

by Blue Mohairbear

May 2nd, 1999


He doesn't bring as much stuff as I expected. His clothes, books and a few boxes with trivia stuff. The computer, of course. Most people wouldn't last three days without water, Fox Mulder wouldn't last a day without his electronic slave. There have been times when I have seriously considered the possibility of having him surgically removed from that thing.

It doesn't take us long to push the five or six boxes around in my apartment, to put his clothes into the drawers and the wardrobe. After an hour, only one small box is left.

He turns to me, grinning.

"Well... almost done."

"Yeah." I grab him by the waist and pull him into my arms. Eagerly, he leans into the kiss, moaning softly as I let my hands stroke right down his back. I press him against me and begin to knead his ass. After what seems like years of hot, teenage-like kissing, he slowly withdraws and looks at me with dazed eyes. He can shut my brain down in seconds with that look.


"Hmmm?" I try to get hold of that wet, glistening lower lip with my teeth while my hands are busy tugging his tee out of his jeans.

"What about finishing my stuff first?" He looks over to my bookshelf. "Do you think I could get some space there?"

"Hmmm? Oh... yeah, sure", I murmur absently and lick his neck. The soft warm skin there tastes deliciously of fresh sweat and he squirms delightfully in my arms now, rubbing his chest and groin against me.

"Aaah... oh... ah, Walter...ahmmm.. about that bookshelf..."

I look at him incredulously, rubbing the hard bulge in his jeans with my palm. His eyes drift half shut, he sighs and the pink tip of his tongue darts out to wet his lips. Oh, yes, lips... I grab his hair with my other hand and yank his head back, storming his mouth again.

This time I almost succeed in silencing him. Almost. He wouldn't be Fox Mulder, otherwise, I think with a resigned groan as he asks into my mouth.

"Why don't you let me put the rest of my stuff into that shelf? Then I'll have officially moved in, you know, completely, and we could celebrate..."

Blink. Blink. A little red warning light. Deep back in the fuzz that has replaced my former brain. I release him and stare suspiciously into his flushed face, my eyes narrowed.

"Okay, Mulder. What is it?"

He gives me his best kicked-puppy-look. "What is what?" Strong, slender hands skim my chest, palms rub over my nipples. I try to supress the sweet shudder that runs through my body and grab his wrists.

"You prefer putting some books into a shelf to being fucked? Or do you want... no, you don't, do you? Tell me it's not your video collection." I'm almost begging.

Broad grin. Hand on my cheek. I'm melting again.

"'course not, Walter. I gave that up after our first... you know... " He kisses my nose. Oh yeah. I *know*. And that thought makes my jeans still tighter. And I also know, unfortunately, that I won't get anything I want from him until we have put his whatever-it-may-be into the shelf. I'm resigned. After all, I *asked* him to move in with me.

"Okay. I'll take some books out and make space for yours."

"Ahm... no... that isn't necessary, Walter. You just need to push them back a bit, my stuff doesn't need much space." All of a sudden, he is very busy, opening the box while I shove a row of paperbacks back towards the wall. Then I turn around to him and freeze in horror.

"God, Fox. What is *that*?"

He beams at me, holding one of the hideous things under my nose. I flinch.

"No way this is going to sit in *my* shelf, Mulder", I growl. "Not even in my *apartment*. No, let me rephrase that. Not anywhere in this whole fucking *building*."


"Walter." He looks *really* hurt now. A look that could give anyone who doesn't know him a guilt complex for life. Unfortunately for Mulder, he has tried that look a few times too often on me. I don't want to mention a certain liver-eating mutant here or vampires - you get the picture.

"Mulder. Put. That. Back. Now. *Burn* it." I try to look and sound threatening, but the sight of him kneeling there before me, looking up to me... Jesus. My cock twitches painfully.

He holds up another one. "Not even this? Please, Walter?"

Reluctantly, I take the... something... and have a closer look. A glass dome, the height of my palm. No, that's not glass. Plastic. In the center of it is something like an island and on the island... I groan.

"The White House, Walter. Great, huh? The blue stuff that looks like the ocean is oil, and the rest is water, that's why they don't mix - come on, shake it, it looks great!"

I stare in disbelief at the words "Washington, D.C." at the foot of the.. the... *thing*. Mulder takes it away from me, just to replace it with another horror.

"This one's cool, Walter, it's Vegas. That's the obelisk in front of the Luxor hotel. Oh, yes - shake it, it snows! Funny, huh? And now - here's the best part: you can play with it!"

Four little plastic rings, blue, red, yellow and green, float in the water inside.

"You have to try to get the rings over the obelisk. We can play it some time, the one who gets all rings done in under thirty seconds gets to fuck the other one..."

That shakes me out of my state of numbed disbelief. Fucking, oh yes. I was on a sex mission. Unfortunately, Mulder is already a mile ahead of me again. With a quick movement, he grabs the oval globe from me and presses another one into my hand. A tree, a sunset in hideous colors, some blossoming plants and a crocodile, showing lots of teeth.

