p r o s t a t e |
The Prostate Gland
The prostate, shown here in red, is a
walnut-sized gland
surrounding the urethra, located between the bladder
and the pubic bone.
While scientists do not know all the prostate's functions,
we do know that one of
its main roles is to squeeze fluid into the urethra as
sperm move through during sexual climax. This fluid, which helps
make up semen, energizes the sperm and makes the vaginal canal
less acidic.
Stimulation of the prostate also produces pleasureable sensations.
(Can you say "understatement", kids? I thought you could..)
As you can see from the next two figures, depending on the
angle of entry, the prostate can be either stimulated directly (figure one)
or stroked (figure two). I know that these diagrams make it look like the dick
could either get all the way in or make contact with the prostate, but not both.
Just remember that everything
in there moves around and compresses. It's remarkable that there don't seem to be
any good line diagrams of anal sex. |
Figure three is my pathetic attempt to show some of that movement, in this case when
you've got your legs in the air. |
There's been a lot of questions about hygienic issues and anal sex. These diagrams
show the rectum, which is where the guy's actually putting his dick. The rectum isn't
actually used to store feces, unless you're really full. Feces is produced and stored
in the lower colon (not shown here, but located above the rectum), though traces can
be left in the rectum after taking a dump.
g e n i t a l i a |
Here's a more complete diagram of the male reproductive system, showing all the
important bits.
The Erection
LotsIof different things cause erections, from the sight of nice pair of tits (male
or female, depending on preference) to a certain smell, but what's going on physiologically
is pretty simple. Arousal causes blood to flow into the erectile tissue, and little muscles
around the blood veins spasm and lock closed so the blood can't flow back out. There's
even a specialized enzyme that tells those muscles to relax. Viagra works by blocking
production of that enzyme, so once you get an erection you keep it much longer. Cock-rings
work by clamping around the base of the cock and balls to prevent the blood from flowing
back out.
The Orgasm
SpermIitself, the little wiggly bits that carry the genetic material, are produced in
the testes. When orgasm approaches, they travel up through the vas deferens, passing through
the seminal vesicle, where they pick up a bunch of fluids to make the trip easier, and the
prostate gland, where more fluid is added, and then into the urethra, and finally out
to splatter against the wall or all over your partner's face. All sorts of other hormonal
and muscular activity is going on at the same time, but they're only the sideshow.
Anal Entry
ItIlooks like you couldn't fit a dick in there, but
the human body is pretty flexible. Entry requires that the sphicter muscles around the
anus relax. Insertion causes everything to move around, pressure is applied to the bladder
and prostate. Pressure on the prostate also comes from outside, as the top presses against
the perenium. So changing the angle of penetration causes differing amounts of stimulation
to the prostate.
Some interesting facts about dicks
DicksIcome in all sizes and shapes. Some guys are
"showers", that is the erectile tissue in their dicks doesn't expand very far, and
what you see isn't much smaller than what you're going to get. Others are "growers",
who may look like they don't have much, but when engorged become substantially larger.
Then there's the phenomenon of "shrinkage". Low temperatures can cause the body to withdraw
the blood that normally circulates through the cock, making it shrink significantly. Cold
also causes the scrotum to contract, drawing the testes into the body to keep them from
freezing off. Sperm is fairly delicate stuff, and can only survive within a narrow
temperature window.