

Dimitri Yvashko watched Skinner's back as it disappeared into the deeper darkness of the trees between the maintenance shed and the road.

A moment ago he knew the other man had sensed his love for him. Dimitri had felt his own love returned, but only as a fondness based upon the memories of youth. 'It's for the best,' the priest thought. 'Best for Sergei to love another now under the circumstances.'

He silently prayed for God to give Sergei protection, his success...for their success. And he prayed that he would not falter in his faith when the time came.

The priest rested his arm against the shed and concentrated on holding his gun steady. This was the culmination of all his instruction; his many years of learning from his elders how to prepare for battle against the forces of evil. He could not let his fear or the stress of blocking The Mother overcome him.

Scully came up behind him and touched his shoulder.

"Are you really all right?" she asked. "You need to be honest with me...if anything's going to hinder your performance..."

He nodded.

"Yes, of course you're right. I'm managing, but it is difficult. The strain of trying to block The Mother is fatiguing."

"If there's anything I can do to help you..." she said.

"You're helping me just by being here," he whispered. She looked at him again and squeezed his shoulder comfortingly.

"For what it's worth...I'm afraid too...but having you here is helping me as well," she replied. She focused on the dark outline of the church.

Dimitri gave her arm a squeeze in return.

"I have asked God to watch over them both," he said. "I have faith He knows what is in our hearts for them...and that He will."

"What's in our hearts?" Scully whispered in puzzlement. Then realization of what he meant dawned on her face.

The priest knew that Agent Dana Scully felt something very strong for her supervisor and her partner. Sergei’s feelings were evident as well. Their emotions were easy to read; since they arrived in Milwaukee they weren't shielding them very well. Dimitri suspected that they were experts at hiding the truth from each other and Agent Mulder, however. He had faith their love for each other and the other man would help to sustain them through the horrors to come.

"He's almost reached the road," Dimitri said and Scully's attention was instantly on Skinner.

A large shadow was moving among the trees. Together they watched it crouch to the ground and then appear to rub its hands over its face, smearing what they assumed was dirt.

"He has not forgotten the ways of war," the priest whispered.

Scully tensed next to him and raised her weapon. Dimitri raised his as well. Skinner’s shadow darted across the road, and as they watched, reached the back of the church and disappeared into the deeper darkness.



Skinner plastered himself against the stone wall of the church. He glanced back toward the pines but couldn't see Dimitri and Scully. 'Good,' he thought. His eyes roamed the yard around him. There was no other movement.

But, he could hear music now. 'Laura Massey must have a helluva audio system.' There was a loud base back beat coming from inside. He shook his head. Maybe he should amend that to 'had' a helluva audio system. 'Yeah right,' he thought. He couldn't quite get over the idea he'd be shooting a corpse if he had to use his weapon on this woman. He told himself that if this was all bullshit Dimitri owed him, Big Time. A cloud blew away from the moon and the cross around his neck glinted in the revealed light. Skinner touched the cross, thought of his lapsed faith, remembered the love in Dimitri's eyes and tried to believe.

He worked his way to the right edge of the building and peered around the corner. The back of what looked like a new wing stretched off to the right. The three-car garage was detached but next to it. There were no windows in the walls of the newer wing. The only windows were glass, and high up in the side of the church. There was no possible access or view into the windows.

There was a window in the garage within reach, however. Skinner quickly moved to it and looked in. A white van with the words, 'Church Road Metal Designs' emblazoned in black on the side was parked inside. 'If Mulder drove out here, Laura Massey certainly hadn't done the obvious and hidden his car in the garage,' he thought. There was no one in the garage.

Skinner traversed the length of the wing and the church again and looked around the left corner of the building and out along the street. There didn't seem to be a way to easily see in on this side either. The stained glass windows were just too high up and there was nothing to stand on or climb up on to look in. But a wooden door was cut into the wall at the bottom of the bell tower. As Skinner stood in the shadows, considering what to do, he heard a sudden thud and then a creaking noise. He looked up. Someone was moving around in the bell tower. He flattened himself against the wall again because he realized if someone looked down from above they could see him.

Then he made a decision The door in the wall was recessed a good deal. If he could reach the doorway and stand in it no one from above could see him. He quickly rounded the wall and slid to the door, secluding himself in the shadows. He waited to hear a shout of protest or other sound that would signal he'd been seen. There was none. He listened at the door. He could just make out a distant creaking.

He made a second decision. He had to know what was going on inside. He raised his gun and tested the door. It was unlocked. He opened it and slid inside into the darkness. The door did indeed lead to the bell tower. Skinner could tell that was the case when his eyes adjusted to the darkness. There was a wrought iron rail bordered stairway leading up and he could see moonlight shining down through the large trap door in the floor. He could also see a pair of legs move past the door; a pair of naked female legs. He backed up against the wall and stepped on something that made a clanking sound. He looked down as it clattered and saw four metal manacles; four manacles covered in blood.

He had just enough time to breathe out the word "Shit," before it felt like a knife stabbed into the back of his skull. He was pinned to the spot. "Ungh," he grunted in fear, pain and protest. In a split-second of panic he realized he'd made two very bad decisions in as many minutes.

A woman's voice addressed him.

"Who's down there?" 

Skinner tried to move his hands and legs but he couldn't budge them. 'Fuck, fuck,' he cursed silently as he felt a compulsion to answer. He gritted his teeth, put a lid on his fear, and concentrated on resisting the compulsion with all his might. But he looked up; he couldn't help it. A bright light lit his face. There was a gasp and then a woman's delighted laughter.

"Venuto a me il mio toro magnifico."

Skinner couldn't understand Italian, but for some reason he suddenly understood the woman's words. 'Come to me', she said. 'Come to me my magnificent bull'. He gasped, dropped his gun and nearly fell to his knees as his head was pierced by another bolt of excruciating pain. Then his entire body was suffused with overwhelming sexual arousal. "Oh God," he ground out, doubling up on himself as the waves of pleasure flowed over him, through him, centered on his groin, pounded into his cock and balls.

He panted as his cock became engorged and then threw his head back, hitting the rock wall as an even more powerful wave of desire crashed through him.

"Come to me," the woman said. And then he could move, he had no resistance at all as he walked up the wrought iron stairway into the bell tower.

When Skinner climbed through the trap door and stood on the wooden floor of the bell room, he was met by an attractive, naked, tall, black-haired woman.

"Welcome, Walter Skinner. This is indeed a pleasure," she said with a broad smile.

Skinner moaned low in his throat. His senses spun, his vision swam. He felt like the woman was milking his erect cock for all it was worth and all coherent thought was rapidly receding. There was a hissing in his ears and Skinner was reminded of the sound the sea made in a seashell as he stood, dizzy, his cock bumping into the front of his sweat pants.

