TITLE: Going Up The Country - Part 3

"I could go over there later, Nancy," Skinner interjected from the sink. He was rinsing a plate before putting it into the dishwasher. The Sumner place was the neighboring farm. They were the neighbors who had helped Nancy out just before Skinner came down. The children were close to the same age as Harlan and Amanda.

"Oh no, that's fine. Mary will be happy to drop them back over here," Nancy answered, rising from the table.

"May we be excused then?" Amanda asked politely.

"Yes, you may," Nancy smiled at both her children.

Scully opened the dishwasher door as the twins clattered outside to the chicken coop. Skinner put the plate in and as he stood up, Kevin rose from his chair.

"Walter...Nancy was saying she and I could feed and water the cattle if you and Scully would run the chipper on that downed limb," he said, carrying his plate and coffee cup to the sink.

"Yeah...that sounds like a plan to me," Skinner replied, taking his plate and cup from him.

Just as Nancy was going to say something else, the phone rang.

"I'll get it," Kevin volunteered since he was closer to the phone.

He picked it up and spoke into the receiver.

"Creed residence," he said, then he stopped to listen.

"Mom!" he exclaimed.

The three adults watched as the teen smiled and spoke again into the phone.

"Yeah...we're doing good. No. Yes...oh great. Yes, she's here...just a minute," he fired off in rapid succession. "Aunt Nancy...they're cleared to come out. A week from tomorrow," he added as Nancy advanced on him and took the phone from his outstretched hand. He stood by as Nancy spoke to her sister-in-law.

"Lisa? Hi. Oh you talked to him? Yes, he's doing good...he's showing that stubborn streak of his so I know he's feeling better. Yes, right. I told the doctors to watch him...he'd try to be up before he was ready. Yes. No, that would be fine," Nancy spoke into the phone as Skinner turned to Scully at the sink.

"Harlan's brother Harold and his wife Lisa are arranging a leave of absence from work to come out here," he explained to Scully quietly as Nancy continued her conversation.

"Oh. Does that mean you'll be able to leave?" she replied equally as quietly.

Skinner shut the dishwasher door on the last of the dishes and straightened up to look into her eyes.

"I thought I might stay on as well...that would be one less pair of hands Nancy would have to hire as fall harvest and shipping time comes on and there's more work to do," he replied watching her face. He could see the unspoken invitation there. She'd been going to ask him to join her on the tour...to be with her. The problem was...he didn't want to leave his friends in the lurch. He loved this woman almost beyond reason...but he'd made a commitment here...and if he wanted to be completely honest...he wasn't sure he could step back into her world and make things work there. "You want me to go with you?" he whispered, watching her face.

Scully shut her eyes for a moment. When she opened them she nodded and replied.

"Yes, I do. But...I understand. Really. These are your friends. I shouldn't expect you to abandon them," she replied, her voice sincere.

Skinner felt his heart swell with love for her. He smiled gently down at her.

"Scully, I..." he began. The feelings welled up in him so strongly...his love for her so intense that he was about to tell her he'd reconsider when Nancy handed the phone back to Kevin and came over to where they were standing.

"Walter, Harold and Lisa are all set to drive out. They'll be here next Friday," she stated looking from Skinner to Scully and back to Skinner. "I'm sorry...did I interrupt something?" she asked, concern in her voice.

"No...that's all right," Scully demurred.

"Oh well...I just wanted to ask you if you still intended to go to see Harlan?" she asked.

"Yes, I thought I might drive to Harrisburg tomorrow...I was going to ask Scully if she'd like to ride along, why?" Skinner asked a bit confused.

"Well...since Harold and Lisa are coming out now I know you'd said something about staying on to lend an extra pair of hands. I'm not sure that's necessary but you could run it by Harlan. But really, Harold and Lisa should be enough help and we could always hire an extra hand. It's within our budget. That was going to be my point. Of course we'd appreciate it, but only if it's something you really want to do and have time to do. We wouldn't want to impose," she replied, looking at Scully again as the shorter woman looked up at her, her brow creasing slightly.

Skinner shifted and leaned up against the counter. He ran his hand over his mouth and looked at both women. He wasn't at all sure what to say without violating Scully's privacy. Scully had her face set in a composed mask so he decided to err on the side of nondisclosure for now. This was something that needed more discussion but he and Scully could table it for private conversation.

"Yes...I'll discuss it with Harlan. Thanks, Nancy. Scully...would you like to go to Harrisburg then? Harlan would love to meet you I'm sure and it's a pleasant drive," Skinner asked Scully, trying to convey through his eyes that if they didn't cover the matter of him staying on or leaving with her soon they would certainly cover it then.

"That would be fine," she replied, her voice neutral.

Nancy looked from one to the other of them again. It was clear to Skinner that she knew something was up but wasn't going to get involved in things between them this time.

"All right, good. No matter what you and Harlan decide will be fine with me. You've been invaluable and I've enjoyed having you here," she replied. "Both of you," she added, smiling at Scully as well.

Skinner nodded and Scully gave her a small smile.

"Nancy...it's been a pleasure. You've been a wonderful hostess," Scully replied quietly.

Nancy smiled an understanding smile back at her.

"Well as Kevin says sometimes..."Mi casa, su casa. You're very welcome," she replied sincerely. Then Nancy turned to where Kevin was still talking to his parents on the phone.

"Kevin, I'll meet you down at the big barn," she called back over her shoulder.

Kevin nodded.

"All right...I'm off to work," she informed Skinner and Scully.

"Yeah...we'd better get out there ourselves," Skinner replied, looking down at Scully as Nancy left their side and exited the kitchen.

"When we're alone, Walter," Scully told Skinner, fixing him with a serious look.

"I promise," he replied, nodding and gesturing for her to proceed him out of the kitchen. She gave him a curt nod and walked ahead of him and outside.


The chipping machine whirred away and whined as Skinner threw another piece from the downed branch into its maw. Scully stood behind him, wearing her goggles and insulated ear protectors that matched the ones Skinner was wearing. She had the next piece of wood in her gloved hands.

They'd pulled the machine up to the side of the house using the smaller, cabless tractor and then gone back and brought up the bin that the wood chips were going to be put into for the time being. The bulk of the chips would go down to the compost heap for the gardens but some of them would go next to the chicken coop, inside the storage bin there. They'd make a good floor covering for the coop. Scully tossed her piece of wood in and the machine ground it to bits. The chips sprayed out the other end into the bin. They'd been at it for awhile and the morning sun was warm on their John Deere caps. Scully had put sun block on after she'd been out here for a few minutes. Good thing too Skinner thought. Otherwise she would have fried.

Skinner shut the chipping machine off for a moment and removed his ear protectors as Nancy came over, carrying her purse and car keys. The twins were running excitedly towards the SUV parked in the driveway.

"Off to town?" he asked as she reached his side.

"Yes. You two managing all right?" she asked including Scully in it. Scully had removed her ear coverings as well and smiled.

"I think we're managing just fine," she replied.

"Ok, then I'm off. The twins are going to be dropped back home in time for dinner. I'm going to run some errands in town after my visit with Peg, but I'll be back by dinner too. Oh and, Walter...Kevin's making noises about driving your car over to Carolyn's house later. I just wanted to warn you," she chuckled. "He's restacking some hay bales for me this morning so we can get at them more efficiently when we feed. After that I think he's earned his keep for the day," she added with an amused smile.

Skinner chuckled as well.

"Not a problem. My car's gassed up and I already talked to him about replacing any gas he uses," he answered.

"Ah...you read my mind. If you need transportation for anything you can take the pickup. I left the keys on the kitchen table," she replied smiling. "Take care you two. Other than making sure the livestock have fresh water, there isn't too much more to do today. If you both want to relax, go for a swim in the pond, fish...whatever...feel free," she finished.

"Thank you, Nancy. Enjoy your lunch," Scully replied, shifting to stand next to Skinner.

"Yes...but don't give my regards to Ms. Underwood," Skinner quipped.

Nancy laughed as she walked away towards her SUV.

Scully put the ear protectors back on her head and smiled at Skinner.

"Let her rip," she suggested, grabbing for another chunk of branch.

Skinner grinned at her, adjusted his goggles and placed the ear protectors back on his ears.

At around noon the last branch was ground up and they put away their protective gear. The sawdust had been loaded into the bin in the chicken coop and the rest hauled to the compost heap. Scully stood by while Skinner drove the smaller tractor back into the shed where it was stored, shut it down, climbed off the seat and sauntered over to her.

As he was about to suggest they go in for a cold drink, Kevin came out of the barn and jogged over to them.

"I finished stacking the hay Nancy wanted restacked, Walter. Uh...I was thinking if you wouldn't mind I'd like to take your car and um..."

Skinner suppressed a grin as Kevin stammered over what he wanted to do. Scully pretended to be engrossed in a couple of the calves that were running and bucking in the nearby field. She was holding her smile in as well.

"Sure, Kevin," Skinner interjected saving the kid the necessity of revealing that he was going to show off a little in front of Carolyn. "The keys are up on the dresser in the master bedroom. Knock yourself out," he grinned at the teen.

Kevin smiled wide.

"I'll be back in time for dinner. And I'll remember about the gas," he replied.

"Bye, Kevin. Have fun," Scully said.

"Thanks, Agent Scully!" he beamed as he started to go. Then he turned and pointed his finger at Skinner. "I haven't forgotten about that Hendrix jam session," he grinned.

Skinner barked a laugh.

"Yeah, neither have I. Friday night's coming. How about then?" he suggested.

"You're on," Kevin nodded and then he jogged up towards the house.

When he was out of earshot Skinner turned and twitched a grin at Scully.

"Young love," he said.

"He's going to make some impression with that 'make-out mobile'," Scully replied, teasing.

"Make-out mobile!? That car's a classic," Skinner retorted, pulling a mock scowl.

"Oh, I'm sure it is...but I remember a boyfriend of Missy's had one once...he'd restored it as a high school auto shop project. My mother was very leery of letting them take it to a drive-in movie once," Scully answered archly.

Skinner laughed.

"Oh you mean the fold down back seat?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Precisely," she answered. She started to walk back towards the house and Skinner fell into pace beside her.

"Point taken. But I don't think we have to worry about Kevin in this case," Skinner replied as Scully glanced at him.


"No...he doesn't know the seat collapses down," Skinner chuckled. Scully laughed then as well. "Besides, honestly...I think the kid has self-imposed as well as parental limits at this point. He's a little shy, sure...but he's also got a good outlook on where he is in his life. I think his parents did the right thing by him," Skinner added.

"I think you're right there," Scully agreed, with a small smile.

Kevin came out of the house and waved to them, keys in hand and in a few moments he was carefully backing the Plymouth out of the driveway. Skinner and Scully waved as he drove down the driveway that emptied out into the road leading away from the farm.

"Let's get a beer," Skinner suggested as Scully turned again towards the house.

"That sounds like a very good idea," Scully replied with a quick grin.

Once they were inside, Skinner locked the back door.

"You want me to get the beer?" Scully asked, making a move towards the fridge.

"No...sit down and rest. I'll get them," Skinner replied, intercepting her and caressing her arm on his way across the room. Scully smiled and went instead to the kitchen table. She took off her cap, tossing it onto the tabletop before she sat down.

The cool air from the open refrigerator felt good against Skinner's skin as he fetched a couple of Miller Lites. He shut the door and started to walk over to where Scully was sitting at the kitchen table.

"It's quiet," she commented as he twisted the caps off both beer bottles and tossed them into the recycling bin. He sat down next to her and handed her one of the bottles. "Thanks," she said. He took his John Deere hat off and tossed it down next to hers.

"You're welcome. Yeah...and it is quiet. It took me a while to get used to it but now I really enjoy the peace," he replied, his voice soft.

She studied his face and he looked down at his beer bottle.


"Walter, if you want to stay here, I'll understand. I can't blame you really. It's beautiful out here. Restful. I could see you settling down somewhere..." Scully began.

"It wouldn't matter if you weren't with me," Skinner interrupted, whispering.

She sighed. The sound of a car or truck outside almost obscured her words so she had to raise her voice a little over the sound to be heard as she answered.

"Walter...I'm not sure I can change my life around so quickly," she started to explain. Her voice was thick and it was clear to Skinner that she was in a quandary as well. "God...I do want to be with you so much..." she added, letting her voice trail off at a loss as to what to say next.

Skinner reached over and took her wrist where she still held onto her untouched beer.

