

by Blue Mohairbear

June 1999



That stride... it was familiar. Excitingly, arousingly familiar. These weren't just steps, they were long, smooth glides. Like those of a big cat. Mulder turned and peered over to the man who had caught his attention from the corner of his eye. What the hell was Skinner doing at the airport on a Saturday, in jeans and leather jacket?

//He's heading to the "Arrivals" gate, so he must be here to pick someone up, dummy. He is definitely *not* following some dubious UNSUB on a bright and sunny day like this. On a *free* day, if I may mention that. Like a certain Agent we know.//

//Shut up. That man *could* have information I need.//

//Oh sure. Sorry. So why are you following the wrong guy now? Your UNSUB's headed over *there*, you know.//


//I'm following the *right* guy, stupid. Mr. Right, for me. God, does he look great. Just...edible.//

//Why don't you say it, Mulder? You *wanted* to say "fuckable", didn't you.//

//Oh shut up.//

UNSUB forgotten, Mulder's gaze followed Skinner until the other man stopped near the crowd that gathered in front of the "Arrivals" gate. Slowly, unobtrusively, Mulder sneaked nearer, heart pounding, as he watched the tall bald man with the broad shoulders and the lean hips. And, he realized, he was not the only one who was staring. Skinner got lots of looks. From women, mostly, but also from a few men. But he didn't seem to be aware of them, he just stood there, calmly watching the gate.

//He looks *great* in jeans and leather.//

//God, Mulder. You're behaving like a lovesick teenager.//

//I *am* lovesick. Had you forgotten?//

//Okay, okay. So what are you gonna do now? Moon over him from a distance? Haven't you been doing that for almost two years now?//

//Shh. I wanna see who he's waiting for.//

He didn't have to wait long. As soon as the gate opened and a swirling mass of crumpled, sweating passengers began to roll out, he heard it.


A tall woman with long blonde hair began to run towards Skinner, waving. Mulder saw Skinner sprinting forward. Watched as she let her bag fall down beside her. Watched as Skinner embraced her, swept her up into his arms and kissed her. *Kissed* her. Mulder whimpered as a fist clenched at his stomach and squeezed hard.

//What is it, stupid? He didn't kiss her on the lips.//

//He *kissed* her. He's straight. He loves her. He - oh god. Look at that.//

Skinner whirled the laughing woman around. He grinned, his eyes sparkling happily. Mulder couldn't do anything but stare, totally entranced by a smiling, beaming Skinner. *Kissing* someone.

Kissing a *woman*.


//Damn. I have never seen him like this. *I* wanted to be the one to make him laugh... oh damn.//

He suppressed a sob that suddenly threatened to fight its way out of his throat. His vision blurred. He blinked.

//Come *on*, idiot. No crying, okay. Let's get out of here.//

And then.... just as he turned to go, Skinner's gaze caught his. Held it. Mortified, Mulder froze to the ground. Deep brown melted into hazel. Mulder felt red hot embarrassment flush his face and neck. Felt his hands become moist. His stomach cramped.

//Oh god he knows he can see what I'm thinking oh dear god let me die quickly now//

Breathing deeply, he managed a polite little smile. It felt false on his face. He nodded at Skinner and tried to appear normal and casual as he walked away. Hopefully, Skinner would think that he, too, was just here to pick someone up. Pure coincidence.

//Oh sure he will. And don't run, idiot. Do. Not. Run. *Walk*. //

A man with dark skin and a turban ran into him and began to apologize in a rapid whatever-language. Mulder just nodded and ignored the sharp pain at his left shin where the man's luggage cart had hit him. He sverved around a huge woman with two screaming children at her feet when a strong hand grabbed his wrist. He was yanked back forcefully.


He smelled the aftershave even before he was being turned around.



In that damn fucking leather jacket, just a tight grey tee under it. Looking completely different from the Walter Skinner Office Edition. Looking... fantastic. And those eyes...those eyes. Mulder blinked. Swallowed.


Tried frantically to appear innocent. Smiled politely. Felt his heartbeat like thundering, deafening waves through his whole body.

//Damn, you knees. Don't give in just now, ok? *Please*.//

"Anything wrong, sir?" Shit. His voice shook.

