Usage Statistics for flamingo

Summary Period: September 2019
Generated 30-Sep-2019 03:31 PDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2019
Total Hits 36526
Total Files 35626
Total Pages 29548
Total Visits 7053
Total KBytes 665683
Total Unique Sites 2401
Total Unique URLs 3799
Total Unique Referrers 624
Total Unique User Agents 310
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 50 1552
Hits per Day 1217 5518
Files per Day 1187 5310
Pages per Day 984 5034
Sites per Day 80 237
Visits per Day 235 408
KBytes per Day 22189 70739
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 97.54% 35626
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.05% 18
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.03% 12
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.25% 90
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.07% 26
Code 404 - Not Found 2.06% 754

Daily usage for September 2019

Daily Statistics for September 2019
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 5518 15.11% 5310 14.90% 5034 17.04% 249 3.53% 188 7.83% 70739 10.63%
2 2454 6.72% 2392 6.71% 2232 7.55% 253 3.59% 220 9.16% 26814 4.03%
3 632 1.73% 618 1.73% 344 1.16% 130 1.84% 108 4.50% 11667 1.75%
4 554 1.52% 542 1.52% 370 1.25% 128 1.81% 91 3.79% 16649 2.50%
5 972 2.66% 942 2.64% 596 2.02% 146 2.07% 106 4.41% 9818 1.47%
6 940 2.57% 924 2.59% 728 2.46% 168 2.38% 112 4.66% 13036 1.96%
7 1502 4.11% 1480 4.15% 1022 3.46% 296 4.20% 105 4.37% 19323 2.90%
8 700 1.92% 668 1.88% 450 1.52% 153 2.17% 114 4.75% 9901 1.49%
9 1556 4.26% 1536 4.31% 1346 4.56% 378 5.36% 223 9.29% 16310 2.45%
10 2366 6.48% 2296 6.44% 1994 6.75% 333 4.72% 101 4.21% 33052 4.97%
11 1036 2.84% 1006 2.82% 832 2.82% 255 3.62% 79 3.29% 15497 2.33%
12 1112 3.04% 1080 3.03% 950 3.22% 312 4.42% 96 4.00% 17574 2.64%
13 1064 2.91% 1042 2.92% 868 2.94% 300 4.25% 89 3.71% 16356 2.46%
14 344 0.94% 338 0.95% 326 1.10% 39 0.55% 23 0.96% 4520 0.68%
15 928 2.54% 904 2.54% 708 2.40% 253 3.59% 87 3.62% 14451 2.17%
16 1204 3.30% 1152 3.23% 942 3.19% 256 3.63% 102 4.25% 22446 3.37%
17 846 2.32% 840 2.36% 678 2.29% 271 3.84% 93 3.87% 11742 1.76%
18 1260 3.45% 1232 3.46% 982 3.32% 315 4.47% 110 4.58% 18106 2.72%
19 1234 3.38% 1224 3.44% 1036 3.51% 329 4.66% 111 4.62% 18851 2.83%
20 2044 5.60% 2008 5.64% 1824 6.17% 408 5.78% 223 9.29% 58817 8.84%
21 1332 3.65% 1302 3.65% 1106 3.74% 380 5.39% 237 9.87% 42423 6.37%
22 1140 3.12% 1130 3.17% 950 3.22% 382 5.42% 227 9.45% 49179 7.39%
23 1256 3.44% 1226 3.44% 884 2.99% 319 4.52% 226 9.41% 60001 9.01%
24 914 2.50% 884 2.48% 576 1.95% 181 2.57% 102 4.25% 12951 1.95%
25 582 1.59% 576 1.62% 414 1.40% 148 2.10% 95 3.96% 9149 1.37%
26 1224 3.35% 1214 3.41% 1074 3.63% 163 2.31% 109 4.54% 24446 3.67%
27 478 1.31% 466 1.31% 386 1.31% 173 2.45% 146 6.08% 25637 3.85%
28 644 1.76% 638 1.79% 446 1.51% 189 2.68% 112 4.66% 8315 1.25%
29 634 1.74% 602 1.69% 398 1.35% 145 2.06% 115 4.79% 6915 1.04%
30 56 0.15% 54 0.15% 52 0.18% 23 0.33% 20 0.83% 996 0.15%

