NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17 and than some.

SUMMARY: Scully and Mulder have yet another fascinating adventure in Wisconsin involving a flat tire, a motel and the Green Bay Packers. Sound kinky? Well, read on! Enjoy! Comments, suggestions and healthy debate are always welcome. Flames I use to roast you on a spit, so don't bother.

TIMESPAN/SPOILER WARNING. Spoilers would be 'A Christmas Story' and 'Emily'. This story is a sequel to my first effort, A Hard Days Night. It stands mostly on it's own but once again the events take place just before the birth and death of Scully's daughter. Be warned that once again this story is for mature audiences only. Also, if you don't like blatant, raw descriptions of the sexual act, angst, or the Green Bay Packers, turn back now.

KEYWORDS: story romance angst Scully Mulder NC-17

DISCLAIMER: Fox Mulder and Dana Scully belong to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions and 20th Century FOX Broadcasting. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made from their use. The Green Bay Packers belong to the city of Green Bay, so as public property they are fair game, I guess.



by frogdoggie


"Come on, Scully, it's "The Packer Hall of Fame", "Lambeau Field", "The Frozen Tundra - it's all too good! We can't possibly pass it by." Fox Mulder whined as he guided their rental car past a hulking tractor trailer south of Rhinelander, Wisconsin. It was late on a Tuesday afternoon and Mulder was excited, filled with visions of Packer green and yellow dancing in his head. His partner, Special Agent Dana Scully was just the opposite and making no bones about it.

"Oh, I don't know, Mulder, I think I could find it rather easy to drive right on by."

Scully replied favoring him with a sarcastic glance. "If I didn't know better I'd think you used this case as an excuse just to pay homage at the shrine of last year's Super Bowl Champions."

"Scully, I'm crushed. Was it my fault the case was a bust?"

"Ummm...." Scully replied stifling a yawn.

"Was it my fault that the "Lake Tomahawk UFO sightings" were a bunch of UW-Madison engineering students pulling some idiotic stunt with lasers?" Mulder pressed.

"Well, When you put it that way.." Scully started to begrudgingly agree.

"Yeah. So, we have some time on our hands. It's a great opportunity to see something truly historic...." Mulder added hopefully.


"Yeah, Scully. The Ice Bowl, Vince Lombardi...."

"Mulder, do I sense your Redskin loyalty wavering here..."

"No! But hey, hundreds of thousands of cheeseheads can't be wrong, can they? Besides, Austin Straubel is the closest airport. We can fly out of there, connect in Milwaukee and be back in DC late tonight."

"All right, all right, I guess we have time for the detour." Scully acquiesced smiling obviously taking pleasure in Mulder's enjoyment over the prospect of a Packerland extravaganza.

"Yessss," Mulder said pumping his arm once in the air, "De-tour to the tun-dra tour!" he added as Scully shook her head in amusement.

Mulder felt pretty good. Since that day in his apartment when he and Scully had come to terms with their true feelings for each other he had been able to relax a bit for once in his life. Telling Scully the truth about his feelings and having her reciprocate them had been a profound relief - one weight taken from his shoulders. Even though a part of him logically thought that their love for each other was probably a dangerous thing given their circumstances, his heart reveled in the situation.

Scully helped fill a huge gap in his soul that had yawned open for years. They were good together now in ways they had never been before and nothing would make him give that up. 'No, and he didn't just mean the sex, either', he thought. In point of fact, they hadn't had sex since that morning in his apartment. They had been alone together several times of course, but it was as if both of them took a step back from the sudden physical intimacy. The heat of that moment still smoldered between them. But, Mulder sensed that some of Scully's natural reserve may have come back into play. He knew she didn't regret what they had done because she still showed her approval in subtle little ways. It was just that she seemed to need some distance between them to gather her professional wits about her again. It didn't matter to Mulder. He felt so close to her, so connected that physical intimacy didn't even seem necessary. He would let that part of the relationship take it's own course. For now, he just liked being with her, participating in the old Mulder, Scully on the job teamwork that they both thrived on.

This was their first case since that fateful morning and neither of them had noticed any change in their job performance. Despite the fact that the case had been a washout - the UFO sightings easily debunked - their investigative techniques, healthy give and take debate on the issues and eventual solution had all been business as usual. Of course, the investigation had consisted of traipsing through the cold countryside for the better part of a day and night and the solution had been rousting a bunch of shamefaced university students. But, that was beside the point. It was obvious that Scully had been right about Mulder's ability to handle their relationship and the job. It was equally as obvious that Scully was as capable a professional in that area as her partner.

The rustle of paper drew his attention back to the passenger side of the car.

Scully was paging through the copy of Sports Illustrated that Mulder had purchased in Rhinelander before they left that morning. Mulder could see that she was ogling the photo of Green Bay's MVP quarterback, Brett Favre, with obvious interest.

"Are you wondering what combination of genetics gave that guy his unique upper body and arm musculature?" Mulder asked the engrossed Scully. "Or are you just admiring the view?"

"It says here he could be MVP for a record third year in a row." she replied, not rising to the bait. "It also says he has an arm like a cannon and throws a football like a rocket, so I suppose he does have some kind of structural advantage over the more average football player." she added turning the magazine as if she were studying a Playboy centerfold.

"So, he does have pretty good pecs than?" he asked goading her again.

"That goes without saying." Scully replied further pondering the photo.

"Well, shut my mouth Ms. Scully, I didn't know the rugged Bayou Boy type appealed to you." Mulder teased again.

"Bayou Boy?" Scully asked, eyebrow raised.

"Born on the bayou, Mississippi bred and raised." Mulder answered.

"God, Mulder, you make it sound like he grew up wrestling alligators."

"Maybe that's how he got his "unique upper body musculature." Mulder chuckled.

Scully was about to answer when there was a sudden explosive pop and the car swerved violently towards the side of the road.

"Blow out! Hang-on." Mulder yelled as he turned into the skid and backed off the gas. Luckily, the pavement was dry with the mild Wisconsin winter. Ice would have been a disaster. As it was the car skidded dramatically until it came to a sliding halt in the shoulder gravel.

"Are you ok?" Mulder asked Scully as soon as they were at a complete stop and he had thrown the car into park.

"Fine, I'm all right." she answered breathing shallowly.

"Ok. I'd better get out and see how bad it is." Mulder replied, shutting off the ignition and undoing his seat belt. 

"I'm right behind you," Scully replied moving to follow him.

As soon as the two agents exited the car they realized how cold it was during a northern Wisconsin winter. Mulder bent down to peer at the driver's side rear wheel. To his dismay he saw the worst kind of blow-out - a sidewall puncture.

"Crap." Mulder exclaimed.

"Is it that bad?'' Scully asked rounding the back of the car.

"Yeah, the tire is toast." "I'll have to change it." he replied, taking the car keys from his pocket.

"We'll change it, Mulder." Scully corrected, pulling her collar up around her ears.

Mulder opened the trunk and after a few moments of rummaging and clanking slammed the hood down again with a loud thunk.