"I'm not asking you to change at all. I understand you have obligations. To your work, to your publisher and most of all to yourself. I think you still have some obligations to Mulder. But what I'm trying to say is...I don't have any obligations really. I'm a free man now...thanks in part to you and what's happened between us here. I've decided to go with you. I was thinking about it the whole time we were running that chipper, tossing those logs in...watching them get ground up. You know, I told myself...Skinner...that's you. You've been chewed up and spit out enough. I don't want to be alone, Scully...not anymore. I want to be with you...wherever that takes me," he replied quietly.

Scully's lips worked but all that came out was a puff of air. She looked down at where he held her wrist and gathered herself to get the words out. Just as she was going to speak a doorbell rang. Scully jumped slightly.

"Son of a bitch," Skinner cursed in exasperation.

"Front or back?" Scully asked, turning to look at the back door. Her voice was a little louder than she'd intended it to sound. She gave him a rueful half smile as Skinner rose.

"Front. The bell sounds different in the back," he replied, advancing towards the front of the house. Irrationally his hand went to his belt...for the gun that wasn't there...and he shook his head in annoyance. Christ. You can't take the Bureau out of the man, he thought. Scully trailed behind him and if she saw his movement she didn't acknowledge it.

Skinner could see the shadow of someone's head in the window that was set into the top half of the door. He remembered remarking to Nancy how it might be better to get a solid door with a spy hole in it instead and she'd joked and said "Walter, this is the country, we don't need that or bars on the windows." Now Skinner was rather glad the window was there. He could clearly see the head of a younger man as he got closer to the aperture.

He reached the door and pulled it open, blocking the fact that Scully was behind him. Scully instinctively shifted to the side out of the visitor's line of sight. Or the Bureau out of the woman, Skinner thought wryly as he spoke to the man at the door.

"May I help you?"

The man was taken aback slightly, fixing Skinner with a look of suspicion. The stranger was between the ages of 25 and 30, as tall as Skinner and certainly as muscular. His pale blonde hair was close cropped and Skinner thought instantly 'military'. The hair and his bearing gave Skinner the idea this guy was a soldier at some point as the man spoke.

"I was wondering if Nancy Creed was here," he replied somewhat gruffly, craning his neck to look into the house. Scully came into view and stood at Skinner's side.

"She went into town. May we ask who you are, sir?" she inquired politely.

The visitor stared at her hard.

"You're that author," he replied, his voice just that side of amazed that told Skinner he was trying to look more unexcited than he really was. "The one who's on tour with that book about the invasion," he added. "The FBI agent."

"Yes. This is Agent Dana Scully of the FBI. Now who did you say you were?" Skinner asked trying to get him back on track. He didn't mention his name. He didn't want to if he could avoid it. Something in the back of his mind was telling him that this man was a problem and it would be better if he didn't get a chance to recognize Skinner's name.

"Pleased to meet you, ma'am," the caller told Scully, inclining his head respectfully. "You did a great service for mankind," he added, his voice low. Then he looked at Skinner.

"I didn't say. My name's Ray Underwood. My sister, Peg knows Nancy. She mentioned there might be some work for me here with Harlan being in the hospital. But maybe that's not the case..." he told Skinner, staring into his eyes.

Skinner stared back, his eyes unwavering. Look deep he thought as the green eyes of the other man held his. Yeah...look me in the eye...and know you shouldn't fuck with me, buddy. You wouldn't stand a chance his dark brown eyes told Ray Underwood. The other man's eyes slid away and his ears turned slightly red.

"Mr. Underwood, that's definitely something you'll need to discuss with Mrs. Creed. Actually...Nancy went to town to have lunch with your sister, Peg. You might be able to locate her there," Skinner told him formally.

"Oh...I didn't know that was today. I must have misunderstood Peg. All right, I'll check in town, Mister?" Underwood replied.

Here it comes Skinner thought. He prepared himself for the inevitable look of disgust that so often appeared in someone's eyes when they recognized his identity.

"Skinner. Walter Skinner," he told the younger man.

Ray Underwood gazed at him blankly for a moment and a flicker of recognition passed across his face.

"Are you working for Nancy then?" he asked carefully. Skinner began to answer but Scully broke in and answered for him.

"We're both helping her right now, Mr. Underwood. I would suggest you also talk to her because she really would be able to give you a better idea as to whether she's going to hire on more help than we would be able to tell you," she suggested, giving Ray a tight smile.

Ray was distracted by her, which was obviously her intention. Underwood smiled at her but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"I expect you're right. Ok. Thank you. I'll head back into town," he replied curtly. His head swiveled back over to Skinner.

"Thank you," he told him coldly and then he moved back from the door.

"You're welcome, Mr. Underwood," Skinner replied brusquely and he shut the door on the other man. Ray Underwood turned and sauntered down the front steps to the late model Chevy pickup truck that was sitting out front.

"What was all that about?" Scully asked Skinner as he locked the door.

"I'm not sure," he replied, his brow furrowing.

"He recognized you," she commented, heading back towards the kitchen.

"I know...and he didn't say anything," Skinner replied, falling in at her side.

"One of your fans?" she tried to joke but it fell flat and she knew it. "Sorry..."

"No, that's all right. Yeah, it was obvious that being a fan was the last thing on his mind. I don't know what to think but we'd better tell Nancy about it when she gets home. He poses too many unanswered questions," Skinner replied, his voice serious. "But I also think he's not a problem right now...so I'll table Mr. Underwood until later," Skinner added, following Scully as she moved up ahead of him.

"Agreed," Scully replied as she entered the kitchen. Their neglected beers sat at the table. "Now where were we?" she asked turning as he stepped up behind her.

"We were at the part where you were speechless and then I did this," he replied, gathering her into his arms and bending to kiss her. She yielded to him immediately as their lips met. The kiss was slow and hungry, Skinner's mouth moving over hers with all the love and passion he felt in that moment. When he pulled away Scully was both breathless and smiling.

"And then what?" she whispered into his eyes.

"And then I take you upstairs...we shower together to make up for this mornings short shower...and then I make slow, passionate love to you," he replied his voice rough with feeling.

"I was hoping that was the plan," she replied, taking his hand. "Let's go," she added simply and they walked towards the stairwell together.

The warm water in the shower coursed down over their bodies as their hands roamed over each other, cleaning and caressing at the same time. Once the soap was gone they stayed under the spray, their mouths and hands wandering over each other in tantalizing foreplay, their breath quickening. Skinner stroked over Scully's back and down onto her ass, cupping each cheek as he'd thought about earlier, and pulling her to him. She moved her crotch up and down against his cock, sliding sensuously as he buried his face in her neck and kissed along her jugular. When his mouth moved downwards to her breasts she arched up towards him and he groaned as the friction of her body over his cock sent a hot jolt of arousal pounding up out of his groin.

Scully's mouth nuzzled his head.

"Let's dry off," she suggested.

"Hmm," Skinner answered, sucking on her breast for another second or two.

They toweled each other almost dry but the movements ratcheted up their arousal even further and both of them were breathing hard after a very short time. Finally Skinner dropped the towel he was using to blot Scully dry, pulled her close again, and pumped his cock against her still slightly damp pubic hair.

"Let me take you to bed," she murmured, gasping as he lapped at her neck again.

"Yeah," Skinner replied, straightening to dart a kiss in to her lips.

In the master bedroom, Skinner let Scully lead him, completely awash in her now as he had been awash in the shower water. He felt like his heart, mind and soul were cleansed under her regard...in her loving eyes...and when she gently pushed him to sit on the edge of the bed he smiled up at her.

"I thought I said I was going to make slow, passionate love to you?" he rumbled. She grinned down at him.

"Change in operational procedure, sir. A good agent should always be willing to adapt to change," Scully replied seductively as she knelt between his damp legs.

He reached down and took her hands in his.

"I love you so much," he told her softly.

"Let me show you how much I love you," she whispered back, taking his right hand and kissing his palm.

He let go of her hands and placed his hands back on the bed, supporting his weight as she bent her head and lifted his half hard cock up with her hand. He watched a trickle of water from his pubic hair drip over her fingers where she held onto him.

"Oh Jesus," he hissed as she worked her mouth over his glans.

Skinner looked down and watched as Scully's lips moved slowly down his shaft. He struggled not to throw his hips up into her face as she tongued the underside of his swelling erection. God she was good at giving head. He would have never imagined looking at her in his office at the Hoover, that the same mouth that formed a prim and proper line during a meeting could do what it did now to pleasure him. That realization had been even more of a turn-on the first time she'd sucked his cock in New York. He'd lost control totally and she'd brought him off faster than he'd come in a long time with just the skillful use of her lips and tongue. He thought dimly as he watched her suck back up his hard-on...I wonder if she honed these skills on Mulder? But the idea skittered away as Scully's head began to bob up and down.

"Oh yeah, lover...oh yeah," he mumbled, rocking his hips forward. His breathing came in harsh gasps and finally he tilted his head back, shut his eyes and just savored the sensations of Scully's warm, wet mouth sliding up and down his hardening flesh. His hips thrust a few more times and then Scully released his cock.

Skinner straightened up and stretched out his hand, Scully took it and he pulled her with him as he levered up and pitched over onto the bed. She landed next to him. Scully laughed as he flipped her over and dove down between her legs.

"My turn," he mumbled as she raised her knees.

"Oh, Lord," she laughed again as his mouth landed on her clit and labia.

He lay flat on the bed between her thighs, his hands gripping her hips, drawing her forward onto his mouth as he started to run his tongue over her.

"Oh, yes, right there," she moaned as he thrust his tongue into her, and then when he drew it out, lapped over her clit with firm strokes of his tongue's tip.

"You taste fantastic. Move for me," he grated out between tongue laps. Scully gasped and started to buck her hips lightly up into his face.

"Oh just, just..." she whispered, looking down at him between her legs.

He looked up into her aroused face, and his mouth wet with her juices, spoke to her in a low purr that he knew would make her even more hot.

"Tell me what you want...baby. Tell me," he said.

"I want you to suck me," she moaned, pushing her crotch up into him.

He pushed her folds aside slightly and placed his mouth on her clit, sucking it in gently and flicking over the exposed end with the tip of his tongue. The reaction was electric. Scully sobbed in her throat and grabbed spastically at his head, pulling him down into her as he went to work on her hard.

"Oh, oh, oh," he groaned, twisting and turning under him. She writhed beneath him, holding his head and encouraging him with her hips and incoherent sounds as he alternated licking and sucking on the sensitive nub.

He was so turned on he could hardly stand it and finally he pulled his mouth off for a moment and spoke to her, his voice raw with his own desire.

"Do you want me to make you come like this?" he husked out.

"In me," she gasped out and that was all he needed or wanted to hear. He rose up, and she parted her legs further, lifting them as he moved between and up over her body. He fumbled a little with his cock, then placed the head at her vulva and thrust into her with one smooth surge forward of his hips.

"Oh God," she moaned her face grimacing in pleasure. She raised her legs up farther. He helped to place them around his waist and then she drew him down close. Somehow he got his arms under her back, cradling her as they started to thrust together. She pushed up into him as if she were trying to join with him from neck to groin, sealing their sweating flesh along every square inch they were touching. Melt into me Scully, Skinner thought. Join with me...be one.

"We're one..." he gasped before he even realized he was saying it.

"Yes," she moaned as their bodies danced, faster and faster until they were both grunting with the effort.

At the last Skinner lost all sense of time and place. The world coalesced down to his cock plunging in and out of Scully's warm, tight body. He felt her start to shake under him and then she screamed his name loudly as her inner muscles tightened down on him with exquisite pressure. He jerked his hips forward and back several times in rapid succession and then came with a hoarse roar, his muscles straining, his hips pumping against Scully as his cum shot into her. Scully bucked frantically up into him and they moved together in ecstasy for a few moments and then collapsed in a heap, laughing and gasping.

"God, that was so good," Scully panted, wrapping her arms around Skinner and kissing at the corner of his mouth.

"I'm spoiled...for life," Skinner mumbled, nuzzling at her lips. They kissed gently and then Skinner whispered in her ear, "I have got to be crushing you."

"No...really...I love feeling your weight on me. Stay...just a little while," she replied softly.

Skinner kissed her neck below her ear and then levered up on his forearms so he could stroke her hair as they looked into each other's eyes.

"You have lipstick on your cheek," Scully giggled, reaching up and rubbing just above his beard line. She stroked into his beard. "This felt interesting when you were between my legs," she added, teasing him.

"I was hoping it didn't scratch or that it wasn't distracting," Skinner replied, seriously, taking her hand and kissing her fingertips.

