TITLE: The Heart of Reason

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com

CATEGORY: SRA, M/SK/SC. Warning - graphic sexual content of a threesome nature. Slash, m/m sex as well. Be forewarned.


SUMMARY: A crisis for Mulder, Scully and Skinner. Krycek makes another appearance. Will old wounds be healed? "The Heart of Reason" is set in the same universe as, "I Heard the Roar of Thunder" and "A Bedtime Story". I guess this is a trilogy at this point. You might want to read the other two stories in order to follow what's going on in this one. You can read them here: https://www.squidge.org/3wstop

FEEDBACK - YES PLEASE, AND THANK YOU SIR, CAN I HAVE ANOTHER? Comments, suggestions and healthy debate are always welcome. Flames? They only serve to warm me, body and soul.

ARCHIVE: Sure. Anywhere - as long as my name and e-mail addy stay on it.

TIMESPAN/SPOILER WARNING. Post-colonization AU. Everything up to and including Requiem. Season 8 didn't exist.

KEYWORDS: story romance angst Mulder Scully Skinner Krycek Marita NC-17

DISCLAIMER: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Walter Skinner, Alex Krycek, Marita Covarrubias and all other X-Files characters belong to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions and 20th Century FOX Broadcasting. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made from their use

I'd like to dedicate this one to Kimberly...for meritorious use of a VCR above and beyond the call of duty (and for feedback)...and to Susan...once again...your beta Kung Fu is the best.

I'd also like to thank Paige for constructive criticism and Peggy for allowing me to bounce ideas off her.

Author's notes at the end.

The Heart of Reason

by frogdoggie

Le coeur a ses raisons...que la raison ne connait point

- translated from the French: The heart has its reasons...that reason knows nothing of.


"Mulder, I'm sure as a psychologist you realize these things can happen..."

"Yes, but...I thought...well there were nightmares early on but I haven't had a problem in a while."

"The mind has ways of surprising us sometimes. In your case I just think your mind is trying to tell you it's not quite ready to resume any work in the area of the paranormal. Although you may be mostly recovered from your abduction and torture, there are parts of your psyche that still associate your work on the X-Files with the experience and..."

"And that part's rebelling against my going back to the basement so to speak?"

"Precisely. I think when you went in to meet with DD Skinner and then went downstairs again to see where your old office had been that's what triggered the panic attack and the series of nightmares."

"I see."

"Have you had any more panic attacks? Any further incidences of impotency?"

"No...no...I've been fine in both respects. Uh...that problem with getting it up only happened right after the panic attack. I'm just still having trouble with the damn nightmares."

"Good. Look...Mulder...perhaps you're trying to do too much at this point? It's not that long ago that you were married. It wasn't that long ago that you confided your special relationship with Dana and Walter to me. We just got done dealing with your issues over why you proposed to Scully. And as I said before, I don't believe the proposal was a bad decision..."

"No...you just made me see how it was a control issue for me, another example of my insecurity. How I felt I was losing Scully to Walter because she was going to try to have his baby and I thought asking her to marry me would bind her more closely to me."

"And do you still have a problem realizing that about yourself, Mulder?"

"No...I...I'm fine with all that now. I understand that I don't have to feel as insecure about losing either Scully or Skinner for that matter. I can't guarantee I won't slip once in a while and worry about it...but at least I'm aware of that insecurity and can deal with it."

"Yes, I think you can. And really, the proposal was perfectly legitimate as long as it's working within the relationship for all three of you..."

"Oh, it's working for us all right. I've never been more happy in that respect and I know Scully and Skinner are happy with the arrangement."

"Well...all that was still very stressful. On top of that, the book will be coming out, you're facing a book signing tour and the publicity. Now with Dana and Walter expecting and the due date fast approaching..."

"Not to mention the fact Walter's moving in this weekend..."

"Exactly. Now...how are you all dealing with that event? We've only just touched on how your special relationship impacts those beyond your immediate associates. Society at large, I mean. How will this impact the fact that you're still keeping the details of your living arrangements relatively secret?"

"Well...it's probably going to impact it. Up to this point only a select group of people know we're together...that we're a threesome. But with Walter actually at the same address and then the book tour and the publicity I guess we're going to have to face the fact we may be outed. We've discussed how to handle the situation and the agreement was to go with the 'don't ask, don't tell' idea and hope no one digs up the dirt. But if they do, we'll deal with it. We have to deal with it. And as a positive...we're a pretty good unit now...we've weathered a lot of storms over the years."

"That's a good attitude to have about it. I think you may find it easier to deal with the University over your lifestyle should it come out..."

"I guess we'll find out if Georgetown's that ultra-conservative."

"I think you might find it at least more understanding. But what I was getting at was...will Walter be prepared to handle things at the FBI?"

"Walter's aware the Bureau suspects something...but there hasn't been any overt complaints about his living situation. He feels it may be a case that if it doesn't affect his job performance they're willing to look the other way. Things are a little more liberal over there since the invasion threat ended anyway, so we can only hope he won't get much flack if things come out."

"Is there still a problem with Dana's mother? I know it took her a while to accept that the three of you were involved."

"Yeah, that was a tense situation for a while. Even as recently as the wedding she was still a little reluctant to face the fact that her daughter is in a relationship with two men."

"The religious issues..."

"Yes. I mean there was that whole debate about Scully and I even being married in the church that you and I discussed. And she still hasn't told her sons about us...we haven't really been able to convince her yet that it's better if she does. She's not overly enthusiastic that Scully's carrying Walter's child either to be honest. You know...I have to give her a lot of credit that she's as accepting as she is over everything. I know she's going to love the baby as her grandchild. She's said that and I believe her. She's a very good grandmother. She loves Charlie."

"Well, Mulder...what I'm trying to get at here is...you have a lot on your plate. I think your mind is trying to tell you that too."

"Are you suggesting I rethink my decision to go back to the X-Files?"

"I'm suggesting you give it some more time. When there are a lot of changes going on in a person's life, one more major change can upset the apple cart a bit. It can bring out old, difficult issues and in your case bring back a bad experience and make it fresh again."

"You'd think I'd be able to cope with it though."

"Well I think you are coping...if you weren't the nightmares would be impacting the rest of your life more acutely. The fact that you're doing as well as you are with them is a good sign. I'm not saying the nightmares returning is a weakness or a sign you can't cope either, Mulder. It doesn't mean you're any less of a man or unworthy because you had a bit of a relapse. All it means is that you have to take things a bit more slowly. It happens to the best of us. After all, look at the lifestyle changes I had to make after my heart attack in July."

"Yeah...ok...I grasp what you're saying. Maybe I should give going back to the Bureau even as a consultant some additional thought. I'll...I'll reconsider the time frame on going back to the X-Files. I'll certainly wait until the book signing tour is over and all the publicity from the book being published dies down. I'll give it some thought then."

"I think that might work out better. And who knows...after a month or two you may feel better about things too and go back earlier than you thought you would. Once Walter gets settled in and can lend more of a hand with the new baby, things could be very different."

"No kidding. With Scully due in about two months, having Skinner around will have all kinds of advantages. And it'll just be great in general for him to be living there...for us all to be a family."

"Mulder, I think you're going to be fine, really. Just remember to get plenty of rest and exercise and if you have any problems...even if you just want to ask a question or talk, you know you can call me."

"Yes, I know that. Thanks, Allen."

"All right, I have to ask the standard hour ending question...anything else you want to bring up here? Things ok at Georgetown?"

"Oh yeah...school's great...Scully's still teaching Pathology and I've got a couple of Graduate school Philosophy courses tacked on with the Psychology but I'm enjoying it. The University is giving us both some time off to do the book tour."

"I expect a signed copy of that book, you know."

"Hey...I wouldn't forget to bring you one."

"Great. Ok, that's about it. I don't think I need to see you again for a couple of weeks to be honest. I think your improvement warrants it. Now...if you have another nightmare however, and feel you need to talk about it, call me and we'll set up something sooner. Otherwise...why don't you call Beverly when you have a chance and make an appointment for around two weeks from today."

"Ok...I'll do that."


"All right. And thanks again, Allen. Really."

"Sure thing. See you in a couple of weeks, Mulder."


I knew I should have taken the car instead of the train to Allen Greenberg's office. I'm freezing my balls off out here, I think as I trudge down the street toward the townhouse. It's sunset and a cold November rain is falling. I'm getting wet since I'm only wearing my leather jacket and neglected to bring an umbrella.

I break into a trot and my feet eat up the half block that remains between me and the sanctuary of a warm fire and hot dinner. On the stoop my cold hands fumble with the house key. Finally I get the locks undone and swing the door open. Stepping in, water trailing off me onto the floor, I shut the door behind me and lock up.