"Scully, I don't believe this." he said in aggravation.

"No spare?" she replied in chagrin.

"Oh, there's a spare all right. There's just no jack."

"We have a problem than."

"No shit. I guess I should have used Hertz."

"Instead of "not exactly"?" Scully sighed.

"Don't rub it in." Mulder replied.

There wasn't much they could do except call the local authorities and hope for the best.

"Do you want to phone it in Scully, or do you want me to do it?" Mulder asked looking over at his partner.

"I have my cellular right here." Scully replied brandishing the phone. "I'll try calling there," she added pointing towards the city listed on the road sign the car had narrowly missed hitting.

As Scully called the local law via the Operator, Mulder took a look around. 'We really are out in the middle of no where, aren't we,' he thought. As he recalled from his AAA Atlas they were somewhere west of the Nicolet National Forest and/or the Menominee Indian Reservation. 'Beautiful country even if it is rather cold and desolate right now.' Mulder mused.

An unexpected curse from Scully caused Mulder to turn towards his partner.

"What?" he asked.

"Well, the good news is a tow truck is coming thanks to Sheriff William Abbott of Creek, Wisconsin, the closest town. The bad news is since we aren't in dire distress it's going to probably be about two hours before the truck gets here. The "owner-operator" is out on an emergency call right now."

"Two hours?" Mulder asked, incredulous.

"And that's only because I used my FBI credentials as a last resort." Scully added.

"So much for the Packer Hall of Fame tour." Mulder sighed. "It'll be almost dark by the time the truck arrives."

Scully shrugged her shoulders and circled back around to the passenger side of the car. "I pointed that out to the sheriff. He did mention there's a little motel in Creek. He said we could follow the tow truck back there and get a room if we didn't feel like driving down to Green Bay in the dark."

"And why isn't he lending us a hand personally?" Mulder asked, curious.

"Normally he would but he's out on his own call, right now, domestic abuse I guess. He said he figured two FBI agents were capable of taking care of themselves for two hours." "He did say to call him if our situation changes." she added waving her cell phone dismissively.

"Well, I guess we could think about the motel." Mulder said opening the driver's side door and gladly seeking the warmth of the cars interior. "We really aren't due back in DC till tomorrow anyway." he added slamming the door shut.

"You are so transparent, Mulder." Scully teased also getting in and out of the wind. Mulder restarted the car as Scully reached over and turned up the car's heater.

"Transparent?" Mulder asked pretending to pout.

"I know you really wanted to see Lambeau field." Scully replied smiling slightly. "I'll give the motel idea some thought."

"Scully, I'm hurt. I thought you'd realize I just wanted to take you to a motel." Mulder replied grinning boyishly.

Scully swatted him with the Sports Illustrated, "Mulder!"


"More seeds?" Mulder asked proffering the bag of sunflower kernels towards his partner.

"Thanks." Scully replied grabbing a handful.

"So, then, he shovel passes the ball, just lobs it sideways to Antonio Freeman and Freeman goes all the way in for a touchdown. The guy has to have MVP tattooed all over his forehead again this year." Mulder continued their debate.

"But couldn't you make a case for Barry Sanders. He should break 2000 yards running before the playoffs don't you think?" Scully replied.

"Barry Sanders, well, yeah, you could have a point there, Scully, but Favre...."

"Mulder, are those headlights?" Scully interrupted gazing into the rearview mirror.

While the two agents had waited for the tow truck dusk had made it's appearance. The temperature had dropped and despite running the heater Mulder and Scully had gotten cold. Finally they had huddled together, talked football and shared a bag of Mulder's ever present sunflower seeds. It was evident both were enjoying the close proximity.

Mulder turned around to glance through the rear window. "Looks like it." he answered unwrapping his arm from around Scully's shoulders.

"Not that I wasn't enjoying this," Scully began gently brushing Mulder's forearm, "but I really am glad to see that truck."

Mulder smiled as he opened the car door. Waving at the approaching truck he walked over to the passenger side as Scully got out as well.

The tow truck slowed and pulled in ahead of their car. The driver put the truck in park, turned off the engine and jumped from the cab.

"Sorry it took me so long folks, but I had a multiple car pile up to clear." "We don't get many of those around here so when we do, it's pretty labor intensive." the driver ventured politely as he walked towards the waiting FBI agents.

As he drew near and they got a better look at him in the encroaching darkness, Scully's mouth dropped open slightly and she looked at Mulder with a classic double take. The driver, noticing their surprise grinned sheepishly and shook his head.

"OK, ya, I know." he said "There isn't much I can do about it, either." The tow truck driver was a dead ringer for Brett Favre, old #4, the aforementioned Green Bay Packer quarterback.

"I'm sorry sir, it's just that we were just reading this article in Sports Illustrated and..." Scully began, stammering to recover.

"Hey, believe me I am only too used to people staring." he said with a wave of his hand. "It's a fact of my life right now." he finished stretching out his hand.

"Walter Abbott at your service, ma'am." he said.

"Special Agent Dana Scully, FBI, and this is Agent Fox Mulder." Scully replied embarrassed for staring as she shook hands and introduced them both.

"Abbott, as in Sheriff Abbott?" Mulder asked returning the driver's handshake in turn.

"Yes, sir, my uncle is the Sheriff." he said with a smile. "Sometimes it's good for business..." he added gesturing towards their car. "No jack, hey?" he asked bending to examine the blown out tire.

"Yeah, the rental company's going to hear about that one." Mulder answered bending over to peer at the tire along with Abbott.

"Whoa, that's a bad one." Abbott advised as he got his first look at the puncture, "Lucky you stayed on the road. Well, I can put your spare on for you right now and you can be on your way."

"Yes, Thanks." Scully replied still staring at him a bit. Mulder grinned and whispered into her ear "MVP - Motor Vehicle Professional" Scully poked him in the ribs with a look.

"I'd better get my jack, it's getting cold out here." Abbott finished as he walked back to the tow truck.

"Your uncle mentioned something about a motel?" Mulder asked. "We may not want to drive any further tonight."

"Yeah, there's a motel. It's the Pines right in Creek, he pronounced it "Crick". Pretty good place. Plain but clean. You can follow me back there if you'd like."

"Sounds like a plan, what do you think Scully?" Mulder replied, looking at Dana hopefully and blowing into his hands.

"Well, I guess you're probably right, Mulder." Scully replied. "I'm a little tired and I know you had your heart set on that Packer Museum tour."

Mulder grinned and Scully just shook her head again, smiling at his enthusiasm.

"Ok, than." Abbott said, "I'll just get your spare."

Mulder and Scully watched as Abbott retrieved his jack and headed for the trunk of the rental car.

"Can I give you a hand with that?" Mulder asked, as the mechanic unlocked the trunk.

"Sure, Agent Mulder, if you don't mind getting your coat and suit muddy, wet and greasy." he replied with humor as he popped the trunks lid.

"Well...on second thought, maybe not," Mulder shrugged as Abbott fished around for the spare tire. "Oops" Abbott exclaimed suddenly as he hefted the tire onto the trunks rim.