"It tickled...but I wouldn't say that was unpleasant," she replied, her eyes creasing with her smile.

"You know something though, Scully. I think...I think I'm going to shave it off," he replied quietly as he toyed with her fingers.

He'd been thinking about doing it now since she came back into his life. The beard was his disguise really. His attempt not to face the world...to hide and avoid his past. He didn't want to do that anymore. He felt he wanted to face what he had been and now, what he was and could become...for himself as well as Scully.

"Why?" Scully asked, her brow creasing. "If it's because you think I don't like it..." she began.

"No...that's not it at all," he reassured her, placing her hand down over her cross, and laying his over it.

"It's an attempt to hide from the world, Scully. I don't want to hide anymore...from myself, from you, from anybody," he replied sincerely.

She smiled and raised her head up to his, their lips met again in one more gentle kiss. Then Skinner shifted and moved back.

"I'd better pull out," he informed her.

She nodded and he reached down between them. He steadied the base of his penis as he rose up from between her legs. His flaccid cock slipped free of her body, slick and warm as it flopped down against his balls.

He rolled onto his back and Scully cuddled up against his side, laying her head on his chest. He wrapped a muscular arm around her shoulder.

"I guess another shower is in order," she chuckled, stroking his damp chest hair.

"Yeah, we managed to sweat despite the AC," he joked, rubbing her arm.

They were quiet for a few moments, not wanting to leave each other's embrace and then Skinner spoke.

"I want to stay on until Harlan's brother and sister-in-law get here. I'm sure they'll be able to handle things on the farm after that and since Nancy suggested they could and they could hire extra help I guess they'll be fine. But after that I'd like to meet you on the road if that's acceptable. Where will you be signing at that point?" he asked, his voice full of post-coital languor.

Scully nodded against his chest.

"I was going to suggest you join me later too as a matter-of-fact. That way Nancy won't be caught short-handed. I'll be in Milwaukee at that point. The signing's at a Barnes and Noble in...Mayfair Mall, I believe. I can verify that with my agent. If you take a flight into Mitchell Field though I can arrange to meet you," she replied, looking up at him and smiling.

"You'd meet me?" he asked, looking down at her and smiling with simple pleasure.

"You're so cute when you're humble," she joked, smirking.

"Hey..." he laughed, wrapping his large hand around the back of her head and then stroking her neck. "I'm a humble kind of guy," he teased her back. "No, seriously...are you sure you want to openly acknowledge you're associating with the man who was suspected of selling his..." he began.

Scully placed her fingers over his lips.

"Stop it, Walter. If you're agreeing to join me and shaving the beard off...I'm coming out of the closet too. No more hiding my love for you from myself or anyone else either. So...get used to it...you're stuck with me," she replied, giving him a mock scowl.

"Ooh...you're so sexy when you're forceful. It makes me all...tingly," he replied, giving her a slow, sexy grin.

"Humble my ass. Come on...time to shower. Then I think I could use some lunch...and that beer," Scully replied, pushing gently away from him.

Skinner laughed and sat up shaking his head in bemusement. He slid his legs over the side of the bed and sauntered after her with more confidence and a better outlook on life than he'd felt in a very long time.


Skinner sat on the couch, his beer nestled between his legs, and ran his hand over his chin.

"I still can't get over how much younger you look without the beard," Nancy commented, smiling a little at him from her seat in the overstuffed chair across from the couch.

Skinner chuckled and looked away from her for a moment. Everyone had been surprised to see him sans whiskers when they got home. The twins had been especially tickled and Amanda said he looked much more handsome without the facial hair.

"Thank you," he replied giving her a self-deprecating smile when he refocused on her. Then he grew more serious. "But...under the circumstances I'm beginning to think shaving it off may not have been a good move," he sighed, capturing her eyes again. He lifted the beer up and took a desultory pull of the bottle's neck.

Nancy and the twins had arrived back home almost simultaneously, Mrs. Sumner dropping Harlan Jr. and Amanda back at the farm at 4:30. Kevin had driven in around 5:00, gas tank topped off as requested.

Scully and Skinner had checked on the animals and watered them all in the few hours before everyone's return. Then they'd gone back in and tidied up the master suite and en suite bathroom and also picked up the house a little for Nancy. Later, Scully had used her cell phone to call her agent and request the info about the Milwaukee book signing and verified the location. Finally they'd used their laptops to answer e-mail.

Scully told Skinner she did have an e-mail from Mulder and he sounded conciliatory and full of excited news about the Gunmen joining him at Borley Rectory. She shook her head and Skinner laughed trying to imagine the four of them wrecking havoc amongst the proper and formal British. It appeared that for the time being Mulder was content to lose himself in his work. He seemed reconciled to the idea that he and Scully were going to be only friends as well so that was a relief. Skinner had considered what would happen if Mulder made a serious attempt to win Scully back. It was an idea he really didn't want to entertain. He wasn't sure what the agent would do eventually but he hoped he would find someone and settle down. Skinner, and Scully too for that matter, really did wish him happiness.

After everyone returned home, Scully, Kevin and the twins promptly volunteered to fix dinner. Frozen pizza won the popular vote and Scully was going to show Kevin how to make an antipasto salad to go with it. Amazingly, the teen seemed interested but Skinner thought it was more the chef preparing the dish than the dish itself that was making Kevin explore his culinary tendencies. While they busied themselves in the kitchen, Skinner and Nancy each took a beer and went into the living room to talk. The first thing Skinner brought up was Ray Underwood's unexpected visit.

Nancy sighed and fingered her beer as Skinner lowered his again and looked at her.

"Well...if Ray Underwood is personally offended by your beardless presence at the church fair...he'll have to live with it. I still can't believe he had the audacity to show up and interrupt Peg and my lunch together. You know...he was a rude little boy, a jerk in high school and now I don't care for him at all as an adult," she replied honestly, her mouth drawing into a tight line of disapproval. "And as for that diatribe about you..." she let her voice trail off.

"Nancy...I'm really very sorry that had to happen," Skinner began. Before he could finish Nancy waved the comment aside.

"Walter...you aren't to blame for his being unreasonable. The man has issues associated with his service during the aborted invasion. Granted...he was involved in that battle in New Mexico. But...that's no excuse for the kind of intolerance and bigotry he displayed today. Peg was mortified. When she finally got him to shut up and step outside the restaurant I could see her letting him have it through the window. She told me that if he continues to have these outbursts she's going to demand he seek counseling at the VA," Nancy replied seriously.

Skinner shook his head.

"Nancy...there are just some people who will never forgive those of us they perceive as having sold out mankind. I can't blame vets who fought in that short war for having some difficulty over dealing with that idea," Skinner began to explain.

Nancy shook her head.

"But that doesn't mean they're right or make it right. It just makes it unjust."

Skinner pulled his beer out of his lap.

"I can't disagree with you...but I can still understand," he replied, taking a short swig. Nancy drank as well and after they both swallowed Skinner continued his thought. "Well...nevertheless I'm sorry for the unpleasantness. It does occur on occasion when I'm in the vicinity. But listen...this guy isn't going to be a serious problem now is he? If so...my leaving may help there as well."

Skinner and Scully broke the news to the group just before Skinner and Nancy exited the kitchen for the living room. Everyone was a little sad but very pleased and happy for them as well.

"I think Peg has him well in hand. I'm really not sure about hiring him on here. I have to talk to Harlan about it more and give it some serious thought. In any event...nothing's going to happen until after you and Scully leave. Harold, Harlan's brother should be able to handle Ray if Harlan thinks we could use another man around here...and Ray turns out to be the only man available for part-time work right now. Since Harold's in construction and used to dealing with all kinds of personalities, he should be able to deal with Ray. Not to mention...he's even bigger than you and Harlan," Nancy replied, half mulling things over as she talked.

"I've never met Harold," Skinner replied.

"He played football for Texas A and M in college. He tried out for the Cowboys but blew his knee out in camp. He's six foot six and still carries his college weight for the most part," Nancy replied chuckling.

"In other words he can more than handle himself," Skinner chuckled in return.

"Oh yeah," Nancy replied, laughing.

They lapsed into silence for a moment and then Skinner cleared his throat.

"I want to thank you for everything, Nancy. I'll probably say that a few more times here before I leave but I mean each and every one of them," Skinner said quietly, toying with his beer. "You gave me a safe haven when I really needed it and...well with Scully..." he let his words fade, shrugging and giving her a twitch of a grin.

Nancy gave him a shy smile.

"I'm going to miss you, Walter. Very much," she replied, looking down at her beer. Silence reigned again for a few moments and then Nancy looked up and gave him a brighter smile. "You may have to reconsider that safe haven remark after tomorrow evening," she teased.

Skinner barked a laugh.

"Damn...yeah...how did I get myself into this one?" he asked in chagrin.

Nancy's laughter bubbled up out of her banishing any residual tension over Ray Underwood that had been in the room.

"Because you're a ham at heart?" she teased.

"Hey, now!" he rumbled, chuckling. He felt his ears growing a little red.

"Oh, you'll do fine. I'm excited for Kevin too...I think this is his first real crush on a girl and it's nice to see it working out so well," Nancy replied.

"Yeah...I guess I can put up with Carolyn coming here for the cookout Friday night and if Kevin doesn't mind a middle-aged ex-Bureaucrat warbling old time rock and roll for his best girl I can't say no. Besides...I'm looking forward to your grilled filet mignon," Skinner replied with a grin. "But I have to tell you...I hope we can have a couple of minutes of rehearsal," he added with a gruff snort.

Before Nancy could answer, Harlan Jr. appeared in the living room door.

"Dinner is served!" he announced grandly. Then he turned and scampered back into the kitchen.

Nancy picked up her beer and so did Skinner.

"Saved by the bell. I had a pithy comment but I'll spare you," Nancy replied as Skinner gestured for her to proceed him into the kitchen.

"Thank heaven for small favors," Skinner retorted, laughing.

Nancy laughed musically as they went in to dinner.


Skinner finished adjusting the clock radio alarm as Scully came out of the bathroom, brushing her hair. She placed the brush on the dresser and walked over to the king-sized bed where Skinner lay under the sheets, also sans bed clothes, waiting for her. He let his eyes travel over her nude body, and he thought with a touch of amusement that he would never have imagined she'd want to sleep in the nude.

He remembered a teasing remark he'd overheard Mulder make once long ago about the proper 'cotton PJs' she wore on the road. Obviously somewhere along the line her sleeping attire had undergone a change. Probably when she felt free enough with Mulder to go there he thought with a little tug at his gut. He pushed the feeling of jealousy back down. After all...Scully was here with him now. And he was amazed over that again too...that she was here and with him in his bed...and in his heart. God...he was so thankful.

He moved his gaze up to her intelligent blue eyes and thought...I'm even able to talk to her now. Really talk to her. He thought again about how he'd felt uncomfortable talking to anyone, especially women for so long. Kevin didn't have the corner on feeling reticent around women. Skinner told himself he was like so many men...unable to share what was really in his heart and mind and sharing with a woman...even a woman he cared about was almost impossible. He had to thank Nancy Creed for beginning the trend towards his opening up there. But as he studied Scully's face he felt a warmth of contentment and love suffuse his body. This woman was starting to free him from those constraints even more. As he joined with her in body it seemed he also joined with her in many other ways and he felt a new ability to open up to her that both amazed and pleased him greatly. As Scully reached the side of the bed and glanced at the clock radio, Skinner switched off the night stand light and moved over a bit under the covers. Scully was backlit by the light coming from the partially open bathroom door.

"What time do we need to get up?" she queried with interest.

"Harrisburg is about a two hour drive...but we'll probably be up with everyone else unless Nancy takes pity on us and keeps the twins quiet," Skinner replied with a gruff chuckle. "Just in case we get lucky...I set the alarm for nine," he added, lifting the sheet for her to climb in next to him.

Scully slid in and they faced each other under the sheet. Skinner toyed with Scully's hair as she spoke.

"So, Nancy talked to Harlan about Ray Underwood?" Scully asked as Skinner caressed her head.

"Yes, she told me just before we went to bed that they were going to talk about it further when she goes to see him next Thursday. Given the events that occurred today it'll be a whole different discussion. I imagine they'll come up with a decision that makes sense for them," he answered watching her face as a flicker of emotion passed over it.

"What?" Skinner asked, concern in his voice as he looked deeply into Scully's eyes.

She cleared her throat a little and plunged right in.