Hourly usage for September 2019

Hourly Statistics for September 2019
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 32 986 2.70% 32 970 2.72% 28 862 2.92% 1025 30760 4.62%
1 43 1308 3.58% 42 1282 3.60% 38 1162 3.93% 863 25880 3.89%
2 38 1148 3.14% 36 1092 3.07% 32 966 3.27% 783 23489 3.53%
3 95 2874 7.87% 93 2812 7.89% 79 2378 8.05% 1430 42894 6.44%
4 41 1252 3.43% 39 1184 3.32% 32 962 3.26% 809 24261 3.64%
5 34 1046 2.86% 33 1006 2.82% 29 884 2.99% 643 19288 2.90%
6 56 1698 4.65% 55 1656 4.65% 51 1542 5.22% 779 23356 3.51%
7 40 1222 3.35% 38 1166 3.27% 33 1010 3.42% 788 23631 3.55%
8 47 1414 3.87% 46 1384 3.88% 37 1118 3.78% 774 23226 3.49%
9 43 1302 3.56% 43 1290 3.62% 34 1020 3.45% 832 24952 3.75%
10 55 1670 4.57% 54 1624 4.56% 46 1396 4.72% 866 25975 3.90%
11 78 2360 6.46% 78 2348 6.59% 69 2078 7.03% 1261 37824 5.68%
12 55 1662 4.55% 54 1620 4.55% 43 1312 4.44% 1227 36800 5.53%
13 45 1374 3.76% 44 1342 3.77% 35 1050 3.55% 789 23685 3.56%
14 48 1444 3.95% 47 1420 3.99% 33 1012 3.42% 826 24787 3.72%
15 40 1214 3.32% 38 1168 3.28% 32 982 3.32% 726 21769 3.27%
16 61 1834 5.02% 59 1798 5.05% 50 1522 5.15% 974 29235 4.39%
17 62 1878 5.14% 61 1840 5.16% 46 1408 4.77% 1087 32606 4.90%
18 46 1392 3.81% 45 1356 3.81% 35 1076 3.64% 887 26595 4.00%
19 47 1432 3.92% 46 1394 3.91% 35 1076 3.64% 829 24885 3.74%
20 45 1366 3.74% 44 1332 3.74% 36 1102 3.73% 908 27246 4.09%
21 45 1364 3.73% 45 1356 3.81% 37 1126 3.81% 903 27086 4.07%
22 68 2050 5.61% 66 2004 5.63% 51 1558 5.27% 1251 37532 5.64%
23 41 1236 3.38% 39 1182 3.32% 31 946 3.20% 931 27921 4.19%