"As a doctor, I never like to hear that word..." Scully said as she came up behind the two men. "What's wrong?"

"Well, I have some good news and some bad news. This is a real nice top of the line tire, folks. It is also flat as a pancake."

"What?" Mulder exclaimed.

"See this nail?" Abbott asked gesturing towards the tire. Obviously the cars last renter forgot to mention something else before he returned the car."

"To go along with, oh, and by the way I stole your jack too?" Scully asked in exasperation.

"Bingo." Abbott answered slamming the tire back into the trunk.

Mulder stood with his hands in his pockets and Scully rubbed her arms together. Abbott shuffled his feet. The cold was obviously getting to all three of them.

"Look, this is going to take more time to repair than I think any of us want to spend out here. I can patch that flat on the spare at the garage with no problem. Why don't I hitch you up and haul the car into Creek. I can give you a ride to the motel.

"OK, let's do it." Mulder replied through chattering teeth.

As they drove towards Creek in the cramped confines of the tow truck cab, Abbott regaled them with information about the area, all of which Mulder had to admit was pretty amusing and interesting. The guy was a natural conversationalist and his stories helped to pass the time. His knowledge of football was pretty detailed too. Before they realized it, Mulder and Abbott were engaged in a healthy debate regarding the merits of the Packers versus the Redskins. Scully, seated to Mulder's right, next to the trucks door, soon nodded off. Once football had been exhausted as a topic, the conversation circled around to the FBI.

"So what's it like, working for the FBI?" Abbott whispered to avoid waking the sleeping Scully.

"It's a job." Mulder answered not really interested in talking shop.

"Oh, come on, it has to be pretty interesting."

"Sometimes more than we want it to be." Mulder answered cryptically.

"Ha, I hear you." Abbott replied. "Just like my Uncle says - the shit is usually hitting the fan."

"Something like that." Mulder agreed.

"So what were the two of you doing up in this neck of the woods?" Abbott asked trying to keep on topic.

"I'm not at liberty to discuss that." Mulder replied in his best G-Man voice.

"Oh, I guess not." Abbott answered.

"I tried out for the Sheriff's Academy once." Abbott admitted, changing the subject.

"Yeah.." Mulder replied.

"But I didn't pass the physical. Heart murmur. Didn't even know I had one."

"Sorry to hear that, it isn't serious is it?"

"Nah, my doctor just keeps an eye on it, but he says I'm as healthy as an ox."

"I guess I won't be following in my uncle's footsteps, though. But, I can't complain. I own the garage, set my own hours, get to work with my hands, it's a pretty good job all the way around."

"Being your own boss definitely has it's advantages." Mulder agreed. As he said it Scully breathed a gentle sigh and collapsed further onto his shoulder. Mulder looked over at Abbott and raised both his eyebrows in a "What can I do?" look. Abbott smiled back. Mulder shifted slightly to allow both Scully's head and his arm to remain comfortable.

"So how long have you been working with Agent Scully?" Abbott asked.

"About 5 years." Mulder replied.

"Interesting." Abbott continued.

"How so?" Mulder asked.

"Well, it's just interesting to see an example of equality in the workplace, I guess." Abbott replied.

"The FBI is an equal opportunity employer." Mulder deadpanned.

"My uncle keeps saying he wishes the sheriff's department wouldn't bring in any woman officers. He thinks it's too much of a distraction." Abbott grinned. "He's pretty old fashioned when it comes to women working in non-traditional fields."

"Uh huh, and that's probably why we never saw Officer Abbott today and had to wait 2 hours for the tow" Mulder thought to himself.

"Well, if your uncle met Agent Scully, he'd probably change his mind in a hurry. She's pretty persuasive." Mulder replied. "She works very hard at the job and her qualifications are first rate." "And she's tough too, amazingly so, sometimes."

"A hard nosed G-Woman, hey?" Abbott asked craning his neck around Mulder to glance at the dozing Scully. Mulder was pretty sure he saw more than average interest in Abbott's face as he studied her. He felt a stab of jealousy for a moment. 'Down Boy' he told himself as the green eyed monster reared it's ugly head. 'Just because this guy has the rugged face of a sports celebrity and the body of a Greek statue doesn't mean I have anything to worry about,' he chided himself. 'I gotta grow up.'

"Like a rock." Mulder replied to his question.

"At least she sleeps like one." Abbott added smiling widely.

"What, what did you say..." a bleary voiced Scully interrupted.

"I was just saying we're coming into Creek, Ma'am." Abbott answered suppressing a chuckle He guided the truck into the parking lot of the Pines Motel. "Here's the Pines." "That's Gracie's Diner right next to it too, so if you're hungry you don't have to go far for a meal."

"How convenient." Scully said as the truck came to a halt. The two FBI agents exited the cab and Abbott helped them to retrieve their bags from the tow truck's storage compartment. "I'll patch that spare and have your car ready in the morning. I can call over here then and if you'd like I can drop the car off. My garage is just down the road."

"Thanks a lot, Walter, that would be great." Mulder replied shaking his hand again. "It's been a pleasure." he added handing over the car keys.

"Hey, likewise." Abbott replied returning the handshake. He turned and got back into the truck.

"Yes, thank you, sorry I fell asleep on the way here." Scully added looking up at him. "I usually don't do that kind of thing."

"Hey, no excuses necessary, Agent Scully. I know a hard worker when I see one." he laughed. "Hey, maybe we can have a cup of coffee together in the morning, what do you say?" he added looking straight into her face.

"Oh, well..." Scully stammered caught off guard.

"Hey, sleep on it, Agent Scully, I'll see you all tomorrow," he replied including Mulder in his parting remark.

"What did he mean by hard worker?" Scully asked looking suspiciously at Mulder as the truck receded into the distance.

"Nothing, I'm sure." Mulder replied, and than he added teasing her, "De-Caf or regular, Agent Scully." in a fair imitation of Abbott's northern Wisconsin accent.

"Shouldn't we go register?" Scully asked giving him a really poisonous look.

"Yes, please, I'm freezing my nuts off out here." Mulder replied.

"Not a body part you're likely to miss." Scully zinged back at him.

"Ouch." Mulder replied to her successful retort.

When they left the motel office, a brisk walk brought them to their door and Mulder unlocked it. Entering, he turned on the wall light switch. Scully silently followed him in and shut the door. Mulder put his garment bag down and surveyed the two full sized beds in the center of the room, a bemused look on his face. He rubbed a hand through his hair.

"Ok, which one do you want?" Scully asked, breaking the silence. Than she burst out laughing. Mulder turned and diving, flopped down on one bed and than shot over onto the other bouncing on each in turn.

"Mulder, what are you doing?" Scully asked still lost in laughter.

"Testing them for "bounceability", of course." he answered grinning.

"I thought you had to stand up and jump on a bed to test that?" Scully replied, finally taking a moment to put her bag down.

"What, and hit my head?" Mulder teased back.

