The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Dearly Beloved

Number of comments: 2

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From: Nancy
Date: 08/19/2016
I meant, of course, in the comment above that if Fraser marries anyone, it would be RayV. Definitely not that jealous, immature little bitch Kowalski. Fraser would treat him politely and work with him to protect RayV's cover. But that's all. When RayV returns, he would remain Fraser's best friend. Fraser would have no reason to see Kowalski as a friend, much less a lover. But I really prefer Fraser and RayV being very close friends and brothers - and they are closer than your nasty-Kowalski preferring mind makes them out to be; Fraser would not feel lonely for Kowalski at the Vecchios' home, but probably feel relieved to be away from someone so damn insecure and jealous.

I'm amazed at how much F/K shippers like you hate Ray Vecchio and focus only on negative things about him and ignore what a good person he is in canon and how dear he is to Fraser, and how much F/K shippers like you think Kowalski can do no wrong and ignore how many bad qualities he has - qualities that mean Fraser would not want to be close to him.

From: Nancy
Date: 08/19/2016
Kowalski is such a jealous little bitch! He's irritating and annoying, and it's pure fantasy that Fraser would want to be with someone like him as a spouse. He probably wouldn't even like someone as immature and nasty as Kowalski, who won't allow him time to reconnect with Ray Vecchio, who did NOT stop being Fraser's best friend. If Fraser marries anyone, it would be RayK. He's Fraser's type and Fraser obviously loves him. Your thinking that Kowalski is cute and sexy probably clouded your judgement to how bad of a person and how much of a loser Kowalski really is. Fraser would tolerate him. That's all. They wouldn't be close friends.

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