The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on And To You Your Wassail

Number of comments: 1

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From: Merlynnod
Date: 02/18/2007
House is a character you can't help but want to...well, for lack of a better term, fix. You want to make him better, to make him understand that life is not all pain, just as you stated in your story, that there is light and love and joy in the world, and he doesn't have to scorn and hold himself aloof from it.

Or, okay, really...I just want to grab him and squeeze the life out of him until he realizes that I'm right. ;) Of course the lack of oxygen and the subsequent hypoxic brain-damaged aspect of his future thereafter might have alot to do with my victory... ;)

Seriously, lovely story, your characterizations of House, Cuddy, and even Wilson are well-written and very in-character. :)

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