"Listen, I'm going to put my things in the bathroom, all right, and than let's get something to eat, I really am starving." Scully advised.

"Sounds like a great idea to me." Mulder answered. "Which side of the sink do you want, Scully?"

"Vanity, it's a vanity." Scully answered as she took her toiletries out of her bag.

The diner wasn't crowded so Mulder and Scully were able to get a booth without any problem. Their order was placed and delivered quickly and soon they were both tucking into cheese burgers, fries and diet cokes with gusto.

"I'll tell you Scully, you can't beat good old American diner food." Mulder mused dabbing a fry in some catsup. "It's classic."

"Ha, straight from my lips to my hips." Scully, seated across from him, retorted.

"So, why did you order the cheeseburger?" Mulder asked.

"Cheeseburger's, they're my only weakness." Scully answered in a voice reminiscent of Dr. Pretorious from Bride of Frankenstein.

Mulder grinned and motioned towards Scully's chin. "Well, you'd better watch out, Doc, some of your 'only weakness' is about to drip onto your blouse."

Scully quickly reached for a napkin and wiped at the grease that was running down her chin.

"Thanks." she replied smiling.

As they were talking, a young couple with two children came into the diner and took a booth near the entrance. The two youngsters, obviously brother and sister, were talking and tussling together as their parents tried to get them settled into the booth. The little girl suddenly squealed with glee and took off down the aisle towards Mulder and Scully, her older brother restrained from following by his bemused father. As she ran towards the FBI agents, she tripped over her own feet and sprawled flat on her face in front of Dana Scully.

"Oh, no, are you all right?" Scully asked worried as she quickly got up to help. The girls mother had been close behind the errant tot and reached her just as Scully was kneeling down beside the crying child. Scully crouched next to her and wiped away a few tears from the little girl's face.

"There, see, no harm done." she smiled into the youngster's eyes.

"I'm so sorry." her mother said, worried and embarrassed. "She's just so fast sometimes...." she added her voice trailing off.

"Oh, no problem, she seems to be fine." Scully replied, smiling at the woman as she stood up.

"Thank you." the young mother returned the smile and took her daughter's hand.

"Thank you." The little girl said to Scully without prompting.

"You're welcome." Scully replied as mother and daughter walked back towards their booth.

Mulder watched the exchange between his partner and the little girl. For just an instant as she watched the child leave, Scully's thoughts were written all over her face. Her look of wistful longing made Mulder's heart ache for her. Even though Scully had confided in him about her sterility, she hadn't really been forthcoming regarding her deepest feelings about it. Mulder had some idea that she wanted to marry some day and start a family based on off hand remarks she had made in the past. But they had never really discussed the profound affect her inability to conceive a child was having on her as evidenced by that one raw instant of emotion. 'I have to talk to her about all this,' he thought, 'but God, I wish I knew how without hurting her.' 'How can I tell her the real cause behind her sterility?'

Scully continued to stare after the little girl, prompting Mulder to say quietly, "Ah, Scully, your fries are getting cold."

"Oh, yes." she replied smiling hesitantly. "Thanks."

The remainder of their meal was eaten mostly in silence. Mulder's furrowed brow matched the dismal expression on Scully's face. "Talk about your major mood shift,' Mulder thought to himself. 'Shit.' he mentally added taking a forlorn crunch on the ice in his diet coke.

It was approaching 8 PM by the time they were paying their bill and exiting the diner. The temperature had really dropped outside and both Mulder and Scully made a dash for the warmth of the motel room. Once inside both of them shed their coats, throwing them over a chair back. Guns and badges, watches, jewelry and Mulder's pocket change all went on the night stand between the beds. Mulder sat down on the edge of the bed nearest the bathroom and Scully stood by the chair where they had placed their coats. Suddenly, it seemed that they both felt awkward and shy at being alone together. 'Now what?' Mulder thought. Scully was the first to break the ice.

"Mulder, I think I'll take a shower. Do you need to use the bathroom?"

"Oh, yeah, thanks," he replied. "I'll only be a minute." he added beating a hasty retreat for the bathroom door. While he was washing his hands he heard Scully turn on the TV. When he left the bathroom she was seated on the edge of the bed watching CNN.

"I thought we might catch the weather." she said.

"Good idea, I'll watch for the report while you shower." Mulder replied glad to have something to do.

Scully handed him the remote and taking her night clothes from her bag, entered the bathroom. Soon the shower was running and Mulder turned his attention to the CNN broadcast. Propping the pillows up against the headboard on the bed nearest the bathroom, he stretched out, first removing his shoes and socks. He turned on the lamp between the beds and settled back into the pillows. The local area forecast came on after a few minutes and Mulder was relieved to see that the weather would be uneventful the next day. Using the remote he turned down the volume slightly - the better to force his mind to concentrate on what the announcers were saying. All too soon, Scully came out of the bathroom, sensibly conservative pajamas on, clothes in hand and a towel wrapped around her head. Mulder thought she looked wonderful, but her mood kept him silent. Presently, she looked over at him and smiled a little as she hung her clothes up in the small alcove next to the bathroom.

"Next?" she said.

"Oh, Ok, a shower does sound like a good idea." he replied. "The weather is supposed to be decent tomorrow too, by the way. You can change the channel if you'd like." he added retrieving a clean t-shirt and boxers, his "night clothes", from his bag. He heading for the john. While the hot water ran over his lean body, Mulder let his mind go blank. He concentrated on the feel of the spray, letting it relax him as completely as possible. While he was changing into his clean boxers it occurred to him that he could no longer hear the TV. Turning off the bathroom light, he took a deep breath and prepared to face whatever issues lay outside the bathroom door.

Scully was propped up on the bed's pillows, under the covers. She was reading his Sports Illustrated. Mulder hesitated at the foot of the bed and than walked to the wall light switch and turned off the brighter overhead lights. He than turned and went over to hang up his own clothes. Finally and without looking at Scully, he crossed to the bed closest to the door and climbed in. As he reached to turn off his side of the bed lamp he finally looked at Scully and said.

"G'night, Scully."

"Night, Mulder." she said forlornly, placing the SI on the nightstand between them and turning off her own light. Mulder lay on his back staring at the ceiling. 'This sucks', he thought, upset. 'I can't believe it.' 'How can I be so stupid, stupid, stu....'

"Mulder?" a small voice reached out to him in the dark.

"Yeah, Scully."

"Please - come to bed." she replied, a catch to her voice.

Mulder crawled out from beneath his covers and carefully crossed over to the other bed. A rustling of sheets told him Scully was making room for him. He gently moved in next to her and used the pillows to once again prop himself up slightly. Presently, Scully drew close and he wound his arm around her shoulders and held her against him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked her quietly.

She hesitated a moment and than said, "Oh, Mulder, I apologize. I don't know what to say. It's just, well, you know, that little girl... it's very hard sometimes."

Mulder stroked her arm and said, "I know."