A quick wipe of my feet on the rug just inside the door, and I divest myself of my jacket. The leather coat gets hung up on the coat tree in the corner. When I step away from it my shoes make a squishing noise on the wood floor.

"Shit," I curse. A puddle's forming below my wet Carolina workboots. With the echoing sound of my muffled curse I suddenly realize the house is quiet. I glance at my watch. Hmm...it's certainly late enough. Walter and Scully took the afternoon off to go to Lamaze class. But maybe they aren't back yet. They were supposed to pick Charlie up from Mrs. Carstairs on the way. They might have stopped to pick up some groceries or something else too. I have time to wipe up this mess before Scully sees it and goes hormonally ballistic on me. As I take my workboots off quickly and put them on the shoe rack at the side of the door, I ponder over the moods of pregnant women. I think about the fact that during some moments of Scully's pregnancy I've had guilty thoughts about how glad I am I missed the first one.

In my stocking feet I walk toward the kitchen, passing the sliding doors to the living room on the way. I happen to glance into the room and there's Scully on the couch, feet up, fast asleep...a copy of "Dreamcatcher" by Stephen King lying across the mound of her stomach. I smile. So they are back, and she must have been tired from the class. I wonder where Walter and Charlie are as I walk into the living room and slip between the coffee table and the couch, standing over Scully.

That old saying about pregnant woman having a glow comes to mind as I gaze down at Scully. She looks ethereal, her skin practically luminescent in firelight from our fireplace. Her pregnancy has been relatively easy so far, some morning sickness, a little indigestion, backache and sore feet. The first pregnancy wasn't nearly as easy.

Skinner's too much of a gentleman to suggest it...but I've thought it more than once...it's the difference between my genes and his that's giving Scully an easier time of it this go around. Those old self-doubts hang around...one more reason I started visiting Doctor Greenberg.

As I study her rising and falling belly, full of Walter's son or daughter, a drop of water falls from my hair onto her forehead. Scully's eyes flutter under her eyelids and then they open. She blinks and then smiles up at me.

"Hey," she whispers.

"Hey, yourself. Stephen King that boring?"

Scully clears her throat, wipes at her forehead and then takes the book off her stomach. She glances at it and shifts to put it on the coffee table. When the awkwardness of her six month pregnancy won't quite let her shift her weight, I help her to sit up and lay the book aside. Then I sit down on the couch next to her.

"No...the book's good. I guess I'm just tired from the class. How did the session go?"

"Good. Allen says I'm making progress. It still comes back to my basic insecurities...you know...we talked about my issue regarding my proposing to you in that regard. So, that and the fact that I may be trying to do too much what with the book getting published, the baby, Walter moving in..."

"And the potential that Walter moving in and the book tour may finally bring our relationship to a wide range of people's attention?"

"We did talk about the potential for being outed, yes. I told him we're as prepared as we can be for that to happen. I mean shit, Scully...we're only going to be able to do the best we can if everything comes out."

Scully nods in understanding.

"I know, Mulder. But it's a lot for all of us to consider...and unlike me, or even Skinner, you've been through a more recent abduction and torture...I've never been surprised you're having a reoccurrence of the nightmares...so what did Allen say...that you needed to take things more slowly?"

I give her a raised eyebrow.

"And I've been paying him by the hour when I could have gotten the advice from you?"

She gives me a peeved look.

"Ok, just kidding. Yeah...that's exactly what he said. But I should be fine. He doesn't want to see me again for a couple of weeks unless I feel like I need to call him."

She gives me a gentle smile.

"That's excellent."

"How was Lamaze class?"

"Labor intensive," she quips.

I chuckle at her play on words.

"Very good, I'll have to remember that one."

"Thank you, dear. What time is it?"

"A little after 5. Where are Walter and Charlie?"

"I put Charlie down for a nap. He was tired too, and a little cranky after playing so hard with the other children at daycare. Walter's upstairs working out. We got home about an hour ago. We left class a little early because they said the rain was supposed to turn to snow."

"It's still raining."

"I felt that...and see it...your jeans are damp too."

"Yeah, I should probably get out of these jeans."

"I guess the Weather Channel is running true to form on its forecast...they were inaccurate again."

"Did you miss anything important by leaving early?"

"Not really. We only missed diapering and Walter's an old hand at it."

I sigh a little.

"Maybe we should let Walter go to all the Lamaze classes now. Since I don't have another session with Allen for two weeks at the very least he can still spell me at class. After all, it's his baby...he didn't get to go to classes with you the first time either because your mother volunteered..."

"Mulder...he doesn't mind really...he's doing the exercises with me at home here. He's planning on being the coach in the delivery room. But remember...babies sometimes don't keep a schedule. If Walter's out of town for some reason you need to be ready to step in."

I nod and then I smile a little. That's part of the reason, I know. But Skinner also felt I deserved to experience Scully's pregnancy firsthand this time because I missed out on so much during my abduction. I had a hard time accepting that idea at first for some stubborn reason...that he'd miss out just for me. But Walter's that generous and I love him even more for it.

"Yeah, I know. And I have to confess...I am enjoying the classes," I reply. "Besides...I know he's letting me compensate for last time," I add more quietly.

"Well, see. Then you don't have to worry about Walter feeling left out."

I lean over and kiss her cheek.

"Thanks, Mom."

She snorts a little in self-deprecation.

"God...I feel like a mother whale this afternoon."

"A beautiful mother whale," I chide her, slipping my arm around her shoulder. "And a damn sexy one too," I draw her against me and press a kiss to her lips, gently pushing on them with my tongue. She opens her mouth and I slip my tongue in, probing her tenderly. My other hand strays down to the front of her maternity sweater and I knead her full breast gently through the fabric. She sighs and presses against me and we enjoy each other for a moment.

When I break the kiss she rests against my chest, her hair a little tousled, her lips wet. She smiles sleepily at me and then tries to suppress a yawn.

"Oh, Mulder...I'm sorry, it's just that..."

"Scully...I understand. Why don't you lay back down and nap. I'll go up and roust Mr. Universe and we'll fix dinner. I'll check on Charlie too. If he'll sleep until dinnertime I'll let him stay in his room as well. You need to get as much rest as you can. With Walter moving in, we'll have a big weekend ahead of us."

"Thanks," Scully smiles, giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

"No problem. Later...doc," I reply.

She smiles and pats my chest.

Then I extricate myself from her embrace and help her to lie back down. She's drifting off to sleep again before I reach the sliding doors. I finish up running my previous errand by going into the kitchen and getting a roll of paper towels. I use some to dry off my hair on the way back to the front door. Thankfully the puddle in front of the door cleans up well. After returning the paper towels and disposing of the dirty ones, I leave the kitchen and take the back stairwell up to the second floor and Charlie's bedroom.

Quietly I open the door to Charlie's room and peer into the growing shadows. There's a little curled up bundle in the middle of the 'big boy bed' that tells me our son is still sleeping peacefully. I step in and tiptoe over to his bedside so I can pull the blanket up where it's slipped off him a bit. He's holding his stuffed Pikachu tight in his arm and breathing gently against its yellow plush fur. God...he's growing, I think.

Charlie's 3 now but he's tall for a three year old. His auburn hair has darkened a bit and yeah...he's definitely going to have my nose. His skin is the alabaster of his mother's however, and he has Scully's clear blue eyes as well.

Not only does he have Scully's eyes...he also has her probing nature. He's just a very intelligent kid all the way around. We all couldn't help notice how fast he learned to talk and how his ability to learn and understand words and concepts was exceptional.

Scully and I finally took him over to the University and had him tested in the Psychology department. I guess we weren't surprised to find out he has a very high IQ. We've avoided the term genius or prodigy because we want Charlie to grow up like any regular kid, to have the emotional advantages of a real childhood. He's going to progress at whatever rate he's comfortable progressing at and we'll deal with his being intellectually advanced as we go. There's a program for gifted kids connected with the University so we've certainly got resources to help us all out with his eventual schooling. But for now, Charlie's just a little boy and we're happy to let him do little boy things to his heart's content.

One of his legs is out of the covers, and since he's in his Pokeman BVDs I can see the tiny star shaped birthmark on his leg. I wonder if that'll become unrecognizable as he grows even bigger. I smile and tuck the covers up around him, carefully slipping his leg back under them. He doesn't even stir. The little slugger really must have been tired. Well, better he rest now because with the Gunmen coming to help with the move, he's going to have a wild weekend too.