"Louisiana", my lover announces proudly. At least, it doesn't snow - but then I realize that the glimmering, glittering green stuff tumbling merrily through the water inside is much uglier than snow.

"Here!" Triumphantly. I find myself holding a globe filled with water. No snow, no glitter. Just a small plastic top hat floating in it, a tiny carrot and some black pearls.

"California Snowman!" comes the giggled comment from my feet where Mulder is digging enthusiastically in his little box of horrors. Such an innocent looking box, who would have thought -

"Mulder." I try to get through to him.

"Ta Daaa!" Another rounded, smooth thing is pressed into my hand. The face of a bearded man stares solemnly back at me. "Illinois, Land of Lincoln" says the inscription.

"There was only glitter in that one", Mulder explains, "but I filled it with snow, too. The mix looks great, shake it. Hey, shit, where's the one with the whales?"

That does it. Too much is too much.

I hunch down beside him, grab his collar and shake *him*. Hard.

"Bed. *Now.*" Even after the horrors I have just faced, I succeed in producing a growl that sobers him instantly.

He blinks. "Uhh.. okay, Walter. Whatever you say."

Good. I'm *still* the boss, and I don't intend to let him forget that.

I effectively strip him on the way to the bedroom and when we arrive upstairs he takes my clothes off, meekly as a lamb, and begins to kiss his way down my body. A good hard grip can do wonders with the man, I'll have to remember that. Should have done that years ago when - oooh. Aaahh. He's doing some amazing things with his mouth down there. I let myself fall backwards on the bed, pulling him with me.

He doesn't interrupt his work, he's totally concentrated on reducing my stone hard cock to a heap of jelly. Won't take him long now... aaahh... shit... oh god, that mouth...

Then, all of a sudden, he pulls back, exposing my throbbing erection to the cool air, grinning up at me. I growl in frustration.

"You know, Walter, you've got a really nice cock. Beautiful", he drawls and gives it a good lick from the base to the crown. I buck up and moan.

"Stop talking, Mulder. Suck me."

"Reminds me of... let's see... the obelisk in front of the Luxor? Yes." Another hot lick, this time down and over my balls. "Hard, erect, beautiful..." He nibbles at the head and flickers his tongue over the slit, while one hand skillfully rotates my balls, a soft pressure that makes me writhe under him.

"Mulder... " I barely can think, but I'm not *that* stupid. Yet.

"I'm not the slave of my libido, Mulder", I pant. "If that's supposed to be a tactic to get your tasteless toys into my bookshelf, forget it. Now shut up and finish your job."

"Slave? Slave.... doesn't that remind me... wait..." a strong fist grabs my cock and gives it a hard, pumping stroke. The sudden flash of hot pleasure almost lifts me off the bed.

"Shit, Fox... stop that fucking teasing!"

"Abe Lincoln!" the beautiful brat announces merrily while his fingers stroke lightly over the opening between my buttocks. When he begins a rhythmic pressure there, along with hot, sensuous licks over the length of my dick, my brain waves a friendly goodbye and leaves.

"You know, Walter, I'm really wondering where the San Diego globe is. The one with the whales in it..."

I give up.

"Damn you, Mulder... aah... when we have visitors, the stuff goes into the drawer!" I hate to admit that I don't sound very threatening at that moment. Fox has a *really* talented mouth and *very* skillful fingers.

His broad grin could lighten the apartment for a whole evening. Not triumphantly, just delighted. Then he dives down, swallows my cock deep and sucks me directly into heaven. I come so hard I almost rip the sheet I'm clinging to.

When I open my eyes again, I look into a pair of beautiful hazel pools.

"You *do* love me, Walter." His voice is soft, he sounds awed.

"I'm afraid so", I grin and pull him into my arms. "Why else do you think I asked *you*, of all people, to move in with me?"

That earns me a playful slap and a kiss.

"Yeah, but... I mean, accepting *me* is hard enough, but adopting my snowdomes -"

"Mulder", I wince. "Let's not talk about these... things, ok?"

He chuckles and drapes himself over my chest.

"Don't panic, Walter. That was a joke. I found them in the basement and packed them for Scully's nieces. Just thought they could help making our first official evening in *our* apartment" - kiss on my nose - "a bit... memorable."

I stare at him, dizzy with a mix of deep relief and sexual bliss.

"Thank god. I would have lived in constant fear of unexpected visitors."

"You really believed that I wanted to keep that stuff and put it in your bookshelf?" he asks incredulously.

"Of course. I know your ties, Mulder. And your boxers", I add. He grins and slaps me again.

I roll over and bury him under me. Flip him around on his stomach and smack him hard on his beautiful ass, twice. He yelps and bucks up, wonderfully hot already, and panting.

"Time you remembered *who* does the smacking here, boy", I grin. Flip him on his back again and decide to choose the only way to silence Fox Mulder for more than thirty seconds. I grab my tee from the floor, shove it into his mouth and get down to his groin. Someone's waiting there for me, eager, hard, and wet. Without any snow.

The End