"Well, you can't know, really, Mulder. I mean I feel so, so - oh shit, I feel so cheated and than I think, well, maybe I'm selfish for feeling that way. I'm not the only woman that's ever had to face being unable to bear children, after all. It's just that the whole thing is such a damn disappointment." Scully said angrily.

Before Mulder could say anything she plunged on, "And I haven't even been able to tell my family yet either, Mulder. My mother is so caught up in being a grandmother again, with Bill's wife expecting. And they've been trying for so long. Everyone is so thrilled. God, I can't bring myself to broach the subject."

"Well, that's a difficult situation." Mulder offered. Maybe there isn't going to be a best time to tell them. Maybe you just need to lay it out, they're big people, they should be able to handle it." he added. 'I should talk,' he thought to himself but than shook it off. "And, I wouldn't say it's selfish at all to feel cheated, either." Mulder continued. "I don't blame you for being disappointed and angry." "You have the right, you've earned the right." he finished, gently stroking her hair.

She continued then very quietly, her voice muffled against his chest. "Lately, you know, after the cancer I just started to reevaluate my whole life, Mulder. Suddenly, having a child took on a new importance and meaning for me. Becoming a mother was something I hadn't really thought too deeply about before. And than that day in your apartment, when we were making love, when you were inside me and I felt you giving yourself to me I thought later, Oh my God, I, I can never, ever have this man's child..." her voice trailed off and Mulder felt hot tears through the cloth of his t-shirt.

Mulder felt his own tears then, bitter and salty as they leaked down his face. He struggled to control himself for her sake, to be strong, to be her anchor.

"Oh, Scully, Oh Dana..." he began. "Hey, listen it's all right, it's ok, don't worry, I love you." he murmured over and over. He didn't know what else to say.

Scully was sobbing than and all Mulder could manage to do was hold her tight and rock her gently until the sobs subsided. Eventually she brought herself under control, dissolving into snuffles and sniffles in Mulder's embrace.

"Mulder, I've gotten your shirt all wet." she said as soon as she could manage to talk.

"Hey, I've been wiping my nose on my sleeve for years." he replied trying to cheer her a bit. His comment had the desired effect because when she answered there was a new lightness to her voice.

"Well, I'm not going to make any more additions to your snot collection." He felt her tiny smile against his armpit. "I'm going to go blow my nose." and she extricated herself from his arms. He heard her blowing her nose violently in the bathroom. As she returned to bed, Mulder noticed she had left the bathroom light on and it's gentle illumination outlined her form as she climbed back in next to him.

"God, I hate crying." Scully said as she cuddled near him. "I look like such shit afterwards. And I don't even want to mention the state of my sinuses." she added.

"Well, crying is a great cathartic." Mulder offered.

"Yeah, I know, I do actually feel better." Scully replied. "I'm sorry I dumped on you like that, Mulder. I didn't mean to."

"Listen, who else can you dump on, hey? Besides, it's about time I gave you back some support, Scully. I can't even begin to describe what you've done for me. Just let me be the rock here for a while, ok. I want to be there for you too, now. Deal?"

"Deal" she replied.

"Look, this stuff about giving me a child. Truth?" Mulder asked.


"I'm not basing my love for you or your value to me on your ability to bear me children, you know." Mulder replied. "But, I can understand some of what you're feeling, I think. It's a loss - almost like a death to be mourned, right?" Mulder sighed slightly as thoughts of his sister Samantha crossed his mind.

"Right." Scully replied sympathetically, sensing his inner turmoil regarding his sister." "And I do know all that logically, Mulder, of course. It's just that emotionally, well, a child is something I thought I'd be able to eventually give the man I love. Now, the impossibility of that, the disappointment, it just caught me so unawares, so....oh, I don't know...I feel like I'm making an ass out of myself." she said annoyed and embarrassed all at once.

"Well, I'm still ahead of you in the 'looking like an ass' department." Mulder joked. "I'm the pro here in that area." he added.

She laughed a bit than and Mulder felt a whole lot better.

"Look, Scully, if you want me to go with you when you talk to your mother, I'd be happy to do it." he offered.

"No, Mulder, I think that is probably something I should do on my own." she replied regaining some of her old Scully toughness. "I've got to face it eventually. I'll find a time."

"All right, but if you change your mind, let me know." Mulder replied.

"My mother likes you, Mulder." Scully said, teasing him a bit. "She always thought you were cute. She's even hinted about us a couple of times, you know."

"Oh yeah?" Mulder answered grinning slightly.

"Yes, she asked me whether I'd like to bring you over for dinner a few times, that sort of thing."

"Why didn't you?" Mulder asked. He really liked and respected Margaret Scully and was touched to think she might like him enough to think of him as a prospective son-in-law.

"Well, at the time I was pretty much in denial mode regarding my feelings for you. I blew it off and told her it wasn't really acceptable for two partners to socialize too much." she giggled slightly. "I guess we've sort of blown that convention, haven't we?"

Mulder chuckled as well. "Yeah, I wonder what she'd say if she saw us now."

"God, I wonder. She'd stop worrying about my social life, I guess." Scully replied.

Mulder chuckled, "You're probably right about that."



"Thank you."

Mulder kissed the top of her head in response. Scully reached up and touched his cheek and felt the tears drying there. She drew herself up to head level with him and kissed each trail of tears in turn. Than she met his mouth with hers.

Mulder sighed as she softly brushed his lips. There was still a shyness and hesitancy to her touch, desire tempered with receding sorrow. Mulder met her shyness with tenderness, letting his lips reciprocate with a feather light kiss. He didn't want her to feel like she was obligated to please him with sex. He didn't want to use her that way, not ever. He was willing to give Scully all the time and space she needed out of respect and love.

"Scully, we don't have to go any further here, really, not if you're uncomfortable about it." Mulder murmured quietly into her ear. "I'm fine, it's ok. I can just hold you for a while if you'd like. You can go to sleep even, if you're tired."

"I'd like you to hold me, Mulder. It feels good." she replied. "And please, don't think you're making me uncomfortable. It's me, not you. I just need to relax a little, that's all. I am feeling better, really." she added. Mulder thought she did sound a lot more like the old Dana Scully. Talking things out had seemed to help.

"Would you like a back massage?" he offered. "I had a pretty good chance to study your technique last time." he smiled.

"Oh, that would be wonderful." she answered smiling back.

"Ok, sit up." he advised, as he moved up against the headboard. Scully shifted and tucked herself between his outstretched legs.

"Is this good?" she asked.

"Perfect, now lean back a little against me" he commanded as he started to knead her neck muscles. Scully's head lolled from side to side.

"Ah, I see you are a quick study, Agent Mulder." she smiled.

"My professors always said so." Mulder replied moving on to her shoulders.

He kept his movements on her body deliberately impersonal at first, ministering to the knots of tenseness from the base of her skull to her tattoo. At last, Scully's whole body seemed to sag against him and Mulder held her close, letting his body warmth add to the massage.

"Mulder, you feel so nice and warm." Scully exhaled with pleasure. "It's...."


"Oh, much better."