Skinner just looked at him. Opened his mouth. Closed it. Clenched his jaw, nostrils flaring. Looked around. Then he pulled Mulder behind a column and through an ugly green door which said "Staff Only". Kicked it shut behind them. Before Mulder realized what was happening, he found himself pinned with his back against that door. One last intent look from those burning dark eyes, and then Skinner was all over him. Kissing him. Oh god, yes. *Kissing* him. Plundering, devouring him. Touching him. Everywhere at once. Oh god.

With a moan, Mulder just leaned into the hot, welcoming hardness of that body, let himself melt into the firmness of Skinner's big chest, his fingers digging blindly into soft leather. He felt strong hands gliding up and down his arms, his sides. And all that time they were kissing and kissing and kissing, and he felt unreal and wonderful and he was hot and giddy all over and when those lips finally let go of his mouth and he sensed Skinner looking at him, his eyelids were almost too heavy to lift. All he could manage was a dreamy look at the chocolate-eyed wonder before him.


"Yeah", breathed Skinner. "Ohh."

A smile crept over Mulder's face. A broad, joyful grin that seemed to spread a tickle throughout his body. He thought that he would never be able to stop that grin again, he would spend the rest of his life grinning like an idiot. Skinner grinned back, then cupped Mulder's cheek with one hand and stroked his thumb over Mulder's lower lip. Kissed him again, softly.

Mulder licked his lip where Skinner had touched him. Breathed shakily. Smiled.

"Blondie better be your sister, Walter."

Skinner chuckled.

"Irene *is* my sister, Mulder." His face became serious. "She is staying with me until Wednesday. I took three days off for her visit."

"*You* took days off? And three in a row? Wow. What's she got on you, Walter? Did you kill her hamster when she was six?"

Skinner snorted.

"I *had* to take a few days, anyway. And I'm glad she's here. But..."

"Yeah, I could tell that." Mulder blushed and bit his lip. Shit. He hadn't wanted to blurt that out. Skinner's face softened.

"I know. I saw your eyes. That's why I... I didn't know you... " He stroked his hand through Mulder's hair and kissed him again. Took Mulder's arms and fastened them around his own hips.

"Listen... *Fox*. We need to talk about this. We have to talk before... oh. Don't do that. Fox. No."

Mulder grinned. A devilish, impish grin.

"You don't like that, Walter?"

"Oh *yeah* I do. Fact is, I've hardly been thinking about anything else in the last months. But - listen, Fox. This is serious for me. I want you, but I want the whole package. Relationship. Exclusiveness. Everything."

Solemnly, he watched Mulder's face. Mulder blinked.

"Will you think about it?"

Mulder shook his head, amazed.

"I don't believe this. Here I was, hurting like hell when I saw you kissing a woman and a few moments later you pounce on me in a closet." He chuckled, pulled Skinner closer and kissed him.

"Why don't you shove your sister onto the plane on Wednesday and then have dinner with me? You could... uhm..." He grinned. Traced his tongue in a long, sensual lick along Skinner's jawline and bit gently down on his earlobe. Skinner growled and grabbed his neck.

"... you could give your 'whole package' a closer examination, Walter. Want me to tie a bow around it?"

"No. Thank you. If anyone ties you up, it will be me."

"Oh." Mulder blinked again. Wasn't sure how to interpret Skinner's grin. Liked that.

Skinner sighed.

"Fox, I really hate to leave you, just now and just like that, but I *have* to go. Irene will be wondering already. Will I see you on Wednesday? My place?" And then there it was again, the mindblowing kissing. God, could that man kiss. Mulder moaned into Skinner's mouth while he slowly turned them both around to open the door.

"Yeah, sure. Wednesday. And... Walter." He stroked one finger over Skinner's lips. "I don't have to think about this. You've got me already. Now go before I come in my pants."

And now, finally, he saw it. What he had wanted to see so badly: a beaming Skinner, smiling full of joy. Happy, sparkling eyes. And this time, *he*, Mulder, had done that. It felt great. He was even ready to like Skinner's sister at that glorious moment - although he had no idea how he should hold out until Wednesday. Maybe he could ask Scully for a ton of sleeping pills and hibernate until then.

Skinner opened the door cautiously, peering outside.

"Okay. Come on."

One last kiss. They smiled at each other and slipped out of the closet. When Skinner turned in the direction to the gate, Mulder gasped - loud enough to cause an old lady in front of him to turn around and study him suspiciously. He grinned at her.

Skinner had just pinched his ass.

***End of Airport - continued in "Airport II - Mulder"***