"Let me see you," the woman whispered. Skinner's hands came up seemingly of their own volition and yanked down his sweats and jock strap. His straining cock jutted free.

"Ah," the woman breathed. "Impressive and beautiful. I knew it would be so. Now...take your me how much I excite you."

Skinner reached down and started to pump himself, pulling his hard-on up and then working it with quick, sure strokes. Grunts were wrung from his throat with each rise and fall of his fist.

Through the haze of approaching orgasm, he was vaguely aware that the woman was covered in streaks of dried blood. The corpse of a stranger, blood-stained and bedecked with what looked like a metal lion's mane was hanging from a rope behind her.

"Come for me," The Mother said. Skinner did, his neck muscles straining taut, his mouth open in a silent scream. The Mother clapped her hands and laughed in unrestrained joy. Skinner fell to the floor, senseless.



Mulder drifted between wakefulness and unconsciousness. He was dimly aware that he ached all over. His eyes felt gummy, his eyelashes were stuck to his eyelids and his lips were cracked and bleeding. Nine Inch Nails blared, mixing with the throbbing pulse of energy crawling over his skin. The combination of sound and power, plus the heat made him feel weak and nauseous. 'God, I'm getting sick of Nine Inch Nails,' he thought. The lyrics of 'The Downward Spiral' were sadly apt, however. Before he passed out again, they echoed in his ears:

You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you
You let me complicate you

The room was still as hot as a tropical rain forest when he woke the next time, but it was quiet. The change prodded him to struggle toward full consciousness.

He slowly pried his eyes open and carefully looked around. It took his eyes a few seconds to adjust to the flickering candlelight and furnace glow and when they did, his mouth dropped open in surprise.

Walter Skinner was bound with rope to one of the posts that supported the sleeping loft. He was naked, sans his spectacles and sweating. Perspiration had created patterns in the dirt on his face like war paint; Mulder followed rivulets of perspiration as they trailed down the muscular chest. He shook his head and blinked at the image then twisted his neck around, seeking the whereabouts of The Mother. She had to be in the sanctuary to be creating this hallucination.

"Mulder," Skinner hissed.

Mulder's head swiveled and his eyes involuntarily zeroed in on Skinner's crotch. Even in the dim light, the streaks on his thighs indicated that Skinner had been the recipient of The Mother's attentions.

"Go away," Mulder croaked, averting his eyes from Skinner's genitals. "You're not real."

"The fuck I'm not. Come on, Agent. Get it together," Skinner barked impatiently.

Mulder squinted at Skinner.

"Sir?" he asked. "Don't tell me you're the cavalry."

"Part of it."

Mulder whipped his head around in panic.

"Scully's here?"

"Listen, we don't have much time...Laura Massey went back up to the bell tower but she probably won't be long."

"She's not Laura Massey. She's not even human, sir...not really...she..."

"I got that. It felt like she peeled my mind like a fucking orange," Skinner replied, clenching his teeth and struggling against the ropes that bound his hands and legs. "But, she has to know Scully is..."

"Oooh, you struggle so nicely, my lover," The Mother interrupted as she entered from the rear of the sanctuary.

Skinner fell silent as the mother moved gracefully into the room and drew up in front of him, toe to toe.

"You wouldn't have to be bound at all if your mind wasn't so full of that red-headed slut you both love. We'll have to work on those errant musings."

Mulder's eyebrows rose practically to his hairline. He was stunned at The Mother’s statement.

Skinner stared at what had been Laura Massey, his jaw muscles working.

"You're crazy," he said.

The Mother laughed.

"No...I *can* read your mind, mio handsome."

Mulder watched carefully as she whirled toward him. There was something petulant in The Mother's expression. She was angry with Skinner, but more importantly...Mulder shut his eyes and concentrated... and he remembered what else might be important. He recalled thinking before he passed out from the force of the last hallucination that the Mother had a thing for in the love and lust 'thang'. She did...he saw it in her eyes. He wondered if it would buy them some time, maybe time enough for Scully...

The mother's next words stopped his thoughts in their tracks and his eyes flew open again.

"He wants you both, you know, my little fox; you and your glacial redhead. How ironic...all your wishes come true...but the fulfillment of them is denied you in the end."

"Fuck you," Skinner spat, twisting in his ropes.

The Mother smiled at Mulder and licked her lips lasciviously. "See, he does want me," she gloated. Mulder yelled over her head, "Watch out, sir. She's..."

"Silenzio!" she screamed at Mulder. Then she pirouetted abruptly toward Skinner and the AD's body went rigid, his eyes rolling back.

"No!" Mulder shouted, jerking against the chains and manacles that held him.

The Mother giggled obscenely and smirked at Mulder as she walked to stand in front of Skinner.

"It's much more fun when the object of your lust is right here in the room isn't it?"

Mulder struggled to overcome his shock at hearing her flaunt his and Skinner's most secret desires. He took a calming breath and spoke.

"I guess you're enjoying it, all things considered," he replied evenly.

The Mother stared at him skeptically.

"Guess? All things considered?"

"Yeah, well--if you think I'm stubborn, you ain't seen nothing yet," Mulder chuckled, tilting his head toward Skinner. "Or maybe you already have."

The Mother's brow furrowed and her mouth turned down slightly.

"On the contrary. I think it's you who 'ain't seen nothing yet'." She turned to focus on Skinner.

Mulder could hear the hissing of seashells in the air, but this time he knew she was entering Skinner's mind. The AD's body suddenly convulsed, shaking from head to toe. The Mother seemed to sway forward, closing her eyes. Skinner twisted away and then sagged in his bonds, drool sliding out of his mouth. Mulder's lips tightened. 'She must be pushing him really hard,' he thought. Skinner jerked once more in his bonds and then relaxed again. The Mother opened her eyes.

"Now...that's better," she said, smiling.

She stood in front of Skinner for a moment, stroking her breasts. Skinner's eyes cleared and followed her hands. He licked his dry lips. The Mother’s hands skimmed down her body and settled between her thighs. As she stroked herself Skinner's cock started to swell and rise between his legs.

"You'd like to fuck me, wouldn't you?" she said, her voice a seductive purr.

Mulder could see Skinner's head try to shake in the negative. 'I know what that's like,' he thought ruefully as Skinner blurted out a forced "Yes."

The Mother smiled and drew closer. She murmured something in Skinner's ear and the AD smiled at her.

"Only for you, il mio toro," she whispered.

She sank to her knees in front of him, gently lifted his half-hard cock and took the head into her mouth.

Mulder looked up at the ceiling and pulled at his bonds again. Desperation jangled his nerves. 'Come on, Scully,' he thought. 'If you're the rest of the cavalry, now's a good time to ride to the rescue.'



