TITLE: A Trip For Two

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains VERY GRAPHIC SEXUAL SITUATIONS AND LANGUAGE. So, if you don't like graphic stuff - STOP NOW! Forewarned is forearmed.

SUMMARY: Mulder and Scully go on vacation. Sounds simple doesn't it? Well...watch out because this trip is full of surprises! This story is just a little piece of light weight stuff I wrote for fun. I wanted to do something with some humor in it after all those dark horror stories so here's the result. Of course, there's lots of horizontal boppin' in here too - so be on your toes. FEEDBACK PLEASE, AND THANK YOU SIR, CAN I HAVE ANOTHER? Comments, suggestions and healthy debate are always welcome. Flames? Ouch!.

TIMESPAN/SPOILER WARNING.: The story takes place before Scully's cancer so probably in the season before her illness. No spoiler's really although I do mention Jose' Chung in passing.

KEYWORDS: story romance humor Mulder Scully NC-17

DISCLAIMER: Fox Mulder and Dana Scully belong to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions and 20th Century FOX Broadcasting. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made from their use. The lyrics to "I Need A Man" are property of Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart of Eurythmics and are under copyright by RCA Corporation and BMG Music. The song is on the "Savage" CD. Once again, no copyright infringement is intended.


A Trip for Two
by frogdoggie 


"Mulder, I can't touch that thing!" 

"Oh come on Scully, what do you mean, can't touch it? You're a forensic pathologist for God's sake!" 

"But...Mulder - for crying out loud, I hate worms, they're too much like snakes, and I loathe snakes....give me a break!" 

Mulder was laughing like hell, fishing pole in hand, and Dana Scully pulled her face down into a mammoth frown. 'Why in the hell did I ever say yes to coming out here?' she thought for at least the fifth time that afternoon, 'because I'm a masochistic idiot, that's why'. She dropped the fishing pole down next to her and made to get up off the end of the dock. 

The whole debacle of a weekend had begun weeks ago, at the beginning of June. Mulder had been called in by Sig Krause of the Violent Crimes Division on a really rotten serial killer case. "Please, Mulder, come on, just do the profile, all right? We're desperate," Sig had begged. And of course they were, and of course Mulder had done it. But for once, Fox Mulder had put his foot down. He had told Krause that the Agent owed him big time. The day after the case was solved Krause was on the phone to the basement office. 

"Mulder, this is Sig Krause." 

"Oh, yeah? I heard you caught your man yesterday. I'm not talking to you unless this is payback time, you son of a bitch," he chuckled into the phone. 

Sig laughed as well, "Well, as a matter of fact Mulder, I do have an offer for you. Hope it suits you. And, hey, man I really was glad for the help." 

Mulder sighed, "OK, Thanks, I appreciate that Sig. But, what's the deal?" 

"You know my wife and I have that summer place on Chesapeake Bay? That house right on the water in St. Michaels?" 


"Well, we're not going down there for the last weekend in June, and I thought I'd offer it to you if you'd like to use it. You could go down there on the weekend, put your feet up and relax - you know, take a load off." 

Mulder pursed his lips. He and Scully had been getting ready to fly to Gary, Indiana the next day on an X-File. He wasn't sure his schedule was going to jive with Sig's proposition. 

"Gee, I really appreciate the offer, Sig, but Scully and I are leaving for Gary, Indiana tomorrow on a case. I just don't know if my schedule..." 

"Hey, whatever Mulder. I'm offering it to you. The house will be there and it'll be vacant. If things work out just let me know. I can give you the keys. And Mulder - if you want to bring someone along for he weekend, feel free...there's a pool and the house is pretty secluded from the road..." he let his voice trail off suggestively. 

'Oh yeah sure, Sig,' Mulder thought, 'what a dick - he makes a polite gesture, and then he has to rub my lack of a social life in my face just to remind me he's really an asshole.' 

"Fine Sig, I'm sure we'll enjoy ourselves..." he dead panned into the receiver. 

"Ourselves?" Sig sputtered, "who the hell would you...." 

"Later, Sig," Mulder grinned, cutting him off as he hung up the phone. Mulder jotted a notation on his desk calendar for the last weekend in June, just in case. 

Mulder and Scully had indeed flown to Gary, Indiana the next day. The X-File had turned out to be totally bogus. The entire week long trip became an endless hell of running after dead end leads, and false information, as well as fighting with the local authorities on procedure to boot. The last straw had been when a Gary squad car had rear-ended their rental at the end of a high speed chase. A chase which caught the college kid culprits who staged the whole hoax. 

Scully had been at her wits end, out of patience and hopping mad, and Mulder hadn't blamed her for once. He pretty much tucked his tail between his legs, and they both fled back to DC as quickly as United Airlines would let them. 

The week after their return from Gary, Scully came into the office late. She'd been taking her time at home lately, trying to unwind from the disgusting trip. When she entered the office Mulder was looking down at his desk calendar, a pencil tapping restlessly in his hand. 

Scully looked at him with consternation, 'Don't tell me we're going on some new wild goose chase,' she thought crossing to her desk to sit down behind her terminal. 

"Say, Scully?" Mulder said. 

"What Mulder?" Scully answered her eyebrows raised. 

"Did you know Sig Krause owed me one hell of a favor for that profile I did for him just before we left to go to Gary?" 

"Yes, I remember you mentioning that," Scully replied, intrigued despite herself. 

"Yeah, well, he offered me his house on Chesapeake Bay for the last weekend in June, uh - this weekend coming up I mean. He said he'd give me the keys and I could go down there and cool off." 

"Oh, well, that would be fine, Mulder. I think it would be nice for you," Scully replied. 'Yes! she thought, 'thank God, I can take a couple of days off too, and just hibernate with a good book. What luck.' 

"Nice?" "Uh, nice, yeah," he replied in a distracted manner. 

"Nice, but what's wrong?" Scully asked pursing her lips. 

"Nice but, well I just thought...look, Sig said I was welcome to bring someone with me and - how would you like to come along Scully? I feel sort of rotten over that Gary trip. Would you like a weekend on the Bay to make up for it?" Mulder asked shyly, avoiding her eyes. 