I turn and quietly walk out of his room, shutting the door behind me. Ducking into the master bedroom, I grab my sweatpants off the back of the stuffed chair where I left them before I went to the psychologist. I strip my socks, damp jeans and briefs off and hang them all over the shower curtain in the bathroom. When they're more dry, I'll toss them down the laundry chute in the bathroom closet. I take a piss and then pull on the sweats. Finally I'm ready to head up to Walter in the attic...or as Scully and I call it...Walter's aerie. You know...as in bald eagle. Skinner nearly kicked my ass when he found out I came up with that idea.

He's already moved some of his things in up there. His Bowflex and free weights, clothing, and CD player are in place. His laptop is sitting on a card table with a folding chair in front of it. The whole attic was remodeled thanks to Jimmy Bond. Surprisingly, even though the other Gunmen frequently refer to him as...intellectually challenged...Jimmy proved to be quite handy with a hammer.

Of course he revealed that he'd worked for a year with his uncle in contracting so that probably helped. But he was naturally talented nonetheless and evidently capable of passing on his knowledge...because Gibson Praise gave him a hand and acquitted himself well on the job too. The handy carpenters insulated the loft space, put up drywall and even constructed a walk-in closet and some built in shelving as well. When it came time for the electrical work, Langly and Frohike chipped in to complete it.

So, we were able to move some of Walter's belongings up there and he's been staying here more often as we transitioned to that being a permanent state of affairs. Basically, he gave most of his larger furniture and things like kitchen utensils away. He just didn't want to keep most of it and I can't blame him. The apartment in Crystal City didn't have the best memories associated with it. So, some of his things went to charity and some to the Gunmen. All we have to move is his bed, some momentos, artwork, books, bookcases and the rest of his at home office furniture.

When I asked him why a bed, since he spends his nights in the King in the master bedroom with us, he said, 'Mulder...if I'm working half the night at the Bureau you two don't want me crawling into bed with you when I get home, do you? And besides...if I'm sick...believe me...you'd rather I hibernate up in the attic than inflict myself on all of you.'

I guess I couldn't disagree with either of those reasons and especially not the second one. He had a cold in September and proved his point there quite admirably, unfortunately.

The attic stairs are an easy climb, my bare feet slapping on the hard wood of the steps. As I near the door at the top, I can hear the clank, clank of metal. Walter must be using the free weights. As soon as I'm at eye level with the open door, I can see him through it, his body glistening a little in the track lighting the Gunmen installed for him.

Soft music is playing...Chopin, the volume down very low on his portable CD player. Skinner stands, naked, his feet splayed slightly apart, knees bent a little and the curl bar in his hands. He's doing bicep curls. The clank is from the weights on either end of the bar. Walter's cock jiggles with each pull of the curl bar up toward his well-defined pectorals.

A wave of raw lust so primal it floods my groin and then radiates through my whole body almost takes my breath away. Jesus...he's impressive, I think.

"You going to need a spotter tonight?" I ask, coming into the loft. I let my eyes devour his damp skin from his toes up to his gleaming bald head.

"Is it still raining?" Skinner asks, in way of greeting as he lowers the bar. "And I don't need a spotter tonight. I'm not doing bench presses. I'm doing back, shoulders, biceps and forearms."

He raises the bar again, grunting as he brings it up against his chest.

"Oh, right," I mumble, sauntering forward and taking a seat off to the side on his weight bench. I'd forgotten where he was in his lifting routine. Too much going on, I guess...or too much of him going on more likely.

"Not that I wouldn't mind some company," Walter adds, giving me a smile.

I smile back. "To answer your question...it's coming down like cats and dogs."

"Damn Weather Channel," he rumbles, shaking his head. He grimaces as he slowly lowers the weights down to his thighs again. I'm very conscious of his cock gently bumping his balls with the movement.

"Well, Scully said you guys only missed diapering," I reply with a small smile. "How'd it go otherwise?"

"I think the class is going just fine. I'll be well prepared that's for sure," he says as he exhales. "How did your session go?"

Walter grimaces a little as the bar starts its ascent again.

"It was productive."

"What did you talk about?" he asks studying me as he moves the bar down again.

I sigh. I didn't mind telling Scully about the session earlier...but right now I'm feeling like once was enough. I'm hungry and horny and I don't want to think about Allen Greenberg or the intimate workings of my psyche for the rest of the evening.

"Would you mind if I give you the condensed version? I just got done telling Scully all about it and I'm...well...I can fill in the details for you later...maybe tomorrow night."

Skinner gives me an understanding look as he pulls the curl bar back up.

"Sure...go ahead and cut to the chase."

My grateful look isn't lost on him, I'm sure.

"I'm making progress. I'll be fine...and Allen wants to see me in about two weeks."

"I like your condensed version." He smiles. "That's good news then."

"Thanks. And yeah, I was definitely glad to hear it."

He carefully lowers the curl bar all the way to the exercise mat that he's standing on. After he sets it down, Skinner stands back up and walks over to the weight bench. I look up into his face, and into his eyes. Their brown depths are so revealing without his glasses. He's still often a man of few words, but his eyes always tell me his feelings. My news was more than good for him to hear. He's as profoundly relieved as I am that my psychologist has given me a positive prognosis.

"Did Scully fall asleep?" he asks, bending over past me to pick up a dumbbell.

I chuckle.

"Yeah. She was on the couch, but I woke her up."

"I was hoping she would rest," Walter replies as he straightens, the dumbbell in his hand. "I tried to persuade her to go upstairs and take a nap in the master bedroom but she insisted she wasn't that tired. She wanted to start reading that Stephen King book. But I figured she wouldn't be able to stay awake."

"I told her to go back to sleep and I'd come upstairs to roust you. I volunteered us for dinner duty. I checked on Charlie too. He's out like a light as well."

"Yeah, he needed a nap too," Walter informs me as he stares down at me. "He had a hard day raising hell at daycare."

I don't answer him and my eyes are automatically headed below Walter's waist.

I just catch Walter's bemused smile.

"Mulder...I need to sit down there to do my forearm curls."

A pleasant warm heaviness courses through my groin and balls, and my cock starts to swell. I can feel pre-cum oozing from the tip. As it dampens the inside of my sweats my eyes wander down to between Skinner's legs. I sense him looking down at the top of my head, his fingers clench the dumbbell where it appears in my field of vision.

"Man...I'd really like you to fuck me right now," I whisper. I look up into his face again and lick my lips.

And oh yeah...I know where that idea came from too...Dr. Greenberg. I want to tell myself I can let Walter take control and you now what...I can and not feel insecure at all. The one place I've never had a problem letting Walter take charge was in bed. Where pleasure's concerned I'm secure enough to take it any way I can get it. It's love and relationships where I falter...sex I've always been able to do just fine.

He rumbles a chuckle.

"Mulder...*I* really need to get this workout in. And I thought you said we were going to fix dinner?"

"I know what I want to eat," I murmur, indicating his cock with my chin. I glance at the open doorway and then back at Skinner. "Go close the door."

Skinner's eyes are that rich, flashing dark brown almost black that tells me his arousal is just right there, ready to be unleashed. He's wavering...I bet he's thinking that maybe he can do those forearm curls in another way if he's imaginative. Maybe dinner can be a little late.

I give him a sly smile and reaching forward, fondle his balls. He tries to give me an annoyed look but the hiss of breath, as well as the fact his cock twitches a little is kind of a dead giveaway that he's probably going to take me up on my offer. He makes one last ditch effort to turn me down though.

"Mulder..." he warns gruffly.


Both our heads automatically swivel slowly toward the doorway that was empty a moment ago. Charlie's standing there in his Pokeman BVDs, rubbing at his eyes a little as he watches us.

To both of our credit, we don't panic. Charlie's seen us all naked before so the fact that Walter's in the buff working out isn't a big deal. I carefully pull my hand from between his legs. Skinner steps back a little and lowers the weight to the floor. Any interest his cock had in my suggestion is rapidly dissipating and even if he was a little hard, I think that would have gone over Charlie's head.

"What's up, slugger?" I ask.

"I woke up," Charlie replies, his voice a little whiny. "Daddy...I'm hungry," he adds, looking at me as he walks into the room.

"Oh yeah? Well come here, Pikachu," I reply, smiling. I stretch my arm out, beckoning Charlie to come over. He giggles at my pet name for him and runs forward into my arms, hugging me hard. I hug him back and chuckle at that giggle. It's pure Scully...even though she won't admit she does it.

"Did you climb up the steps like Mom taught you...slowly, with your hand on the rail?" I query. My heart's pumping a little fast at the idea the kid might have taken a header out there on the attic steps. "You know you have to be careful on stairs."

"Yup." Charlie nods and smiles up at me.

"Good job," Walter interjects, smiling and nodding at Charlie.