Scully waited and pursed her lips. Skinner hadn’t returned after entering the church.

"He's still inside," Dimitri said flatly as thunder rumbled overhead.

His concern came through loud and clear in his statement.

Scully nodded and illuminated her watch, still holding her gun up at the ready.

"He has two minutes left. If he doesn't come out or signal I'm calling the State Police."

Dimitri shook his head violently.

"No...please...I meant what I said. You cannot endanger..."

Scully interrupted the priest.

"Father...Dimitri...according to you, the whole world's in danger right now. It can't possibly matter if I call in back-up," Scully replied.

Dimitri sounded worried and sincere as he spoke.

"They will not understand the nature of this situation. They will do more harm than good. There is no time to explain. There's no time at all, Agent Scully. We need to go in now."

Scully studied the priest's face as she listened to his urgent assertion. She had been struck by his physical resemblance to Mulder. Now she marveled at his unwavering belief in everything he'd told her and Skinner and how that resembled Mulder as well. She took a deep breath and exhaled into the humid night air, then slapped at a mosquito that dined heartily on her forearm.

"All right, we'll go in," she said, standing to peek around the edge of the maintenance shed again. She examined the church and thought she could see someone walking around in the bell tower. Dimitri stood next to her.

"We should have brought binoculars," he whispered. "Someone is in the belfry but I cannot see them clearly."

Scully cringed. Evidently their trepidation had translated into poor planning. No one had considered needing night vision scopes. They might have helped in the long run.

Dimitri didn't belabor the point. He crouched down again and plowed his fingers into the grass at their feet and then into the rich soil under it. Coming up with a small handful, he smeared dirt onto his face.

Scully followed his lead.

"I was going to ask you if you knew anything about...covert operations," she murmured.

"I learn well from example," he replied, gesturing with his chin in the general direction where Skinner had disappeared into the darkness. "But yes...I have been trained for this battle, Agent Scully."

Scully noticed his gun hand was steady now. His words and tone indicated his determination. She knew his resolve matched her own.

"All right, let's go.

The priest gripped her arm.

"Remember...hold God in your heart. Trust in those you love," he whispered.

Scully nodded and took off through the trees, following Skinner's pattern of approach to the church. Father Dimitri Yvashko hurried close behind her.



Mulder had been subjected to The Mother's expert demonstration of fellatio on Skinner before she untied him, his hard cock still jutting out from between his legs. He'd been forced to view their strenuous fucking on the couch in the living room area as well. Part of his mind detached from the experience for a few minutes. He could distance himself from the sight of Laura Massey pinned below the AD, her legs wrapped around his waist. He could divorce himself from the sight of Skinner's muscular arms braced against the back of the couch on either side of her head while his hips pounded his cock into her with powerful thrusts.

But he couldn't ignore The Mother's unearthly howl when she came, or Skinner's roar of protest when he came as well. And afterward he couldn't overlook the thrum of amped up power that crackled around him and crept like ants over his skin.

The only saving grace during their coupling was the fact that nothing about it had aroused him. In fact he felt sick to his stomach with abhorrence during and after their performance. He was especially disgusted that The Mother hadn't bothered with a condom. He was worried about himself in that regard, in spite of his obvious, more immediate danger. If he and Skinner should be lucky enough to survive the night he had to hope that The Mother's desire not to hurt her 'magnificent bull' included the knowledge that Laura was STD free.

Skinner was on the couch, slumped sideways with his chin on his chest, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings. The Mother had gone out through the front of the sanctuary, some of Skinner's semen still glistening on her thighs. She hadn't said a word to Mulder. Waiting for what would happen next was making his stomach jump. Thunder rumbled outside and he flinched at the sound.

"Sir," he hissed.

Skinner didn't answer.

"Skinner...come on...wake up."

Mulder thought he saw the AD's jaw muscles jump.

"WALTER!" he yelled and Skinner jumped.

"CCChrist," he stuttered and then he straightened and put his hand to his forehead. Gripping his temples on either side he groaned and bent over. His head went between his knees and he vomited onto the area rug below his feet.

Mulder winced as Skinner emptied the contents of his stomach. When the heaving stopped, he sat there, his head hanging, his breath coming in shallow pants.

"Take deep breaths, it'll help," Mulder said.

The AD nodded and did as instructed. In a moment he was sitting up again looking around the room, obviously searching for The Mother.

"Fuck me," he mumbled.

Mulder shook his head in distaste.

"Uh...yeah," he replied. Skinner struggled to get up, his legs shaking.

"My head feels like somebody crushed it in a vice," he said as he lurched to his feet.

"She had to push you really hard, sir. For what it's worth...I think you put up a good fight."

" Modell," Skinner commented as he weaved across the room toward Mulder. He shuddered slightly and then smacked at his arm. "Jesus...what's that on my skin?"

"Power...something like static electricity...only a lot more potent," Mulder replied.

"We're in deep shit," Skinner said, frowning as he stumbled forward.

" have to get out of here...find Scully, and..."

As Skinner shook his head, his steps faltered. Mulder thought his eyes still looked unfocused. He was certainly debilitated from The Mother's attentions. Even if he tried to go for help, he'd probably fall on his face before he reached the back door.

"No fucking way," he said. "Not without you."

Mulder's lips fell into a tight line. 'Trust the AD's stubborn streak to assert itself now.'

"Then break the circle...somewhere, anywhere," Mulder said. He gestured toward his feet with his chin as he noted the AD's legs trembling.

"What?" Skinner asked, confused. He looked down and saw drawings on the wooden floor.

"Scuff some of it out," Mulder urged

Skinner rubbed his bare heel over the drawing but couldn't erase much of it. He staggered toward Mulder, careening into the table where the agent was restrained.

They were nose to nose and cock to cock, sweat and semen smeared between them. Skinner grabbed Mulder's shoulders to steady himself. He pinned the agent's eyes.

"I could barely fight her, Mulder. I tried but she...she sucked my mind dry just like she sucked me off. I don't know if I can resist her again."

Mulder's eyes probed Skinner’s. He was clearly frightened but seemed determined not to go down without a fight. Mulder swallowed hard. 'There isn't much time,' he thought. He'd been staring at the minutes ticking by on Laura Massey's wall clock after all. It was almost eleven o'clock. He didn't know if Scully could do any good...but he had to hope.

"You have to try. Give Scully time," Mulder murmured.

"She knows Scully's here...and Dimitri too," Skinner hissed.

Mulder's brow furrowed.


"The rest of the cavalry," Skinner coughed.

He levered off Mulder and teetered in front of the table.

"Was what she said true?" he whispered, studying Mulder's face.

Mulder didn't have to ask what truth he wanted to know.