Scully stared at him. She was flabbergasted but she tried not to show it. 'A weekend with Mulder alone on Chesapeake Bay? Oh sure, that would be relaxing - right - no way Jose Chung.' But in the back of her mind a little voice was saying, 'Oh come on Dana, I know all about your fantasies regarding Fox Mulder, what's the problem? Here's your big chance to be alone with him, and without the JOB thing, girl. Go with him, tell him yes!" 

"Well, Mulder...I, uh, that's a nice gesture on your part," she replied. 

Mulder looked up at her expectantly. 

"Sure, I guess I could clear my schedule," she answered. 

"Great, then I..." 

"But listen, Mulder - I want this to be a real vacation for me - I want to be left alone as much as possible, all right. I mean I'll drive out there with you, and then we go our separate ways, OK?" she insisted. At least that way she would be assured that he wouldn't be constantly looming over her shoulder, intruding on her personal space, and she thought idly, 'making me feel warm all over.' 'Whoa, belay that thought, Dana!' Scully looked at him with a little smile on her face to soften her words. 

"Oh, well, yeah, sure I guess I can agree to those terms," he replied. 'Shit,' he thought, 'it sounds more like our trip to Gary than a vacation.' Why was he so upset? 'Doh,' he thought, 'I'm upset because I always dreamed of taking her some place nice, alone, without some liver eating mutant or demon possessed serial killer getting in the way, and now..." he suppressed that thought in a hurry, and he and Scully went back to filling out the reams of endless paper work that resulted from their trip to Indiana. 

Mulder had called Sig Krause and got the keys. He still wouldn't tell him who he was taking with him. He just dropped some hints that she was gorgeous, 'Well, that at least is true,' he thought, and then he took the keys and ran. 

He arranged with Skinner, and then Scully to take Thursday, Friday and Monday off - a really long weekend. Skinner hadn't even batted an eye when Mulder told him Scully wanted off as well. Of course he didn't tell Skinner she was going with him. Mulder was going to pick her up on Thursday morning and they would drive out to Sig's house. 

"Bring a swimsuit, Scully, there's a pool, and the Bay of course. Sig said the house is stocked with food but we can buy whatever we think is lacking". Of course what the dick had really said was, 'you break it you buy it, Mulder, and if all the beers gone by the end of the weekend, at least throw a couple of new six packs in the fridge - ok?' 

"All right, I'll bring some CDs too maybe, and I definitely have a book I'd like to read," she replied. 

"Ok, Great. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning at your apartment around 7 AM, how would that be?" 

"Fine Mulder, 7, I'll see you then." They had both left the basement office to go home and pack. 

Mulder had picked her up at precisely 7 AM. He was dressed in comfortable looking faded jeans and a blue work shirt, sunglasses and sneakers. Scully had to admit he looked pretty good. 'Good?' her little voice chimed in, 'he looks positively fuckable.' Scully stifled that little voice with one walloping punch to it's head. 

Mulder ogled her like she had two heads. He stopped looking quickly however, and busied himself with getting Scully's bags into the trunk of his car. Scully looked really cute in her jeans and little white blouse. Even her feet were neat and attractive in her sneakers. The sunglasses really put the corker on it though. She looked positively sultry when she looked over them into the trunk of the car. 

"What the heck is all that?" she asked pointing. 

"Huh, what?" Mulder asked taking his eyes off her chest. 

"What's up with the equipment?" Scully repeated gesturing with her head at the trunk. 

"Oh. Those are rods and reels, Scully, I thought we might like to do a little fishing. Sig says there's a dock off the house's back yard." 

'Fat chance,' Scully thought, "Oh, well, I'll give it some thought," she said and Mulder grinned at her. 

The trip to Maryland and St. Michael's had actually been rather pleasant. They had agreed on what CDs to play for once so Mulder wasn't drowning her in Elvis, and he didn't have to listen to a constant stream of Mozart. Mulder even made the obligatory pit stops so they could stretch their legs and use the restrooms. The only jarring note came when they went into one of the service areas fast food concessions to get a soda. 

"And sir, what would your wife like?" the teenager behind the McDonald's counter had asked. Mulder had practically choked on his sip of Diet Coke. 

"Oh, yeah, well, the wife would like..." and then he had turned to Scully with a wicked gleam in his eye. 

"To put an ice pick in the base of her husband's skull," she had replied completely straight-faced. 

Mulder snorted Diet Coke out through his nose at the startled clerk, "uh, she'll have a Diet Coke too, please," he stammered, tossing the money on the counter. Scully smiled broadly at him. 

The rest of the drive was uneventful. 

They arrived at Sig Krause's secluded summer home by early afternoon. Mulder pulled the car into the driveway and then they both got out. 

"What do you say we check things out and then come back for the luggage?" Mulder suggested. 

"Sounds good." Scully replied. 

They both walked up the stone walkway that lead to the front door. Mulder put the key in the lock and opened it. 

"Whoa," Mulder said and then he whistled in appreciation. The house was a show place. Open concept, vaulted ceilings. Loft overlooking a sunken living room, complete with fireplace and entertainment center. Formal dining room. A hall lead back to private guest rooms with their own bathroom. A library. The upstairs consisted of an office and then a huge Master bedroom suite with his and her walk in closets and a mammoth master bathroom complete with oversized walk-in bathtub and separate shower. The back of the house had a full length screened in porch. There was a nice sized enclosed pool house out back, for year round swimming, and Scully could also just make out the dock, and the Bay behind. 

"Sig Krause works for the Bureau?" Scully pondered eyebrow raised, as they finished the tour of their vacation location. 

"Yeah, but his wife's a very high priced lawyer," Mulder replied taking a turn into the kitchen. 

"Oh, that explains it," Scully replied following him. 

Mulder pulled the huge double doored fridge open. "Ah ha," he thought pulling two Bud Lights from inside, "Scully?" he said proffering one to her. 