Top 100 of 3799 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1150 3.15% 15389 2.31% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/storyindex.htm
2 1044 2.86% 14347 2.16% /~flamingo/starskyhutchgen/story2.htm
3 824 2.26% 164533 24.72% /flamingo/usage/usage_201909.html
4 820 2.24% 1612 0.24% /flamingo/usage/
5 658 1.80% 443 0.07% /flamingo/VP/pics/_vti_cnf/
6 534 1.46% 8501 1.28% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/oldclassics.htm
7 314 0.86% 634 0.10% /~flamingo/starskyhutchgen/
8 230 0.63% 558 0.08% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/
9 156 0.43% 113 0.02% /flamingo/VP/pics/
10 112 0.31% 105 0.02% /flamingo/
11 104 0.28% 84 0.01% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/classics.htm
12 74 0.20% 1056 0.16% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/storyindex2.htm
13 70 0.19% 146 0.02% /~flamingo/eclipse/contents.htm
14 68 0.19% 541 0.08% /flamingo/starskyhutchgen/author.htm
15 68 0.19% 166 0.02% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/
16 64 0.18% 241 0.04% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/Links/links.htm
17 62 0.17% 457 0.07% /flamingo/starskyhutchgen/LateModels/oldlatemodels.htm
18 60 0.16% 404 0.06% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/authorindex.htm
19 56 0.15% 34 0.01% /~flamingo/eclipse/
20 52 0.14% 81 0.01% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/Alexis/AlexisRogers.htm
21 52 0.14% 5364 0.81% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/LateModels/Elizabeth/FracturedDisciplineComplete.htm
22 48 0.13% 37 0.01% /~flamingo/starskyhutchgen/LateModels/latemodels.htm
23 48 0.13% 692 0.10% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/LateModels/TJ/inmind.htm
24 46 0.13% 58 0.01% /~flamingo/eclipse/title.htm
25 44 0.12% 1921 0.29% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/Rosemary/endoftheline.htm
26 44 0.12% 1084 0.16% /~flamingo/eclipse/chapter5.htm
27 42 0.11% 1911 0.29% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/DLDV1/DLDV110RemnantsPt1.htm
28 40 0.11% 6 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 6.rtf
29 40 0.11% 6 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Epilog.rtf
30 40 0.11% 31 0.00% /~flamingo/starskyhutchgen/classics/classics.htm
31 38 0.10% 5 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 14.rtf
32 38 0.10% 5 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 3.rtf
33 38 0.10% 648 0.10% /~flamingo/eclipse/chapter7.htm
34 38 0.10% 2688 0.40% /~flamingo/starskyhutchgen/LateModels/dawnwind/badmoon4.htm
35 36 0.10% 5 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 13.rtf
36 36 0.10% 5 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 17.rtf
37 36 0.10% 5 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 18.rtf
38 36 0.10% 5 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 24.rtf
39 36 0.10% 5 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 7.rtf
40 36 0.10% 1038 0.16% /flamingo/starskyhutchgen/LateModels/dawnwind/brave3.htm
41 34 0.09% 5 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 1.rtf
42 34 0.09% 5 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 15.rtf
43 34 0.09% 5 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 25.rtf
44 34 0.09% 5 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 8.rtf
45 34 0.09% 5 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Prologue.rtf
46 34 0.09% 25 0.00% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/DavisDecker/LABprelude.htm
47 34 0.09% 620 0.09% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/storyindex.htm
48 32 0.09% 5 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 12.rtf
49 32 0.09% 5 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 4.rtf
50 32 0.09% 5 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 9.rtf
51 32 0.09% 25 0.00% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/LateModels/LateModels.htm
52 32 0.09% 25 0.00% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/classics.htm
53 32 0.09% 912 0.14% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/SHareCon 2002/33TalkinDirtyBingo.htm
54 30 0.08% 78 0.01% /flamingo/VP/Artists Studio/Artists Studio.htm
55 30 0.08% 51 0.01% /flamingo/VP/Photo Gallery/paf99.htm
56 30 0.08% 4 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 11.rtf
57 30 0.08% 4 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 20.rtf
58 30 0.08% 4 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 23.rtf
59 30 0.08% 4 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/intro.rtf
60 30 0.08% 1056 0.16% /~flamingo/eclipse/chapter1.htm
61 30 0.08% 874 0.13% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/LateModels/Sebastyin/TrueLove.html
62 28 0.08% 8437 1.27% /flamingo/VP/soundfiles/flamingo.MOV
63 28 0.08% 4 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 22.rtf
64 28 0.08% 4 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 5.rtf
65 28 0.08% 67 0.01% /flamingo/starskyhutchgen/
66 28 0.08% 286 0.04% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/LateModels/AlleyCat/kiss.htm
67 28 0.08% 543 0.08% /~flamingo/eclipse/chapter9.htm
68 28 0.08% 152 0.02% /~flamingo/starskyhutchgen/Links/links.htm
69 28 0.08% 23 0.00% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/LateModels/LateModels.htm
70 28 0.08% 542 0.08% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/VPchronicles1/OneBiteofApple.htm
71 26 0.07% 26 0.00% /flamingo/VP/
72 26 0.07% 915 0.14% /flamingo/eclipse/chapter1.htm
73 26 0.07% 4 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 19.rtf
74 26 0.07% 549 0.08% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/Alexis/dragon.html
75 26 0.07% 629 0.09% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/Commitment/CommitmentLifetimeLoverPart1.htm
76 26 0.07% 26 0.00% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/SHareCon 2002/17OdetoaFriend.htm
77 26 0.07% 48 0.01% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/SHareCon 2002/19PaulDefends.htm
78 26 0.07% 677 0.10% /~flamingo/eclipse/chapter3.htm
79 26 0.07% 298 0.04% /~flamingo/starskyhutchgen/story.htm
80 26 0.07% 729 0.11% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/Commitment/CommitmentLifetimeLoverPart1.htm
81 26 0.07% 1230 0.18% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/Rosemary/eclipse.htm
82 26 0.07% 272 0.04% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/Valentine/sweettaboo.html
83 24 0.07% 3 0.00% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/_vti_cnf/Chapter 21.rtf
84 24 0.07% 1447 0.22% /flamingo/starskyhutchgen/LateModels/dawnwind/badmoon1.htm
85 24 0.07% 703 0.11% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/DavisDecker/labyrinth4.htm
86 24 0.07% 719 0.11% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/Robertson/bbl4.htm
87 24 0.07% 736 0.11% /~flamingo/eclipse/chapter14.htm
88 24 0.07% 610 0.09% /~flamingo/eclipse/chapter15.htm
89 24 0.07% 45 0.01% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/BrandNew/BrandNew.htm
90 24 0.07% 775 0.12% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/DLDV1/DLDV115OnlyAChangeofWorlds.htm
91 24 0.07% 317 0.05% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/HAS2/packages.htm
92 24 0.07% 503 0.08% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/HAS3/romeojuliet.htm
93 24 0.07% 182 0.03% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/LateModels/BrancaMorgan/NightsSerenade.htm
94 24 0.07% 130 0.02% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/LateModels/TJ/nightmare.htm
95 24 0.07% 146 0.02% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/SHareCon 2002/25NoHopeForButch.htm
96 24 0.07% 228 0.03% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/MLM/revelations.htm
97 24 0.07% 703 0.11% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/Rosemary/JourneysEnd.htm
98 24 0.07% 356 0.05% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/Sandi/pastimperfect.htm
99 22 0.06% 45 0.01% /flamingo/library/
100 22 0.06% 867 0.13% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/Robertson/WhiteFeather1.htm
View All URLs