They sat for some time like that, their breathing in synch. Mulder inhaled her freshly scrubbed scent. He loved the way she smelled. Her scent was so feminine, musky and delicate all at the same time and always very arousing. He enjoyed the pressure of her ass against his thighs and balls and penis, the touch of her delicate scapula against his pectoral muscles and nipples. He'd never really considered the erogenous possibilities of the male nipple until right at that moment. The feeling as Scully shifted position against his chest, even through the material of his t-shirt, was almost indescribable. He bent forward slightly and nuzzled her neck.

She responded by inclining her head to meet his lips and breathing deeply. "Ummm, that tickles." she whispered.

"I didn't know you were ticklish?" he replied kissing her ear.

"Well, it's a nice tickle." she smiled against his jaw.

When she seemed ready, Mulder began to explore Scully's body, rediscovering all the little spots she liked him to touch. Scully's breath quickened as Mulder unbuttoned her top and teased her breasts and nipples. She moved against him as his hands wandered lazily down her stomach. He took his time, going slowly letting her breathing set the pace for him. Her head was back against his neck and her eyes closed as she concentrated on each area his hands and lips were touching.

As Mulder touched her breasts, Scully raised her arms so that he could have better access to them. Mulder cupped each in turn enjoying the weight of them in his hands. "God, your breasts are wonderful." he whispered as he rubbed a nipple between his fingers. Scully brought one hand down and gripped his hair lightly, pulling his mouth down again to her neck. Mulder could feel her pulse quickening in her jugular as he kissed her. Scully lowered her arms and began to gently stroke her own body in time to Mulder's caresses. It was incredibly erotic. His hand followed her hands past the band of her pajama bottoms and down between her legs. He was going along for the trip as she stroked her inner thighs and the wetness between her legs intoxicated him. He had never really experienced a woman as she pleasured herself before. Sure he had watched enough videos to see what it was like, but the actual real life experience enthralled him. He could just see her profile and the power and beauty of her face was undeniable.

Scully rubbed her taunt clitoris and Mulder picked up her strokes as she bit her lip, moaning. He maneuvered one hand beneath her tight ass and than first one finger and than another up inside her. Scully gasped. She rubbed against him in long sinuous strokes, almost catlike in her absorption in what her hands and his hands were doing to her. In the process she rubbed against his all ready engorged penis and Mulder moaned in enjoyment.

Scully's movements became more intense and Mulder talked to her than as his hands heightened her every sensation. "Let go, Scully." he whispered. "Go with it, Dana, let go." he urged her on as she thrashed against him in ecstasy. "You're so beautiful." he added as her whole body tensed and arched back against him. A guttural groan came somewhere from deep within her as she began to come, jerking against his hands. He moved his hands from between her legs and held her through her orgasm. At the last moment of Scully's ultimate pleasure, Mulder lost control as well, and ejaculated all over the inside of his boxers. It felt wonderful though, and he found himself laughing and groaning all at the same time. "Oh, fuck." he managed to gasp out. As soon as he caught his breath he hugged Scully and added. "Christ."

Scully, breathing hard and sweating, leaned against him. "Are you ok, I mean was it ok..." she exhaled trying to catch her breath.

"Hell, yes." he answered with a grin. "I'd have to confess that I've always been a little apprehensive on the subject of premature ejaculation. But right now... I'd be the first to admit that it's possibly very underrated." he deadpanned.

"Scully collapsed forward in a heap, laughing hysterically.

"Mulder, please, no jokes, I can hardly breath as it is." she howled. Mulder joined in her laughter and fell flat onto his back.

"Just close your eyes and think of England." Mulder advised smiling broadly.

"That's it, you sadist," she grinned back, picking up a pillow and swatting him playfully with it.

He struggled the pillow away from her and she promptly flung herself on his chest, tickling him unmercifully.

"Oh shit, he grimaced, who's the sadist?" he joked, grabbing her hands. She was really laughing now.

"Ah, ha, so you're ticklish too?" she crowed in triumph renewing her efforts. Pretty soon they both dissolved into a heap, too out of breath to keep going any further.

As they both began to breath more regularly Scully looked into Mulder's face.

"Really, Mulder, are you all right? I mean I feel so strange..."

"Getting off like that?"

"Well, yes, it seems kind of..."

"Naughty?" he teased.

Scully's after orgasm flush deepened even further and Mulder almost began to laugh all over again. Scully slapped him on the stomach. "Yes." she admitted with good humor. "I mean, nice girls don't do that sort of thing." she confessed. And than added, "God, I can't believe I said that."

Mulder really choked back laughter than and replied, "Listen, believe me, if you want to be a naughty girl again Scully, you won't get a lecture from me."

"Was it really a big turn on?" she asked hopefully.

"Oh, yeah." Mulder admitted grinning from ear to ear.

"Mulder, you are really bent." Scully smiled and rubbed his stomach where she had slapped him.

"Bent and sticky." he advised. "I'd better get these off." he added tilting his head towards his waist. With Scully's help he removed his come dampened shorts. She used the bundled up clothing to swab his crotch area with delicate, tantalizing slowness. As he lay beneath her hands, she grinned seductively into his eyes and than dropped the garment over the side of the bed.

"More comfortable now?" she asked huskily.

"Yes, thank you Doctor." he replied maintaining the eye contact.

"Good, than I want you to watch this.." she replied sitting upright and moving her legs over his body to straddle his thighs, just behind his penis. Incredibly, and erotically she began to strip for him, provocatively removing her top and trailing it over his thighs, stomach, balls and cock. Than she shifted up to a kneeling position as she drew down her pants, shoving them off and over the side of the bed to join his clothing on the floor. All the while she looked at him, un-flinching, a goddess for him, just for him. All Mulder could think was, "Good Lord!" and "I'm glad she left the bathroom light on." It was the perfect mood lighting for the floorshow.

"Do you like this, Fox?" she asked wickedly, using his Christian name in the double entendre meaning that they both knew it possessed.

"Oh, shit.." he whispered quietly.

"Is that a yes, or a no?" she pouted slightly, containing her humor, not wanting to break the mood.

"Oh, it's a yes, definitely a yes," he replied breathlessly.

"Good." was her definitive statement as she began to fondle her own breasts, her arms, and her stomach. She rocked gently on him. The sensation against his thighs and genitals made him shake. She was hot and wet and oh so desirable.

"God, Scully, is this what that AC-DC song means by "she shook me all night long"?" he asked laying helpless as she smiled down at him.

"You ain't seen nothing yet," she replied and than added "Don't move." as she began to fondle her legs, her thighs, and her crotch. As she ran her hands down over his thighs and up onto his flat stomach, every muscle there tightened in anticipation.

Mulder stared transfixed, mouth open. Rather rapidly, Scully's performance began to have a positive effect on his limp cock. Agent Scully, ever observant, noticed the change and smiling, reached down and took him into her hands. She stroked him expertly from base to tip at first gently and than more firmly, just the way he liked it, until he was completely erect. As she teased the tip of his penis, Mulder closed his eyes and his body trembled over it's entire length.