Skinner studied his face for a second and then gazed into his eyes.

"It's not just sex is it?"

"No," Mulder whispered.

Skinner nodded.

"Me neither," he murmured.

Mulder shut his eyes for a moment and then nodded as well.

"We...I think we need to remember that...I think it's important that..."

"I need to get my gun," Skinner interrupted, shaking his head to clear it further.

"Voi bastardi," The Mother cried out from the front of the sanctuary. Skinner fell instantly to his knees, clutching his head. "Sshhhit..." he stammered and panted hard.

"You said you wouldn't hurt him!" Mulder shouted angrily as The Mother strode toward them. She brandished Skinner's Sig Sauer and she was royally pissed off.

The thing that had once been Laura Massey came through the gap in the circle, grabbed Skinner's arm and shoved him aside like he was an oversized, naked rag doll. He landed in a heap on the floor outside the magic circle. Then she stuck the gun to Mulder's forehead. The cold metal felt cool against his hot skin. "I'm not hurting him, you bastard. He's experiencing the most exquisite pleasure imaginable," The Mother hissed in Mulder's face.

Mulder grinned.

"I told you he was stubborn," he said. The Mother fingered the trigger.

"It's bad enough that his mind lingers on that redheaded whore. He doesn't need you luring him over here and tempting him with a cock he desperately wants in his mouth and in his ass as well."

Mulder showed her his teeth.

"Why don't you pull the trigger and eliminate the competition, you bitch?"

"Oh you'd like that, wouldn't you, la mia volpe piccola, to die the hero saving the world," she snarled, lowering the gun. "But sorry...we have a short time yet to play. And I have time to show Walter Skinner the worthiness of his true consort."

Mulder seized the moment. He was never one to overlook the opportunity for sarcasm under circumstances such as this. He smiled insolently.

"What's the matter? Aren't you enough for him? Aren't you able to..."

The Mother backhanded him so hard his head flew to the side. Mulder had a split second to be thankful she hadn't used her gun hand before his cheek cracked against the tabletop. His lip split and blood gushed down his chin as his head flopped back around.

She thrust her face into his.

"I'll show you what's enough...soon," The Mother hissed. Then she stuck out her tongue and lapped up his blood.



Scully crouched in the doorway to the bell tower as Dimitri ran up behind her. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed on the horizon. The storm was indeed coming, she thought. The irony did not escape her.

She gripped both her flashlight and her gun. There was no time for stealth now...they needed to get in and get the job done in any way possible. Dimitri yanked out his flashlight and held it next to his gun as well.

"On three," she whispered.

She quickly counted and they went in high and low, Scully sweeping the vestibule with her flashlight and gun. Dimitri did the same. No one was there. They turned off the flashlights and tucked them into their waistbands, hugging the wall beneath a wrought iron stairwell until their eyes adjusted to the semi-darkness. Clearly there was dim light coming from ahead of them. There was a door in the wall and it was cracked open. Scully felt her heart hammering in her chest.

"I don't like this," she whispered in Dimitri's ear. "Do you sense anything?"

Dimitri looked at her and started to shake his head. Then suddenly his face went blank. His eyes rolled back and he started to shudder.

"Oh, no," Scully murmured.

Before she could raise her gun, Dimitri crashed against Scully, and she was knocked to the side. Her right elbow slammed painfully into the stone wall and she dropped her weapon. She sunk to her knees, gritting her teeth and fished for the gun in the dim light. Dimitri kicked her in the side and the pain nearly made her cry out. Her fingers scrabbled for the gun butt.

Through the pain she heard the sound of feet slapping on wood. She looked up into the eyes of a naked, gun-toting, black-haired woman, her face smeared with blood, dirt and something that looked like semen. Scully struggled to raise her weapon.

"You will learn not to blaspheme my Master, you redheaded cunt," the woman hissed. Then she slammed the gun into Scully's head and the agent crashed to the floor, out cold.



Scully heard someone whispering her name. The voice was familiar and it had an accent. A Russian accent. She tried to wake up, but her head hurt horribly and the loud rock music wasn't helping matters.

Dimitri Yvashko bit his lip and tried to rouse Scully again.

"Agent Scully. Dana," he hissed into her ear.

Scully moaned and struggled to open her eyes. She was lying on her side, her hands bound behind her, her legs bound together with rope. Father Dimitri was spooned up against her back. She could feel his body heat...and his nakedness. She realized she was naked too. The room was incredibly hot and both of them were sweating profusely. Sweat ran in her eyes and she blinked it back, teetering on the edge of consciousness.

Across the sanctuary Mulder saw Scully move slightly near the living room couch and strained against his bonds. He glanced at Skinner to see if he'd heard or seen Scully but the AD was comatose on the couch where The Mother had deposited him. 'At least he’s not erect again,' Mulder thought. 'So much for the benefits of exquisite pleasure.' He refocused on the duo to the left of the couch.

The agent had seen the other man, who he expected was the 'Dimitri' that Skinner had mentioned, inch his way over to Scully, dragging himself across the wooden floor. They didn't have much time. The Mother had to put some finishing touches on his metal fox suit. She'd gone outside to check the vents to the smelting furnace wing saying she'd return soon.

"Scully!" Mulder called. He ground his teeth in frustration. The music was so loud he knew she couldn't hear him.

But over Scully's cheek Dimitri caught a glimpse of Mulder yanking against his restraints.

"Mulder calls to you. Wake up!" he yelled in her ear.

Scully's eyes flew open. She saw Mulder bound to some kind of hinged worktable in the middle of the room. He was tilted up, naked, covered in sweat, dirt, blood and streaks of something else she didn't want to think about. His chest heaved and his mouth moved as he jerked against the manacles that held his wrists and ankles. She was also shocked to see that Skinner lay, naked and seemingly unconscious on a couch to her left.

The music reverberated off the stone walls and Scully could feel the throb of the repetitive techno beat vibrating up into her through the floor. An electronically distorted voice spouted lyrics that made no sense beyond the words 'I'll show you what you mean to me', slurred at intervals.

She called to Dimitri, "I can't move."

"I am working on your bonds," Dimitri said. She felt him slide down her body, his penis rubbing against her thighs. "I'm sorry," he mumbled. Then she felt his teeth graze her wrists. He was gnawing on the ropes.

Skinner heard the distant thudding of rock music but all he could see before him was the woman he had come to know as Laura Massey. She lay naked in his bed in the Viva Towers, her blue eyes filled with desire, beckoning him.

