updated may 14, 2004
model universe: beginnings
disclaimer: real person slash - i don't know them, i don't
know how they live their lives, i'm not judging them, i'm just loving
them - and well, letting them love each other <bg>
disclaimer number two: you caught the word slash above, right?
you know what that means, right? if you got a problem with
it, or you really shouldn't be here, well go already. shoo, shooshoo.
now for the stories <bg>
joey gets a little to close to a sleeping lance.
words: Bass Pale Ale, mongrel, starry, pedantic, debutante,
Maine, subwoofer
never land
joey helps jc realize who he is.
lance looks for his, well, perfect match.
the model
imagine aj is a photographer...
to the future (football years)
companion piece to 'the model' centered around kevin
just who is brian's famous cousin?
companion piece to both 'the model' and 'passing to the future'
justin remembers
companion piece to both 'the model' and 'passing to the future'
in the sky
kevin's on meds
the agency
total au - imagine a world where are boys - both nsync and
bsb - are more than they appear to be.
each snippit is individual (and may or may not contain slash
content - even though the series will be slash), but all work into
the same world. eventually, i may take all the snippits, put them
together, and write an actual story.
luck of
the irish
chris visits the homeland
Knight Moves
new page to hold the stories centered around kevin/angel (angel xover)
bsb and
nysnc calendars
comments to: heidi
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