Top 50 of 3799 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 824 2.26% 164533 24.72% /flamingo/usage/usage_201909.html
2 1150 3.15% 15389 2.31% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/storyindex.htm
3 1044 2.86% 14347 2.16% /~flamingo/starskyhutchgen/story2.htm
4 4 0.01% 9988 1.50% /flamingo/eclipse.tgz
5 534 1.46% 8501 1.28% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/oldclassics.htm
6 28 0.08% 8437 1.27% /flamingo/VP/soundfiles/flamingo.MOV
7 2 0.01% 6393 0.96% /flamingo/VP/soundfiles/purr3.wav
8 52 0.14% 5364 0.81% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/LateModels/Elizabeth/FracturedDisciplineComplete.htm
9 8 0.02% 3009 0.45% /flamingo/VP/images/Devil
10 38 0.10% 2688 0.40% /~flamingo/starskyhutchgen/LateModels/dawnwind/badmoon4.htm
11 10 0.03% 2449 0.37% /flamingo/VP/soundfiles/purr3.mp3
12 8 0.02% 2411 0.36% /~flamingo/VP/soundfiles/flamingo.MOV
13 44 0.12% 1921 0.29% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/Rosemary/endoftheline.htm
14 42 0.11% 1911 0.29% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/DLDV1/DLDV110RemnantsPt1.htm
15 4 0.01% 1694 0.25% /flamingo/idiots.tgz
16 820 2.24% 1612 0.24% /flamingo/usage/
17 24 0.07% 1447 0.22% /flamingo/starskyhutchgen/LateModels/dawnwind/badmoon1.htm
18 12 0.03% 1411 0.21% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/Alexis/cost.html
19 20 0.05% 1356 0.20% /~flamingo/eclipse/rtf/Chapter 4.rtf
20 22 0.06% 1329 0.20% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/DLDV1/DLDV110RemnantsPt4.htm
21 26 0.07% 1230 0.18% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/Rosemary/eclipse.htm
22 44 0.12% 1084 0.16% /~flamingo/eclipse/chapter5.htm
23 30 0.08% 1056 0.16% /~flamingo/eclipse/chapter1.htm
24 74 0.20% 1056 0.16% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/storyindex2.htm
25 20 0.05% 1039 0.16% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/Flamingo/DirtPool.htm
26 36 0.10% 1038 0.16% /flamingo/starskyhutchgen/LateModels/dawnwind/brave3.htm
27 16 0.04% 942 0.14% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/VPchronicles1/FoolsandKings.htm
28 16 0.04% 921 0.14% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/Alexis/cost.html
29 20 0.05% 920 0.14% /flamingo/starskyhutchgen/LateModels/dawnwind/brave1.htm
30 26 0.07% 915 0.14% /flamingo/eclipse/chapter1.htm
31 32 0.09% 912 0.14% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/SHareCon 2002/33TalkinDirtyBingo.htm
32 20 0.05% 911 0.14% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/Ortiz/SaltPoint2.htm
33 20 0.05% 909 0.14% /~flamingo/starskyhutchgen/LateModels/tericolosimo/nakedsouls1.htm
34 8 0.02% 899 0.14% /flamingo/usage/usage_201804.html
35 18 0.05% 893 0.13% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/HAMGIO/18HowHutchSaved.htm
36 22 0.06% 882 0.13% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/Ortiz/SaltPoint1.htm
37 30 0.08% 874 0.13% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/LateModels/Sebastyin/TrueLove.html
38 22 0.06% 867 0.13% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/Robertson/WhiteFeather1.htm
39 12 0.03% 856 0.13% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/Rose/VirginInTheseWoods.htm
40 20 0.05% 850 0.13% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/DLDV1/DLDV110RemnantsPt3.htm
41 14 0.04% 836 0.13% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/Rosemary/charade.html
42 16 0.04% 836 0.13% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/Rosemary/rightbehold.htm
43 10 0.03% 834 0.13% /flamingo/eclipse/rtf/Chapter 17.rtf
44 14 0.04% 823 0.12% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/Flamingo/ILIRaddiction3.htm
45 18 0.05% 821 0.12% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/DLDV1/DLDV106DevilsFood.htm
46 14 0.04% 812 0.12% /~flamingo/starskyhutchgen/LateModels/tericolosimo/nakedsouls2.htm
47 8 0.02% 800 0.12% /flamingo/usage/url_201805.html
48 12 0.03% 794 0.12% /~flamingo/starskyhutchgen/LateModels/dawnwind/badmoon3.htm
49 20 0.05% 785 0.12% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/HAS3/spoils.htm
50 6 0.02% 781 0.12% /flamingo/starskyhutchgen/LateModels/dawnwind/badmoon4.htm

