summary. I don´t think it fitting with the story. The ´I´m sorry´ posting came second, correcting my reservations about the misguiding title.
From: Marcella Polman (
Date: 06/21/2005
I'm sorry. The title is very clear. It's the summary that confuses me. Still, a great story,
From: jtryon (
Date: 05/07/2005
Very interesting slant. Yes, Ray is charted better by Fraser but you still chart Ben, albeit thru the mists of his defenses. Well done.

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