He didn't want to go to her...he didn't want her at all. He wanted Scully...or Mulder...or Dimitri...or even Sharon again...anyone but this woman with her legs spread and her sex glistening. Something slammed into his head again however, and a tremendous jolt of arousal shot through his body. He suddenly found it hard to resist her charms. He took a step forward, his hand falling to his cock. He started to jerk himself. "Sir!" someone yelled. "Sir...wake up!" He shook his head, trying to recognize the voice but walked on, masturbating as he did.

Scully twisted on the floor trying to help Dimitri as he chewed on the rope around her wrists. As she slid back and forth she called out to Skinner, shouting above the music.

"Sir! Sir...wake up!"

There was no response. She couldn't help but look at his penis. It swelled as she watched it.

Dimitri's mouth left her ropes and he shouted over the music at her.

"He is in thrall to the Mother. He is not responsible for his actions. Steel will become much worse."

Scully nodded and Dimitri went back to his work. Scully looked across the sanctuary to Mulder. He was watching her, his face full of hope and anxiety. She'd seen him undressed of course, even nude, but never all of him. Her eyes strayed between his legs too but were than jerked away as Dimitri tugged her bound wrists.

Mulder watched helplessly as Dimitri moved around behind Scully. He couldn’t stop to think how fantastic she looked writhing naked on the wooden floor. He needed to concentrate. It appeared that the other man was trying to chew through her wrist bindings. He bounced his head back against the table in frustration. Then he saw the door to the front of the sanctuary start to swing open. He marshaled every ounce of his strength and screamed as loud as he could.


Scully heard Mulder's shout and looked up. He gestured wildly back over her shoulder with his chin.

"Stop!" Scully yelled. Dimitri lay still and feigned unconsciousness. The music's volume suddenly lowered dramatically and Scully heard the slap of bare feet behind her. Then Dimitri slammed against her hard, cracking his jaw into her coccyx. He cried out. The Mother had kicked him in the kidneys.

She laughed before she spoke with venom.

"I know you're awake, il mio priest piccolo. Don't play dead. You'll be dead soon enough," The Mother said.

Dimitri coughed and spat blood. Then he spoke and his voice was defiant.

"Lo spirito ripugnante e diabolico della O, sente la mia voce! Conosca il ye che sto lavorando per il signore," he said.

The Mother walked around Dimitri, tossing a stereo remote onto the end table near the couch. She stood in front of Scully. She still carried Skinner's Sig Sauer. Dimitri pressed close to Scully's back to hide her hands between them. Scully looked up into what must have been Laura Massey's face. The woman's light blue eyes blazed with anger and her face was twisted into an expression of mockery.

"O foul and evil spirit, hear my voice!" she whined, exaggerating Dimitri's Russian accent. "Know ye that I am working for the Lord."

She threw her head back and laughed derisively then bent closer to Dimitri. Scully felt him stiffen behind her.

"That's quite a mouthful, little man...but I know it's not the mouthful you really seek, cocksucker," she hissed, gesturing toward Skinner. "But you won't have him...I won't even give you the guilty pleasure of forcing you to get down on your knees for him."

Then she stood up and kicked the priest again. Dimitri groaned and rocked against Scully.

"Don't look at her. Show deference or she will punish you," he struggled to whisper. Scully averted her eyes.

"You are pathetic, little priest. And so is this poco whore rosso-diretto. But I'm glad you've joined our celebration. My Master will be greatly pleased that an old nemesis and a new sacrificial offering are here to greet him."

Mulder rose up in his bonds across the room. 'Priest? An old nemesis?' New hope suffused him. He didn't stop to wonder how this man came to join the rescue effort. He was just glad he showed up if he knew how to fight this creature. He saw Dimitri shift behind Scully and gritted his teeth. 'The Mother's going to figure out the priest's plans in a moment,' he thought. Mulder realized he had to distract her somehow. He shouted at her hoping that when he did, she wouldn't enter his skull and read his thoughts.

"Your Master's gonna piss brimstone when he sees what's draped on the couch over there!"

The Mother flipped around, wrath showing plainly on her face. With perfect timing, Skinner groaned and her head snapped in that direction. Skinner shifted and looked stricken for a moment. His breathing stuttered and he groaned again.

"Mio handsome," she whispered.

'Oh man...she's got it bad,' Mulder thought, hope growing in his chest. 'At one time,' he theorized, this thing was human, a woman with human frailties and strengths. She needed love, was capable of jealousy, and possibly possessed low self-worth.'. He knew he could use her feelings for Skinner against her if given half a chance.

Mulder had to think that if Satan had a master plan here it did not include his minion fawning over a mortal so close to the hour of his ascendancy to Earth. Showing her preferences for Skinner as a lover instead of his infernal majesty wasn't a smart idea either. He remembered telling her that 'pride cometh before the fall'. He latched onto that idea hoping he could use it to promote her defeat.

The Mother crossed to Skinner, knelt next to him and stroked his forehead. "Il mio consort," she crooned. Skinner settled back on the couch and his breathing eased. "Oh wait...I have something for you." Mulder watched in amazement as The Mother raised her hand. The power pulsed in the room and her fingers flared bright like a 100-watt light bulb. She pulled a delicate object out of thin air. It was a silver cross on a silver chain. An upside down cross. The glow disappeared as she spoke. "I soldered it correctly, see." The Mother draped the chain lovingly over Skinner's neck.

Scully stared in horrified fascination as Skinner twitched and flinched under The Mother's touch. She was reminded of a reluctant stallion that rejected gentling. Her eyes focused on his cock as it strained back toward his stomach.

Dimitri saw it was his cross reviled, and uttered a quick prayer for strength and Skinner's protection.

"Don't watch," Dimitri hissed at Scully and he went back to working on the ropes. But he hadn't spoken softly enough. The Mother heard him.

Scully jerked her hands against the priest as the creature's head swiveled around. Dimitri grunted and lay still, covering their bonds again. The Mother captured Scully's eyes.

"You will watch me take us make love...and then you'll watch me take him as well," she said, smiling toward Mulder. "And then...I will deal with you all."

At that point Scully rejected Dimitri's advice to show deference. She was just too angry. She stuck her chin out and even though her voice wavered, her eyes flashed with deadly intent.

"I wouldn't call what you're going to do, 'making love'," Scully said.

The Mother pinned her eyes again and Scully heard hissing in her ears. It sounded like the the sea when Missy put a seashell to her ear and asked her to listen. The Mother's face twisted in anger as Scully shook her head and ignored the sound.

"How would you know, you ignorant slut, with your withered, unused cunt," The Mother spat. "What would you know about love or even pleasuring a man such as this," she declared, gesturing toward Skinner. "You can't even admit you love both these men, much less acknowledge that you want both their cocks."

Mulder fought his bonds again. In the back of his mind an idea had been formulating. Memories surged up...knowledge revealed that had been shoved back by the Mother's cruel ministrations. He remembered hearing the priest's voice before. Remembered what he said too. Mulder knew that his love and trust for Scully and Skinner gave them a chance. He also knew that in this moment, he had to pray.