"Walter...I hope this is a good idea my going with you tomorrow. I don't want to risk causing a scene at the hospital. I know this is something we're both going to try to deal with but after Ray recognized me so readily...well to be honest, I'm really just not used to the publicity. I tend to forget my face has been plastered all over the media and that anyone would possibly recognize me anyway. I don't know why but I always thought I had an average face..." she began.

Skinner barked a laugh.

"You're kidding, right?" he asked incredulously, touching her cheek. Average face? He couldn't believe she saw herself that way.

"You know what I mean," she replied, giving him a push on the arm. "You will recall that case out in LA involving Mulder and I being filmed by that lamentable 'reality' based TV show..." she began to remind him.

He chuckled.

"Oh, yes. I remember a late night phone call from you regarding that case very well...and the aftermath when you let me have a piece of your mind...in a very professional way of course," he replied wryly, lowering his hand and resting it on her bicep. He ran his thumb over her muscle, feeling the tautness of it.

"Exactly. Paranoia notwithstanding...the publicity is just awkward at times," she replied, stroking his chest hair.

"Then why the book?" he asked bluntly, raising an eyebrow and pinning her eyes.

She nodded and held his gaze.

"A legitimate question," she replied thoughtfully. "A question I asked myself when Mulder suggested I write a book," she added, musing. "I rebelled at the idea at first, but later, I reconsidered. I think...well my side needed to be told and...I needed catharsis and closure," she finished quietly.

"So you weighed the pros and cons..." Skinner prompted after she lapsed into silence.

"And decided on getting my life in order...and getting the story out. It was my decision. I don't regret it," she replied. Then she sighed a little. Oh, I know... I may bitch about it. But I also know it comes with the territory. I have to put up with the publicity," she added, laying her head down and rolling onto her back. Skinner propped himself up over her and curled a corner of his mouth in a slight smile.

"Please remember that you used the 'B' word...I didn't," he joked to lighten the mood.

She stretched her hand up and stroked along his jawline, finding a little stubble there. It felt delicious as the pads of her fingers crossed over it.

"Walter...have you ever thought about recounting your side of it?" she asked gently. She thumbed over his chin and lowered her hand.

His face clouded slightly but he bit back the anger that jumped up in him hot and bright.

"No," he replied, his voice rough. "I don't think...I'm not at all sure I'm ready to recount anything about that time yet. I need to deal with it more on a personal level before I can ever tell my side of the affair," he replied, looking away from her.

Scully reached up and pulled his face to her again. He gazed down into her eyes and felt his anger melt away.

"I'm so sorry..." she murmured simply, stretching her hand up and stroking the back of his neck. It was a blanket apology he knew. For everything that had been done to him...for the things she thought she'd done to him, and he knew...whether she'd admit it or acknowledge it herself...for the things he'd done to himself.

His answer was to let her pull his head down to hers and accept the kiss she pressed to his lips. He worked a hand under her head in return, and pulled her head up close as well, deepening the contact as their mouths roamed over each other's.

As he tasted her, his hand slipped down and he felt the tiny bump on the back of her neck, under the hair, and drew back, a furrow appearing between his brows. He withdrew his hand.

"It's all right," she mumbled, taking his hand in hers before he could draw it completely away.

"I'm sorry...I forgot it was back there I guess. I don't think I've ever touched it before," he replied a trifle embarrassed at his surprise at feeling where the chip lay under her skin.

Scully shrugged a little.

"It's part of me, as much as this is part of me," she replied, laying his hand on her breast. His forehead furrowed and he felt slightly sick but he understood what she was saying. As much as his logical mind told him it was an alien object in her body...something that had caused her great pain...nearly killed her and certainly rendered her sterile...it was also something she would be forced to live with for the rest of her life and to dwell on it was a pointless exercise in what might have been. "If you're worried..." she continued when he didn't answer.

"No...I know they reprogrammed it. I understand there's no danger any longer of the cancer returning. I'm just sorry...well..."

"About the sterility?" she whispered, holding his eyes with hers.

"Yes," he hissed slightly letting his brow clear as he caressed her bicep again.

She sighed.

"I'm sorry about it too. But it is something I've learned I can't control. I cope with it. Mulder had terrible guilt about it, though. I hope...I hope you're not going to tell me you think because that deal you made failed that..."

"No...I...I was just going to say...I understand what you're saying...and I respect it," he replied solemnly, thinking of the nanocytes more than his aborted deal with Spender for her life so many years ago. He had closure where that cigarette smoking bastard was concerned at least. The minute he knew he was dead, the weight of that failed deal had been lifted off his conscience at least. He still wondered to this day what Mulder must have thought when he found the bastard dying. He knew what he would have felt...good riddance and high time.

Scully gently moved his hand over her breast and he caressed her as she looked back up into his eyes.

"I expect you do...and I thank you," she replied, divining what he was thinking as he lowered his lips to hers.

They kissed long and slow and when Skinner pulled back Scully was flushed and breathing a little quicker.

"If you're up for it," she smiled at him.

He grinned back. Christ he could also barely realize that at 48 he was so ready to go again. It had to be because he hadn't had any in so long and now that he had the woman of his dreams, the woman he loved, here too he was locked and loaded in record time. A woman who he had discovered early on that despite a very proper exterior was anything but in bed. She was just an incredible turn-on. So he was hot for her anytime she wanted it. Either that or the effects of the country air were making him feel like he was 20 years younger. Whatever it was it made him extremely horny and he wasn't inclined to examine the feeling too closely when it came right down to it.

"I was born up for it," he replied, smirking.

She rolled her eyes and gave him a throaty laugh and in a moment they were devouring each other.

In short order, Skinner was lying on his back, Scully astride his hard cock, riding him with abandon. He held her hips, thrusting in time with her as she slid up and down almost in a frenzy, struggling to keep the moans that were being torn from her lips at a low decibel level. Her attempt to stifle her response was even more arousing and Skinner grunted with the effort not to cry out in pleasure at seeing her writhing almost silently over him.

Finally he palmed over her clit, rubbing and pumping at it firmly and she arched up, letting out a low gasping groan as she came, squeezing down around his cock where it was buried deep inside her.

"Uh...oh fuck, yeah, do it," he hissed, grimacing and holding a little higher up her waist to support her as she strained back. Her hips jerked up and down twice more and Skinner groaned at the sensation. She finally came to rest against his balls and he took her hips again to steady her. She panted, sweating and looked down into his eyes.

"You're so deep inside me. God...this feels wonderful," she whispered as a couple of more small spasms coursed through her inner muscles.

"Woman...you're beautiful," he rumbled, reaching up to stroke her arms. He trailed his hands down and took her hips again. "Hang on...I'm really close," he warned her and she gave a low, sultry laugh of pure joy as he started to fuck her fast and hard. It only took a few rapid thrusts of his hips and he was convulsing in orgasm against her, his back arched up and mouth straining open in a silent scream as Scully held his arms and tightened herself around him to give him all the friction he could want to bring himself off successfully. His hips pumped with a few more rapid stabs and some of his cum backflowed out of her, dribbling onto his tight balls. Finally his hips slowed and then stopped. He looked up at her, his chest heaving.

"Good night," he exclaimed and she smothered her laughter.

"I can't agree more," she whispered.

"Come on down here," he replied quietly, all the love he felt for her poured into his words. He helped her to pull up and slide off his rapidly wilting hard-on and she swung away from him and lay down at his side. They were clearly exhausted, Scully shifted onto her side and Skinner was barely able to roll over and gather her to him with a muscular arm thrown over her middle. His sticky cock and balls were rubbing up against her ass and neither one of them cared as Skinner kissed the back of her neck.

"I like this so much afterwards," she murmured, snuggling close.

"Yeah, me too," he mumbled as he drifted off to sleep.


Thursday, June 20, 2001. St. Mary's Hospital. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Scully exited the hospital room, the door swinging shut silently behind her. Skinner smiled and turned to the patient in the bed, and he didn't even bother to hide his love for her in Harlan Creed's presence.

"Yeah...she's the one isn't she?" Harlan asked, shifting in the sling that supported his leg in traction.

"Most definitely," Skinner rumbled, giving Harlan a grin.

Skinner and Scully had left Lyons a little after nine o'clock and making good time, arrived in Harrisburg and St. Mary's hospital a little after eleven. The trip had been uneventful. Scully had the sudden thought, chiding herself for not thinking of it earlier, of wearing her sunglasses so people would have more trouble recognizing her. That plus dressing down on the warm, sunny day, in a white T-shirt and black jeans made her blend in enough to go unnoticed for the most part.

There was one woman, a senior citizen, who waited on them at the rest stop McDonald's they'd pulled into around ten in order to get a soda and use the restrooms, who told Scully she looked like that author she'd seen on Oprah. Scully had bluffed her way through it saying everyone told her that and wasn't it funny because really her hair was nowhere near as red. Skinner had all he could do not to laugh and ruin the charade. Thankfully, no one recognized Skinner in a borrowed pair of Harlan's Ray Bans or the friendly manner he projected as he paid for the Diet Cokes and they left the rest area. The Walter Skinner most of the public was familiar with was either thin lipped, stoic and uncommunicative when seen in passing from his car into the house or senate building, stoic and terse in front of the congressional committees, or angrily shouting into a camera "No comment!"

Once they arrived at the hospital it was much too busy for anyone to really notice them at all. They did go totally unrecognized as they took the elevator up to Harlan's room. The first thing Harlan said when they entered was..."Who let in the men in black...oh excuse me...man and woman," and then he laughed like hell as Skinner advanced on the bed. Harlan did his best to slap Skinner on the back as Skinner gingerly did the same to him. Scully stood by the door, smiling shyly and then Skinner turned and introduced her.

They'd spent about an hour and a half talking, letting Scully get acquainted with Harlan as well as catching up with the farm and the fact that Harlan would be released to go home the weekend after his brother and sister-in-law arrived to help out. He was going to arrange for at home physical therapy but all in all he was thankful things were working out so well in regards to his cattle operation and his family. He thanked Skinner profusely for lending a hand and Skinner of course offered his humble appreciation for being given what was in essence sanctuary and reiterated that it was a pleasure to help. Finally, Scully had excused herself to get some coffee saying she was sure they had some man to man catching up to do in private. She'd quietly left them to their own devices.

"Well come over here, friend...and let me shake your hand," Harlan Creed replied, grinning back. Skinner rose from the chair he was sitting in and moved forward, taking the large, sandy-haired man's hand. They shook firmly and then Harlan dropped Skinner's hand.

"Thanks," Skinner smiled as he sat back down.

"She seems like a fine woman. I know all the media hype about her and the book of course...but she seems very genuine. Speaks her mind too, I'll wager," Harlan replied, giving Skinner a knowing smile.

"You'd win the bet," Skinner answered with a chuckle.

"So when are you going to pop the question?" Harlan asked bluntly. Skinner ran his hand over the back of his neck and looked at one of the arrangements of flowers sitting on Harlan's window sill. "Don't tell me you're not going to ask her to marry you?" Harlan asked, a little amazed.

"I haven't given it much thought, Harlan. I mean hell...we just got back together," Skinner answered a little defensively.

He had thought about it...for a fleeting few seconds once or twice. Usually when she lay in his arms after they'd had sex. But Christ...he just hadn't stopped to even consider she'd want to marry him outside of when they were in bed...much less ask the question. Maybe...maybe it was something he'd better damn well consider under the circumstances he thought.

The concept made him even more annoyed...but with himself for overlooking the matter in the main. His former days of being overorganized...of having to be so sure of, even mired, in procedure, rules and regulations should have made him shocked to realize he'd overlooked something this elemental. But instead it made him realize just how much everything that had happened to him had affected him. How it made him...undisciplined in ways he hadn't considered before now. He wasn't sure he liked the idea. Well...that was all something he'd certainly have to think about now...along with the idea that he wanted Scully to be with him for the rest of their lives and the implications of marriage that was included in those thoughts. He knew he was scowling and tried to quickly pull himself out of it.

"Hey...it's all right, Big Dog...I was just asking," Harlan insisted, giving him an understanding smile.

Skinner waved him off. He felt a swelling of gratefulness that Harlan was his friend and that he understood his moods so well. He replied, pitching his voice in an apologetic tone.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound defensive. It's just that...truly...I haven't thought that far ahead. I'm still trying to get my act together to decide what to do with the rest of my life. Someone else's life in connection with it...well so far that's been one day at a time," Skinner explained quietly.

