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The Magnificent Seven (5.27MB)
Fandom: King Arthur
Song: Main Title from "The Magnificent Seven" - The Series
Gen, Introduction vid
Character(s): Arthur, Lancelot, Galahad, Bors, Gawain, Tristan, Dagonet

Knights Are No Angels (12.1MB)
Fandom: King Arthur
Song: We're No Angels performed by John Farnham
Adult, due to violence
Character(s): Arthur and others

Listen to the Wind
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Song: Listen to the Wind performed by John Farnham
Category: Slash
Character(s): Aragorn/Legolas

Fandom: Lord of the
Song: Collide performed by Howie Day
Category: Slashy
Character(s): Gimli/Legolas

The Last
Fandom: Lord of the
Song: The Last Place God Made performed by Peter Cetera
Category: Slash
Character(s): Legolas/Gimli

The Fire
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Song: The Fire performed by John Farnham
Category: Slash
Character(s): Merry/Pippin
We Can Leave The World
Behind (10.4MB)
Fandom: The Hitchhiker's Guide To
The Galaxy (TV Series)
Song: We Can Leave the World Behind performed by Sasha
Category: Slashy
Character(s): Arthur Dent/Ford Prefect

of the Heart (20.3MB)
Fandom: Stargate
Song: Where My Heart Will Take Me performed by Russel
Category: Character Vid, Slash
Character(s): Rodney McKay, implied