Disclaimer: Alliance, Fox Network and Columbia/Tristar own dS, Early
Edition and the X-Files.
This is the third part of the Voodoo series.
Rated PG.

Voodoo Love

Gary Hobbson sneezed loudly into his newspaper, which caused most of
the people in McGintys to look up at him.He smiled at Chuck, who seemed
to be chatting up a pretty red-head, who seemed pretty much unavailable.

"Hey Gar!" Chuck trotted up to his friend. "That's Jordan Mackenzie.
She's one of the Canadians working on the Voodoo case. The guy with her
is Benton Fraser. Remember him?"

"Yeah. He's been in the paper a few times." Gary turned the page. "It's
been three weeks! You think they would've found something by now... hold
on..." Gary frowned at the headline.

"What is it, Gary?" Marissa said next to him. She stared ahead of her and
rubbed her dogs head.

'Listen, 'FBI Agent Called off Case on Account of Unstable Behavior.
Special Agent Fox Mulder broke down today while talking to a WCKP
news-reporter. He claimed to be "Possessed" and attacked the reporter in
a rough manner, smashing the equipment to the ground. He was then pulled
of the reporter by his partner Dana Scully.'"

"Well, isn't that just dandy!" Chuck grinned.

Ray Vecchio glanced at Benton Fraser. "Listen, I wanna ditch this case.
I don't care WHAT Welsh thinks."

"I don't think there's any need to be so... irrational, Ray. You do have
those federal agents helping, and Jordan and I too."

"Fraser! I don't think I need your opinion." Ray warned the mountie.

"Right Ray. You don't need anyone's opinion." Fraser turned silently

Fraser reached the consulate and sat down on the large stone steps.
Heck, Ray wasn't himself. Then again, he didn't really know what the
real Ray was like. Stan. Stan Kowalski. The real Ray was undercover in
the mob. Kowalski probably didn't have Ray's guts in any case.

He waved away those thoughts, angry. Why couldn't things just be simple
and stay that way? Fraser picked up a stone and threw it as hard as he
could. "Simple!" He shouted. "Simple! That's all I want, dammit!"

"It never is, is it, Ben?" Jordan sat down next to him, her copper hair
reflected the setting sun.

"No. Never. Sorry Jord, I'm just... frustrated."

Jordan held his hand in hers. "You have every reason to be. It's not
easy either. You should see that one Fed! He has rings so big under his
eyes he could pass for a raccoon!"

Mulder awoke in a hot sweat. The same dream, the same dolls. Scully...
It didn't make sense!

He walked to the basin and splashed cold water over his face.

*Think that's gonna help you, Fox? It's just water. You can't wash your
troubles away."

Mulder crashed to the floor. "Go away. Just leave me alone." He
whispered, no energy to do much else.

*I'm everywhere. I can't just go away. Everyone else involved in this
case is taking the strain too.*

"You leave Scully alone. Please? Just let her be."

*You think I'd do that? I can do anything to anyone, Fox. Including you.*

Mulder dragged himself to the wall that seperated his bedroom from
Scully's. He raised a fist and brought it down as hard as he could on the
cheap board.

*I made you attack that reporter. I can make you hurt Dana too.* The
voice laughed.

"Scully! Scully! I... I need to talk to you!" He shouted hoarsely.

"At 1:00 in the morning? You okay, Mulder?" She called through the wall.

"No..." He lowered his head to the floor. "The door's open."

*Your will power can't hold out for long. If you have any left!*

Scully opened the door slowly, not knowing what to expect. When she saw
him with his face in the dirt she ran to his side. "Mulder, what

He didn't move. "The dream. the voice. She's here. She's everywhere, She
said she was, She's gonna get us, get you... NO!" He stood up and faced
Scully, trembling. "I'd never hurt you. I couldn't. No matter what."

"I know you wouldn't. What's going on? Mulder?" She walked towards him.

"Wait, Scully. Will power. Will power is all I need."

*You think?"

Scully heard it. Vaguely, but nevertheless...

"Did you hear her?" Mulder covered his ears.

Scully wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his
shoulder. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you, Mulder." She could feel his
breath on her neck.

"God, Dana. I've been through Hell and back, and I don't think the
journey's over yet." His voice trembled.

"Now, I'm here for you. I'm always going to be here." He'd been there
for her. She felt that she hadn't properly returned the favor.

He held her closer to him, his hands resting on the small of her back.
"Thank you. You're all I need right now."

*Maybe.* The voice laughed again, sarcastic.

End Segment 3.

Series So Far:
Voodoo Magic
Voodoo Dreams
Voodoo Love

Soon: Voodoo God