Charlie looks over at Walter and for the first time I guess he notices that Walter's naked. He takes his body in, from head to toe and then zeros in on his crotch. His eyes narrow a little as if he's making a clinical examination. For a brief moment I can see Scully very clearly in his expression and I smile inwardly at the idea.

"Big pe-nis," Charlie suddenly observes matter-of-factly.

I almost choke on my laughter. Walter doesn't utter a sound...he just stands there with his mouth open a little and his ears turning red.

"Out of the mouths of babes," I snort as Walter goes over to a nearby chair and grabs his shorts.

"Whatever," Skinner mumbles and I laugh again.

Charlie looks from Walter to me and back at Walter again as Skinner pulls his sweat shorts up the column of his muscular legs. He flips the elastic up over the object of Charlie's assertion and arranges it in his pants.

Charlie looks at me again like he expects a comment in return.

"Yeah...well...we talked about how penises get bigger as we grow older and get bigger all over, remember?" I query, looking into his intelligent blue eyes.

"Oh...yeah," he nods in affirmative. Then he looks back at Walter and it's clear the subject of Skinner's endowment is no longer of interest to my son.

"Uncle Wall...you hungry too?"

Charlie's able to enunciate the word 'Uncle' just fine at this point. I suspect he can enunciate 'Walter' too. But he's stuck with his babytalk version of Walter's first name. I think the reason he has is because for Charlie, even though he's tall for a 3 year old, Walter must look like the Great Wall of China when he stands looking up at him. So, 'Wall' it is...at least for now.

"Yeah, I have kind of worked up an appetite," Walter replies giving me a significant look. I can feel my ears growing a little hot. We're going to have to be more discreet around here I guess with Charlie getting more adventuresome.

"Lifting weights does that. But I need to wait on dinner...I have a few more exercises to do."

"Come eat dinner," Charlie giggles, reaching out and grabbing Walter's hand. He tugs a little and Walter pretends to sway forward under Charlie's mighty efforts.

I grin up at Walter. I can practically see him thinking 'like father, like son'.

"I have some forearm curls to do yet," Walter reiterates, planting his feet and ceasing to sway forward. Charlie can't budge him then. Charlie strains, his lips pressed tight.

"Umph," he grunts. Then he gives up with a whoosh of breath and wriggles out of my grasp. I stand up as he dives down to the floor and puts his hands around Walter's dumbbell.

"Lift," he insists, yanking up on it. "Gotta get strong to pull Uncle Wall."

"You want to help me do my forearm curls?" Walter smiles, seeking to redirect Charlie's attention so he can finish up his weight-lifting.

"Yes!" Charlie replies, delight in his high pitched voice.

"I thought you were hungry?" I laugh.

"Daddy, go fix dinner. Uncle Wall and I need to work out," Charlie answers me with an imperious wave of his hand.

Walter snorts a laugh and I pull a mock pout.

"Well gee...I guess your old dad has been relegated to second fiddle here. Just call me chief cook and bottle washer."

Walter bends down and picks up the dumbbell. Charlie's still hanging onto it and Walter lets him help him lift if up again.

"From the look of this kid's long legs, he's going to be out there running on the track and shooting hoops with you soon enough, Mulder," Skinner replies with a chuckle.

"What do you say, Charlie...weight-lifting now, running and hoops with your dad another day?" I ask, smiling at them both.

Charlie looks up at me and smiles wide.

"Ok!" he replies eagerly. Then he lets go of the weight and dashes back into my arms, hugging my legs tight when he collides with me."

"Whoa," I laugh, squeezing him as he presses his face against my thigh.

"I love you, Daddy," he whispers and I feel my throat clog with emotion.

"I love you too, Charlie," I murmur, patting his back.

Skinner clears his throat and turning away, busies himself with sitting down on the weight bench. I know he's giving us a moment of privacy. He's clearly affected by the scene. Walter's got a big soft spot in the middle of his heart for Charlie. I can just imagine the way the big guy's going to dote on his kid.

After a few more seconds of squeezing my thighs, Charlie releases me and bounces back over to Walter. Skinner's head is bent over his forearm, intent on curling the dumbbell up and then lowering it slowly back down.

If Walter had any doubts that Charlie both loves and has a healthy dose of hero worship for him he only has to look in his eyes. Walter curls the dumbbell, flexing his corded forearm and on the down curl, he looks up into Charlie's face. I know he sees what I saw in Charlie's eyes then, because he smiles. The unguarded full tooth smile that we're graced with only when Walter is very pleased about something. He smiles that way now at Charlie and indicates the weight with his chin.

"I think I need some help, slugger. You want to give this a push when I curl it up again?"

"Yes, please!" Charlie crows, stepping forward.

"Just put your hands underneath...that's right...just like that," Walter instructs, his deep voice soft and patient as Charlie fumbles a little with gripping the dumbbell in Walter's gloved hand.

I watch, my smile a little wistful. Charlie really is getting big. Man...time flies...

Charlie's voice interrupts my nostalgic thoughts.

"Daddy...can we have hot dogs?"

I chuckle, dispelling my melancholy.

"Ok...I can take a hint. Yeah, we can have hot dogs. I'll get right on it."

Walter grins up at me as he pulls the weight back toward his elbow with Charlie's help.

"This'll only take a few more minutes, Mulder. We'll be down to help soon," he assures me. I see his love for me showing clearly in his eyes. "And about earlier..." he adds a little more quietly. "Rain check for tonight."

I chuckle and nod.

"You've got a deal there."

He nods and bends back over the weight.

"You're doing great, Charlie...that's a big help," he tells the boy as Charlie concentrates on pushing the weight up, his brow furrowed in thought.

I leave them to their labors and head back downstairs to start dinner and then wake up Scully.


"Hey," I laugh as Charlie presses the rubber duck really hard, squirting water all over my face and naked chest.

"Gotcha, Daddy!" he laughs, splashing the duck in the tub water.

"I forgot to...duck," I quip, grinning at him. Charlie stops, looks at me and then looks at the duck. He giggles.

"Member to duck next time," he replies.

I ruffle his wet hair and then knee walk over and grab the towel off the toilet seat. As I start to blot my chest, my fingers find the scar that runs down my sternum. I ignore it and clear away the water. I'm at last past that time when I used to become uncomfortable if I noticed this reminder of my abduction. The scars on my face don't bother me any longer either. Driving them from my mind was helped by the luck of good healing and some judicious plastic surgery. I think the fact that I was doing so well made the return of my nightmares even more unexpected and disturbing. I'm just glad I'm doing as well as I am with Allen Greenberg I guess. It could be worse. I wipe my face and toss the towel back to where it was folded up.

Tonight's bath night for Charlie. After dinner Scully, still somewhat tired, went upstairs early for a shower. She changed into her nightgown and robe and came back downstairs for an hour or so of TV with me, Charlie and Walter. Walter had showered before dinner, so that just left me and Charlie to clean up.

I took a quick shower and then drew his bath while Walter and Scully read Charlie his bedtime story...or rather read along with him. Charlie's figured out most of the text on his own already. Gibson's gift of "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish," has become more of a 'bonding tool', a way for all of us to enjoy each other's company as a family.

So, now I'm kneeling next to the tub in my boxer briefs making sure Charlie washes behind his ears and gets scrubbed in general. He's succeeded in getting me wet and soapy more than once and we've laughed over it every time. But he's done now and it's time we were thinking of finishing up before we're both pruney.

"Come on, buddy, I think you're done," I inform him.

"Ok," he nods, putting the yellow rubber duck in the net sling that hangs over the edge of the tub. He grabs the porcelain and starts to rise up. I stand and bending reach under his arms to lift him out.

"Heavy, dude," I grunt as I swing him up and over the tub lip.

"Hickey says I'm buff," he replies, reaching for the towel on the toilet.

I chuckle and kneel down, wrapping the towel around him.

"If you keep helping Uncle Walter with his weights you will be."

I rub the soft green towel over him drying his legs and then the rest of him. When I reach his head I put the towel over it.

"Hey...where didja go?" I ask seriously.

"Daddy," he replies patiently as if I'm a total idiot. "I'm under here."

Ok...I guess that game's a little old now...or rather he's a little too old for it, I think as I ruffle the towel through his auburn hair.

When his hair's dry I stand up and place the towel back on the rack next to the tub.

"Daddy...I have to go to the bathroom," Charlie says before I turn around.

"Oh...ok. Sitting down or standing up?" I ask, turning back around.

"Standing up," he answers, his gaze drifting to the toilet.