"Thanks, Mulder," she nodded smiling tentatively at him. 'Maybe this isn't going to be too bad,' she thought. 

'Maybe this is going to be kind of nice after all,' Mulder thought. 

"Why don't I get the luggage and you go pick out a room for yourself," Mulder offered gallantly. 

"All right, I'll be just down the hall," Scully replied, 'But Gee, I'd really like to get you up in that master suite, in the bed, or maybe the tub and..' down girl she told the little voice as she took a swig of her beer. She then promptly shoved that idea deep down in her brain and forgot about it as fast as she could. 

Mulder drank some of the beer and then left the bottle on the counter for his return. He went back out to the car for the luggage. 'Christ did you get a load of that Master Suite,' he thought. 'Holy shit.' a sudden vision of Scully up to her breasts in bubbles in that tub sprung into his mind. He shoved it back down quickly and opened the trunk. 'Hey, I should have some time to go fishing!' he thought. 

Scully took the bedroom overlooking the Bay. She figured Mulder wouldn't particularly care about the view, and she had been right. Mulder took his things into the other room without comment. Scully finished her beer and left the bottle on her nightstand. 

"Scully, want to go fishing?" Mulder called across to her from the other room. 

Scully came out into the hall and entered his room. Mulder had just finished his beer, and was picking up one of two fishing poles that had been lying across the bed. He had such an expression of boyish pleasure on his face, that Scully's resolve to avoid interaction with him at all costs melted slightly. 

"Oh, all right I guess I could go sit out on the dock and watch you fish," she grinned at him. 

So that brought them to the worm thing. If Scully had known that worms were what Mulder had been carrying in that tiny Styrofoam container, she would have told him to take a flying leap off the end of the dock. But now she was holding down the gorge in her stomach, and getting up to leave his side in a great big hurry. 

"Ah, come on, Scully, please don't go, I'll, I'll bait your hook," Mulder called after her pathetically. 'Shit,' he thought. 

"No thanks, Mulder, I'm just going to go start that book I wanted to read. I'll see you later," and she stalked back up to the house. 

Scully had vented for 15 minutes once she got inside her room. It made her feel a whole lot better. 'What a moron. God, couldn't he see I was going to vomit over that disgusting thing. Worms - Oh God, Gross me out. Now I probably won't even be able to eat dinner. Lord, Mulder you are as thick as a brick. What made him think I'd want to go fishing with him anyway - Because you said you did and you looked like you'd love to that's why. Ha, screw that, you mean screw him don't you?' she stopped thinking with a start at that point, got her book and sat down on the bed to read. She glanced out the window and she could still just see Mulder down on the dock. He was standing up and casting his line out into the Bay. Scully watched his strong arms and lean chest and muscular legs lean into the cast. 'God, she thought, he looks hot,' and then she felt hot. She picked up her book and made a hurried exit for the library. 

Mulder didn't catch anything but the mere experience of trying helped him to relax immeasurably. His enjoyment would have been complete if only his partner had been at his side. 'Too bad Scully didn't stick around,' he thought sadly. 'I bet if I'd baited her hook she would have really enjoyed this.' He glanced at his watch. 'Holy shit, it's getting close to dinner time all ready. He gathered up his fishing gear and headed back up to the house. 

Scully had gotten a bit drowsy reading her book but that was fine. She was tired and she didn't want to finish the novel in just one day anyway. She had a feeling that she would want to string reading it out for as long as she could over the weekend. 

There was a knock on the library door. "Yes?" she answered. 

"It's me, Scully, are you decent?" Mulder asked a grin in his voice. 

'Oh, for God's sake,' Scully rolled her eyes, "Of course, come on in," she replied fatalistically. 

Mulder pushed the door open. Scully's eyes went wide. 'Oh my God he looks fantastic,' she thought as he walked into the room. Mulder was dressed in his faded jeans, fresh white shirt, decent tie (for a change), light weight summer sports coat, sneakers, and his glasses. Scully loved it when he wore his glasses. His hair was falling down into those glasses right now. Scully was seriously close to melting into a pool of warm liquid at his feet. 

"Uh, Scully," he stammered, "I just wanted to tell you I was sorry for earlier. I promise I won't mention the "w" word for the rest of the weekend. Oh, and this is for you," he added taking his hand from behind his back. In it was a single red rose. 

"Oh, Mulder..." Scully felt herself blushing. 

"Well, they were growing outside," he gave her a lopsided grin and that was it - she was mush. All the weeks (maybe years?), of boredom, the crappy Gary X-File, the Violent Crimes Division hassle, the annoying Mulder *idiotcyncracies*, Scully's impatience and crabbiness and yes, pettiness, faded away with the sweet humble sincerity of this one simple gesture, and the look in Mulder's hazel eyes. 

'Oh hell,' Scully thought. I can't just walk all over him now. 'I might as well go with the flow. And the little voice said, 'Yeah, and just wait, I bet that's not all you go for." 

Mulder held the flower out towards Scully and held his breath. 'God she looks so pretty,' he thought as she sat by the library window and the sun caught the gold in her golden red hair. 

"Peace?" he finally asked. 

"Yes. Peace, Mulder," she replied smiling tentatively at him. She rose to take the rose from his fingers. She placed it in her book to mark the spot where she had been reading. 

"You're dressed up a little Mulder, did you have plans for dinner?" she fished. 

"Oh, well as a matter of fact, Sig suggested a place in St. Michaels. I guess it's kind of casual but they have great food and a little band and dance floor. I thought, well, if you'd be interested..." 

"You'd like to go to dinner?" 

"Yeah, would you like to go with me?" 

"All right, Mulder, just let me change," Scully replied. She was met with an ear to ear smile, the kind with teeth, and then Mulder turned around and disappeared back into the cavernous living room. 

Luckily, Scully had brought a simple but elegant summer dress, something with tiny flowers and short sleeves and some comfortable heels to wear just in case. 'Just in case of what?' she thought, 'Oh come on Dana!' She had brought a sweater too on the off chance that a breeze blew in from the Bay. Once she was dressed she grabbed her purse, left her room, and went in search of Mulder. 

