I'll Be Seeing You I'll Be Seeing You by Ban Oks Disclaimer: All characters described  belong to Alliance, Paul Haggis, associated Due South writers and performers etc. Please due not sue.  Not mine just borrowing TYK. For personal consumption only do not use otherwise without *author's* permission. Dedicated to Pat, Bing and Bad Kitty - icky ending for Pat, it's about as romantic as I can  get ;)   Benton Fraser lay reading his father's journal by the soft yellow light of his oil lamp. The night wind  breezed coldly  through the open window. Dief was restless, his lupine frame twisting in fleeting dreams. Benton replaced the book carefully on his  bedside cabinet and  gazed sightlessly at the echoing shadows  on the wall. A  swell of  loneliness washed  over him but soon gave in to  a baser emotion. Jealousy. With a deep sigh he finally admitted it to himself.   He had *acted* the perfect Mountie all day. He had been extremely if not excessively courteous, diplomatic - and all the other social graces he used to hide his feelings so well. Inspector Thatcher's fiancé had been  pleasant enough; they had even had an interesting discussion on various  obscure equine diseases, including his own. But the Patagonian vet intended to take his - he gave a rueful smile - *his* Meg home with him. Had she ever been his though? Had their one  brief moment of intimacy perched precariously atop the runaway train arisen simply through passion of circumstance? He closed his eyes and relived the scene.  If only Buck hadn't interrupted - perhaps...?     "Hi Frasier, I was wondering if you were free for lunch." Detective Vecchio greeted his friend cautiously, anticipating rejection.  Fraser had withdrawn into himself lately, unwilling to face up to his friend's inevitable questioning. Ray stood silently in front of Fraser's desk.  A light dusting of  snow covered his dark winter coat.  He peeled off his leather gloves and waved one in Fraser's face.  "Hey Benny, anyone in there?"  His tone was light but his sensitive green eyes betrayed his anxiety. At first the Mountie did not seem to register his presence.  He continued to stare at the paper in front of him - then he closed his eyes and laid down the pen he had been holding so tightly.  The sheet was headed "Wedding List."  There was a difficult pause. "Sure Ray, thank you kindly for the offer.  I'll just get my coat." Fraser suddenly seemed to come to life, to appreciate the unspoken sentiment behind Ray's visit.  Ray smiled broadly and pulled his gloves back on. "C'mon then Benny, my treat." Fraser had very little appetite.  Ray was nervous, afraid of leading the conversation into dangerous waters.  Finally Fraser pushed his plate away.  He had hardly touched his meal. "I'm sorry Ray, I'm just not hungry.  I guess..." Fraser's voice trailed off.  His attention had been caught by a figure looking in the window, a very familiar figure.   He frowned.  What *was* Meg doing here?  He did an internal double-take.  What on earth was wrong with her?  She continued to peer  through the glass searching  intently through the customers. Ray was first to react.  He ploughed through the crowded diner trailing Fraser's apologies in his wake.  But the Mountie reached Meg first all the same.  He wanted to ask what was wrong but the words faltered on his lips.  She looked smaller, weaker, as if all her inner strength had dissolved.  He reached out automatically and took her hand in his.  The gesture unnerved her completely and she pulled away as if stung.  She looked instead at Ray Vecchio standing helplessly by his friend. "Detective Vecchio" she said softly, almost  whispering, "may I speak to you - in private?" Ray's eyes widened and he half turned towards the Mountie who nodded his stone-faced assent. "Sure, what about  my car?  Benny, if you'll wait in Delaney's.."  With a curt nod the Mountie strode back into the diner.   Ray led the way to his car which was parked some little distance away, legally for once.  As he walked along his mind raced through possibilities