Top 10 of 2053 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1150 3.15% 400 5.75% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/storyindex.htm
2 824 2.26% 398 5.72% /flamingo/usage/usage_201909.html
3 1044 2.86% 363 5.22% /~flamingo/starskyhutchgen/story2.htm
4 658 1.80% 287 4.12% /flamingo/VP/pics/_vti_cnf/
5 534 1.46% 248 3.56% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/oldclassics.htm
6 820 2.24% 221 3.18% /flamingo/usage/
7 314 0.86% 123 1.77% /~flamingo/starskyhutchgen/
8 230 0.63% 79 1.14% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/
9 156 0.43% 45 0.65% /flamingo/VP/pics/
10 112 0.31% 42 0.60% /flamingo/

Top 10 of 2057 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 824 2.26% 397 5.70% /flamingo/usage/usage_201909.html
2 1044 2.86% 385 5.53% /~flamingo/starskyhutchgen/story2.htm
3 1150 3.15% 376 5.40% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/storyindex.htm
4 658 1.80% 287 4.12% /flamingo/VP/pics/_vti_cnf/
5 534 1.46% 237 3.41% /flamingo/starskyhutchslash/classic/oldclassics.htm
6 820 2.24% 221 3.18% /flamingo/usage/
7 314 0.86% 114 1.64% /~flamingo/starskyhutchgen/
8 230 0.63% 84 1.21% /~flamingo/starskyhutchslash/
9 156 0.43% 45 0.65% /flamingo/VP/pics/
10 112 0.31% 35 0.50% /flamingo/

