The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on To Tell the Truth

Number of comments: 3

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From: sam80853
Date: 01/04/2007
This a really great - you characterize Fraser perfectly!
From: BC (
Date: 10/21/2005
These are great. Fraser is still oblivious, confused Fraser, emotionally; we never see him or hear of him in any long relationships in canon, and it's not hard to imagine he's never had any, much as he runs the hell away from women (Paul later did that--played Fraser that way--on purpose to a degree after he found out about slash, which he loved. Remember the look on Callum's face at "All women are our sisters, Ray"?). This isn't hard to imagine him doing. It's not hard to imagine Ray covering for him, either. Tres cool.

From: Marcella Polman (
Date: 10/05/2005
Aww. Great story, this one and it's buddy. You really are an asset to the fandom.

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