"No problem. Look...everything in its own time. Don't sweat it, man. Things will work out...on all counts," Harlan replied sincerely. "I mean look at me...I could be paralyzed...or dead. But instead in a little over a week I'm going to be...wheeling out of here," he quipped, grinning.

Skinner laughed.

"Damn straight, you asshole. I still can't believe you were so damn clumsy you fell out of that loft."

"I'm clumsy? What about the time you..."

The conversation went on and was wide ranging, covering everything from their days in Nam to Kevin Creed's new girlfriend to the fact that Harlan had to be feeling better because every time he talked to his wife on the phone he started to get a woody. There was a few minutes of ribald talk about the techniques for jerking oneself off in a hospital bed and hiding the evidence even though the nurses had probably seen it all before anyway.

Their discussion even touched on Skinner's run-in with Ray Underwood and why Harlan was also going to give hiring him some serious thought before he made a decision either way. "That boy is trouble, Big Dog," he said. "Just watch your back around him if he shows up again...which I don't think he will. He's basically a coward at heart. The discharge was dishonorable by the way. He went AWOL twice after the war, and they gave him the boot in the ass after some time in the stockade," he added as Skinner nodded gravely.

Finally Scully returned and after about another thirty more minutes of lively conversation, the nurse and an orderly arrived to take Harlan to physical therapy. Skinner and Scully quickly said their goodbyes. Skinner gave Harlan a bear hug and the other man pounded him on the back for a few moments before Skinner moved back.

"I'll come and visit you before I leave," he assured his friend.

"Yeah, that would be great," Harlan nodded, clearing his throat.

Skinner moved to the side and Scully walked forward and took Harlan's hand in hers, shaking it firmly.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Harlan. I really do appreciate Nancy being such a gracious hostess. I wish you and your family all the best, and a speedy recovery for you," she stated, smiling warmly at him.

"Thank you, Dana," he replied with a warm smile in return. "I hope the book continues to do well and...I'm very happy for you and Walter. Take care of each other," he added, letting go of her hand.

Scully glanced at Skinner and smiled.

"We will," she replied, backing up as the nurse pushed the wheelchair over to Harlan's bedside.


Skinner and Scully drove in silence, Skinner lost in his thoughts since they left Harrisburg. He sensed Scully glancing at him occasionally but the tenor of what his mind was mulling over caused him not to speak to her until he had at least worked out exactly what he wanted to say and how he would say it. They were communicating so much better and he found himself wanting to make sure that whatever he said in this instance wasn't going to muck it up.

Basically he was considering the possibility of asking Scully to marry him. He knew it was sudden and he was totally unsure how she would respond. There was also a tiny nagging piece of his brain that was telling him he wasn't the marrying kind...that he just wasn't husband material because he had royally fucked it up the last time. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Scully again by marrying her and finding out he couldn't change...that he was still the same tight-assed, uncommunicative bastard he'd been with Sharon. It was hard to teach an old dog new tricks...especially this Big Dog he thought ruefully.

He felt his jaw tightening and his hands knuckling up white as the Plymouth's engine purred underneath him.

Finally he felt Scully's eyes on him again and this time he glanced at her.

"What?" he asked as she stared at him.

"Would you mind pulling in at the rest stop...the sign said one mile," she replied quietly.

He nodded curtly and focused on the road, keeping an eye out for the exit. As they pulled in, Skinner's brow furrowed at the nearly deserted scene in front of them. It wasn't a full rest stop. One other car, a Dodge Caravan actually, sat in a parking spot. A big Golden Retriever was bouncing around, barking inside the van. A couple of men and a woman were coming out of the bathroom building and a woman was at the single soda machine that sat nearby. Skinner slowed the car, pulled in a few spaces down from the Caravan, put the Plymouth in park and cut the ignition.

He turned to Scully and raised an eyebrow.

"I was thinking coffee..." he stated at a loss for what else to say.

"I was thinking we'd better talk," she replied succinctly, undoing her seat belt and turning to face him more head-on.

He stared at her impassively for a moment and she frowned.

"Come on, Walter...your jaw is clenched so tight I can practically hear your teeth grinding...what's wrong?" she asked, concerned but also a bit perturbed at his using the AD face on her again.

Skinner looked away from her out through the windshield at two of the people from the van. One of the men was embracing one of the women and kissing her next to the soda machine. He let her go as Skinner watched and she laughed and took his hand leading him back to where the other man and woman waited by the

Caravan. Skinner sighed a little, released his seat belt and turned back to Scully. She had been watching the young couple as well but now she focused on him.

"Scully...have you ever seriously doubted whether that kind of life was something you could ever attain?" Skinner asked quietly, gesturing with his chin at the couple as they joined their friends. The group piled into the van, the dog greeting them with effusive tail wagging and in a moment the Dodge was pulling away and heading back out onto the interstate.

"You mean...the white picket fence, van, dog...kids?"

"Husband," Skinner rumbled, watching her face. "Marriage," he added, his voice catching a little on the word.

"Doubt it all? More often than not," Scully replied, looking down. "Mulder and I discussed that subject more than once. I don't think either of us saw anything like that happening for us," she replied, looking up again and pinning his eyes.

"For you together?" he asked carefully.

"Yes," she replied, watching his face.

"What about you...alone?" Skinner asked. Ok, this is it he thought. I'm either going to make a fool out of myself here or we're going to be picking out china. He studied Scully's eyes and saw something shift in them. He almost felt a drop in the air pressure as his heart sank into his guts.

"Walter..." she began, sighing.

He looked down then.

"What about you and me, Scully? Did you ever think..." he began, pressing the issue even though he had seen the answer in her eyes and heard it in that sigh.

She reached over and took his hand and he looked up into her eyes.

"This is too soon," she whispered. He swallowed hard and she squeezed his hand.

"Is that a yes or no?" Skinner replied, clearing his throat a little.

He supposed it was too soon. There was so much to consider...so much to do. Hell...they hadn't even tried the real life test...the every day getting to know each other thing for all that long. For all he knew they could end up discovering they really wouldn't work as a couple he told himself rationally. And all the time his rational mind was making excuses, his irrational mind was screaming inside...like a lost child...afraid of the darkness...afraid of being left alone.

"It means I'll think about it," Scully answered quietly. "I...this just caught me flat- footed. I...I need some time to absorb it, that's all," she added, shaking her head and pulling his hand up to her lips and kissing the back of it.

He sighed a little again.

"Yeah...to be honest...the idea hadn't occurred to me until Harlan brought it up this morning. I got very defensive...but mostly because I was angry with myself for not considering the idea before now," he replied, giving her a self-deprecating smile.

"Isn't it the woman who's usually supposed to be looking for commitment?" Scully replied, her voice teasing and making a bit of fun at her own expense as well. She kissed his hand once more and then released it to him.

He chuckled a little.

"Hey yeah...so how come you didn't think of it?" he retorted, giving her a mock scowl.

"Walter, face it...we're clueless," Scully quipped.

Skinner blinked at her for a moment and then he tipped his head back and roared, letting his explosive laughter banish his depression as he shook with it. Scully broke into the same cathartic exercise and they both laughed until tears were streaming down their faces.

After a time they calmed themselves and Skinner smoothed his pants in a reflexive gesture. He wasn't disappointed or bitter and he didn't find Scully's answer unusual. The attempt at humor, her body language, the look in her eyes all told him something that gave him hope. He'd seen it especially in her eyes...the feeling that she didn't think she was marriage material either. That healthy dose of self-doubt as to whether she could ever change, ever be compatible with him. He thought he knew her well enough at least to know that was the case.

He just had a feeling however that she'd come to the realization as he had that things would work. He knew she would at least consider it. He wanted to give her the space to do so. After all...this was the rest of her life. It was a big step and she needed to know in her heart that she was capable of it. He was willing right now to let the matter lie and let her come to him with her answer. He cleared his throat to suggest he'd get them both a soda when Scully got done pushing her hair back behind her ears and looked as though she was going to speak. He remained silent and she hesitated for a moment, searching his face. When she finally spoke, Skinner felt good because he sensed she saw no real need to give him assurances. She had seen he was willing to wait for her answer in his eyes.

"I'd better use the ladies room" she stated.

"I'll get a couple of sodas," he replied. "Diet Coke?"

Scully nodded again and both of them exited the car.


Friday, June 21, 2001. Creed Farm, outside Lyons, Pennsylvania.

Skinner was doing grill duty, pouring the charcoal in the Weber and then arranging it for the best possible cooking coverage. He was glad Harlan and Nancy still had the charcoal burning variety. He just liked the flavor of meat cooked over charcoal sometimes. He just liked the flavor more than he did when it was fixed over gas he thought. He smiled at the idea of Nancy's filet mignon and the baked potatoes Scully was adding some Scully family concoction to in order to make them a little special for the cookout. He was hungry and the meal was shaping up to be quite good. This was going to be the 'capper' on a great day, he thought...his impending turn as "rock star" notwithstanding he mused with amusement.

Friday on the farm had been routine but the company had made the work interesting and enjoyable. Nancy and the twins called Harlan early in the morning and Kevin talked to him too. Skinner and Scully had declined having just seen him and figuring his family needed the time with him. He and Scully went out to take care of the animals while everyone enjoyed their phone conversation. When all that was done, including collecting eggs from the chickens without Leghorn making another defensive attack due to Skinner's watchful eyes, Skinner disked the field he'd turned over and fertilized the day before and everyone else set about weeding the gardens. When the weeding and disking were done, the twins hightailed it off to swim in the pond. Kevin had gone along to supervise. Nancy spent some time doing book work, the accounting for the farm, and also arranging to use their bull at stud at the end of the month. Skinner answered e-mail correspondence on his laptop and Scully did the same on hers.

Later in the afternoon when the twins came back up to the house, they got out their mountain bikes and rode off through the copse of woods that was on the property. Kevin came back as well and called Carolyn to confirm that one of her parents was going to drop her at the farm for dinner at around five o'clock. The kid was practically vibrating with excitement as Skinner and Scully left at around three for a quick swim in the pond themselves. They'd ended up just sitting on the dock, cooling their feet and then walking around the perimeter of the pond, hand in hand, making small talk. At one point Skinner pulled Scully into his embrace under the stand of trees that bordered one end of the pond and they necked a little. Skinner thought it was a romantic spot all the way around...even when they had ended up laughing and sputtering in the end when the twins nearly caught them in a hot and heavy lip lock.

The four of them headed back to the farmhouse together, the twins walking their mountain bikes and the kids pumped Scully for more information about what it was like to be a woman FBI field agent. She noted wryly that it was probably not much different than being a male FBI field agent in a lot of ways...there was still a lot of boring stakeouts and mind numbing paperwork for both genders. Then she told them a little more about what some of the cases had been like for her. She didn't supply too many of the brutal, gory details of her career of course, just enough information to make it sound interesting if not a bit scary and dangerous. Skinner told about a couple of Scully's cases that he had some experience on...the ones that he could talk about at all...including helping to dig Mulder and Scully up after they'd been sucked underground by some strange kind of killer fungus. Scully impressed upon them that an AD usually didn't go into the field but in this case, because he cared so much for Mulder and Scully he had taken measures above and beyond the call of duty to save them. The twins were dazzled to think Skinner a hero and Skinner took Scully's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze in appreciation as they walked behind the twin's bikes.

So, they'd all gathered together about four o'clock to begin preparations for dinner. Nancy and Scully were inside preparing their contributions. The twins had just finished giving water to the chickens and now were playing catch on the lawn nearby. Once the grill was started Skinner was going to make a large green salad and the twins had promised to go in and try their hand at making Kool-Aid since that was their contribution to the meal.

He glanced over at the picnic table and realized he had forgotten to bring the kitchen matches out of the house.

"Hey, Kevin?" he began, intending to ask the teen to bring him the matches from inside the house. The kid was setting up his amplifier. They'd placed a flat piece of plywood on the grass to use as a stage and Kevin was busy with the electrical cords, running them back to the outside electrical outlet. He was fumbling however and didn't answer. Skinner walked over to see what was up.

"Can I give you a hand?" he asked to Kevin's back where the teen squatted on the ground over the orange heavy duty extension cord.

Kevin looked up and gave him an annoyed look.

"The extension cord just got away on me," he replied, refocusing on the recalcitrant loop in his hands.

"It happens," Skinner rumbled in sympathy waiting politely until the kid acknowledged that he did need help.

Finally Kevin sighed and looked back up at Skinner.

"Sorry...yeah, I could use a hand," he replied. Skinner smothered his smile and hunkered down next to the teen. He adjusted his glasses on his nose, studied the situation, made an assessment and picked up one end of the extension cord.

