Ray Vecchio was............. Ray Vecchio was a Chicago Cop A good friend of a Mountie He knew that he should understand Why he wasn't in Mountie on the Bounty. For Ray had lost his way in life His wages had been cut Due South went on without him His departure was abrupt. His replacement was a blonde chap He was actually pretty good But Ray sat and watched in agony It was in his place he stood. He wanted to make a come back In the final episode Of Due South's final screening He could manage the workload. In Call of the Wild he did appear "Hello Benny" his first line But what he didn't realise Was that Benny was doing fine. Without Ray Vecchio's banter He was actually rather good For Stanley, his new partner Filled in every line he should. Although our Mountie did miss Ray He knew Due South was good A masterpiece of drama In a very Canadian way. So Ray and Benton bid farewell They would not be seen again As the duo on our screens at night But I'm sure Due South will ride again.