He was almost beyond words. Scully was bringing him close to orgasm and than backing off just enough so that he didn't plunge over the edge. 'I'm going to go crazy,' he thought. His breath coming in gasps. "Oh God, Scully, Dana, please, I can't...please." he begged her.

A low chuckle came out of Dana Scully as he begged. Suddenly, a really naughty little girl was about to raise her head.

"Should I stop?" she asked, lusty humor in her voice.

"Are you serious?" Mulder just managed to groan, his voice rising an octave on every word.

Scully smiled broadly and replied. "I just wanted to show you...I can be as nasty as I want to be." she whispered the emphasis on the word nasty.

Mulder moaned looking up at Dana Scully in wonder. He never realized that inside his so called prim and proper, by the rulebook partner, a pornographic princess lay ready to ambush him. He'd stay her boy toy forever, under these terms, no problem. Mulder tried to talk but Scully hushed him with a finger to her own lips.

"Be still." she commanded. "This is about body talk now, Fox." and shifting her weight, she took the length of his erection into her body. Mulder almost cried out with surprise and for a fleeting second he worried that his size and the position might hurt her. But, the expression on Scully's face calmed that fear in a hurry.

"This feels so good." she whispered. "It's so good to have you this deep inside me, you're, it's, God, you're so hard, it's incredible." she finally added shutting her eyes and breathing heavily. Her hips rose up slowly and than as she caught her breath, down again causing Mulder to cry out and thrust up to meet her.

She was loving it, and as she began to ride him, Mulder finally gave up all rational thought for the idea that he wanted to fuck Scully until he hit her tonsils. He was all ready so close to coming that his orgasm did arrive quickly and so violently that for a moment he blacked out as he ejaculated into her. He was half conscious of reaching up for Scully but not really sure if his hands connected with any part of her. His next conscious realization was that she was bringing herself to orgasm again and calling out his name as she pumped him for everything he was worth. A little voice in the back of his mind said, "If I die now, I'll die a happy man." as he and Scully collapsed sideways together.

Eventually, Mulder reluctantly pulled out. Neither of them talked at all for quite a while. Mulder for one, at a total loss for words. So he reached for the first hormonally besotted thought that came into his mind.

"So, how about those Packers, Scully."

"Redskins..." came Scully's muffled voice from somewhere in the pillows next to him.

"You can say that again," Mulder hissed, touching himself gingerly. He was going to be sore tomorrow. He could only imagine how Scully would feel. 'It had been a long time since he'd enjoyed being so royally fucked,' he mused ironically. Mulder could tell from the dazed smile on Scully's face when she came up for air, that the feeling was mutual.

Scully plucked at his t-shirt, a bemused expression crossing her countenance.

"You know, Mulder, this is a nice look for you." she said taking in his half clothed body.

"Frohike thought so," he deadpanned referring to that other time in his apartment.

"What?" she squeaked.

"It's a long story." he replied.

"Well, you'll have to tell me about it sometime." Scully advised.

"Sometime." Mulder agreed.

They soon fell asleep in each others arms, the bathroom light still illuminating their bodies nestled together in the bed.

Mulder was awakened by the sound of running water. The effect it had on him was immediate and he realized he had better head for the bathroom or risk embarrassing himself. He got out of bed and moved towards the closed bathroom door, hesitating when his half awake brain realized Scully was inside and the running water was coming from the shower.

"Uh, Scully...I hate to say this, but..I have an urgent need out here."

"Mulder? What did you say?" she replied over the noise of the rushing tap.

"I have to take a piss." Mulder called out in desperation.

"Oh, well, come on in, I won't look." Scully offered.

Mulder quickly entered and lifting the toilet seat just in time, emptied his bladder exhaling in relief.

"I didn't want to wake you up Mulder, I figured you could use the rest." Scully called from behind the shower curtain.

"I bet it was just an excuse to get the shower first." he joked, shaking himself off.

"Well, I'm almost done, you can have it soon." she replied.

"OK, I'll wait outside" Mulder said, flushing the john. Grabbing a towel to wrap around his waist, he exited the bathroom, shutting the door. As he went back to lie on the bed he heard Scully's muffled expletive from behind the closed door. "Damn it, you left the toilet seat up."

"Sorry." he called out, wincing. 'She'd never let him live that one down, he just knew it.' To make amends he picked up their discarded clothes from the floor. He neatly folded Scully's and placed them on top of her garment bag. He took his boxers and shoved them into the side pocket of his bag that he reserved for dirty laundry.

While he was getting his clean underwear out of his bag, Scully came out of the bathroom, drying her hair. She was dressed only in bra and panties and looked rested, relaxed and ravishing.

Noticing the clothes folded neatly on her bag she smiled and said, "Why thank you, Agent Mulder."

"It's a peace offering." he replied.

"Peace offering?" she asked eyebrow raised.

"For the toilet seat." he squinted at her as she took a pair of panty hose out of her own bag.

"Oh, that, well, I didn't fall in or anything, I just dropped a towel in the commode, that's all. Now if had been my underwear..." Scully replied.

"Ok, I get the message." Mulder stated with a grin of relief. "Forgiven?" he asked double checking.

Scully walked over and pressing herself against him in a tight hug she said, "I'm in a very forgiving mood this morning, Special Agent Mulder."

"Oooh, Doctor Scully," he crooned over her head, "you nasty girl." She lowered one sneaky little hand and pinched him hard right on the ass.

The phone rang.

"Ha! Saved by the bell." Mulder flinched, laughing.

He extricated himself from Scully's embrace and moved to the phone on the nightstand.

"Mulder." he barked into the receiver.

"Walter Abbott, here Agent Mulder." the mechanics voice sounded tinny.

"I'm out jump starting someone right now, but I just wanted to let you know your cars ready." he yelled over the car phone. "I can bring it over to the motel in about an hour, if that's ok?"

Mulder turned to his partner, covering the receiver and glancing at his watch on the nightstand. It occurred to him that he didn't even know what time it was. 'Seven AM' he thought, 'Scully really was a morning person.'

"The cars, ready." he advised. "He's bringing it here in about an hour."

"Oh, all right." Scully answered sitting down on the edge of the bed. "I can be ready."

Mulder turned back to the phone.

"That'll be great, Walter. "We'll see you in an hour."

"Great," Abbott replied and than added, "is Agent Scully there?"

"Uh, Yes, why?" Mulder replied, suspicion in his voice.

"Well, I was just wondering if she had considered my offer for coffee this morning?" Abbott asked, the hopefulness in his voice coming through even the tinniness of the connection.

'This guy must be pretty lonely up here in the wilds of Wisconsin' Mulder thought annoyed. But out of politeness he once again turned to his partner.



"Walter wants to know if you thought about coffee this morning."

"Oh, God." Scully sighed considering. "I could really use the caffeine, but Mulder, get him to invite us both, OK?"

"How in the hell am I going to do that?" he asked, the annoyance creeping into his voice.

"Here, let me have the phone," she asked scooting over the bed to sit next to him.