His old potty chair is next to it. Charlie was a little difficult to potty train and until recently he was still a bit too small to quite make it to the toilet. So, we've kept the potty chair around and he's still been using it, including using it to learn to pee standing up over the tiny bowl. But now as I look at him standing next to the john, I can tell from the expression on his face that he wants to try the 'big person's' toilet. Well, what the hell...I guess it's about time for his first instructions in using it.

"You want to try using the big toilet?"

I indicate the bowl with my chin.

He nods, with a serious expression on his face.

"Ok...well...uh...hang on," I reply, still a little unprepared for the lesson. I step over to the toilet. "Here...you have to open the lid and seat first."

He walks over and I let him lift first one and then the other. He has a little trouble but manages it well enough to tell me he can do it on his own if necessary.

"Good...so...first...assume the position," I advise, moving to near his side in case he needs some help. He complies, bellying up to the edge of the bowl. "A little closer."

Charlie presses himself right into the porcelain and I shift so I'm standing slightly in back of him to guide him better.

"That's great, champ. Ok, now, uh..."

"Do this," he nods, reaching down for his penis.

"Yeah, exactly. Now, aim over the edge there."

Charlie, his brow furrowed, concentrates on aiming in the direction of the water in the toilet.

"You can use both hands if it's easier," I tell him.

He nods and gives my suggestion a try.

"Right. So...go ahead and give it a shot." I crane my neck so I can see over his head and observe he's not quite going to make it. I gently lift his elbows a little and then carefully let go so he can have a sense of doing it himself.

Charlie bends his head to his task. He presses his lips together, focusing hard and in a few seconds starts to pee into the bowl. His aim still isn't great, we're going to have to wipe the rim, but I'm as proud as hell that he's managing to do it at all.

"Charlie, that's great. You're doing a really good job," I murmur as his urine stream wavers a little.

"Missing," he mumbles in chagrin.

"That's ok...we'll clean it off later. Just lift up...there you go. See you don't get any on the rim that way."

He doesn't look around at me as he waits for things to quit.

"Great," I inform him and then he does look up at me when he's through.

"Ok...what do you do when you're done?" I query, my eyebrows raised.

"Shake it off," he replies confidently, turning back to do so.

I chuckle

"You've got it."

Charlie smiles up at me. I can tell he's as pleased as I am with his accomplishment.

"All right, dude, mission accomplished," I grin down at him.

He gives me a little thumbs up like he's seen Jimmy Bond do before. I laugh, give him a pat on the back and step away from him.

"A-ok," he replies using one of Jimmy's expressions.

"Yes, sir," I reply with a smile.

I rip some toilet paper off the roll and wipe the rim.

"If you miss, just wipe it up," I advise him. He nods and I toss the toilet paper in the toilet.

"Now...here's the very last thing," I inform him as he looks up at me studiously. "And this is really important. Whenever you use the toilet, close both the seat and lid again."

His brow furrows.


"Because Mommy...uh...because no one likes to sit down in cold water when you forget to close them. It makes everyone a little upset. We don't want anyone to be upset, do we?"

"No," he replies gravely.

"Right. So remember to close the seat and lid no matter where you are."

I shut them both and look back at him.

"Ok," he answers agreeably.

"All right. Come on...we'll wash our hands and then let's get your pajamas on and go tell Mom and Uncle Walter what you did."

He nods with excitement and heads over to the sink, stepping up on the low stool next to it. He may be tall enough to reach the toilet, but the sink bowl is still a bit too high for him to reach. I take a quick piss myself, and then follow him over so that both of us can wash up.


"Mommy, Mommy!" Charlie yells as he dashes out of the bathroom ahead of me. "I peed in the big toilet!"

Scully is lying on her side on the King-sized bed, her knees tucked up in her nightgown and robe, her elbow propped up on a pillow. Skinner sits behind her wearing only his boxer briefs, massaging her lower back. Her eyes are shut in bliss as Walter's strong hands knead her sore muscles but when she hears Charlie's exclamation her lids flutter open and she smiles at him.

"You did?"

"Yes. And Daddy only had to help me a little too."

Walter smiles at him and pulls his hands off Scully, allowing her to sit up as Charlie runs over and clambers up on the bed.

"Good deal, partner," he adds, giving Charlie's hair a ruffle when the boy gets near him. Scully sits up completely and Charlie slides over opposite Skinner on the other side of her hip, cuddling close to her. She hugs him to her side and kisses his forehead.

"I'm very proud of you," Scully says simply.

I walk over and sit on the end of the bed.

"Yeah...he did a great job. Shut the toilet seat and lid, washed his hands...the whole shebang. I guess he had a good teacher," I smirk at her.

Scully raises an eyebrow and gives me a wry look.

"I should hope so. After all...Mommy taught Daddy very well too."

Walter snorts a laugh.

"Hey...what are you laughing at...she's got you towing the line too, Charles Atlas," I reply, chuckling.

Walter laughs.

"Who's Charlie...Charles Ack...Ack..." Charlie starts to ask, stumbling over the name.

"Charles At-las," I pronounce for him. "He was a weight lifter like your Uncle Walter...except a famous one. I mean...he was on TV and in books."

"Uncle Wall's gonna be in a book," Charlie retorts, giving Walter a smile.

Walter sighs a little. I know of the three of us Walter's the least sure whether he's going to enjoy the publicity the book engenders. His part in the events is the least easy to explain and potentially the one that's going to bring the most trouble to all of us...at least as he sees it. Only time will tell...but in any event the book gives a fair and accurate account of his role fighting the invasion and colonization and I have confidence that once people read that account they'll think Walter Skinner's as good a man as I do.

"Yeah, your Uncle Walter's gonna get another 15 minutes of fame, I guess," he replies, looking down at Scully's hip. He reaches over and gently caresses her.

"How's the back?" he asks quietly, looking up at her.

"Much better, thank you," Scully replies sincerely. She gives him a tender smile.

Charlie's clearly lost interest in Charles Atlas and the book because he snuggles closer to Scully and puts his head on her stomach. He yawns a little and his hand comes up to pat her.

"Halooo," he calls, speaking into her nightgown covered stomach.

Walter chuckles and I smile.

"Do you want to feel the baby kick?" Scully asks.

"Yes!" Charlie nods eagerly.

Scully smoothes the material of her nightgown flat and takes Charlie's hand. She places his fingers just below where her belly button pushes up through the fabric.

"Right there," she suggests, watching Charlie's face. The room is silent as Charlie touches her, biting his lip a little. "That's your little sister or brother."

"Oooo," he coos, looking up and giggling.

Scully chuckles and looks up at us.

"He or she is doing a tap dance in there right now."

I glance at Walter. He's completely entranced, his expression showing his deep love for Scully and his own pleasure at impending fatherhood.

Charlie looks up and into Walter's face. He studies him for a moment, a quizzical expression on his face. Then he reaches out and takes his hand.

"Dancing," he whispers with a little smile. Charlie draws Walter's hand over to Scully's stomach. I watch quietly as Walter stares at the boy for a moment and then lets Charlie lead him to Scully's abdomen. Walter splays his large hand over Scully and Charlie removes his hand and sits back.

We haven't told Charlie that Walter's the baby's father. We just thought he was a little too young to understand. All he knows right now is he's getting a new little brother or sister and that Scully's the Mommy. He has a vague idea that Daddy helped put the baby in there because he loves Mommy...he just doesn't know Daddy's really Walter. But to be honest...he's more focused on the baby and Scully than Walter's or my role in the blessed event.

But for some reason as I watch Charlie studying Walter touching Scully's abdomen, I have a feeling the kid's a lot more perceptive than we think. He seems to know more than anyone gives him credit for. It's as if he knows Skinner had something to do with the pregnancy and his taking his hand was his acknowledgment that Walter should share in the experience. Yeah, well like I said...he's an intelligent kid. He's probably picked up enough non-verbal keys to realize Walter's not just the fond "Uncle" this go around.

"The kid's really boogying in here," Walter finally observes, breaking into a big smile.

"Booger?" Charlie giggles.

Walter laughs and so do I. Scully raises an eyebrow.

"No...boog-ie. It means to dance like those people we saw on the history of rock and roll show on TV," Scully replies.

"Twist?" Charlie replies, a little puzzled.

"Yeah, something like that." I reply, nodding.

"You could say the baby is ac-tive," Scully clarifies.

"Ac-tive," Charlie repeats.

"The baby does seem strong," Walter interjects, removing his hand from Scully's abdomen.

"Oh yes, it's that all right," Scully chuckles shifting her gown. "I would imagine it'll be a weight lifter like Uncle Walter," she adds a smile playing about her lips as she looks at Skinner. Skinner runs his hand over the back of his neck and gives her a bit of a grin.