Top 50 of 2401 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 3850 10.54% 3674 10.31% 40717 6.12% 3 0.04%
2 1216 3.33% 1198 3.36% 14394 2.16% 13 0.18%
3 938 2.57% 916 2.57% 10694 1.61% 6 0.09%
4 820 2.24% 782 2.20% 7363 1.11% 1 0.01%
5 758 2.08% 752 2.11% 9531 1.43% 9 0.13%
6 734 2.01% 730 2.05% 9421 1.42% 6 0.09%
7 696 1.91% 656 1.84% 5026 0.76% 16 0.23%
8 588 1.61% 576 1.62% 7923 1.19% 169 2.40%
9 562 1.54% 558 1.57% 6848 1.03% 159 2.25%
10 550 1.51% 546 1.53% 59323 8.91% 173 2.45%
11 546 1.49% 534 1.50% 7436 1.12% 166 2.35%
12 518 1.42% 514 1.44% 6695 1.01% 161 2.28%
13 516 1.41% 504 1.41% 6608 0.99% 154 2.18%
14 508 1.39% 502 1.41% 6587 0.99% 156 2.21%
15 500 1.37% 500 1.40% 6781 1.02% 139 1.97%
16 490 1.34% 484 1.36% 6742 1.01% 143 2.03%
17 490 1.34% 484 1.36% 7260 1.09% 158 2.24%
18 488 1.34% 476 1.34% 7589 1.14% 148 2.10%
19 478 1.31% 460 1.29% 5964 0.90% 107 1.52%
20 464 1.27% 436 1.22% 4587 0.69% 14 0.20%
21 460 1.26% 452 1.27% 5923 0.89% 132 1.87%
22 452 1.24% 442 1.24% 6030 0.91% 148 2.10%
23 450 1.23% 440 1.24% 7033 1.06% 155 2.20%
24 446 1.22% 440 1.24% 5696 0.86% 124 1.76%
25 444 1.22% 436 1.22% 5498 0.83% 146 2.07%
26 442 1.21% 434 1.22% 5478 0.82% 140 1.98%
27 422 1.16% 414 1.16% 4030 0.61% 38 0.54%
28 398 1.09% 382 1.07% 3963 0.60% 10 0.14%
29 276 0.76% 268 0.75% 2623 0.39% 32 0.45%
30 260 0.71% 242 0.68% 3435 0.52% 16 0.23%
31 248 0.68% 246 0.69% 2456 0.37% 6 0.09%
32 224 0.61% 208 0.58% 2567 0.39% 22 0.31%
33 218 0.60% 216 0.61% 4183 0.63% 79 1.12%
34 212 0.58% 208 0.58% 1545 0.23% 6 0.09%
35 202 0.55% 184 0.52% 6756 1.01% 8 0.11%
36 200 0.55% 200 0.56% 2025 0.30% 2 0.03%
37 200 0.55% 188 0.53% 2253 0.34% 60 0.85%
38 188 0.51% 188 0.53% 2949 0.44% 91 1.29%
39 184 0.50% 178 0.50% 4550 0.68% 55 0.78%
40 176 0.48% 176 0.49% 7288 1.09% 1 0.01%
41 160 0.44% 158 0.44% 2020 0.30% 1 0.01%
42 152 0.42% 150 0.42% 749 0.11% 3 0.04%
43 140 0.38% 116 0.33% 1351 0.20% 11 0.16%
44 138 0.38% 138 0.39% 2786 0.42% 38 0.54%
45 134 0.37% 134 0.38% 2489 0.37% 42 0.60%
46 132 0.36% 132 0.37% 1432 0.22% 42 0.60%
47 132 0.36% 124 0.35% 1764 0.27% 10 0.14%
48 128 0.35% 128 0.36% 1666 0.25% 39 0.55%
49 128 0.35% 124 0.35% 1241 0.19% 37 0.52%
50 128 0.35% 128 0.36% 1840 0.28% 11 0.16%