"Hang on to the other end, stand up and twist when I tell you to twist it," he suggested as he rose.

Kevin complied and between the two of them they had the cord...which turned out to be two cords hooked together, unknotted and unraveled smoothly and lying flat on the lawn.

"Thanks," Kevin said, giving Skinner a weak smile. "I should have packed it a lot more carefully," he added with a pained expression.

Skinner made a noncommittal noise in his throat as Kevin rolled the cord up more carefully, leaving only the length he needed to plug the amp into the power strip that was connected to the outdoor electrical socket. He looked like he was about to jump out of his skin.

"Nervous?" Skinner asked quietly.

Kevin looked up at him and Skinner could see in his eyes that that was a big affirmative.

"No," the kid replied quickly. Skinner raised his eyebrows and Kevin sighed.

"Yeah," he amended as Skinner nodded.

"You want to talk about it?" Skinner asked carefully.

He hoped Kevin would. He really considered the boy a friend now...and it still wasn't difficult for that surrogate son idea to come into mind again too. In any event, he thought he was a fine young man and anything Skinner could do to help him he would.

Kevin gave him a speculative look and Skinner was pleased to see him smile a little and nod.

"Ok," he replied, making a move towards the porch. They walked over and sat down on the back door stoop. Skinner waited patiently and then finally Kevin spoke.

"I guess I'm just nervous about Carolyn coming over," he replied glancing at Skinner's profile. Skinner nodded in understanding.

"Her dad's bringing her over, isn't he?" Skinner replied, twitching a smile.

"Yeah," Kevin replied, sighing.

Skinner felt for the kid. He remembered the first time he'd had to meet a girlfriend's father. He would have rather had someone pull a tooth at the time...without the novacaine.

"So he wasn't at home the other day when you drove over there?"

"No...just her mom. Mrs. Barker's cool though. I drove her and Carolyn into town to Culvers for ice cream," Kevin replied. "I mean some guys wouldn't want a mom hanging around you know...but I didn't mind," he added, his voice thoughtful.

"I don't think her dad's going to want to go for ice cream, Kevin...he probably won't even hang around after he drops her off," Skinner replied, teasing him a little.

Kevin gave him a glum look and Skinner was a little contrite.

"Sorry...that wasn't a very helpful thing to say," he apologized.

Kevin shrugged.

"It's ok. Maybe I'm just worrying too much. But, I just want to make a good impression. I think her dad's a little skeptical because I'm a musician and from California...you know what I mean?" he asked, squinting at Skinner.

"He's thinking freak, right?" Skinner asked, scratching at his stomach.

"Exactly. Big time freakazoid," Kevin answered dismally.

Skinner nodded gravely again in understanding. He suppressed another smile. This was a knotty problem for a sixteen year old. Skinner knew better than to laugh at the boy's expense. For Kevin this was an important matter and Skinner respected the idea.

"Well...you want me to give you a piece of advice?" Skinner asked, looking down into Kevin's hazel eyes.

"I'll take any advice I can get right now," he replied with another weak grin.

Skinner nodded. Kevin looked down at his hands but Skinner could tell he was listening.

"When he gets here...take a deep breath, stick your hand out and offer to shake his hand. Shake it firmly and decisively and maintain eye contact. Tell him it's a pleasure to meet him. After that let him do the talking. Usually in this kind of situation the father wants to make sure the young man uh...dating his daughter knows the rules...his rules. You need to respect his rules, Kevin...that's just the way of the world...understand?" Skinner replied, tempering his words with gentleness.

"Yes, sir," Kevin replied, nodding and still looking a little down in the mouth. Skinner smiled and straightened. Kevin looked up at him again.

"Look...Carolyn likes you, right?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah...actually I think she really does," Kevin answered more positively.

"Well...I'll tell you a secret. Usually when a woman likes a man she'll talk him up...to her parents as well as her friends. Before Carolyn's father even gets here you can bet that he's got a halfway decent opinion of you based on his daughter's assessment. After all...most fathers give their daughters some credit for good taste. They assume they get it from them," Skinner explained, grinning a little at Kevin.

Kevin laughed, his eyes crinkling.

"No kidding. I never thought about it that way," he replied.

Skinner patted him on the back.

"Just be yourself, Kevin. It'll work out fine," he finished. He stood up and so did Kevin.

"Thanks, Walter," the teen replied, looking down shyly. Then he looked back up and smirked.

"You nervous?" he asked, gesturing his head toward the amp.

"As hell," Skinner replied with a gruff snort.

Kevin laughed and slapped Skinner on the back this time.

"Don't worry, Walter...I'll get you through it. They're gonna go wild," he replied.

Skinner laughed and then he remembered the matches as Kevin started to leave his side.

"Kevin...I forgot. Would you mind getting me the kitchen matches? I left them in the house," he asked.

"No problem," Kevin answered, turning and heading into the house instead. Skinner smiled and sauntered back over to the grill.

As he was preparing to put lighter fluid on the coals, Skinner glanced at his watch. It was nearly five now, he thought. Carolyn would certainly be here soon. Just as he thought it, a Ford pickup pulled past the garage on its way to stopping in front of the house. This he had to see he thought with a smile. Taking the lighter fluid with him he temporarily left his post at the grill and called to the twins as he went into the house.

"I'll be back to start the grill...watch the ball around it, all right?" he told them.

"Yes, sir," Harlan answered dutifully.

"Yes, sir," Amanda seconded as she tossed the ball back at Harlan Jr's mitt.

Skinner placed the lighter fluid on the back porch and entered the kitchen just as Nancy and Kevin were heading for the front door. Nancy had her arm around Kevin's shoulder and Skinner could tell she was giving him a pep talk. He walked over to Scully where she was stuffing a potato with spices. Scully set the potato down and turned to watch Nancy and Kevin leave as well.

"Big step," Skinner commented taking a moment to steal a quick kiss. Scully accepted the peck on the cheek and nodded as he stepped back.

"He seems a little less nervous...did you talk to him outside," she replied, letting her eyes roam over his face. She gave him a smile then, evidently reading his pleasure that Kevin had confided in him earlier.

Skinner drew himself up a little, unconsciously strutting, and replied.

"We had a little man to man talk, yes. He should be fine."

Scully chuckled and tilted her head in the direction of the door.

"Go see if you're correct," she replied, teasing him a little. "I know you'll just...pace in here if you don't listen in," she added, shooing him away.

He gave her a look but she laughed again and he let any pretense at not being interested in what transpired at the front door lapse with a quick grin before he left her side.

He was standing in the living room just in time to see Kevin extending his hand and shaking Mr. Barker's hand firmly. Skinner hung back, smiling to himself as Kevin said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Barker."

Skinner figured the kid was indeed going to be just great and left him to greet Carolyn and her father in peace, turning to return to his job starting the fire for their dinner.


Kevin noodled around again on the guitar and Skinner squinted down at his hands.

"How's that?" Kevin asked as Skinner nodded, somewhat dumbstruck at first.

"You sure you haven't played this before?" he answered, raising an eyebrow.

Kevin beamed at the older man. Skinner smiled his pleased surprise. The kid had hit the riff for both 'Purple Haze' and 'Voodoo Chile' with only a couple of tries after looking over some sheet music he had in a file he brought with him from California.

"I just have a good ear," he replied modestly.

"How about this one?" he asked, and as Skinner watched, his hands glided over the strings and the cords of 'Foxy Lady' whined out into the early evening summer air.

Skinner laughed and Kevin stopped playing after a moment and looked at him quizzically.

"No," Skinner rumbled, chuckling. "That was letter perfect too but...I just have a feeling under the circumstances," he arched an eyebrow over to where the rest of the dinner crowd was assembled on the lawn.

Carolyn was at bat, Scully, Harlan and Amanda were in the field, and Nancy was pitching the baseball. The bat cracked and the ball sailed off towards the large barn, Harlan running like a maniac after it. Amanda was yelling, "Home Run! Home Run!" and Scully and Nancy were laughing as Carolyn ran around the makeshift plywood bases.

Kevin laughed as Skinner watched the women.

"Ah gee, Walter...why not? Take a walk on the wild side...Agent Scully might like it," Kevin replied, smirking and playing a little more of the song as Harlan came pounding back up to the women, carrying the baseball. Skinner took a moment to smile at Scully using Harlan Sr.'s oversized glove before he turned to Kevin.

"Two words. Mr. Barker," he told the kid and Kevin's fingers stopped on the string.

"Oh yeah," he replied, giving Skinner a sheepish grin.

"Let's stick to 'Highway Chile'," Skinner replied. "I think I can manage not to butcher that one too badly," he added.

Kevin laughed and started playing a little of the song as Skinner tried to get the words straight in his mind. Oh, he'd sung the song before. He sung it even now when it came on the radio. But...it had been years since singing it had any real impact on his life. The most important time he'd sung 'Highway Chile' he and a couple of his buddies had been messing around on leave and belted out Hendrix in a bar in Saigon. Then it had meant something. A moment of intense, wild camaraderie before the shitstorm that had been his war. God...he thought...too many years...too many miles and way too many memories.

But this day would be a good memory he thought as he watched Kevin work the guitar. Dinner had been fantastic. Even his cobbled together salad. After dinner, Kevin had taken Carolyn down to show her the herd while he gave them fresh water but everyone knew it was his chance to be almost alone with her for a while so that they could talk. They were well within view of the house and Nancy made sure the twins were off taking care of the chickens before shutting up the coop so that they wouldn't trail along behind and bother the couple.

Scully, Skinner and Nancy sat at the picnic table, a beer in front of each of them and chatted amiably while Kevin was visiting with his date.

Skinner was on top of the world and he was even more happy when, without really thinking about it he slipped his arm around Scully's waist as they sat together. It felt good to just be doing something so...normal. Sitting around a picnic table with good friends and the woman he loved seated at his side. Scully had even shifted a little into his embrace and he kissed her hair and it was wonderful.

Finally Kevin and Carolyn had returned from the barn and Kevin gave Skinner the high sign that if they were going to put on a performance they'd better get in some rehearsal time.

Skinner tipped his head down and started to quietly mouth the words to 'Highway Chile' as Kevin elaborated on the guitar licks, managing to sound very much like Hendrix again to Skinner's ears. Finally he nodded, satisfied that he remembered all the song's words and made a cutting motion with his hand. Kevin stopped.

"You want to try a few bars?" he asked Skinner.

"Yeah, start from the top," Skinner answered, composing himself.

Kevin straightened his guitar strap and let his fingers slide through the cords.

Skinner waited a couple of beats and then sang the first verse of 'Highway Chile', his voice at half volume so that the women couldn't quite hear him if he hit a sour note.

When he finished, Kevin ceased playing and looked at him with his mouth slightly open.

"Was it that bad?" Skinner asked, his brow creasing.

"Are you kidding...did you sing in a band or something? That was great," he replied, smiling.

Skinner grinned a little and looked over to see that the baseball game was winding down as the players noticed the show was close to starting.

"No...I just sing in the shower," he deadpanned and Kevin laughed, taking his guitar off for a moment and propping it up against the amp.

"Man...that must be some shower. Too bad we don't have a mike for this performance. You'd sound even more awesome miked," Kevin replied. As he said the word 'miked' Harlan Jr. came running up.

"Did you see me catch that last one?" he chortled, grabbing Kevin by the arm.

"Yeah, you didn't let that one get away," Kevin told the younger boy as Harlan Jr. pumped his arm up and down.

Scully walked up carrying the bat, smiling at Harlan Jr.

"Robbed me of a triple. I'm impressed," she interjected. Nancy and Amanda were right behind her, Amanda holding all the gloves in a pile in her arms.

"What was that about a mike?" Nancy asked as she reached them.

"I was just saying Walter sounds awesome but he'd sound even better with a microphone," Kevin replied, grinning at Skinner who was starting to squirm a little at the flattery.

"Daddy has a microphone!" Amanda exclaimed, dropping some of the gloves. Harlan Jr. jogged over and picked them up for his sister.

"Yeah, he can use Dad's microphone," Harlan Jr. chimed in.

"What kind of microphone?" Skinner asked, a look of doubt on his face.

Nancy had an amused expression on her face.

"Harlan does auctions once in a while. He has a portable PA system. It's inside in the basement. If you'd like, I can get it," Nancy replied, smiling at Skinner's discomfiture.

Scully laughed.