"Oh boy!" Charlie exclaims, "More people workin' out."

We all laugh and I grab Charlie, pulling him down toward me, tickling him.

"Daddy! Daddy!" he laughs breathlessly.

We wrestle for a minute and then I let him get the upper hand. He quickly has me down on the bed, tickling me unmercifully.

"Oh! Help! Deputy Director Skinner...Doctor Scully...somebody rescue me!" I mug like crazy.

Walter chuckles.

"I don't know, Doctor Scully...what do you think? Should I help Professor Mulder? I mean for an ex-FBI agent he certainly let the UNSUB get the upper hand easily."

Scully exhales a mock put upon sigh.

"I suppose you'd better help him. It looks like he's in serious trouble. It definitely looks like a job for Deputy Director Walter Skinner...under the circumstances," she replies, indicating the mound of her stomach.

Walter laughs and addresses Charlie and me. Charlie's giggling so hard over me his face is as red as a tomato.

"All right. The cavalry's on the way, Professor Mulder...hang on!" Walter announces theatrically.

I look up into Charlie's laughing face.

"Oh, oh. You're in for it now, renegade Pokeman...the DD's on the case,"

Charlie laughs and pushes away from me.

"Won't catch Pi-ka-chu," he giggles, sliding away.

He's off the bed in a flash but Walter's long legs and faster stride are way too quick for Charlie. He's on him in two long pumps of his muscular boxer brief clad legs, snagging the back of Charlie's bright red pjs as he flees.

"Gotcha!" Walter yells and Charlie gives a high pitched scream of delight.

Scully, who's been laughing a bit as well, suddenly covers her ears.

"Good Lord, Charlie!" she exclaims a little annoyed.

I glance at her and realize maybe we shouldn't be horsing around so much...after all, Scully's tired and sore.

"You shouldn't have gotten him so worked up," she mumbles, admonishing me.

Walter doesn't hear her over Charlie's chortling as he effortlessly swings him up into his arms and sticks his mouth under his chin, buzzing Charlie's neck with his lips. Charlie's wiggling and giggling fiercely but I can see Scully is rapidly losing patience with the display.

"Ok...ok...I'm safe and sound Deputy Director. Why don't we uh...call it a night? Come on, Pikachu...time to hit the Pokeman sack."

"No!" Charlie yells, twisting around in Walter's arms. He's in full pout mode instantly.

"Charlie...Mommy's a little tired...she'd like to go to bed and..." Scully begins.

"No!" Charlie insists loudly, crossing his arms over his chest and frowning at all of us in defiance. He shakes his head in negation several times.

Before Scully or I can reprimand him, Walter speaks.

"Hey," he barks, quickly lowering Charlie down to the wooden floor. Charlie sticks his bare feet out and lands on them as Walter releases him and stands back. He looks up at Walter's stern face, his eyes wide.

"Your mother said she's tired. A gentleman would say 'yes ma'am' and haul his butt off to bed...and he'd apologize to his mother for being rude before he did."

Charlie looks down at the ground.

"I'm not a gentle-man?" His voice is very soft.

"Not right then you weren't, no."

"I'm sorry," he whispers.

Walter nods.

"All right...apology accepted. Now what do you say to your mother?"

"I'm sorry, Mommy."

"Good," Walter replies, reaching out and stroking his hair. Charlie looks up and gives Walter a tentative smile. Skinner tenderly wraps his arm around him and pulls him close, giving him a hug.

"That's my boy," he murmurs.

He looks up at me.

"We probably shouldn't have gotten him so worked up."

I give a rueful nod.

"Yeah, uh...good point," I reply giving Scully a self-deprecating look, "Sorry, Pikachu. Dad got you going a little too hard I guess," I add looking back at Charlie.

"It's all right," Scully sighs. "Charlie come here and Mommy will give you a kiss goodnight," she adds from where she's shifted to sit on the edge of the bed.

Walter releases Charlie and he scampers over to Scully. She draws him as close as she can with her stomach in the way and kisses him on the cheek. He hugs her, pressing against her roundness and then kisses her back.

"I love you, Mommy," he whispers.

"I love you too, sweetheart. It's important we all get our rest tonight. Tomorrow's a big day...the Gunmen are coming, remember?"

"Oh...yes!" Charlie enthuses a little breathlessly, all the unpleasantness of the last few minutes quickly forgotten. He turns toward Walter.

"Take me?" he asks.

"Sure, partner. Come on, you can ride on my shoulders." Charlie smiles wide and runs over to Walter. Skinner picks him up and deposits him on his back. "Hang on, here we go," he warns as he starts to head for the doorway. "Watch the glasses," he chuckles as Charlie wraps his hands around his head.

"I'm the King of the World!" Charlie shouts as Walter transports him away from us.

Scully and I watch and it occurs to me that the kid's going to forget to duck when he reaches the open doorway. Evidently Scully's thinking the same thing because she starts to speak when I do.

"Charlie..." we both call out in unison...just as Charlie bends over Walter's bald head and misses the door frame. Our son glances around and gives Scully and I a real Mulder shit eating grin.

"*I* member to duck, Daddy," he says and I laugh like hell as Walter carries him out the door.


Scully walks back from the bathroom and past me to where she was sitting on the bed. She levers herself back up onto the mattress and I help her lift her bare feet up. She props herself against the headboard again. As I watch her, the digital readout on the radio alarm clock face changes to 8:30.

"Are you sure you're ok?" I ask her, concern clear in my voice. I move forward and place my hand on her stomach. I rub gently, circling around her belly button, pressing just a little to massage her skin. The baby isn't kicking. The little tap dancer must be asleep in there finally.

She props herself up better on the pillows against the headboard.

"Sure...I'm fine, really. Just tired," she replies, making a dismissive gesture.

"How are your feet?" I ask from my seat on the edge of the bed.

"Ok, I'll confess...they are aching. Walter didn't get to those when he was massaging my back earlier."

"Oh...well allow me...Shamu," I smirk.

She kicks out at my arm and laughs. I shift out of the way and pull myself up on the bed.

"You're lucky you have quick reflexes," she teases, tickling my nuts through my boxer briefs with her toes as I move over in back of her feet.

I chuckle.

"Now, now...if you start that kind of thing we'll never get this massage done," I warn her with a smile.

She grins back and I sit Indian style and lift her feet up into my lap.

"When you see Dr. Barry on Monday...maybe you should mention the fatigue."

"Mulder, it's common after the kind of day I had to need rest. I had two lectures and I was on my feet the whole time."

I nod.

"Ok...but mention it, all right?"

"Yes, dear," she replies smiling patiently.

Walter's been gone with Charlie for a while now. He's probably having a little trouble getting him to settle down after our earlier rough housing. I do a mental shrug. Oh well...at least Charlie learned a couple of good lessons tonight regarding what it means to be a gentleman, I think as I start to knead Scully's right foot and ankle. I knead for a few minutes and then decide to make conversation.

"So...are you going to ask Dr. Barry to tell you the sex?"

"You've asked me that every time I've gone to see her," Scully replies with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey, I've badgered her myself when we've gone together." A grin plays about my lips. "I'd pump her for information again if I wasn't dealing with the publishers Monday afternoon and could go along with you."

"Listen," she sighs. "It's lucky Nancy Barry is willing to entertain the thought that you're my husband and Skinner's fathering this baby...she's a very liberal woman and badgering her about telling you the sex is..."

"Ok...I'll cut you both some slack. I'm getting the idea neither of you will ever deign to find out and tell me anyway," I reply, pulling a mock pout.

She gooses me a little with her free foot.

"Precisely. Walter wants to be surprised and that's what he told Dr. Barry. I agreed with him."

"Yeah...but what about choosing a name?"

"You know as well as I do that we've talked about possible names for either gender. We just haven't decided on any name yet."

"Well...look at how not knowing the gender worked at the baby shower...all those red, yellow and green outfits...the kid's going to look like a traffic light." The smirk I give her is met with a look of mock indignation.

"Oh come on...my mother and Tara gave us those cute black and white onesies. Those are nice."

"Yeah, Walter liked those *and* the pastels," I muse, giving her a grin as I massage her instep.

"You just don't like some of the pastels because you're color blind," she teases.

"Thank you. I thought you were going to say because I don't have good taste."

She giggles and then sighs as I work her foot.

"Oh...that feels so good," she comments, tipping her head back.

I smile.

"Walter's really happy about the baby. You can see it in his face," I observe quietly, switching feet.

"I know. I'm so pleased that's the case. You should see him at class. I think the instructor wonders what's going on because Walter can barely contain himself sometimes. It's sweet. And don't you dare tease him about it."

"I wouldn't dream of it," I reply, grinning.

