This is my favorite character on the Weiß Kreuz team. ~Heehee~ I can hear you all going, "unh huh, so what else is new?" I do seem to go for the soft little fem ones don't I? I wonder if that's a sickness or if it's just the Mother Cat in me ~weg~.
Name: Omi Tsukiyono (real name Mamoru Takatori.)
Age: 17
Hair Color: Chestnut blonde
Eye Color: Cobalt blue
Birthday: February 29
Codename: Bombay
Weapons: Darts, arrows, non-bullet projectiles
Flower: Freesia
Some people feel that Omi is too good to be true, but I think it's because they don't follow through on some of his past.
Omi has no memory of his childhood prior to age 7 or 8. He was the youngest son of a very wealthy Japanese businessman/politician. And there was a large gap between he and his two older brothers. At about age 7 or 8 he was kidnapped and held for ransom. The kidnappers made one phone call to his father, Reiji Takatori, and held Omi to the phone, he can be seen and heard crying for his father to come and get him. But his father refuses(jerk! They didn't ask for that much! 50 million Yin. Okay it's a lot about 400,000 dollars.), disowning his son and leaving him to the kidnappers. The kidnappers have a field day tormenting Mamoru/Omi with the fact that he has very mean and unloving parents. They also make it clear that they will have to make an example of him. Finally tormenting him to the point that he becomes almost hysterical with grief and anger, taking them by surprise and trying to get away. It's unclear if he actually did escape at that point or if it was just an unsuccessful attempt.
Omi was eventually rescued by Shuichi Takatori, his uncle, who just happened to also be, Persia, the head of Kritiker. For one reason or another Persia keeps the extremely traumatized child and raises him as Omi. I don't think that Omi actually lived with Persia, because like the rest of Weiß he didn't remember having seen him, nor did he realize that Persia and Shuichi were the same person. He was probably placed with members of the Kritiker organization or even raised something like a foundling inside the organization. Literally trained from that point to be a member of the Weiß Assassination team. But I do think that he was probably given lots of love and care, creating the happy teenager we see, who has very narrow vision of black and white at first.
It's not until about the middle of the first season that Omi is working on a child kidnapping case and his memories return. This becomes almost as traumatizing as the original kidnapping as the memories return in fits and starts the deeper into the case he gets. At one point he's in the home of the parents of the missing child and totally loses it when the Father of the child is panicking because he doesn't think he can raise the amount of money they want(These kidnappers asked for 500 million Yin.). I'd love to know what happened when he finally came back to his senses.
At first he's tormented by the fact that he remembers being kidnapped and that his father wouldn't save him. He remembers that Persia rescued him. But he doesn't remember who his parents were or who he is. After a mission against Masafumi Takatori, his middle brother, Omi finds a partially burned picture of himself and his two brothers, this leads him down the path to finding out who he really is. As time goes on the knowledge of his family history gets more and more difficult to bear because taking down the major crime lord Reiji Takatori (his father) is Weiß's main mission in the end.
It also causes stress between he and his teammates when they find out, as they begin to question his loyalty now that he knows who he is. Of course the way they find out is when Omi helps his older brother Hirofumi escape during their mission against him. Torn by the need to save a brother that he loved and not wanting to betray the team that has been his family Omi breaks down sobbing and tells them that Hirofumi is his oldest brother. We don't actually ever see if or when he tells them about his past. They may already know, but I'm not sure. He does eventually prove himself to them again. He's grabbed by Hirofumi and questioned under torture but doesn't reveal any information about his team and they witness this when they come to rescue him. Omi ends up killing his brother, himself.
Honestly, Yanagi-Sen and I agree that episodes 7 to 15 are pretty much the "It sucks to be Omi" episodes. And it really is. The kid loses everyone in his family, not to mention a girl he loves and discovers minutes before she dies is his sister, and his Uncle. He spends at least 2 episodes living with an extremely cold Aya and dealing with what his family has done to this member of his team. And it's not until after the anime series, during one of the dramatic CDs that he actually learns why his Father never rescued him. Reiji Takatori wasn't his Father, Shuichi was. But Shuichi didn't find out until just before "he" died. ~sigh~ definately sucks to be Omi.
Omi is the brains in the group, gathering the information they need, using his laptop to hack into systems and files that they need and planning their missions. After watching the series I'm surprised that Omi ever got the chance to sleep in a bed and that he wasn't constantly falling asleep in school or at work. We actually see him fallen asleep at his computer in one episode and several where the others are fine and he is yawning his head off and trying to work. He gets little or no help in the fact finding end of things from his teammates and because of school and work he seems to spend most of his nights gathering information on his computer. His specialty (I think this was on purpose on Persia's part because he really did care about Omi.) is the use of projectile weapons: poisoned darts, the crossbow, etc, which allows him to fight from a distance. It's a toss up as to who is the most innocent between he and Ken, though I would put my money on Omi. Neither of them seems to be very love wise and are a bit on the shy side. Yohji tends to like to tease Omi about his lack of a love life.
Regardless of his kidnapping, and I figure that is due to that fact that he had no memory of it. Omi is a very happy easy going young man. Apparently he does tend to cry at the drop of a hat. But damn he had the right as far as I'm concerned. I still think that it is his mind's way of dealing with stuff that hurts since it's already used the biggy. Anyway a lot of people have a problem with that, the fact that he just seems so happy. But with no initial memory of his childhood or the kidnapping and probably raised in at least a caring environment, since these are the good guys we're talking about here, it's not surprising to me at all.
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