The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on One Two Three Two One

Number of comments: 4

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From: kuonji
Date: 07/23/2011
Ouch!! So much ouchiness for everyone. Vecchio, who's lost himself. Kowalski, who has to settle. Fraser, who's confused and watching himself be an asshole.

But before I figure out where this was going (angst!), I laughed really a lot at this: I am in the Not Letting Go Hall of Fame. People stand in front of the trophy case and read my stats and say "Holy shit, could that guy ever not let go."

From: smokingthings
Date: 01/16/2008
Oh, man, *ouch.* That was *so* well done.
From: no1impt
Date: 12/22/2007
Wow. Great story. So well crafted. First glance at the title had me thinking something fluffier to do with dance lessons or some such, but was so glad to be wrong. I have to say that I too was expecting a darker still outcome at the end, but where you decided to end it really worked. Thanks for sharing!
From: MonicaPDX
Date: 12/16/2007
Very *good* not-cheery. Really like the way things climbed, hit the rocky part, then dive bombed... But man, I'm glad you stopped where you did. I had a feeling I might have been reading about Vecchio's suicide next if you hadn't. And frankly, I've got enough angst in my life! ;)
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