David Duchovny - Dialogue Man

{What's David Doing Now?}

    10th of November 2001 - David should of started working on the Steven Soderbergh directed movie "The Art of Negotiating a Turn," which he has a part. He plays a character named Gus. It is something of a sequel of sorts to "Sex, Lies and Videotape." The latest regarding the movie is that it is now going to be called "Full Frontal." Considering this is the third name change, it might actually end up with it's original name for all anyone knows, "How to Survive a Hotel Room Fire."

    The Art of Negotiating a Turn is a great site for all the latest news on this movie.

    There is also news that Chris Carter is talking about the next X-Files movie, some online articles are saying that he has been talking to David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson about the movie. From what I hear Carter is hoping the movie will revive interest in the current TV series... the man is dreaming, fat chance of that happening without the main character ever being in the TV series again.


{Favourite Quote of the Day}

    "Every time Mulder smiles, people say, 'God, it was great to see you smile. Mulder never smiles.' I say, 'Mulder smiles a whole lot. He smiles at least once a show.' People get these ideas in their heads and they're impossible to shake. But, to be honest with you, Mulder is every bit as vulnerable and quirky as Ally McBeal. I think Mulder has pretty good legs, too." [David Duchovny 1998]


{Favourite Link of the Day}

    Duchovny Archives at Chimrical Publications
    One of the best sites on the net for all the latest on David Duchovny. Also has heaps of great extras like a huge photo gallery, Heidi's Reviews, etc!


    {David Duchovny Writing Credits}

    [coming soon]



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