She looks at me then, tipping her head back down from the headboard.

"One thing I'm not sure he's happy about though is the book publicity tour," she remarks.

"Yeah...I got that idea from his 15 minutes of fame comment. I think he had a belly full of publicity during the congressional hearings. I can't blame him for not looking forward to more."

"I think he's relieved that all that public hero worship finally died down."

"Exactly. Well...maybe we should talk to him more about it. His part of the tour hasn't really been arranged yet. Maybe we can work something out in terms of his exposure or something. We could talk it over with him and see if he wants to go to the publishers about it," I suggest.

"Yes we should see what he thinks," Scully agrees. "Once he's moved in it'll be easier to discuss things with him as well."

I nod and go back to massaging. I rub her foot, pressing into it hard.

"This ok...not too hard is it?"

"No...you've got magic fingers."

"Oh yeah...I know that...lover," I reply my voice seductive. I can feel her pulse quicken in her ankle.

"Well...he's finally asleep," Walter says as he comes back into the room and shuts the door behind him, locking it.

"Hey, I am sorry I got him so wound up...really," I comment, glancing over at Walter and then looking back at Scully with an agreeable dip of my chin.

"I think we all contributed to that," Scully replies sincerely.

"Agreed. We need to remember his bedtime isn't playtime. At least that's what my mother used to say to us," Skinner nods.

He stands watching us for a few moments, his hand on his hip, his weight canted to one side.

"There's research to back that up," Scully agrees, nodding as well. "And I'd have to say Charlie just validated their data."

I finish massaging Scully's foot and then lay it back in my lap.


"Yes, thank you too," Scully smiles at me.

Skinner saunters over to the bed.

"You doing ok?" he asks Scully, sitting down next to her on the edge of the mattress. He places his large hand against her cheek, cupping her face.

"Yes...I was telling Mulder, I'm just tired, that's all."

He nods and moves his head to hers, placing a soft kiss on her mouth.

"Why don't you call in sick Monday...make a long weekend of it. You have the doctor's appointment in the afternoon anyway," he mumbles as he pulls back.

"Yeah, Scully...this is going to be a hell of a weekend. You might want to consider it."

She looks pensive for a moment. Skinner's thumb caresses her jaw.

"I guess I could do that. Greg, the TA can cover the lecture I have in the morning. He just has to administer a test anyway. I can call him over the weekend and leave him a message about taking the day off."

"Good," Skinner pronounces. Then he places his hand on her stomach and gently strokes her there while he moves in and kisses her again. This time she brings her hand up and caresses his jaw as his mouth works over hers.

As he kisses her, Scully's toes curl and uncurl, rubbing my cock. I feel myself growing aroused both from that and just from observing them. Walter's earlier rain check offer comes back to mind.

"Hey...Skinner...quit makin' out with my wife," I say, teasing as he breaks the kiss, Scully's toes still on my lap.

He turns his head to look at me and I can see the spark in his eyes. He gives me a wicked grin. "I haven't forgotten," he purrs. Heat pools in my groin and I shudder as he smiles in my direction.

Scully looks from Walter to me and back at Walter. She smiles a little.

"I take it you two made some plans?"

I chuckle and Walter turns to look at her again.

"Yeah," Skinner replies, giving her a somewhat sheepish grin. "I guess I need to give Mulder the rain check we talked about in the attic earlier. But...uh...if you'd rather we take the party elsewhere so you can get to sleep we..."

Scully smiles more openly.

"It's ok...I don't think I'm completely ready to sleep yet. But I'm not quite up to actively joining in..." she starts to reply. Then she hesitates, suddenly a little shy. Her cheeks flush.

"You want to watch?" I grin.

She hesitates just a second longer...and then nods.

"Yes," she admits, smiling in self-deprecation. "If you two don't mind," she amends, looking from Walter to me.

I chuckle and Walter smiles.

"I don't think I'd mind at all. Walter?"

"No...I think we can manage that," he replies, grinning at Scully.

Scully's nervousness diminishes and she returns Walter's smile.

"I just had a feeling you'd both manage," she teases.

In all the time we've been together Scully has never watched just Walter and I making love. We've either always been three to a bed where everyone's involved or one of us has been watching the other with her. For some reason whenever Walter and I have gone at it we've always been alone. So, this should be fun, I think. Scully's own private show.

"Let me go get a condom," Walter suggests.

I nod.

He leaves us to go back into the bathroom. There's a new box of Lifestyle's and new bottle of lube in the medicine cabinet and we haven't restocked the nightstand drawer yet.

"Get comfortable, madame," I smile at Scully. When she moves, I pull my boxer briefs off and toss them over onto a chair with a flourish.

She laughs a little and shifts up, resting her back at a better angle against the pillows and the headboard. She removes her robe and lays it to the side. Her heavy breasts, the nipples nubbing up are outlined through her nightgown. The swell of her stomach is outlined as well. She raises her knees up and I can see her crotch against her panties. She's a little wet. I lick my lips and scoot up next to her on the bed.

"You're wet for us," I purr, my voice low and intense.

"Yes," she whispers.

"Can I touch you? Is it all right?" I ask, touching the inside of her thigh.

"Yes," she replies, giving me permission.

I smile at her and shift up onto the bed, moving in between her legs.

"Oh," she chuckles as I move her leg aside and place my hands over her mons. She tenses up a little.

"I can stop," I advise her, looking up and asking her with my eyes if she'd rather I take my hand away.

"If you do, I'll kick your ass," she chuckles, giving me a mock threatening look.

I grin at her and start to massage her slowly.

"Relax," I whisper. "Just put your head back and relax."

I watch her larynx move up and down as she swallows. Her eyes pin mine and she watches as I lower my head between her legs.

"Oh Jesus, Mulder," she giggles a little as I place my mouth over the crotch of her panties and suck at the material.

She shifts her head back then and I feel her relax around me as she goes with the experience.

She tastes different now, her pregnancy changing her salty muskiness to a more sweet flavor...something resembling a combination of vanilla and honey. It's incredible and every time I go down on her it's a terrific turn-on. I reach down between my legs and stroke my cock for a few moments as I increase the pressure over her folds and clit through her panties.

I hear Walter come back out of the bathroom and saunter over to the end of the bed. His footsteps stop there and I know he's watching us as I pleasure Scully.

"You both look fantastic," he comments his voice gruff with arousal.

Scully begins to thrust her hips against my face, her breathing picking up.

Finally I slip the material of her panties aside and tug on her clit, sucking and then licking it firmly.

"OhGod," she breathes out. "Good."

I gently thrust two fingers into her and arch them up, seeking her G-spot. She moans.

"Oh...right there."

I feather her inside, stroking up into her and she cries out, her muscles clenching around my fingers. I keep up the pressure on her clit with my tongue and she shudders, gushing a little fluid onto my lower lip and chin.

I press on her perineum and feel a couple of extra spasms that start deep in her vagina and ripple down to my fingers. She pants and then laughs.

"Ok?" I ask her, smiling up from between her thighs.

"Oh yeah," she exhales, stroking my hair. Her other hand rests on her stomach and she massages it lightly. I would imagine the kid woke up in there after those contractions. Hopefully he or she goes back to sleep fairly quickly.

I nod and pull my fingers out of Scully. Something hits my ass and I glance back. Walter, naked now, has tossed a towel in my direction with a very accurate aim. I chuckle.


He grins. I use the towel to wipe between Scully's legs. I help her to rearrange her panties and then I wipe off my fingers. Scully smiles up at me, a contented expression on her face and I start to wipe my mouth.

"Don't," Walter rumbles. "I want to taste it," he adds, walking around the bed. I slide to the edge of the bed, swinging my legs over and drape the towel over the edge. Scully watches us as I stand up to meet Walter. He's there then...pulling me too him roughly, taking my face, pressing his lips eagerly to mine and sucking in Scully's juices as his tongue invades my mouth.

Jesus, I can smell him...that rich, spicy aroma that Skinner exudes when he's aroused. When he releases my mouth with a wet sound, I reach down and grab his hips. I slide my mouth down his chin and over it, skimming my tongue down his body, sucking and licking as I go. Walter hisses and then groans low in his throat. When I'm down on my knees before him, my nose ends up in his wiry pubic hair, drinking in his masculine scent.

"God...you smell good," I murmur against his hair.

He laughs a full throaty laugh of appreciation and with the sound, all thoughts of Scully watching us are gone. There are only two things in my world right now, Walter Skinner and his magnificent cock.

"You tasted good. The combination of you and Scully was incredible," he rumbles, reaching down for my head.