He was sprawled on the couch in the living room with the TV on. He heard her approach behind him. 

"Scully, the forecast is for sunny skies and the mid 80s tomorrow, maybe you'd like to go into town for some sightsee...." he had turned to look at her. He whistled. "Smokin'" he said. 

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment," she chuckled. 

Mulder grinned back. "So, are you ready?" 

"As ever," she replied and they were off. 

The little club was actually very nice. More than nice Mulder thought as he sat across from Scully over his plate of steamed oysters. She was eating lobster and Mulder watched her as she deftly dissected the creature, pulling every tender meaty morsel out of it's shell, claws and legs. 'Legs? Hoo Boy.' He was sweating a little even though the place was air conditioned and he had taken his sports coat off. 

"Would you like some more wine?" he asked Scully indicating the bottle in the middle of the table. 

"Well, maybe just half a glass, thank you," she replied. It wouldn't do for her to have too much she thought. That was always a little dangerous. 'Maybe it's too late all ready, lady,' the little voice laughed. 'Ok, so I'm a little high,' she thought. 'Damn it, I am on vacation after all. So what. It'll loosen me up.' 

As she sipped her wine the band members appeared, and began to take the little stage at the back of the room. Soon they were playing some sultry bluesy number and Mulder looked over at her. 

"Hey, Agent Scully, would you like to trip the light fantastic?" he asked. 

Scully stared into his glasses. Trip? She'd fallen. 

"It would be my pleasure, Agent Mulder," she smiled. 

Mulder stood up and extended his hand. She took it and he drew her out onto the dance floor. He lead her out into the middle of the small floor amongst the other swaying couples and then he pulled her gently close and moved her to the music. 'Oh God,' she thought, 'he's a good dancer too,' and then she settled in close against him and wound her hands around his waist. Mulder's hands rested on her back and he rubbed them a little up and down her spine. She felt herself go warm all over again. 

Mulder sighed. Nothing felt more perfect to him in all the world at that moment then to have Scully in his arms. He knew the wine was making him feel a bit loose. 'Yeah, I'm a little high,' he thought. 'Well, so what, I'm on vacation after all.' He welcomed the feeling. It was lowering his inhibitions, and boy did he want them to come tumbling down. He was beginning to realize something - the one thing - the most important thing - that he'd known for years, and he didn't want it to stay hidden at all any longer. None of that mattered now on that dance floor as he held the love of his life in his arms. 

Scully molded herself to Mulder's body. She reveled in the warmth and scent of him. His aftershave or cologne or whatever it was smelled enticing - sublime. She could feel his muscles, their taunt strength and she could even feel his heart in his chest. It was beating fast. She rubbed his back slightly, lazily and his heart beat faster. She smiled. 'Well, I know now don't I?' she thought. The little voice said, "God girl, I was wondering when you'd get around to admitting it. So, I'm thick as a brick too, hey, cut me some slack,' she thought. 

The song ended and the dance floor began to clear. Mulder led Scully reluctantly back to their table. He pulled her chair out for her. She smiled and raised an eyebrow. He gave her his lopsided grin again. They decided to have coffee and then he picked up the check. 

"Hey, don't argue. This is a *Guy Thang*," he said. 

Scully held up her hands in mock surrender. There wasn't much else to say so he drove her back to the house on the Bay. 

They stood in the hallway inside the front door. They stood very close. Neither of them was breathing at all it seemed. 

"Uh, Mulder, it's kind of late, I think, well, I'd like to turn in. If we're going to do some sightseeing we'll probably want to get an early start in the morning." 

"Oh, yeah, good point, Scully. I'll probably turn in pretty soon myself. I just thought I'd watch a little of MST3K or something - you know - on the tube," he replied, gesturing towards the large screen TV in the living room. 

"All right, Good night, Mulder. I'll see you in the morning." 'Damn, I am...stupid, stupid, stupid,' Scully thought as she headed off down the hallway to her room. 

"Good night Scully," Mulder answered, 'Damn, I am a...loser, loser, loser,' Mulder thought as he walked into the living room. 

Later in her room Scully tossed and turned in bed. 'God! How could I have just walked away from him?' she thought. She had seen the look on his face. She could feel the wine making her giddy. She welcomed the feeling - AGAIN. It was definitely releasing her inhibitions. 'Oh yeah, let them fall, Dana, with a great big crash,' she shouted to herself. 'I know I love him. I've loved him for years. And now I want him and - why I am I so polite - I want to fuck him, to feel him inside me, to..." she clenched her eyes shut. 'But, I'm such a coward,' she sighed. And besides she'd seen the raw need on his face. She knew he wanted her too. And with Mulder she thought, maybe that was problematical. He'd probably fuck her, and then he'd feel guilty about it because he'd think he'd compromised her. 'God I give up,' she thought. 'It's just too much to bear - to hard to...God I bet he's hard, I bet...' she practically screamed, but then she stifled the worst of her feelings, and turned on her side, in yet another vain attempt to go to sleep. 

Mulder sat in the living room, his fingers drumming on the arm of the couch. 'What a performance, you dork,' he thought. There she was, close and receptive and what do you say, 'Gee I think I'd like to watch the boob tube (boob, ouch wrong choice of words Mulder), instead of sweeping her into your arms and...Mulder bit his lower lip. "And What? fuck her?" God, that was crude. He wanted to make passionate love to her, he... hey who was he kidding, and why was he so polite? Hell yeah, he wanted to fuck her. And God, he did love her so much - it practically made his bones ache. She was the most desirable woman in the world as far as he was concerned. She was certainly the only woman for him. God, what he wouldn't give to just get between those creamy white thighs and.... 'I am a total coward,' he railed. 'And she deserves so much better anyway,' he thought staring at the dark TV screen. He let his mind go blank but then suddenly his attention was drawn to the rack of Sig Krause's CDs that sat next to the entertainment center. A title caught his eye. He got up and walked over to take a closer look. 

