Disclaimer: This piece of fiction has been written solely for the entertainment of the readers (and its author). No infringement upon copyrights has been intended.


by Renny Ramos

Last night, I dreamt that the world was grey. I stood alone in this vast stretch of emptiness, with nothing except fear as company. Everything was silent, the air hollow. In the quiet, the only sounds I could hear were my footsteps keeping tune with the pounding of my heart. Something was very, very wrong.

I walked through the hollow land and called out. No one answered. I continued to walk in the oppressive emptiness, until I chanced upon a plaza filled with stone images. The icons were rough and ashen, as if built from gravel. Enormous carriages, wheelbarrows and faceless beings lined the park. For some reason, the sight of it scared me; so I began to walk away. But the monstrous figures suddenly came to life and started to move toward me. They started to clutch at me, and pursued me wherever I ran.

I escaped the terror of my dream just before the images captured me. For a moment, I felt relief. Until I remembered you.

This was no dream at all.

The emptiness is real. Because you're leaving me...

I never thought I'd stop crying.


Don't... Don't look that way. Everything's hard enough as it is.

I watch you as you stand by your window, with Dief by your side. The early morning light falls softly upon your face. I've never seen you look this sad.

Dammit, I don't want this to be my last memory of you.

So I try to put the sun in my voice as I call out your name. And as I knew you would, you indulge me. I see the momentary straightening of your back, the quick sigh that escapes your lips. When you finally turn to greet me, it's almost as if today was just any other day. You smile back at me. "Hello, Ray."

I never thought I'd be the one to make you lie.

"So, are you ready?" I ask.


E-mail the author: Blue_Grey_Eyes@hotmail.com