"Uh...why do I think I'm going to regret this," Skinner replied, running his hand over his mouth as Amanda and Harlan ran into the house, Amanda barely managing to hang onto the baseball mitts. "We'll get it!" they chorused.

"I'd better go make sure they know where it is...I packed it away in a box down there," Nancy said, taking the bat from Scully's hands. She was chuckling as she left their side and walked into the house, carrying the bat.

Kevin had taken Carolyn over to show her his guitar and Skinner watched their easy interaction. He sensed Scully come up beside him and take his hand. He looked down at her and her face was softly shadowed in the sunset's glow.

"They're very sweet together," she whispered.

Skinner nodded. Carolyn Barker was athletic, with short brown hair and freckles on her face. She was probably classified as a tomboy in school because it was obvious from her ability with a baseball bat she could hold her own in sports. But from seeing her here this evening Skinner came away with the impression she was intelligent, friendly, and knew her own mind. And she liked Kevin...recognized the decent kid he was under his shy exterior and enjoyed being with him. Skinner thought Kevin couldn't have found a better young woman to have a first crush on.

"Yeah," Skinner answered smiling at Scully. He toyed with her fingers and then figured, 'what the hell' and he bent and kissed her full on the mouth.

"Whooo!" Harlan Jr. whistled as he came bounding down the porch steps brandishing an object that must have been the microphone part of the PA system. "Uncle Walter!" he teased as Skinner pulled out of the kiss and steadied Scully against him.

Nancy came down the steps carrying the second small amplifier and tuner, very similar to the one Kevin had for his. Amanda came bouncing down after her. Nancy gave Harlan an eye roll.

"Now, Harlan, leave your Uncle Walter alone. If he wants to smooch his best girl in front of company that's his business," she teased as well, walking over and setting the amp next to Kevin's.

Scully laughed and so did Skinner. He glanced over at Kevin and he was pretending he hadn't seen as well as trying to not let Carolyn know that he had been watching as he plugged the second amp into the strip he was using with the extension cords. Skinner chuckled.

"Hey, Kevin...I guess it's showtime." And when everyone looked at him holding Scully and her slightly disheveled look from the kiss he shook his head and everyone laughed. "Yeah all right....I know that came out wrong. I mean we'd better get this concert started before company has to go home," Skinner replied, smiling at Carolyn. Carolyn smiled back at him and Skinner let go of Scully's hand and took the microphone from Harlan Jr.

"You just plug it into the amp," Harlan advised, dangling the microphone on its long cord in his hand.

"Thank you," Skinner chuckled taking the mike over to where Kevin was seating the guitar strap on his shoulder again. Carolyn left his side and the small audience went over to sit in the chairs that had been put up ahead of time.

"Oh wait!" Nancy exclaimed. "I almost forgot...the special lighting effects."

Nancy hurried back onto the screened in porch and brought out six long poles. They were constructed to look like flaming torches but in reality they were citronella candles that when lit would add illumination as well as bug repellent to the concert.

Skinner chuckled as he jacked into the amp with the microphone. Scully and Nancy lit the 'torches' with kitchen matches and then everyone sat down and waited expectantly.

"I feel like we should have Bic lighters," Carolyn quipped and Kevin laughed as he placed the sheet music on a chair next to him. He placed a rock on the paper to weigh it down and then stepped back and smirked at Skinner.

"Just in case you forget the words," he joked, winking broadly at the assembled audience.

Harlan and Amanda laughed hard and Nancy and Scully suppressed smiles.

Skinner pulled a mock scowl.

"Thank you for the vote of confidence," he retorted. Then he smiled and lifted up the mike.

"Shh...all right now you two, quiet down," Nancy admonished the giggling twins.

Skinner thumbed the button on the mike and spoke into it.

Test. Test," he said. It screeched a bit and everyone winced a little.

"Sorry," he said as Kevin went over and made some adjustments to the mike's amp.

"Try it now," he advised Skinner. Then he went back and checked his amp as well. Strumming a chord to check out the sound. The guitar was fine. Skinner spoke into the microphone again.

"Test. Test. 1. 2. 3. 4," he recited. There was no screech and the sound quality was good enough for their purposes. He turned to Kevin.

"Ok...give me the intro," he said and Kevin nodded and started to play.

Skinner closed his eyes. He figured if he really botched this up, not seeing the audience's faces might be an advantage. But as his lids closed, memories that he'd long forgotten...or suppressed came back to him. Saigon...guys he knew...the bar...soldiers on leave...young guys cutting up...the noise...the smoke...voices... jukebox music...voices raised in song...all of it in a crazy spiral of inner vision that he couldn't stop and he found he really didn't want to stop anyway.

His throat felt tight and he thought for a moment he was going to get hung up on the words. God...please...he thought and he focused on a tenuous realization that despite the horrors that came after that leave in Saigon...those brief hours in that bar held so many good memories...maybe some of the best he'd ever had in country. The party hearty attitude of leave, the certain knowledge that they could be dead tomorrow and the all-out attempt to get wasted drunk and laid and...they'd all been old beyond their years by that point and...he had to smile because yeah, it was a fucking great memory...being half in the bag, singing Hendrix with his buddies, showing off and shit...they hadn't sounded too piss poor at all....and when he opened his mouth to sing, the words came out with real meaning and he knew he wasn't going to disgrace himself with the performance by any means.

His guitar swung across his back

His dusty boots and his Cadillac

A pavement here just a blowin' in the wind

Ain't seen a bed in so long it's a sin

He left home when he was seventeen

The rest of the world he longed to see

And everybody who knows was boss

A rolling stone gathers no moss

Now you probably call him a tramp

But it goes a little deeper than that

He's a highway chile

Skinner opened his eyes at the end of the refrain but he avoided looking out at the small group in front of the makeshift stage. Instead he lowered the microphone and stood back for a moment, giving Kevin the floor. He stood to the side, nodding his head in time with the music, letting his remembrances flow, as the kid's fingers flew over the guitar strings and Jimi Hendrix's whining guitar licks played out alone, loud and proud.

After a few moments of allowing Kevin to shine for his girlfriend, Skinner stepped back in and raised the microphone to his lips again. Ok, he thought, we're about halfway through here. He wasn't doing too badly...at least he didn't think he was screwing the pooch. He knew he didn't have much stage presence. All he was doing basically was holding the mike up and belting it out. But what the hell...it was more fun than he thought it would be...and with the flood of decent Nam memories for once, he was more than happy to cultivate the experience. He keyed in on those good times once again and prepared to bring the last bit home with gusto.

Now some people say he had a girl back home

Who messed him around and did him pretty wrong

They tell me it kinda hurt him bad

Kinda made him feel pretty sad

I couldn't say what went thru his mind

Anyway he left the world behind

And everybody knows the same old story

Another war you can't lose in glory

For a brief moment Skinner's mind stuttered over those two verses. He felt his guts twist up suddenly. Shit, he thought in exasperation. He hadn't realized the implications of the lyrics at all when he suggested playing the song to Kevin. Christ...good job, Skinner. Let's just alienate Scully here if we can. He didn't want to open his eyes and search out her face in the semi-darkness at all. Holy hell...he really hoped that she wasn't taking the lyrics wrong. Damn it, Skinner thought. He didn't want her to think he was singing about her when Hendrix was talking about the girl 'who done him wrong'. He swallowed hard and plunged on...willing himself to finish the song up now because for better or worse, at this point, the show must go on.

Now you may call him a tramp

But it goes a little deeper than that

He's a highway chile

One more brother


His guitar swung across his back

His dusty boots and his Cadillac

A pavement here just a blowin' in the wind

Ain't seen a bed in so long it's a sin

Now you may call him a tramp

But I know it goes a little deeper than that

He's a highway chile

Walk on brother

Don't let no one stop ya


Highway chile

Yeah yeah yeah

Go on down the highway

Highway chile

It was only after he sang the last words and stepped back again to allow Kevin to add his guitar coda to the moment that he opened his eyes and searched out Scully's face. His eyes tracked quickly but before he could find Scully's eyes, everyone was suddenly on their feet clapping and hooting and he blinked and stepped back a little in amazement at the response, as Kevin spun his hand on over the guitar strings in a gesture that was more Pete Townsend than Jimi Hendrix and concluded the song with a tremendous flourish. The night fell void of music but the slack was taken up by the noise emanating from the fans up front.

"Bravo! Bravo!" Nancy exclaimed.

The twins were hooting and clapping. Carolyn was smiling wide and only had eyes for Kevin as she clapped as well. Skinner finally looked at Scully and she was laughing and giving him the thumbs up sign. He grinned at her and then walked over to stand next to Kevin and they both took a bow.

"Boy, Kevin...you sure were good. Man...at the end..." Harlan exclaimed windmilling his arm in imitation of the teen's technique at the end of the song.

"Uncle Walter, Uncle Walter...can you do another one? That was too great!" Amanda asked excitedly.

Skinner put the microphone down on top of the amp and cracked his neck a little. He gave a self-deprecating twitch of the lip as Scully came over and stood next to him. He was more tense than he thought.

Before Skinner could answer Nancy spoke.

"It's getting a little late. Carolyn's father will be here soon to drive her home. I think we should clean up and think about wrapping things up here," she suggested smiling at Carolyn. The young woman had walked over to stand next to Kevin while he showed her some of the chords he'd been playing by placing his fingers over the strings on the guitar neck. Skinner smiled too. Kevin's ears were red but it was clear he was walking on air. Carolyn smiled over at Nancy.

"Let me help," she offered, starting to leave Kevin's side.

"Oh no...I wouldn't hear of it. You're a guest. We'll take care of it. Why don't you and Kevin enjoy yourselves since you have to leave soon. We'll be fine," Nancy answered. Kevin gave her a grateful look and Carolyn nodded.

"All right. Thanks, Mrs. Creed. I've really had a great time this evening. I want to thank you for everything. Mr. Skinner...that was wonderful. You have a fantastic voice," she replied graciously, giving Skinner a smile as well.

"Thank you, Carolyn. That's very flattering," he replied. Scully rubbed his back as Carolyn's attention was drawn back to Kevin.

Kevin looked over at Skinner and grinned.

"Thanks, Walter...you were awesome," he added.

Skinner smiled at him.

"No problem, Kevin. My pleasure," he replied, turning and taking Scully's hands.

"It really was excellent," she whispered as Nancy and the twins began clearing the picnic table. "I could tell you were putting a lot of feeling into it," she added.

"Thanks," he answered, looking down for a moment. "That means a lot. Singing Hendrix brought back a lot of memories...from Vietnam, I mean," he added looking back up at her.

"I thought so," she replied gently, stroking his fingers.

"Scully...that one verse...it wasn't supposed to..." he began.

"It's all right...I know," she shrugged, giving him a reassuring smile.

He looked down at their entwined hands, nodded and that was the end of the issue.

"We'd better pitch in," she prompted after a moment when Skinner seemed inclined to just stare at her hand as she stroked his large, strong fingers. He looked up and pinned her eyes.

"I'm a very lucky man," he whispered.

"And I'm a very lucky woman," she replied, smiling. Then she grinned a little wider and gave him a firm pull towards the picnic table.

"Come on...KP duty awaits," she laughed.

"Yes, sir," he replied with a chuckle. As they were walking towards the table Skinner glanced back and saw Kevin taking Carolyn's hand and walking her off down the lawn towards the pond on the property. Skinner grinned a little again. He wondered if Kevin knew about that romantic stand of trees down there. With the gentle summer night wind blowing at his fringe of hair Skinner reveled in young love and his own good fortune in that area too as he and Scully picked up some dishes and headed into the kitchen with them.

Later, after everything was cleaned up, Carolyn had gone home and Nancy and the twins had gone to bed, Skinner sat on the back stoop just kicking back and looking up at the clear, star filled night sky. Scully was upstairs taking her shower and Skinner had told her he'd be up in a little while...he was just going to make sure the herd was bedded down all right for the night. He'd done that and then come back up to the house, gotten a beer out of the fridge and sat down outside to drink it. He scratched at his stomach and then placed the beer between his feet as he saw Kevin coming around the side of the house from the chicken coop. He'd been checking on some of the broody hens to see if they were still sitting on their eggs.

"Hey," he told Skinner as he approached.

"Hey," Skinner replied with a slight smile. "Take a load off. You want an iced tea?" he added, gesturing for Kevin to sit down.

"No, thanks. I'm fine," Kevin answered, returning the smile with a hint of one of his own. He took a seat on the step below Skinner.

They sat in companionable silence for a few moments and Skinner nursed his beer. Finally Kevin spoke.

