

by Blue Mohairbear


Mulder peered through the glass door. Fine. Only two men in there. The FBI gym had three saunas, a big one for 12 people and two smaller ones for six either. It was Friday and it was late, most of the gym users had gone home to their families or their meeting in the pub. He opened the door to one of the small saunas. Three benches at the left wall, three at the end wall, at right angles to one another. The moist heat jumped him like an animal and set his lungs on fire. He quickly stepped in, closed the door and nodded politely to the two sweating agents who were talking quietly. He draped his oversized "United Federation of Planets" towel on the lowest bench on the end wall, slumped down, spread a small towel over his hips and and sighed as the heat began to work on his muscles. One of the agents grinned.

"Had a heavy workout today, eh?"

Mulder stretched comfortably.

"Yeah. Needed it." He didn't explain *why* he had needed to exhaust himself like a lunatic.

The low murmur of the voices made him drowsy. When the men left and wished him a nice weekend he barely opended his eyes, just waved.

Shortly after the door opened again. Mulder was too lazy to look who it was. The newcomer seemed to hesitate a moment, then closed the door behind him and wordlessly climbed on the middle bench on the left wall. Must be an animal, Mulder thought. If he can stand the heat up there. For him, with his low blood pressure, the lowest bench was hot enough. He opened one eye half to peek over to the other man -

- and nearly had a heart attack.




// oh no not him what's he doing here he never uses the sauna why today o god I have to get out of here calm down Mulder calm down //

He pried his eyes shut and tried to breathe evenly. His heartbeat felt like a herd of horses galloping from his chest up into his throat.

// you can do it Mulder come on breathe in and out an in and out slowly more slowly try to seem natural in and out and //

His boss - *his boss!* - lay stark naked just before his eyes - like a buffet. A buffet Mulder definitely was not invited to. Skinner lay at a right angle to Mulder, if Mulder had lifted a leg he could have tickled his boss' right foot with his toes. Skinner lay completely relaxed, eyes closed. He had his right leg comfortably propped up, which to Mulder's dismay obstructed his view to a certain area he was most interested in. The towel Skinner had thrown over his hips was more of a handkerchief. Skinner's right arm was under his head. He seemed to doze and to be fully unaware of Mulder's existence.

The younger man slowly relaxed and let his eyes wander over the marvellous body of the man who was the reason Special Agent Mulder Mulder had shortly discovered the joy of working out in the FBI gym. Sweat slowly trickled down the side of Mulder's ribcage. Normally, he enjoyed the tickly feeling. Now it drove him crazy. He felt as if his whole body had become supersensitive.

He had been watching Skinner Skinner in the gym for weeks, had managed to be there when Skinner was, but always stayed far away enough to appear unconspicious. He hoped. Further, he always made sure to wear wide sweat pants to hide the screaming hard-on which the sight of Skinner in a tight shirt at the rowing machine gave him.

He now marveled at the the almost grey chest hair, longed to touch the damp dark curls in the armpit, to stroke the sculptured muscles that played so smoothly under the skin when Skinner lifted weights. In the amber semidarkness the small beads of perspiration on the pale skin shimmered like thousands of little diamonds which reflected the warm golden tone of the wall panels.

// call me a stupid romantic but he's beautiful //

It was the scent that suddenly almost killed Mulder of pure lust when Skinner moved and stretched his arm. A faint but sudden wave of.. what? Of... well - Skinner. Just Skinner. The scent didn't bother to make the detour through Mulder's brain - it went directly to his cock. The little bastard was rock hard in seconds, so hard it hurt. Mulder closed his eyes in panic, tried to ease his breath and slowly bent his left leg up to hide the bulge under his towel. The horses in his chest seemed to be shapeshifters, they had changed into a herd of stampeding buffaloes. The heat became unbearable.

// out I must get out of here //

"Okay if I put some more water on the heater, Agent Mulder?"

Mulder almost yelped at the unexpected deep growl above him.

"Yes - um, no, sir, of course not - "

Great. Meet your boss in the sauna and stammer away like a complete idiot. Perfect. Mulder suppressed a pained groan and laid his left arm over his eyes.

Skinner sat up already, swung his legs down and sat on the lowest bench. Mulder heard him taking the dipper and splashing its contents over the rocks. A loud hissing and crackling and the sharp scent of pine filled the small room.

// touch me please touch me //

Mulder held his eyes tightly shut. His cock danced stubbornly under the towel, it hurt, fully aware of Skinner's nearness. Mulder felt his boss' presence in every fiber of his body.

