Welcome to the home of my Lord of the Rings and Lord of the Rings inspired artwork. This is just in its beginning stage, so please bear with me. I assure you there will be more in the days to come. The works depicted here were done in variety of programs including Poser, Bryce, and Photoshop. I hope you enjoy them.
Aragorn Elrond* Haldir Legolas Merry Balrog Challenge Hide 'n Seek Let's Hunt
Some OrcMoria* On Watch Orcs Go
To Battle *Ranger Relaxing Uruk-Hai* You Shall Not Pass * Whimsy Blank Blank Blank
Disclaimer: The characters as depicted in these images are in no way intended to reflect upon the actors who portray them. All images are copyright New Line Cinema. RuneEnglish font by Dan Smith.
Newsflash: Five of my images were selected to be displayed in the 2003 Grand Event Art Gallery at The Gathering of the Fellowship in Toronto, Canada, December 13-15, 2003, and compete for prizes. These images are marked with an *. Update: Two of my images won first place in their respective categories. Elrond won first place in the Best Graphic/Poster Art Category; and You Shall Not Pass won first place in the Best CGI (computer generated images) Category.
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