Top 50 of 2401 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 550 1.51% 546 1.53% 59323 8.91% 173 2.45%
2 3850 10.54% 3674 10.31% 40717 6.12% 3 0.04%
3 1216 3.33% 1198 3.36% 14394 2.16% 13 0.18%
4 938 2.57% 916 2.57% 10694 1.61% 6 0.09%
5 758 2.08% 752 2.11% 9531 1.43% 9 0.13%
6 734 2.01% 730 2.05% 9421 1.42% 6 0.09%
7 588 1.61% 576 1.62% 7923 1.19% 169 2.40%
8 488 1.34% 476 1.34% 7589 1.14% 148 2.10%
9 546 1.49% 534 1.50% 7436 1.12% 166 2.35%
10 820 2.24% 782 2.20% 7363 1.11% 1 0.01%
11 176 0.48% 176 0.49% 7288 1.09% 1 0.01%
12 490 1.34% 484 1.36% 7260 1.09% 158 2.24%
13 450 1.23% 440 1.24% 7033 1.06% 155 2.20%
14 562 1.54% 558 1.57% 6848 1.03% 159 2.25%
15 500 1.37% 500 1.40% 6781 1.02% 139 1.97%
16 202 0.55% 184 0.52% 6756 1.01% 8 0.11%
17 490 1.34% 484 1.36% 6742 1.01% 143 2.03%
18 518 1.42% 514 1.44% 6695 1.01% 161 2.28%
19 516 1.41% 504 1.41% 6608 0.99% 154 2.18%
20 508 1.39% 502 1.41% 6587 0.99% 156 2.21%
21 452 1.24% 442 1.24% 6030 0.91% 148 2.10%
22 478 1.31% 460 1.29% 5964 0.90% 107 1.52%
23 460 1.26% 452 1.27% 5923 0.89% 132 1.87%
24 446 1.22% 440 1.24% 5696 0.86% 124 1.76%
25 444 1.22% 436 1.22% 5498 0.83% 146 2.07%
26 442 1.21% 434 1.22% 5478 0.82% 140 1.98%
27 696 1.91% 656 1.84% 5026 0.76% 16 0.23%
28 464 1.27% 436 1.22% 4587 0.69% 14 0.20%
29 184 0.50% 178 0.50% 4550 0.68% 55 0.78%
30 218 0.60% 216 0.61% 4183 0.63% 79 1.12%
31 422 1.16% 414 1.16% 4030 0.61% 38 0.54%
32 398 1.09% 382 1.07% 3963 0.60% 10 0.14%
33 260 0.71% 242 0.68% 3435 0.52% 16 0.23%
34 188 0.51% 188 0.53% 2949 0.44% 91 1.29%
35 14 0.04% 14 0.04% 2867 0.43% 5 0.07%
36 138 0.38% 138 0.39% 2786 0.42% 38 0.54%
37 276 0.76% 268 0.75% 2623 0.39% 32 0.45%
38 224 0.61% 208 0.58% 2567 0.39% 22 0.31%
39 134 0.37% 134 0.38% 2489 0.37% 42 0.60%
40 248 0.68% 246 0.69% 2456 0.37% 6 0.09%
41 12 0.03% 12 0.03% 2445 0.37% 5 0.07%
42 114 0.31% 114 0.32% 2320 0.35% 37 0.52%
43 124 0.34% 124 0.35% 2304 0.35% 39 0.55%
44 200 0.55% 188 0.53% 2253 0.34% 60 0.85%
45 200 0.55% 200 0.56% 2025 0.30% 2 0.03%
46 160 0.44% 158 0.44% 2020 0.30% 1 0.01%
47 128 0.35% 128 0.36% 2008 0.30% 60 0.85%
48 128 0.35% 128 0.36% 1840 0.28% 11 0.16%
49 132 0.36% 124 0.35% 1764 0.27% 10 0.14%
50 114 0.31% 114 0.32% 1714 0.26% 29 0.41%

