Recent Updates

Angel 03-15-03 What Dreams May Come: 13K - L/H - NC-17 - PWP, TieMeUp!Fic
Summary: Alex's challenge: Staying in touch across the light-years
Clarence 03-15-03 A Present from the Past: 123K - Q/O - R - Action/Adventure, Drama, Angst
Summary: Just as rebuilding the Jedi alone becomes too much for Luke, The Force steps in to help. Or does it?
Gloriana 03-15-03 Compay Segundo: 314K - Q/O - NC-17 - First-Time, Drama, Romance
Summary: The Ritual of Acquiescence proves difficult for both Padawan and Master.
Angela Jade 03-15-03 Come What May, Part 7: 12K - L/W - NC-17 - Vignette
Summary: a series of vignettes exploring a relationship between the two greatest X-wing pilots ever. Set during the Original Trilogy.
Part Seven - Some Months After the Battle of Hoth
03-15-03 Part 8: 8K - L/W - PG - Vignette
Summary: Directly Before the Battle of Endor
03-15-03 Part 9: 20K - L/W - NC-17 - Vignette
Summary: Directly After the Battle of Endor
03-15-03 Part 10: 20K - L/W - NC-17 - Vignette
Summary: Epilogue - Some Years After the Battle of Endor
Angela Jade 09-01-02 Come What May, Part 5: 11K - L/W - NC-17 - Vignette
Summary: a series of vignettes exploring a relationship between the two greatest X-wing pilots ever. Set during the Original Trilogy.
Part five - Directly before the Battle of Hoth
09-01-02 Part 6: 12K - L/W - PG - Vignette
Summary: Some Months After the Battle of Hoth
obi-ki 08-17-02 The Most Important Thing: 14K - Q/O - PG-13 - Angst
Summary: Qui-Gon must come to terms with something that Obi-Wan has done.
08-17-02 Affirmation: 18K - Q/O - NC-17 - PWP, POV
Angela Jade 08-17-02 Come What May: 7K - L/W - NC-17 - Vignette
Summary: a series of vignettes exploring a relationship between the two greatest X-wing pilots ever. Set during the Original Trilogy.
Part one: five months after the Battle of Yavin
08-17-02 Part 2: 6K - L/W - NC-17 - Vignette
Summary: Four Months Before the Battle of Hoth
08-17-02 Part 3: 11K - L/W - NC-17 - Vignette
Summary: Four Days before the Battle of Hoth
08-17-02 Part 4: 8K - L/W - NC-17 - Vignette
Summary: Three Days before the Battle of Hoth
Angel 08-17-02 The Best Medicine: 12K - H/L - NC-17 - PWP
Summary: A sick Han gets a dose of comfort

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