// oh god he smells so good how can he smell so good when he's sweating like that //

And finally panic hit home. As soon he heard Skinner climbing his bench and lying down again Mulder got up and headed for the door.

"Give up... too hot... " he mumbled and clumsily tried to fasten the towel around his hips. Shit, his hands trembled. He prayed to the sauna goddess that Skinner wouldn't open his eyes just now and notice the tent. That would be the most embarrassing death of Special Agent Mulder.

Suddenly a strong hand grabbed his hair in a quicksilverlike motion and pulled him back. He yelled and fell heavily on the bench under Skinner's.

"Shhh. It's okay. Me, too." A low, gruffy voice in his ear. Soothing. Tender. The grip on his hair loosened but did not let go. Mulder waited, paralyzed, panting.

"Look at me, Mulder."

The voice soft, but firm. Mulder slowly, hypnotized, turned his head. His panic stricken gaze met a pair of dark eyes, shining in the dim light, looking amused, but kindly.

"You too - what?" Mulder whispered. Amazing - his voice was still there. Just a bit subdued. He wasn't dead yet, then.

Skinner smiled and slowly pulled the towel from his hips.


Mulder slowly turned his eyes in the other direction. And swallowed a lot of moist, pinescented air as he saw a very big, very beautiful, and very erect cock that seemed to scream "touch me" at him.

"Oh god." Not the most intelligent comment in this situation. But then, was *was* an intelligent comment in this situation? Your boss over whom you've had sexual fantasies for months all of a sudden lies before you like a christmas present and makes clear you *can* have him - no, "oh god" was suitable.

A gentle hand on his cheek turned his head back, Skinner's face suddenly was very close to his own, and then he was kissed and nearly passed out from the unexpected pleasure. His body seemed to dissolve, he was only mouth, only lips and tongue and Skinner didn't seem to want to do anything else than kissing. Mulder relaxed, let his brain willingly turn into vanilla pudding and enjoyed. Fuck tomorrow. This was great.

He slowly began to stroke Skiner's arm and shoulder, fingers drawing patterns into the sweat. The other man's skin felt incredibly hot. He felt the strong hand leave his hair and slide gently down his spine, up again, circling his shoulderblades with light fingertips. He shuddered and moaned softly into the mouth that clung to his - and he still couldn't believe that mouth belonged to his boss.

Skinner cautiously withdrew, grimaced and said: "My arm... gotta get up." Mulder raised and made space for Skinner, who took him into his arms as soon as he was down from the bench. Two well-muscled bodies, slick and wet from sweat, one lean and whippetlike, the other one big and powerful, pressed together, seemed to melt into one another. A big hand on his ass moved Mulder forward and the sudden feeling of Skinner's erection on his own made him gasp for air. Air which wasn't there, it felt as if his lungs tried to inhale but couldn't get enough oxygen. His head began to swim, his heart pounded like a drum. His throat felt completely dry.

"Gotta get out", he panted, swaying lightly. "Too hot..."

"Not yet - come on, lay down here", Skinner whispered. One hand continued stroking Mulder's back, the other one spread his towel on the lowest bench and gently pressed him down.

"Breathe slowly", Skinner advised the younger man. He knelt down beneath Mulder and began gently stroking and kissing his face, his neck, his throat. Heaven. Pure heaven. Every kiss and every breath felt like a small flame to Mulder, hot and melting itself deep into his skin. The flames danced and jumped, gathered in his solar plexus and from there spread through his whole body. When Skinner's mouth finally reached his cock, Mulder was already half on his way to Andromeda.

The feeling was - incredible. This was *real*. He was *really* feeling Skinner's lips, Skinner's tongue on his cock, not just in the fantasy of a lonely evening in his apartment. Through the haze of lust so intense it almost hurt a thought crept into the mush that had once been his brains... centuries ago.

"Walter," he managed. Funny to actually say this name. Not only to moan it when jerking off into his own hand but actually say it. To the real man.

"What is it, Mulder?" Tender voice. Skinner stroked his chest.

"Here. Come here. I wanna touch you. Give it to me."

Skinner turned to him, his swollen cock dancing enticingly before Mulder's eyes. Mulder sneaked one arm around Skinner's hip and pushed him forward, in the same movement swallowing the big cock. Skinner threw his head back and groaned. His right hand grabbed Mulder's hair, trying not to pull too hard, his left hand closed around his lover's stone hard erection.