He didn't know if he silently prayed to Scully and his mother's Christian God, the Hebrew God of his father, the spirit guides from Albert Hosteen's Blessing Way, or even the new-age higher energy source of Melissa Scully's...but he prayed for divine intervention now to save the world...starting with Skinner, Scully and the priest before him.

"He hates you, you know," he shouted across the room. "Look at him...even his skin flinches away from you. You can't possibly think he enjoys having you fuck him, can you?"

The Mother rose in one movement and ran across the sanctuary toward Mulder.

Mulder prepared himself for the blow.

Scully cried out in warning and fear as the monster brandished her gun in the air. Dimitri thrashed behind Scully, twisting the ropes that bound her wrists.

"Morirete," The Mother screamed. "You will die!"

She ran at him full speed, cocked her arm back and smashed him in the right knee with the gun butt. He roared in pain and anger.

One moment Skinner was lowering himself between the legs of a woman he didn't even want to touch and the next moment it was Scully beneath him. He stopped in surprise. 'Well this was certainly better,' he thought as she smiled up at him. He lowered himself into her outstretched arms, settled against her warm breasts then reached between them and guided his cock into her. "I love you," he whispered into her hair. "I love you too, Walter," she said.

An unholy screech suddenly assaulted Skinner's ears. He tried to ignore it as Scully's mouth reached for his.

"NO! You will not think of her!" The Mother screamed, turning back to Skinner. Skinner convulsed violently on the couch and Scully flinched on the floor not far away. Then her eyes flew to Mulder.

She and Mulder had always had a connection, the almost preternatural communication that long time FBI partners developed out of necessity and friendship. She realized now of course that theirs was even closer for other reasons. But the ability helped in all kinds of case situations...including tight ones. She knew what he was trying to do to the Mother now. Mulder was a profiler after all. He was 'playing' her. Scully could only hope his game was good.

She had to have hope as Dimitri said. Trust in those she loved and have faith in God. She began to silently pray. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and in the hour of our death, she thought. Then she yelled.

"He can't help it, he loves me," she shouted, taking Mulder's lead. "And I love him too."

The Mother rounded on her and threw the Sig. It hit Scully in the bicep hard enough to bruise and Scully blurted out a cry of pain.

The Mother stomped over to the end table at the foot of the couch, grabbed the audio remote and jacked the volume up on the stereo system as far as it would go.

"Enough!" It is time!" she screamed above the shriek and whine of Nine-Inch Nails:

I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
my whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god

"Closer to your bastard God!?" The Mother laughed maniacally as she grabbed a piece of charcoal from the shelves along the wall. "You are all going to hell and then my consort and I will laugh over your burning bodies and shriveling souls!" she added, returning to Mulder and bending down. With a few deft strokes she repaired the slight smudges Skinner had made in the magic circle. It only left one section to complete.

Mulder watched her as she threw the charcoal away and then strode over to where his special garment hung. Her face was twisted, almost irrational. The power hummed and buzzed around Mulder's ears. Sparks arced off the costume when she picked it up and swung it over her arms. She didn't even notice when the fishhooks caught her flesh. Mulder swallowed hard and prepared to fight as much as he could to forestall what she had planned for him next.

Dimitri continued to worry Scully's bonds and Scully twisted and turned frantically trying to break them as the Mother proceeded back to the magic circle. The Sig was within Scully's reach. If the Mother was distracted enough, and with the cover of music if Dimitri could release her, she'd grab the gun and get off a shot, she thought.

Skinner was lost in his fantasy Scully. They embraced, locked in each other's arms, her legs wrapped around his waist. His hips rocked back and forth, thrusting into her with long, slow pumps. 'She's so beautiful,' he thought. He smiled down at her and she smiled at him, tipped her head back and moaned with pleasure.

Then he felt a weight behind him, someone large and muscular. A gentle hand caressed his ass.

"Easy, lover," Mulder said.

Skinner took a deep breath and felt the agent's hard cock press into him and then enter his body.

"Oh God," Skinner gasped in pleasure as he pushed forward, filling him.

Mulder draped himself over Skinner's back, holding him close. He kissed his neck.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," Skinner replied.

An urgent Russian accented voice interrupted as Mulder started to thrust into him.


Skinner jerked his head up. It was Dimitri.

"What?" he said.

"You must trust and have faith in yourself. In yourself...and in your feelings for her," the priest said. "In her feelings for you and her partner...and in Mulder's feelings for you both. You must trust and have faith in each other's hearts...and in's imperative."

Skinner looked down at Scully and she touched the side of his face.

"You have to fight, Walter," she said. "You have to fight free and help us."

Mulder breathed into his ear.

"There isn't much time," he said.

Skinner knew it was all true. He remembered what Dimitri said and why he said it. And he knew Scully and Mulder were right too. In the past he may have been guilty of inaction. But not this time. This time he would not hesitate. He'd fight. Scully started to dissolve below him. He prayed to God and struggled through her, flailing his arms as if swimming through the fog of her disappearing form.

The Mother dumped her artwork close to Mulder's feet. The fishhooks dragged slashes along her arms as they snagged through her skin. Blood slicked her forearms. She danced close to him. Mulder quickly shut his eyes as she spat in his face.

"My gift will adorn you soon," she said.

"Can I return it if it doesn't fit?" he asked, opening his eyes.

"It will fit...especially around your cock...I know those measurements intimately after all," she snarled, turning away. "Now...I have other business to attend to."

Mulder twisted in his bonds.

"What business? Hey!" he yelled but she didn't heed him.

Across the room, Dimitri had almost bitten through the ropes around Scully's wrists. Scully continued to aid him by pulling and twisting them.

"Almost there," he hissed.

"We've run out of time," Scully said flatly.

Dimitri peered up over her hip. His eyes grew wide. The Mother was upon them, fury filling her face.

"Get up, whore," she yelled, grabbing Scully by the hair. She pulled and Scully was off her feet and hanging in the Mother's outstretched hand, her arms dangling behind her, her bonds almost severed. The Mother noticed the state of the ropes. Scully swung her body forward, trying to knock The Mother off balance. The Mother punched her in the face, stunning her, and glared at Dimitri.

"Maiali," she ground out through clenched teeth.

"You are the swine, unholy one," the priest shouted back.

The Mother kicked him in the crotch. Dimitri saw the blow coming and tucked up, covering her true target. But she still delivered a painful blow and he lay writhing and gasping. The Mother dumped Scully down hard, then grabbed a firmer handhold of Scully's hair and dragged her toward the magic circle.

