


The Wheel turns!
Rated NC-17 for m/m sex.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, would love to, am plotting a
(c) June 1, 1998

He's a child of the sun,
Skin bronzed from its rays.
His people come
From the sun-drenched shores
Of Italy.

My people come from cold
And barren heaths,
Their huts plain
To withstand gales.

How could he,
This son of the Sun,
Be drawn to me
Whose heart was ice?

And yet he was
And still is, thank Goddess.
He takes me here
Where we can play,
And my limbs ache
With the need to open
And let him in.

My chest heaves
As Dief gambols,
And I feel his eyes
Upon me.

Lovely, green eyes
A forest-color,
Deep and quiet
As his leanness moves.

Let's go, Dief!
He's coming for me!
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