Scully woke because something thudded suddenly from the direction of the living room. It was sort of a rhythmic thumping. 'What the hell?' she thought. She got up in her sensible little blue PJs, opened the bedroom door, and crept out towards the living room. At the end of the hallway just at the entrance to the living room she stopped dead, her mouth dropping open with amused amazement. 

In the half darkened room, ahead of her, in front of the entertainment center, Fox Mulder was dancing around like a crazed acrobat. He was clad only in his boxers (the pair with all the little portraits of Elvis on them), and a pair of wireless headphones. He waved his arms in a windmill motion, a frantic air guitar solo, and he was singing along to the song he heard in his headphones "My Generation" by the Who. It was a pretty good imitation of Pete Townshend and Scully started to laugh.

Mulder continued to dance. He hadn't seen her. Just as the song was reaching it's crescendo he glanced up into her eyes. The shocked and embarrassed look on his face caused Scully to laugh even more hard, and then Mulder started to grin at her like the village idiot. He started to shout over the headphones sound. 

"Pete Townshend! He's the man Scully! Quadrophenia!" And then he wheeled his arm around again. 

"OH, God Mulder," Scully was helpless. Mulder walked over and turned off the CD player, and removed the headphones placing them on the top of the cabinet. 

"Hey, do you like The Who?" he asked coming up towards her out of the sunken living room. Evidently it didn't occur to him that he was clad only in his boxers. Scully found herself glancing down at the button on his fly. She jerked her eyes up however as he came up to her. 

"I've listened to them on occasion," she replied. Tears were streaming down her face, and she was still trying to maintain her composure? 'God what a dope I am,' she mused ruefully. 

"Great, OK, listen I couldn't sleep, and this is so cool. Here, I have an idea, hang on," he was flushed and excited, and she thought still a little drunk, and God, so handsome. He loped back down to the entertainment center. "Come down here," he said. 

Scully raised her eyebrows but she went down. 

"Did you ever play air guitar when you were a kid?" he asked grinning. 

"You mean like when you and a bunch of your friends get together and pretend you're all rock stars with fake instruments?" she asked. 


"Yes," Scully said reddening slightly. 

"Well sit down. I've got a whole repertoire to show you. You'll laugh like hell," he smiled. He knew he was acting like a total buffoon but she was really enjoying herself - it was obvious, and he just wanted to see her unwind and have some fun for a change. 

Scully looked at him utterly lost. She was nearly hysterical with the need to burst out laughing again. Sure she knew all about air guitar. She and her girl friends had pretended to be all sorts of girl groups growing up. 'This is too rich,' she thought. Mulder was absolutely nuts and she loved him so much at that moment. She knew what he was trying to do, and it touched her, and tickled her all at the same time. It also had her completely and totally erotically aroused. She licked her lower lip. 

And then she had a very wicked idea. She put her hand up and said, "Mulder, I'm not sure I can take another performance by you right now. I may burst at the seams from the one I just saw," she started to giggle. 

"Was it that bad?" Mulder asked, starting to sound a little disappointed. 

"Bad, no way, it was fabulous. It's just that I bet I can do better," she grinned slyly. 

Mulder ogled her like Dopey of the Seven Dwarves as she crossed to the collection of CDs. But he came to himself quickly, "Bet? Are you betting me?" he started to chuckle. 

"Oh, Yeah, I'm betting you," she replied over her shoulder as she perused the CDs 

"Okay, you're on, Agent Scully, now what are the stakes?" 

Scully hesitated a moment and then she saw what she was looking for in the rows of CDs. She smiled a really naughty smile then without turning to look at Mulder. 

"If we concede that you win, I'll go fishing with you all day tomorrow. I'll even bait my own hook," she replied. 

"And if you win?" Mulder asked. 

"Then you do whatever I want you to do," she answered turning with the chosen CD in her hand. 

Mulder raised his eyebrows but then he gave her a really stunning smile. "OK, you're on Scully," he said and then he sat down on the couch, stretched his legs out, and settled back prepared to watch, "Oh, and Scully, no props, this is air guitar after all," he added suppressing a smirk. 

"Oh, I won't need any props," Scully said and then she put the CD into the Sony CD player, turned it back on, and cranked up the volume to full. 

A blaring bass back beat came out of those speakers, a whining electric guitar, and then a voice: "HEY IS THIS MY TURN? DO YOU WANT ME TO SING NOW? ...OK!" and then a primal howl of female lust shrieked out after it all. The song was "I Need a Man" as sung by Annie Lennox of Eurythmics. You had to peal Mulder off the ceiling. "Holy Mother of God,' it almost scared him.....'almost - but not quite' was all his dazed mind could think as Scully began her incredible performance. 



Scully was really putting her heart and a hell of a lot more into her act. She swung, pumped, and swayed her hips like she was rolling on ball bearings. Her red hair, darker red in the semi-dark of the room, flew about her head. Some of the buttons on her conservative little blue PJ top popped open and Mulder got a glimpse of her tits. Jesus Christ' Mulder thought, "This, this is some show,' His eyes were bugging out. Mulder had seen Annie Lennox on stage once, and Scully's imitation of her was uncanny right down to the pouting bee stung lips that Ms. Lennox could sometimes affect - 'oh my God, those lips.' Mulder gasped as Scully writhed in front of him, running her tongue around the outside of her mouth. He began to sweat bullets. 

(Oh, son of a bitch, she's so...Oh shit.)
(Bare? - oh Yeah!)
(But oh lady you're gonna get it tonight!)
(Oh brother....)


Scully was extremely smug by his point. She could see Mulder's expression. He was totally gone. Victory was at hand! Now for the coup de grace she thought, only two more verses. He was putty in her hands. She danced even closer to him and than straddled his legs and pressed herself down against his thighs. She shoved herself right into his face so that they stood almost nose to nose for the next part. 