Mulder saw Skinner start to shudder over on the couch.

"Sir!" he yelled. "Walter!"

Dimitri rolled and sat up.

"Sergei!" he shouted. Skinner shuddered again and then moaned.

Dimitri didn't know if his friend would regain his senses, although he still had hope. But, time was almost up, all almost lost. "Father, please," he begged, gritting his teeth. "Please help them, help us," he said.

Suddenly he felt his shoulders shift and he was able to dislocate them without feeling any pain. He thanked God as he slowly lifted his bound arms up his back and inched his hands toward his head.

Mulder struggled fiercely as The Mother dragged Scully over in front of him, just outside the magic circle. She hoisted her up, and held her face to face by her bound hands.

"Would you die for them?" she asked studying Scully's face.

Scully knew she would, but she wasn't going to give this woman the satisfaction of getting another answer out of her.

"Why don't you look into my mind and see," she spat through blood in her mouth.

The Mother sneered.

"Why would I want to bother, bitch?" she said.

Mulder realized from the expression on the Mother's face that it wasn't a matter of was a matter of not being able to enter Scully's mind. Part of his mind multitasked and figured what the odds were that the Mother could only possess a certain type of genetically suited to her in blood type, maybe even DNA or something as simple as the presence of artistic talent.

Scully gave The Mother a triumphant smile.

"You won't bother? You mean you can't. You aren't able..."

The Mother punched her in the face again and Scully went limp.

Mulder cried out in anger and fear.


The Mother turned Scully around and pinned her against her with one arm. Scully's wrist bonds finally parted under the stress and fell to the floor.

"I will complete the magic circle now!" The Mother shouted. "With this whore's blood!"

Mulder watched in terrified fascination as The Mother stretched out her hand. Her fingers started to glow again and this time instead of a cross and chain, a bronze knife appeared in her hand.

Part of Mulder's mind still theorized while he watched Scully's potential murder weapon flash and glint in the sanctuary's candle and furnace light. 'She can conjure metal objects but not non-metallic ones like charcoal. That's why she picks artists who can work with metal,' he thought.

The rest of his mind was ready to shut down at the prospect of really seeing Scully's throat slit in front of him.

There was a quick movement behind the Mother. Mulder looked past her and saw the priest throw off his wrist ropes and fall to the side, grabbing Skinner's Sig Sauer off the floor.

Mulder yelled at The Mother seeking to distract her.

"Let her go!"

It didn't do any good however; she'd seen the direction of his gaze and turned with Scully in her arms.

"Go on, shoot," she screamed, holding Scully as a shield.

Dimitri raised his weapon. 'I have no choice,' he thought. "Guide my aim, Father," he mumbled and pulled the trigger. The gun jammed.

The Mother howled her laughter, dropped the unconscious Scully and advanced on the hapless priest with her knife. Dimitri tried to fire again.

'So, she can be killed by gunfire,' Mulder thought. But he figured the fall caused the gun to malfunction. He was helpless to do anything about it, of course, as The Mother reached Dimitri and grabbed him by the neck. The priest cried out.

"God forgive me!"

The Mother stabbed him in the stomach.

The creature cursed roundly and shook him. Dimitri dropped the gun and she threw him against the post that Skinner had been bound to earlier. The priest fell to the wooden floor and lay still, blood pooling below him.

Those events hardly registered before The Mother had Scully in her arms again. Mulder hadn't seen her move across the floor. She brandished the knife. Mulder shut his eyes.

"Watch!" The Mother screamed and Mulder's eyes were forced open.

And then Skinner crashed into The Mother.

She screamed in surprise and despair. "NO!"

They collapsed to the left, going down heavily onto the floor. Scully flew right, her eyes opening when she hit wood. The knife skittered into the magic circle and stopped at Mulder's feet. Skinner was on top of The Mother, straddling her. He pounded her head into the floorboards, adrenaline fueling his fury.

"Scully!" Mulder screamed as his partner shook her head, disorientated. "Shoot her! Shoot her!" 'God, I hope the gun won’t misfire again,' he thought as Scully struggled to sit up.

The Mother lifted Skinner up bodily and threw him backward sending him crashing into the stereo system. The music cut off abruptly as the AD knocked the entire thing in every direction. He was up immediately however, as The Mother turned, hunting for her knife. He launched himself but she caught him and they grappled together, grunting and making incoherent noises of protest as they fought. Skinner stared into the face of The Mother, his biceps straining as he gripped her throat. He wanted to hold her as long as he could to give Scully a chance to get to his gun. Spittle flew from The Mother's mouth and Skinner clenched his jaw and pressed hard.

For one moment The Mother's eyes softened toward him.

"," she whispered. "I can give you the world."

Skinner ground his teeth down.

"Go fuck yourself," he growled.

The Mother screamed and tried to throw his arms off her neck.

Finally Scully realized what was going on, taking in Skinner and the Mother and Skinner's Sig Sauer lying near her. She pulled her bound legs across the floor and grabbed the gun. As she sat up her arms and hands automatically fell into a shooting stance. She noticed the clip was slightly off kilter and jammed it home.

She paused in momentary panic and glanced around for Father Dimitri until she found where he had fallen. His eyes fluttered open and he looked at her and nodded.

"Do it," he mouthed.

Mulder knew that Skinner couldn't hold The Mother much longer. She didn't really want to hurt him at first but now she was beyond caring. He wasn't strong enough ultimately to contend with her supernatural strength. The agent bit his lip as Scully took aim. "Please," he prayed. "I know you can do it, Scully," he whispered.

" my aim," Scully murmured. Skinner was in the way and she held her breath. The Mother threw him aside. Scully took careful aim, and squeezed the trigger.

The report echoed in the sanctuary. The bullet blasted The Mother between the eyes and Mulder saw a section of her skull explode out the back of her head. She shrieked and twirled about spraying blood on Skinner. Scully shot again for good measure, straight through The Mother's heart.

A huge crash of thunder split the air and lightning illuminated the sanctuary casting it in stark white. Pulsing, throbbing power built in the room, a fiery glow encompassed everything and everyone as the air grew hotter and an odor of burning sulfur assaulted their nostrils. Mulder could feel his hair stand on end from static electricity. Mulder glanced at the clock. It was midnight. Someone was coming to call...but he'd find the door locked when he got there.

"Look!" Skinner yelled.

Mulder and Scully followed his gaze. A black mist flowed out of Laura Massey's body. It was shaped like a woman; Mulder could see her breasts. The Mother was leaving her dead host. As Laura Massey's body fell to the floor, Mulder heard Dimitri chanting in a strong voice. He spoke in Russian, and Mulder only understood a few words, but the undeniable faith and power of what the priest uttered was unmistakable.