"Thanks again, Walter. You really did do a great job with the Hendrix," Kevin said quietly, scuffing his shoe on the concrete.

"Thanks, Kevin. I can only say the feeling's mutual. I certainly was impressed with your talent. I hope you're considering a career in music because you have great potential," Skinner answered honestly.

Kevin smiled up at him for a moment.

"Yeah...I'd really like to go into music," he replied, then he looked down. "If my mom and dad'll let me," he added with a small sigh.

Skinner looked down at the boy's head and hesitated to answer. One thing he didn't want to do was render opinion or advice against something this young man's parents had said or done. That was treading on dangerous territory. He mulled over his words and tried to determine the best way to answer. Kevin spoke and Skinner was amazed again at the maturity of the teen.

"It's ok...you don't have to answer that. I know you probably think it's none of your business. That it's something between me and my folks," he answered, fingering his jeans.

"Kevin?" Skinner asked, watching him. The teen looked up and he gave him a sympathetic look.

"Yes?" he replied quizzically.

"If I were your father and mother I'd be honored to have a son like you. I think if you give them time they'll come around. If they love you and they realize it's your life's ambition to be a musician I can't believe that two people who have raised a perceptive, talented kid like you would stand in the way of his happiness," Skinner replied gruffly, lifting the beer to his lips and swallowing a long sip.

Even with only the illumination from the porch light, Skinner could see Kevin blushing. He was speechless for a few seconds and then he answered.

"Walter...I don't know what to say," he replied, his voice barely a whisper. "Thanks," he added, shrugging his discomfort at not being able to be more eloquent in his appreciation.

"Don't worry about it," Skinner grunted, putting the half full beer bottle down at his side.

Kevin nodded and they were quiet again.

Skinner decided to bring the conversation around to what he thought might be a more lighthearted topic.

"Carolyn's a very nice young woman," he commented, the smile on his lips one of fondness for the young man sitting on the step below him.

"I really like her, Walter. I mean...really," he replied, barely audibly.

Skinner nodded and smiled a little again. He could see the back of Kevin's neck and it was reddening slightly again.

"Is she going to stay in touch after you go back to California?" Skinner asked carefully. He could sense there was something else the kid wanted to say. Years of managing people gave him the ability to know when there was something lying on the table and no one wanted to comment directly about it.

"I've asked her to do that, she has a PC and all. We can finger talk," he replied, making a typing motion with his fingers.

"Well...you'll be out here for a while yet. You can probably discuss that idea a few more times before you go," Skinner replied watching the back of Kevin's neck.

He saw Kevin shift a little and he waited, expecting the kid was about ready to spill it.

"Walter...my folks are pretty conservative," he began tentatively, feeling his way through the words in a soft voice.

Skinner knew this had to be incredibly hard for him. First of all, he was only sixteen, away from home without his parents immediately close by to advise him. He didn't want to discuss whatever he was going to say with a woman, otherwise he'd be in the house pinning Nancy down for a heart to heart. So, it was advice from a man he needed right now and Skinner felt flattered that he trusted him enough to make him the man he wanted it from.

But he also knew that idea was a Catch 22. Two men didn't discuss intimate matters of the heart easily. Especially young men and older men. And Skinner definitely had a feeling this conversation was going to pertain to matters of the heart. He rested his hands on his knees and made a noncommittal sound in his throat that told Kevin he was listening. Kevin continued.

"Well...Carolyn isn't Catholic," Kevin replied.

That wasn't exactly what Skinner had expected to hear.

"That didn't seem to make a difference to Nancy," Skinner replied quietly.

"Yeah, Nancy and Harlan are less conservative I guess. But my mom and dad are pretty strict that way. I...I've kind of felt weird about talking to Carolyn so much and inviting her here tonight. I'm not sure I should even be seeing her, see? It's been bothering me. My parents would probably prefer that I marry a nice Catholic girl some day...or at least one who's willing to convert. You know really...my folks are pretty tolerant about the music...despite what I said earlier. They let me front the band and all, it's just that with this dating thing..."

"You're a little worried about what they'll say if they find out you're interested in Carolyn?"

"Right. I mean they'll be here in a little over a week. I still want to see Carolyn. I'm worried that they'll object to my dating her and...well..." he let his voice trail off and shrugged.

Skinner ran Kevin's situation through his mind. He had an uneasy relationship with the Catholic church. His relationship with the church...even his God was problematical at times. He hadn't been on the best speaking terms with the All Mighty for quite some time. He was only now letting himself begin to think he could trust in God again. His Catholicism was something he was still questioning. He knew Scully questioned her faith but she seemed to have come to terms with most aspects of it. Skinner hoped he could at least get to that point. He'd been attending St. Patrick's Catholic Church in an attempt to get in touch with his faith again. He'd even had some discussions with Father McCormick regarding the subject. But...he was still searching and as a result, he wasn't at all sure he was qualified to speak to this kid's situation.

"Kevin...I'm not sure I'm the man to give you advice on your relationship with God and the Catholic church. I'm going to be real honest with you...my relationship there has been tenuous at best for a while," he answered honestly.

Kevin glanced up at him.

"Because of everything?" he asked without getting into specifics. He looked back down and scuffed his toe again so that Skinner wouldn't have to look at him in order to answer.

"Yeah...pretty much everything that happened. A lot of stuff that happened to people I knew and respected...or knew and loved, or love...like Scully more than anything else," he replied gruffly. "I still have a lot of questions regarding my belief in God and religion, Kevin."

The teen gave him a sympathetic look.

"I hope you can find the answers soon, Walter."

"Thanks, Kevin. So do I," he answered quietly.

They were quiet for a few seconds and then Kevin spoke again.

"You really love Agent Scully," Kevin observed, looking off towards the pond across the property.

Skinner followed his gaze and recalled his passionate embrace and necking with Scully earlier today under the copse of trees that bordered the water there. The wonderful feeling that filled him to know he could love her at last and she loved him. He nodded. He felt a warm flush fill his chest.

"Oh yeah," he replied in a whisper.

"What does that feel like?" Kevin asked quizzically, not looking at him. His voice cracked a little, and Skinner knew they were probably getting into the area that he had originally thought Kevin had been interested in.

"What does it feel like when you're in love?" he repeated just to make sure he was on the same wavelength.

"How did you know you were in love with her?" Kevin asked more specifically, finally looking at Skinner again and squinting a little.

Skinner ran his hand over his mouth and gathered his thoughts for a second.

"Well, the most obvious evidence," he began, addressing a point in front of him, "is that I couldn't imagine not having her in my life. When you fall in love with someone you want them with you for as long as you both live," he added, his voice distant as he recalled the emotions that had brought him to this realization regarding Scully.

He sensed Kevin nodding next to him.

"After that you just enjoy being around them. You know...they're a pleasure to talk to...even when you're arguing you do it with that underlying feeling that this is your...I guess you could say soul mate. The other half that perfectly counterpoints you...makes you whole. Scully is that for me...the other half that makes me a complete person," he continued, looking down at Kevin.

Kevin looked up at him and he saw it in his eyes. Oh man...the kid had it bad for Carolyn. First love...and he'd fallen hard, Skinner thought. The poor kid. He was happy for him but he knew the feeling could be torture...only too well. He figured Scully was the first woman he'd ever really loved as well. And getting to that point had been pure torture all the way along the line.

"Yeah," Kevin replied nodding his head again. "You feel like they're...like you want to spend every minute with them," he added.

"Exactly. You miss them when they're not around and when they return you get a feeling here," Skinner replied touching his solar plexus. "You know...that butterfly sensation that isn't really unpleasant at all. And you think you're going to act like a jackass falling all over yourself in their presence."

"Yeah," Kevin chuckled, reddening a little again. "You mean you feel that way around Scully?" he asked, grinning at Skinner.

"Sure," he shrugged, admitting it without any qualms. He'd felt 16 years old around her more times than he could count.

"But you...you're so cool about it," Kevin replied. "Like you know what to say and do," he added, a little puzzled.

"Outwardly. That comes from practice. I am, after all, 48. I've had a few more years to hone my technique...such as it is," he replied, chuckling. "But believe me...I have my less stellar moments when I'm quaking in my boots."

"I feel like that almost all the time around Carolyn," Kevin answered, frowning a little.

"If it's any consolation, Kevin...all guys of all ages do. Women do that to men. Make them act like clowns sometimes. It's just a fact of life and it's got to do with our hormones when we get around a woman we find particularly attractive. And I'm not only talking physical beauty either, Kevin. What goes on up here, and in here, with a woman are the most important parts of that attraction in my opinion," Skinner said, pointing to his forehead and then his heart. Kevin nodded. "Like I said...you just haven't been up to bat enough yet. Once you get a few more innings under your belt you won't feel so self-conscious about talking to women you like," Skinner added.

Kevin shook his head a little.

"Right now I can't see myself with anyone but Carolyn," he replied seriously.

Skinner nodded.

"I know. Kevin, I can't tell you if it'll last though. All I can tell you is from my experience... that first love thing doesn't always stand the test of time. But...I'm not going to belittle your experience. The only thing I can do is tell you to play it by ear and see what happens. And...you need to talk to your folks about the rest of the issue regarding the religion when they get here. Like I said...I don't feel qualified to render an opinion there and your parents are really the ones to give you some guidance in that area. If you do expect to date Carolyn, though you don't want to be sneaking around behind their backs. That's a disservice to all parties concerned in the matter," Skinner replied, tempering his words with a sympathetic tone to his voice.

"Yes, sir," Kevin replied. Then he shifted and said, "I kissed her tonight," very quietly.

"I figured. Down by the pond?" Skinner replied, suppressing his chuckle.

"Yeah," Kevin replied, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"How did I know?" he asked rhetorically.

Kevin nodded.

"I was doing the same thing with Scully this afternoon. The twins almost caught us," he replied, chuckling.

Kevin shook his head in bemusement and his neck turned bright red. Skinner smiled and looked down at his work boots for a second in order to give Kevin a chance to compose himself. Then he spoke.

"Look, Kevin. When you get that feeling you're in love with someone the idea goes along with it that you want to take that feeling of wholeness to its logical conclusion. You want to join with them...physically too," Skinner replied clearing his throat a little. "So, don't feel guilty about kissing her or even about wanting to go further if that's what you're getting at here. I know you've had that discussion more than once with your folks," he added reinforcing the idea that all these topics were subjects the boy should be covering with his parents ideally.

"Yeah, we've talked about it. Like I said...I know I'm not ready to go there...not really. But..." he let his voice trail off.

"But it's hard to cope with the intensity of the urge to merge, so to speak," Skinner replied, chuckling a little again.

Kevin nodded and laughed.

"No shit," he blurted out. "Sorry," he amended for the curse

"No problem," Skinner replied, smiling at the back of the teen's head. Then he continued. "Kevin...I know I haven't exactly set an example of restraint in that area. I guess you know my beliefs are probably different from your folk's beliefs in regards to sex before marriage. I don't believe marriage is a prerequisite to having sex with someone. But...I would have to tell you that true love is for me. I've learned the hard way that it's the only thing that makes the act really meaningful. And, believe me, losing your virginity before you're really in love with your partner, before you're really ready, isn't a good idea in any case. I can tell you that from experience as well," he replied honestly.

Kevin looked up at him and studied his face.

"Yeah?" he asked, watching Skinner for his reaction.

"Big time bad idea. Embarrassingly so. Just from my own experience...I wish I'd waited until I was in love and a heck of a lot more ready. I think all that comes with maturity. Recognizing when you've really found the right person comes with age and experience and after that you can always work on the uh...inexperience in sexual technique or whatever. If I were you I'd wait until you were older and more emotionally ready for that first time, regardless of how you end up formulating your personal religious beliefs. It's not going to make the first time any more...nerve-wracking, because hell...it is for both partners. But at least you'll be going into it responsibly, and in my case that included using a condom. I mean you need to consider the consequences for both partners in any case. Sex with someone you love is a big step, Kevin. Some people think it's a step that should wait for marriage. If your parents have taught you that's what they believe then I think you have to at least try to understand and sympathize with their feelings in the matter. You don't want to go against their teachings out of hand," Skinner replied seriously.

Kevin nodded again and then cracked a small grin.

"You're doing a pretty diplomatic job of telling me to keep my zipper up," he wisecracked.

Skinner cuffed him on the back of the head.

"Yeah...to put it succinctly. And listen...I know it's difficult. I wasn't any different around a woman I felt an attraction for either," he shrugged.

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