Top 50 of 624 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 27326 74.81% - (Direct Request)
2 800 2.19%
3 250 0.68%
4 42 0.11%
5 36 0.10%
6 28 0.08%
7 28 0.08%
8 24 0.07%
9 22 0.06%
10 22 0.06%
11 22 0.06%
12 22 0.06%
13 20 0.05%
14 20 0.05%
15 20 0.05%
16 18 0.05%
17 18 0.05%
18 18 0.05%
19 16 0.04%
20 16 0.04%
21 16 0.04%
22 16 0.04%
23 14 0.04%
24 14 0.04%
25 14 0.04%
26 14 0.04%
27 14 0.04%
28 14 0.04%
29 14 0.04%
30 14 0.04%
31 14 0.04%
32 14 0.04%
33 14 0.04%
34 14 0.04%
35 12 0.03%
36 12 0.03%
37 12 0.03%
38 12 0.03%
39 12 0.03%
40 12 0.03%
41 12 0.03%
42 12 0.03%
43 12 0.03%
44 10 0.03%
45 10 0.03%
46 10 0.03%
47 10 0.03%
48 10 0.03%
49 10 0.03%
50 10 0.03%

Top 15 of 310 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 10316 28.24% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
2 4644 12.71% Linguee Bot (;
3 3870 10.60% The Knowledge AI
4 1336 3.66% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
5 930 2.55% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.96 Mobile S
6 818 2.24% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
7 772 2.11% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.1.2 Mobile/15E14
8 590 1.62% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Safari/537.36
9 550 1.51% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.1;,
10 518 1.42% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.113 Safari/537.36
11 452 1.24% Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 12_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/12.1.2 Mobile/15E148 Safari/
12 434 1.19% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; SM-G970U) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Mobile Safari/537.36
13 402 1.10% Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 10_3_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.3.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 Mobile/14G60 Safari/602.
14 386 1.06% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; SM-G965U) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Mobile Safari/537.36
15 372 1.02% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Z981) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.132 Mobile Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for September 2019

Top 30 of 49 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 14058 38.49% 13730 38.54% 192512 28.92% Commercial (com)
2 13248 36.27% 12958 36.37% 331049 49.73% Unresolved/Unknown
3 4168 11.41% 3990 11.20% 45564 6.84% Germany
4 3986 10.91% 3936 11.05% 52956 7.96% Network (net)
5 198 0.54% 198 0.56% 2565 0.39% New Zealand
6 136 0.37% 136 0.38% 1392 0.21% Canada
7 120 0.33% 98 0.28% 630 0.09% Japan
8 102 0.28% 102 0.29% 1469 0.22% Australia
9 88 0.24% 82 0.23% 2012 0.30% Spain
10 60 0.16% 60 0.17% 790 0.12% United Kingdom
11 56 0.15% 50 0.14% 736 0.11% Non-Profit (org)
12 34 0.09% 34 0.10% 6190 0.93% Ecuador
13 32 0.09% 32 0.09% 4496 0.68% Hungary
14 32 0.09% 32 0.09% 1134 0.17% Italy
15 26 0.07% 26 0.07% 4942 0.74% Colombia
16 20 0.05% 20 0.06% 3280 0.49% Ukraine
17 18 0.05% 18 0.05% 1256 0.19% Thailand
18 12 0.03% 12 0.03% 22 0.00% United Arab Emirates
19 12 0.03% 12 0.03% 269 0.04% Netherlands
20 10 0.03% 10 0.03% 1264 0.19% India
21 10 0.03% 10 0.03% 2045 0.31% Turkey
22 8 0.02% 6 0.02% 828 0.12% Czech Republic
23 8 0.02% 8 0.02% 857 0.13% Mexico
24 6 0.02% 6 0.02% 438 0.07% Address Routing (arpa)
25 6 0.02% 6 0.02% 17 0.00% European Union
26 6 0.02% 6 0.02% 52 0.01% Finland
27 6 0.02% 6 0.02% 517 0.08% France
28 6 0.02% 6 0.02% 1234 0.19% Poland
29 4 0.01% 4 0.01% 498 0.07% Argentina
30 4 0.01% 4 0.01% 3 0.00% Ireland

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.21