My hands skim around to hold his ass and knead the powerful muscles there. He threads the strong fingers of his left hand into my hair and strokes my head tenderly for a moment. Then his right hand snakes in beneath my head and toys with his cock, rubbing it up under my chin. I lick and suck the warm skin above his thatch of pubic hair and then tongue down on either side, licking the sensitive inner part of his thighs. At that point, he gently draws my head back and lifts his cock up to my lips.

My mouth opens and he puts the head of his cock in past my teeth. His hands shift to my shoulders. "Suck it first and then I'm gonna use it to ream your ass good," Walter growls. I smile around his dick, shut my mouth over the head and bring my right hand up, wrapping it around the base. Then I proceed to work my mouth down his length.

"That's it, baby...take it all," he grunts as he watches his flesh disappear into my mouth inch by inch.

I relax my gag reflex and take him all the way into my throat. Then I draw him out again, and repeat the movement, sucking and tonguing him as I go. I brace my other arm by holding his hip as Walter thrusts into my face.

"Oh yeah...that's it...that's it," he mumbles, his hands flexing and unflexing on my shoulder muscles.

We move in unison for a few minutes, my head bobbing up and down. Then I add my hand, working his glans with my mouth and pumping his shaft at the same time. Walter's hips piston into me in perfect counterpoint.

"That's it...suck it hard...uh...you're good...so good," Walter murmurs, sliding a hand up to caress my cheek. His mouth opens and he pants for a second. "See, Scully...watch him take my whole dick," he whispers. I take my hand off his shaft and deep throat him, pre-cum from the tip of his cock slicking my tongue on the way down.

There's no reply from Scully and I'm too involved to really look at her as Walter grunts with each shove into my face. Finally he slows his hips and squeezes my shoulder.

"Hang on," he huffs.

I pull back and his cock slides out of my mouth, slippery with my saliva and his pre-cum.

He's fully erect, his impressive hard-on jutting out from between his legs. It's no longer the stomach hugging erection of a younger man...hell...mine isn't that way either as often these days. But the angle is still good and more than good enough to get the job done. He reaches down and motions for me to give him my hands. I do and he pulls me up into an embrace.

"I love you," he mumbles, caressing my neck and jaw.

"I love you too."

Skinner kisses me deeply again. I moan then around his mouth. His hands capture my ass and he rocks into me, rubbing his cock over my half mast erection. I slide my glans against him, jerking my hips back and forth until Walter breaks the kiss.

"I'm gonna turn you around," he smiles into my dazed face. I smile back as he gently turns me in his arms. He sensuously rubs his cock over my ass cheeks and then his hands come up and stroke my chest, twisting and kneading my nipples.

"Oh shit," I chuckle and his answering chuckle buzzes against my evening beard stubble.

"I know you like that," he murmurs into my ear.

"Oh yeah."

He toys with my nipples some more and while he's doing it I finally glance over at Scully. She's entranced, studying us closely. Her hand is still on her abdomen and she's stroking it lightly...almost meditatively as Walter strokes me. Something about the site of her caressing her swollen stomach turns me on even more. I inhale and groan again. Walter's rough fingers play down my torso until he reaches between my legs and grasps my swelling hard-on. He nuzzles my neck as he starts to jerk me.

My eyes are drawn away from Scully and I tip my head back, arching my neck and resting my head on Walter's muscular shoulder.

"You've got the touch," I murmur, thrusting my hips so that my cock moves back and forth through the loose fist he has surrounding it.

"Mmm, lover," he rumbles, his fingers gently squeezing and massaging my growing hard-on. "You make it easy, you've got a great cock. Look at how hard it's getting for me."

I glance down and still my hips, just letting him crank me and rock himself against my butt. My mouth drops open, my breathing growing harsher as I watch my dick swelling even further.

"Fuck...that's good," I hiss.

"Oh yeah. I'm lovin' it too," Walter rumbles. Then he chuckles. "Bend over."

I lift my head off his neck and glance at him, grinning. I lever off his chest and he releases me. As he steps back, I bend over. Bracing my forearms on the bed and on the towel I laid there earlier, I spread my legs and wait for him to make the next move. My chest is rising and falling with my rapid, short breaths and I hear Walter shift suddenly and then he's kneeling behind me.

He caresses my ass, stroking the muscles with tenderness. His fingers probe between my cheeks, finding my anus. I shudder a little at the contact.

"Easy, baby." His voice is a rumbling purr that makes my cock jump. "I think you're gonna like this."

Thick fingers spread my ass cheeks and I gasp as his lips surround my anus.

"Oh fuck. Oh yeah...you thought right," I groan, leaning on my forearms and turning my head to the side as he starts to rim me. "You never told me you knew how to do that."

He stops the circling of his tongue around my opening. "You never asked me," he mumbles.

"Oh, man," I murmur, chuckling at the end of my comment as he bends to his work again. Walter runs his lips and tongue around my anus, sucking and licking. Then he works his tongue into me, slicking me up with his saliva in preparation. He reaches between my legs and fondles my balls and then strokes my cock again in time with his mouth work. Finally I can hardly stand it any longer.

"Jesus Christ, Skinner," I moan.

Walter pulls back and laughs. He gives me a pat on the ass and stands up.

"Sorry...I got distracted."

I glance around and watch as he wraps his hand around his cock and jerks it a few times. Once he's satisfied it's hard enough he rips the lubricated condom packet open and suits himself up.

"You've got a fucking fantastic ass," Walter breathes out, walking in behind me.

"Don't you think this is a prime ass?" he asks Scully.

I look over at her and she's nodding and smiling in agreement. I grin at her.

"Watch me fuck it," Walter prompts. He's getting as much of a rush at the idea that Scully's watching us as I am. The rawness of his aroused voice sends another shudder of excitement through me. I swivel my head back, keeping him in my peripheral vision as he takes his latex clad cock in hand. He rubs it around my anus, rimming me again with the head, lightly at first, and then more insistently. I suck in my breath in a hiss of pleasure. In a moment he reaches between my legs and starts to jerk my cock again with his strong left hand.

"Fuck...you're hard, baby. You're gonna come like a rocket," he rumbles, his fingers moving up and down.

I groan and some saliva dribbles out of my mouth and onto the towel under me.

I glance down and watch his hand pumping me.

"Yeah...that's good, just like that," I murmur, encouraging him as he works my erection.

In short order my cock's straining, the head red. Before Walter removes his hand, he gathers some of my pre-cum on his fingers. I can hear him using it to slick up his cock further.

When his hands take my hips I inhale a deep breath.

"Here we go," he warns. I nod, he places his cock against my anus and begins to push into me.

"Oh," I gasp after he's inside a little. He stops.


"Yeah...don't stop...don't..." Skinner thrusts forward. "Oh God..."


"No, it's ok...it's..."

It does hurt at first as his thick erection breaches my sphincter. I suck in air and deep breathe until the sharp pain turns dull and then flares into that deep pressure ecstasy that only a big cock up your ass can bring.

"It's great," I gasp finally. Walter slowly continues to push forward and then he's flush with my ass at last, his balls tickling mine when he shifts to settle himself better.

"I'm not hurting you am I?" he asks, concern clear in his voice.

"No, seriously...it feels incredibly good," I assure him.

He bends forward and kisses the small of my back.

"You feel really good. You ready?" he grunts, his voice low and intense.

"Oh yeah. Fuck me," I hiss between clenched teeth.

Both of us are very aroused and it's a quick, hard fuck. Walter makes a couple of slow thrusts and then we're just ramming against each other, grunting and moaning, his muscular thighs slapping against my ass. It's glorious, heady and a total turn-on to have him bucking against me like hell and telling me how much he loves fucking my hot, tight ass.

"Yeah...give it to me...come on," I encourage him as he drives into me again and again.

I don't expect him to jerk me off, he's got all he can do to control his thrusting up my ass. I reach down and grab my cock, cranking it hard, my hands jerking up and down rapidly in time with Walter's frenzied thrusting. I can feel his nuts tightening when they connect with my perineum and I know he's close to coming.

"Oh fuhhhhhck!" he groans suddenly. His hips snap against me with firm strokes and he groans again, deep in his chest.

I pull on my cock with a couple more quick strokes and somehow, Skinner manages to drag his cock across my prostate in just the right way. I grunt once and then I follow him over, my neck muscles straining as I blurt out a strangled incoherent cry of my own. I thrust back against Walter's thighs as he continues to rock into me, my orgasm sending a shock of electric ecstasy coursing through my body.

For a few moments I'm totally fuck blind, ramming myself mindlessly back against Walter, my hand milking every drop of cum I can wring out of my cock. And then I come back to the real world, to Skinner sagging against my ass and lower back, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

Go to Part 2