Mulder's eyes were open so wide he looked like *Hootie the Don't Pollute Owl*. His hands were pinned to his sides as Scully undulated over his knees. 'OhMyGodJesusMotherMary,' his besotted mind moaned. Then he actually moaned audibly. Scully grinned lasciviously because even though the music was earsplitting she was close enough to hear the tiny sound as well as feel the passage of his breath across her cheek. 'Oh baby, just you wait,' she thought and then she noticed she was becoming really wet. 

Mulder didn't even want to look down between his legs. He didn't need to - there was no point. He was getting hard, and holy smoke was he ever ready, and he reached up suddenly for Scully's arms. Scully danced back, and away from him a teasing smile on her lips. OK, this is it she thought - the grand finale. 



Scully called out the last words with such a carnal expression of lust that Mulder shut his eyes and struggled for control. He covered the slightly tented area on the front of his boxers in embarrassment. 'It figures,' he thought, 'I should know never to bet with this woman - it just doesn't pay.' 'God, but she looked so wonderful and like, I mean she wants me, I think she...Wow!' his mind was spinning. While his eyes were closed and his lungs were laboring, the song ended. There was dead silence in the room except for Mulder and Scully's heavy breathing. When Mulder opened his eyes, Scully was once again straddling his thighs. She looked him right in the eye. 

"Your vote, Agent Mulder?" she asked her breath coming in little puffs. 

"Uh, uh, uh..." he stammered.

"Does that mean I won?" she asked seductively. 

"Uncle, Scully," Mulder hissed. "You win." 

"And I can collect on my bet?" she asked. 

"Hey, I always pay my debts," Mulder replied grinning. 

"Good," she said, "And you'll do anything I ask?" 

Mulder searched her face - dare he hope - Yes, it seemed like she wanted to...well it seemed obvious, but, he was one guy who always lacked self confidence. 

"Yeah, you won fair and square," he gulped, "name your price." 

"I want YOU, body and soul, Fox Mulder," she whispered, and then she fell into his lap. 

Mulder caught her and their lips met. He crushed her mouth to his and she opened her lips to admit his tongue. 'Oh God, Oh God,' he thought, she tastes so sweet. Scully moaned, biting his lower lip gently. She tugged on it and then covered his mouth completely with hers. He was moaning now in time with her tongue's exploration of his tongue. There was so much spit between them it was like Old Faithful. Mulder sucked her's in and swallowed. She was nice and salty. He pulled her up into his lap and she was straddling his hips and on her knees. She was so close and Mulder began to rub his hands up and down the back of her PJ top. He looked into her eyes and saw the approval and acceptance there and he slid his hands beneath the end of the blue material. His hands ran up and down the bare flesh of her back. 

Scully leaned into his hands. Then she leaned forward as he pressed her closer again and she ran her hands over his naked chest. He started to reach around to the front of her PJ top and then she stopped him. 


"What?" he asked breathing heavily. 

"Let's go upstairs. It's a shame to let that suite go to waste," she smiled. 

"Good point Agent Scully," he replied. 

They went upstairs. 

Mulder crossed to the night stand next to the bed and turned on the large lamp there. It spread just enough illumination in the room to make for a nice soft atmosphere. The bed was huge. A King Size job. Sensible cotton flannel sheets - lots of traction available there. Mulder stood at the foot of the bed and took Scully into his arms again. 

"Scully, I, I love you. I mean I know what we...uh, I know this looks like it's just about fucking here tonight, but Christ, I, I love you so much. I've loved you for years and I've been such an idiot not to admit it. But now, I just want you to know I'm not thinking of you as a piece of ass - please don't think that. I'm not just using you to get off - God, I'd never do that," Mulder was whispering into her hair, "I want this to be...it's our first time, I want it....I want it to be special for you." 

Scully looked up into his face. She patted his chest and rubbed her hand against his hard nipples, "Mulder, I know it. I love you. I think I've known I've loved you for a long time too. I've just been so...well I guess we both have been afraid to admit it. I know tonight will be special. And , yes, I've wanted a night like tonight for years too. My performance earlier? Hell, I just had to let my hair down. I, I didn't have the courage to do this until I saw you down there doing that air guitar solo. I mean, God, you were so cute, and I thought, if you've got the guts to do that to make me happy, I can at least get loose and show you want I really want - for once." 

Mulder looked down at her and there was such a look of love and naked desire on his face that Scully almost felt faint. He was so handsome and compassionate, and caring, and she wanted to get lost in his eyes. 

"My God, you're beautiful, Scully," he said quietly and then he bent down and kissed her again, this time covering her whole mouth with his. Scully groaned. He worked his lips and tongue over to her ear and then down to the small of her throat and then back up again to feel the pulse in her neck. It was beating like a drum, and Mulder sucked and licked lightly over the spot where he could feel the pounding of her blood the most. Scully was moving her head slightly in time to his sucking. She moaned low in her chest. Mulder reached down and finished unbuttoning her cotton top. He helped her to pull it off. It fell to the floor. 

Mulder touched her breasts and ran his fingers around first one and than the other hard, erect nipple. He moved his fingers around each one slowly and sensuously. 

"Oh, God, Mulder, that, that feels so good," Scully whispered. 

"You feel good, Scully. Your breasts are like warm silk," he whispered, and then he took one of her nipples into his mouth. Scully mewled with pleasure and arched her neck as he sucked and licked the taunt little nub. 

She closed her eyes and reaching down pushed her breast up from below. Mulder took even more of her flesh into his mouth. The sensation of him nursing at her breast made her cry out. She reached down and pulled at his boxers. Mulder released her breast and grinning, helped her to pull them down. He stepped out of them and then helped her to step out of her PJ bottoms as well. Scully looked down and smiled. Mulder glanced down. He was completely hard and his erection bobbed between them with each heavy breath he took. They looked up at each other and he grinned slightly and shrugged his shoulders. Scully grinned as well, and traced her fingers down his stomach and into his pubic hair. 

Mulder stroked her breasts and looked down into her face, "I, I think we'd better lie down," he suggested quietly. 

"Good point, Agent Mulder," she replied. He chuckled. They went down together onto the bed and faced each other on their sides. 

"Scully, are you sure about this? Is it right for you? I don't want you to feel..." 

