accent Title


Welcome to my home on the Web!
I wish to thank Natalie L for graciously
giving me a home for my fan fiction.
As of now, the pickings are slim,
but I hope you'll enjoy what I've written.

Unless otherwise noted, the stories on this page are SLASH.



Title Size in KB Rating Version Summary
How Can You Mend A Broken Heart? 28 NC-17 text html January, 2006
When yet another woman breaks Jim's heart, Blair is there to pick up the pieces.
The Best Proof of Love 107 NC-17 text html November, 2007
Jim must look for a new guide in one of the most unlikely places: a shelter for battered and abused guides. There he finds his soul mate in the form of Blair Sandburg. But he must win the guide's trust before he can win his love.


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