"Mr. Abbott?" Scully said into the receiver, trying to sound formal and official.

"Is that you, Agent Scully?" Abbott asked cheerfully. "Sleep well? "and it's Walter, by the way."

Scully suppressed a smile as Mulder stared at her perplexed. He hated trying to follow a one-sided phone conversation, especially under these circumstances.

"Yes, to both questions," she replied.

"So, coffee than?" Abbott persisted.

"Well, this is sort of awkward, Walter," she began. "Agent Mulder is really starving this morning, and if he doesn't get his breakfast and coffee he's going to be a real bear on the drive to Green Bay. Would you mind if he joined us?" she asked politely.

There was silence for a moment on the line. Than Abbott answered, just a touch of disappointment in his voice. "Sure, bring him along. I'll see you both in about an hour."

"Thank-you, Walter, you're a Prince." Scully smiled into the phone.

"My pleasure," he answered breaking the connection. Scully hung up the phone.

Mulder stared at her, questions written all over his face.

"We are having breakfast...and coffee, in an hour," she said. "All three of us." she added grinning.

"Good." Mulder replied curtly. Scully smiled again and patted his knee.

"You're sweet, Mulder."

"What?" he asked perplexed.

"I didn't know you could be so jealous." she smirked, looking sideways at him.

"Is it that obvious?" he asked in chagrin.

"Does Brett Favre wear green and yellow?" she replied

"It's green and gold, actually." he corrected, annoyance still in his voice.

"Whatever, but you'd better watch it, a thing like that can go right to a girl's head." she advised. It was a gentle warning but Mulder knew she was chiding him for being so adolescent.

Changing the subject Mulder said, "Hey, uh, Abbott said he was jump starting some guy." He ran his hand over her naked thigh.

"Oh?..." Scully asked looking at his hand.

"Yeah, I thought it sounded like something interesting for a guy to do in the morning, giving a jump start."



"Well, maybe it's something a woman might like to do too." Scully suggested meeting his eyes.

"We have an hour." Mulder held her eyes and shifted his weight slightly.

To his surprise, Scully got up and than went down on her knees, deftly parting his legs. "I'd say that would be more than enough time." she purred.

"God, Scully! " Mulder blurted out as Scully's mouth sent an electric shock of lust right up his spine.

Breakfast proved to be interesting. Abbott had joined them at the diner and boldly slid right into the booth next to Scully as Mulder resorted to taking the seat across from them. He had been very charming and Mulder had to admit the guy was pretty likable. Abbott had guts too in the face of Scully's polite but obvious rejection of his attentions. Eventually he seemed to be getting the message and much to Mulder's relief, the sexual tension at the table went out the window.

"So, are you guys going to take that Lambeau tour, than?" Abbott asked as they finished their last cup of coffee.

"I'd like to try to, if it's all right with Agent Scully." Mulder nodded at his partner.

"Oh, I think we can manage to do that, Agent Mulder." she smiled back at him.

"Well, I think you'll enjoy it." Abbott said. "It's pretty impressive."

"I'm sure we will." Scully stated.

"Can you two excuse me for a minute," Mulder interrupted. "I need to use the facilities before we hit the road."

"Sure," Abbott and Scully replied in unison.

As Mulder stood at the urinal he heard the door to the men's room open and close behind him. He glanced sideways as Walter Abbott stepped up to the porcelain next to him.

"You are one lucky guy, Agent Mulder." Abbott said as he unzipped his fly.

"What?" Mulder asked looking at him.

"Hey, I know when the best man's won." he replied. I may look like a hick, but I'm not stupid, just slow maybe."

"Walter..." Mulder started to object.

"Listen, Mulder, never mind, OK. I just wanted to apologize for coming on to Scully, I didn't realize you two were, well, involved. I wouldn't have been that crass if I'd caught on right away."

"Well, you can't blame a guy for trying, I guess." Mulder replied giving Walter his due for being both diplomatic and perceptive.

"I was hoping you'd see it that way." Abbott replied with relief.

Mulder left the urinal and went to wash his hands. Abbott followed him and as he lathered his hands Mulder sighed and fished for the best way to convey what was on his mind next, "Look, Walter, Scully and I, well, our relationship - it's not exactly company, policy.." he began.

Abbott shrugged his shoulders dismissively at Mulder's fumbling comments. It was obvious that he knew where Mulder was going with his remarks. It was equally obvious he figured it was none of his business.

"Mulder, just be good to her, all right, I can tell she's a special lady," was all he said in reply.

Mulder shook his head in the affirmative as he threw his towel into the waste basket and left the men's room.

Scully was just exiting the ladies room, meeting Mulder as he headed back to the booth. Abbott followed close behind. Before either of the agents could pick up the check, Walter grabbed it.

"Hey, you don't have to do that, Walter, meals are on the expense account." Mulder said.

"It's on me, really, please." Abbott smiled. "Just call it a little "Creek" hospitality." he added.

Scully smiled, "Why, thank you, Walter."

"Once again, my pleasure, Agent Scully." he replied.

They all donned their coats and once outside in the crisp cold air headed over to the rental car.

"How are you getting back to the garage?" Scully asked Abbott.

"Oh. If it isn't inconvenient, I thought you guys wouldn't mind dropping me back there, it's on your way out of town." Abbott answered. "If it's a problem, I can call for someone to pick me up."

"No problem." Mulder replied. "Get in." Walter handed him the keys with a smile.

"Thanks." he said.

Mulder and Scully dropped Abbott at his garage. As they all stood outside the rental car saying their good byes, Abbott took Scully's hand and kissed it gallantly without saying a word. While Scully looked on, a startled expression on her face, Abbott grasped Mulder's hand and arm and shook it heartily.

"You two watch your backs now, you hear." he advised and with a flash he turned and headed for one of the garage bays. Mulder looked after him, a stunned look on his face. Scully, regaining her composure more quickly, looked over at her partner and said, "Mulder, get in the car, I'll drive."

"Hey, you'll have to adjust the seat." Mulder advised, opening the passenger door.

"You're feet aren't going to reach the pedals." he chuckled.

"Hmm, my legs may be short Mulder, but they're strong enough when it counts." she retorted, a grin playing about her mouth.

"Oh, you have that right, Doc." he replied returning her smile with one of his own. Scully's answer was to rev the accelerator and the car shot out of the parking lot towards the southeast, towards the city on the Bay.


Of course later, Scully told him she and her mother would be going to San Diego to spend the Christmas holiday with her brother Bill and his pregnant wife. Mulder expected it and wasn't surprised when she told him she was going to have that talk with her mother. He would be going up to The Vineyard he thought, to visit his mother, he told her. Scully should call him though, and tell him how it went.

'In hindsight, he wished he had known what was coming,' he thought as he stood before the tiny coffin in the church. Tears brimmed in his eyes as Scully opened the coffin and removed the little gold cross from her daughters neck. 'Everything's changing now' his soul cried out in anguish for the both of them. 'No, please, don't let it change.' he asked silently as Scully closed the coffin's lid.

-The End of the Whole Story-