Scully put her hand over his lips, "Mulder, this is my choice. I love you. I want this....this joining. I want us to be complete. You're the only one for me. Believe me, I'm sure," she stated. 

Mulder ran his hand along her thigh, "God, I love the feel of your skin. And Scully, for what it's worth, I've never felt complete or connected to anything so much in my entire life as I do right now. I want to feel you around me, I want to be inside you. You're the only woman I've thought about for years. You're the only one for me too." She touched his cheek and he kissed her hand. Then he moved his hand down her flat stomach, and gently pushed her over so that his fingers could gracefully insinuate themselves between her legs. 

Scully' breath caught in her chest. Mulder stroked her clit with his fingers. He teased it. Scully bit her lip. Oh God, it was if he knew just how she liked it. He began to rub and swirl his fingers around her and then he bent forward and replaced his fingers with his mouth and tongue. Scully bucked under him, and met his mouth with her hips. "Oh, Oh, Oh," she gasped. He sucked and licked and then he put his tongue into her, into her tight, wetness. 'Oh Dear God," she gasped as his tongue danced inside. At last Mulder backed off and then he slid a finger and then another inside her folds into her inner self. She groaned and began to squeeze slightly around his fingers. He pumped her within with one hand and then rubbed her straining clit with the other. 

Scully was almost beyond control now. She knew she was close to orgasm. Oh God, she wanted this first release with him so much. She looked into his eyes as his hands worked between her legs. He was sucking on his lower lip and really concentrating. He felt her looking at him, and he gazed into her eyes. 

"You look like an angel," he said, and she came - crashing against his graceful strong fingers. She screamed, "OHMYGODMYGOD" and clutched at his chest. He pulled his hands from between her thighs and pulled her close as she shook. He stroked her hair, "Oh my sweet angel," he whispered against her cheek. She sagged against him as her tremors began to subside, and then she reached over, and kissed him on the mouth. She tasted herself there as he inserted his tongue between her lips. 

They held each other for a short time, kissing, and stroking each other. Scully looked down between Mulder's legs. 'God he's so huge, and is he ever hard,' she thought. The thought inflamed her even more. She wanted Mulder to fill her now, wanted the connection with him more than anything, wanted him inside, deep inside. And Lord, he must be uncomfortable she thought suddenly. Well, we'll see what we can do about that, she thought. She reached down and took his cock in her hands. He drew in his breath. 

"Mulder, you feel so warm and alive. God, this is beautiful, like iron," she whispered fondling him. She ran her hands from the base of his cock upwards and then she swirled a finger around his circumcised tip. A little drop of liquid appeared there, and she swirled that around the end as well. Mulder closed his eyes and savored the sensation. He was smiling and moving his hips slightly. But concentrating on the feel of Scully's subtle ministrations was almost a mistake because he was really aching for her now, and her stroking fingers were about to send him over the edge. 

"Scully, hang on. I'm...I'm going to come, slow down, I mean STOP, NOW," he gulped slightly. He held his breath for a moment. "I want to save this for you." he smiled at her as he regained some control. 'Wow, that was close,' he thought with relief. But then a sudden thought crossed his mind and his brow furrowed. "Damn," he hissed and then he frowned. 

"What's wrong, Mulder?" Scully asked. 

"Crap, Scully, I forgot - I don't have any protection. I mean I didn't even think about a damn condom," he replied with dismay. 

"Oh," she answered with a small voice. "Well, why don't I go look in the master bathroom. Maybe we'll get lucky. You stay here and hold that thought - all right?" She started to get up, but turned to say instead - "And besides, there are other ways for me to show you my love, Mulder so, don't worry, all right," and then she fixed him with a really radiant grin. 

Mulder smiled gamely as Scully got off the bed and headed for the bathroom. 'God, what a glorious ass' he thought as she walked away. He lay back on the bed with a sigh, and was met with the sight of his bobbing erection. Other ways of lovin' or not he sincerely hoped Scully found some prophylactics in the can. 

He heard her fumbling around for the light switch. Then it sounded like she was tearing the place apart. Mulder started to grin despite the situation. She was cursing a little in there he thought. She must be really desperate. The sounds of searching continued unabated. 'That's my Scully' he smiled - 'ever thorough'. Presently he heard her muffled exclamation, the bathroom light went out, and then she came back to the bed. 

"Can you say Rubber? See, I knew you could!" she laughed pouring the entire contents of the box onto his stomach. Mulder looked down and then his eyes went wide. 

"Oh shit, that's just like Sig Krause." Mulder winced. The rubbers were the kind that glowed in the dark. 

"Maybe he's worried his wife won't be able to find it," Scully smirked and then she started to bubble with laughter. 

"Oh Shit!" Mulder said laughing harder. 

"Shall I turn off the lights?" Scully asked. 

"Hell NO - I don't want to waste any more time," Mulder's voice raised an octave with every word. "Jesus!" he exclaimed. He hurried to pick up the condoms and jamming them back into the box, shut the lid, and tossed the container in the direction of the night stand. Then, he quickly tore the foil on one of the packets.

He took out the condom and Scully helped him to unfold it down his length. She planted a light kiss on the tip when he was suited up. 

"Come here," he said his voice low and husky. She stretched out next to him again, and he shifted so that they were face to face. 

Scully started to explore his body again stroking spots that pleased him. His breathing quickened. She sucked on his nipples and ran her tongue into his belly button. She fell just short of his penis with her mouth. 

"Good God. Please, Scully - I can't hold back much longer," he gasped. 

She leaned close and whispered, "How would you like it, Mulder?" 

"On top, between your thighssss," he groaned. 

Scully smiled and placed her hand on his hip, pulling him gently forward and then she lay back taking him with her. She shifted her legs apart and her knees up, and Mulder pressed between them with his hips. He rested his weight on his hands. "Scully, please, if, if I hurt you, just let me know ok? I'll go slow," Mulder whispered watching her face for any signs of discomfort. 