Scully lowered her gun, half in shock and Skinner struggled to his knees, hardly believing his eyes. There was a terrific wind and then an unearthly hollow scream issued from the black, oscillating mist.

Mulder felt his ears pop and then there was an almost deafening roar. It was as if the air imploded somehow.

Skinner crawled to Scully and gathered her close. She clung to him as the air pummeled them. They looked to Mulder, worry clearly written on their faces until they had to shut their eyes and crouch lower against the explosive sound.

Mulder gritted his teeth and shut his eyes...the wind howled...and then everything was silent.

When he opened them, Mother Nature was putting on her own light show outside, and rain was hitting the stained glass windows. All trace of paranormal power was gone. Laura Massey's dead body had disappeared, Skinner and Scully huddled together outside the incomplete magic circle, and the priest lay flat next to the post across from them.

Skinner stood immediately and helped Scully up. Mulder sagged in his bonds, exhaustion making his head swim.

"The priest," he said, inclining his chin in Dimitri's direction.

Skinner looked. He could see the blood. His forehead creased in worry and his jaw clenched tight.

"Help him," he told Scully. "I'll get Mulder down."

Scully squeezed Skinner's hand and hurried to Dimitri.

Mulder gave Skinner a weary smile as he came to stand in front of him.

"Are you all right?" he asked.

"I'm naked, bruised all over and my head's splitting, but I'll live."

Mulder chuckled but he noticed Skinner's hands shook slightly as he tested the manacles.

"You ok?" Skinner asked.

"I may not be able to walk," Mulder admitted. He'd been shackled for hours. Between exhaustion and the cramping he wasn't sure he could stand.

"Let me see if I can get you down."

Skinner walked to the back of the table, stepping gingerly over the discarded metal clothing The Mother had created for Mulder. He gave it a look of disgust. He was heartily glad that the monster never got to use it.

Behind the table there was a single large padlock that held all the chains to the manacles tight. Skinner glanced around and finally spotted something propped against the wall next to the furnace room.

"Hang on...I have an idea," he said.

Mulder watched as he limped to the entrance to the furnace wing and picked up a sledgehammer.

Scully went to her knees beside Dimitri Yvashko. He was still breathing but he'd been stabbed in the stomach and there was a large bruise on the side of his face as well. Scully theorized that he had been thrown into the post. He might have internal injuries besides the knife wound. He needed a hospital. There wasn't much she could do for him, but she was willing to try. She noticed what appeared to be clean towels hanging nearby, retrieved them and pressed them to his wound.

The priest opened his eyes and coughed. Blood trickled out of his mouth. His hand lifted and touched Scully's fingers.

"She is gone?" he whispered.

"Yes," Scully said, smiling down at him.

He smiled as well and relaxed, shutting his eyes.

"Thank, God," he whispered.

"Don't try to talk," Scully said. Dimitri nodded weakly.

Mulder jumped as Skinner's sledge hammer connected with the padlock at his back. The loud clank echoed in the sanctuary and Mulder was jolted in his manacles.

"Once more should do it," Skinner said.

The sledgehammer came down, and so did Mulder, pitching forward. Before he could fall completely on his face however, Skinner was there, cradling him. Heedless of their nudity they hugged intensely for a brief moment. Then Skinner helped Mulder stand.

"Can you walk?"

"Yeah, I think so."

They both limped to where Scully knelt next to Dimitri.

Mulder could tell that the priest was in a bad way; there was a lot of blood on the floor. He glanced at Skinner and saw his face grow tense.

Scully stood and turned to them.

"Mulder," she whispered. He held out his arms and with no awareness of their nudity, she stepped into his arms and grabbed him around the waist. They hugged for a moment. Scully stretched out her hand and gathered Skinner in as well. They gave each other a quick squeeze and then clustered around Dimitri.

Skinner took a close look at the priest's stomach and knew it was serious. He'd seen enough wounds to recognize a potentially fatal one. He sank to his knees and took his friend's hand. Dimitri opened his eyes.

"You did it," he whispered, coughing a little.

Skinner smiled at him.

"*You* did it."

The priest returned his smile.

"We make a pretty good team," he said, gesturing with his chin to encompass them all.

"Find a phone," the AD ordered, looking up at Scully and Mulder. "He needs a hospital."

Scully's brow creased and her eyes grew moist. She shook her head slightly. Mulder looked down. Skinner felt Dimitri squeeze his hand and turned to him again.

"It's too late...I'm dying," he whispered.

"Don't say that," Skinner insisted.

Dimitri shook his head.

"Listen...not much time."

The priest pulled on Skinner's hand and he bent lower.

"On the inside of my ankle. A tattoo. It's a phone number in Cyrillic. You remember your Cyrillic?"

"Yes, I can still read it."

Dimitri smiled again.

"Good. Dial the number. They will come you cover this up."

Skinner's jaw muscles jumped. He was familiar with cover-ups, but this one he wouldn't mind.

"All right." He squeezed the priest's hand.

His friend sighed with relief and nodded. Skinner reached up and yanked the upside down cross off the chain around his neck. He gently picked up Dimitri's hand and put the cross in it. Then he folded his hand on his chest.

"I think you can use this now," he whispered.

Dimitri smiled, shut his eyes and then opened them again. He stared into Skinner's face.

"I always loved you," he murmured. "I always will."

Skinner felt tears sting his eyes.

"I know. I loved you too. I always will."

Skinner squeezed his hand. Dimitri smiled and his breath rattled in his chest.

"Dimitri?" Skinner asked, touching his cheek.

Dimitri Yvashko pinned Skinner's eyes.

"Love them. Trust them and have faith in them and in God, Sergei. We will meet again, my friend."

All Skinner could think to do in lieu of the last rights was to raise his hand and make the sign of the cross.

"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen," he mumbled.

"Thank you," Dimitri said.

Skinner nodded. Then the priest squeezed his hand very weakly.

"No pain," he whispered. And then he stopped breathing.

Skinner bent his head and felt tears trickle down his cheeks. His only consolation was in the thought his friend had died a hero saving them all...and mankind as well.

"I don't suppose there's anything we could have done in time," he said.

Scully touched his shoulder.

"No, sir...he knew there wasn't anything we could do even if the paramedics could have gotten here. I'm so sorry."

"So am I," Mulder mumbled.

Skinner gave his friend's hand one last squeeze and wiped his eyes on his forearm. Then he shifted down to Dimitri's ankle, turned it slightly and read the number tattooed into the small design there. He stood up.

Scully and Mulder were standing very close; tears slid down Scully's cheeks. Mulder looked grave, although curious as he glanced at Dimitri's ankle. Skinner set his jaw and spoke. His voice was all business.

"We need to call in a clean up crew."

-Continued in Part 8-