Muler moaned around Skinner's cock and bucked into the big fist. Both of them were close already - which was good, because in Mulder's chest a herd of elephants had taken over from the buffaloes and they did their best to trample everything in their way. Including his heart and lungs. Skinner moaned, his grip on Mulder's hair tightened.

"Fox... can't... " He tried to withdraw, but Mulder grabbed his ass firmly and pushed him back into his mouth. Skinner let go with a deep roar and exploded instantly. His fist gave Mulder's cock an unvoluntarily hard squeeze that sent the younger man abruptly to the next galaxy. Mulder came, shouting around Skinner's still throbbing cock, making the big man moan again.

With a last effort, Skinner kicked the door open, then collapsed sitting on the floor. He laughed, panting, and kissed Mulder's hot and sweaty face. Cold air rushed in.

"Oh my god." Mulder, breathless.

"Yeah." Skinner, exhausted. Both of them grinning like idiots. Then something dawned to Mulder. He straightened up.

"What if someone comes in? Shit- "

"Hey, hey. Shh." Strong but soft hand on his chest, pressing him down again.

"We are alone. I made sure. Doors are closed already."

"You made sure? How?"

Skinner grinned. "The janitor was glad when I told him I wanted to stay a bit longer tonight and *really* relax" - he took Mulder's hand and kissed the sweaty palm - "and he found it very nice of me when I offered to switch off the sauna and lock all doors before I leave. It was okay, he knows who I am. He has two little kids and it's only four days until christmas, you know."

Mulder shook his head, amazed. Grinned.

"You *planned* this?"

"Well... I didn't exactly plan it. But something would have happened soon, anyway. A few more evenings with you in that gym, watching me - I was afraid I would lose it, throw you over a bench and just fuck you senseless. Which I will still do - later." He smiled as Mulder's eyes grew wide.

"You were beginning to really tantalize my fantasies." He took a curl of the younger man's brown hair and twirled it around his finger. It felt hot and dry. Mulder stared at him.

"You *knew* I was watching you? And you liked it?" The thought of Skinner fucking him made him dizzy. This was *real*.

Skinner smiled and rubbed his nose against Mulder's cheek.

I *loved* it. I made me feel good. Wanted. And horny."

Mulder embraced him and chuckled. "I want you very much. You think someone else noticed?"

"No, I don't think so. I believe I saw it because I wanted to see it. When I came to the conclusion that you kept coming there because of me, I was glad. I tried to be there as regularly as possible to make it easier for you. I had a hard-on every time even before you came through the door."

Mulder shook his head, grinning happily. "You're pretty cool, Walter Skinner, you know that?"

Skinner goosed him and smothered the yelp with a kiss.

"Not at the moment. I'm still too hot. How's your blood pressure doing? Do you think you can get up?"

"Yeah. The cold showers is the part I hate about saunas. But let's go."

"We won't take showers. Come here."

Mulder followed him into the next room where Skinner opened a door. It led outside, into a small patio. In summer, this was a nice shady place with deckchairs where the guests could relax between sauna baths. Now it was dark and empty. Except for the snow.

"You don't want me to go out *there*, Walter? With *naked* feet?!"

Skinner just grabbed his lover's neck and pushed him outside, like a puppy.

"Shit, Walter - this is fucking *cold*! I'm freezing!"

"Come here." Skinner knelt down on one knee, took both hands full of snow and began to rub Mulder's legs.

"Isn't that nicer than a shower?"

It was. Panting and with chattering teeth, Mulder grabbed into the white fluff and began to rub it on Skinner's still hot skin. This was fun - rubbing that great body would be fun with *anything*. The snow became little flat pieces of ice under their hands before it melted and ran down their bodies in little streams of glittering water. Mulder felt a big hand in his neck, grabbing him firmly, then his face was washed thoroughly with the cold white stuff.

Yelping and spitting, eyes closed, he tried to hit Skinner. He heard a low chuckle, was drawn into a fierce embrace and then kissed. He withdraw when his feet began to hurt from the cold. The cold hadn't impressed his cock very much, however, it was hard again. He groaned when Skinner rubbed it gently. Reached down to find Skinner's erection already waiting for his hand.

"Fox...." Tongue in his ear.

"Oh god...yeah....what?"

"Home. My place. Now."


They stumbled back, dried each other and dressed under a lot of kissing and petting and finally got to their cars.

"You know what, Walter? You are the *hottest* christmas present I ever got. Literally."

Skinner grinned and kissed him.

Just wait till next year- I may have some surprises for you."