"It's all right, Mulder, don't worry, I'm fine," she kissed his neck. She put one hand up onto his back and with the other she stroked the small of his back. They stared into each others eyes lovingly as Mulder probed between her legs towards the spot each desired him to reach. He was incredibly gentle, almost tentative. He lowered himself onto his forearms. Scully reached a hand down to help him, and to make sure the condom stayed in place, as he pushed into her. She took in a sharp breath. It had been a while after all, but she was very wet, and more than ready, and she finally felt him inside her, filling her, hard, and hot. 

"Are you ok?" Mulder asked against her hair. 

"Oh, God, yes," she breathed, "you feel so good. I can't even begin to describe what this feels like. Her cunt gave a little spasm. Mulder grunted. 

"Whoa,' he chuckled, "That felt, God, that was fantastic." 

Scully looked into his eyes, "Mulder, please, I...want to see you...please...come for me," she gasped and it sent him into ecstasy. Mulder began to move in her then, pulling back and then thrusting in with long, slow pumping motions. His knees got their traction on those southwest patterned cotton flannel sheets yessiree. "Oh God Scully, you feel so tight, he moaned, so good, so...he lost all coherent speech then as he thrust between her thighs. He was starting to lose control, and he began to pick up the speed, pounding into her with utter abandon.

Scully held onto his back, running her hands up and down him in time with his thrusts. She caught his rhythm then, arching up to meet his pumping hips. She closed her eyes. There was sweat forming between them as their thighs began to slap together. She bit her lip again and then incoherent sounds were wrenched from her as Mulder moaned and grunted with his labors. She sensed that he was either holding back and striving to bring her to orgasm again, or was having trouble reaching orgasm himself due to the rubber between them. 'Bless his heart she thought distantly, he's probably not used to that thing. But God, he feels so good, it's so good to have him thrusting into me like this, oh Jesus!' her whole body and mind were on fire. 

She gripped his ass, "Mulder, Oh Christ this is so good, Oh please it's, oh Jesus, harder, I love it, OHMYGOD," she urged him on and then she shifted her legs a bit and pulled her knees up high so that he could really drive in deep. 

Mulder groaned, "This is so fucking good," and Scully made a conscious effort to tighten herself around his cock as he continued his hard pumping thrusts into her. 

"Oh Scully, OH Scully, OHSCULLEEEE," He started to scream her name over and over and then at last, she felt his whole body tense. 

"Sweet Jesus, Mulder, God, let go, let it happen," she cried. 

Mulder thrust hard, fast and deep and finally he crashed over the edge, howling out her Christian name, "DANA, OH FUCK, I LOVE YOU DANA, OH JESUS!" at the top of his lungs. 

Scully rotated her hips slightly as he thrust into her at the peak of his pleasure and then she grabbed his shoulders as his driving hips slowed and his thrusts weakened. Mulder was gasping and he collapsed into her arms. 

Scully was totally overcome, "Oh Mulder, oh lover, I'm so happy," she whispered, "You're fantastic, I hope you know that, this was just...Oh, God, you're wonderful," she stroked his back, and his ass, and kissed him over and over. 

Mulder lay between her legs. He pulled himself back up on his forearms and then looked into her face. She stroked his cheek. 

"God, Scully, you were wonderful," he sighed as his breathing began to become more regular. He kissed her gently on the lips. Then he reached down between their bodies and began to stroke her clit again. 

"Oh My God," she gasped because he stroked her hard, and fast, and she knew she was going to go over again. She bucked against him and climaxed once more, and all she could do was yell and grip Mulder tight. He was laughing with joy, and the feeling of her new spasms against his now limp cock, and then she was laughing too as she shook through the final spasms of her second phenomenal orgasm. 

"My, you are full of surprises," she said, kissing him on the forehead. 

They stayed connected as long as they could, but finally Mulder reluctantly reached down and holding the base of the condom tight against his penis, he pulled himself out. Scully sighed and touched his thigh. Mulder shifted to swing his legs over the edge of the bed. He supported himself with one arm back against the mattress. He held onto his penis and the condom with his other hand until he could carefully remove it. "I'll be right back," he smiled at Scully, and then he went into the bathroom to dispose of the rubber. 

Mulder returned and laid back down next to Scully. They faced each other again, and touched, and murmured words of passion, and commitment to each other. Both were utterly satisfied, and exhausted. Mulder knew he was the happiest man in the world at that moment and he told Scully as much. Scully knew she was the happiest woman too and kissed his eyelids as she told him. Neither of them knew what would happen when they went back to the real world but for now it didn't matter. All that mattered was the warmth and the love of their hearts and their souls together at last. Soon both felt themselves drifting off to sleep and they spooned together. Scully snuggled back against Mulder's chest. She pressed very close. He kissed her hair and draped an arm over her waist and stroked her stomach. 

"I love you Agent Dana Katherine Scully," Mulder whispered, nuzzling her luscious golden red hair, and then the back of her neck. 

"I love you too Agent Fox William Mulder," Scully whispered, kissing the arm he held protectively over her middle. And then she fell fast asleep.

Mulder never did get in any more fishing. And the sightseeing went the way of the wind as well. The pool house stayed vacant and there was no swimming in the Bay either. Scully decided her novel could wait. But boy, that tub in the master bathroom certainly proved big enough for two. The couch downstairs was pretty roomy as well, and there were plenty of other tastefully patterned cotton flannel sheets in the linen closet for that King Size bed. 

Oh - and yes indeed - you could certainly find things when they glowed in the dark. 


Sig Krause walked into his office Tuesday morning and crossed to his desk, coffee cup in hand. On his blotter was a small gift wrapped box. An envelope was attached to it. He opened the envelope and turning it over shook out the keys to his house. There was a note so he opened it. 


Thanks for the use of the house. Really had a great time.
If I can ever return the favor please let me know.
In the meantime, please except this little token of my gratitude. 

Fox Mulder 

Sig put the note down and picked up the box. He unwrapped it. His eyes went wide. "Oh, Yeah, Spooky - you asshole," he grinned, bemused, as he hastened to put the box of glow in the dark condoms into his desk drawer.