TITLE: Wisconsin Death Trip

(Part 1 of 17)

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains graphic language, sexual situations and violence. Forewarned is forearmed. If you don't care for really graphic stuff, STOP HERE!

SUMMARY: Mulder and Scully travel to Wisconsin to investigate some cattle mutilations. Their discovery of the cause behind the mutilations soon proves to be something very terrifying. This is a horror story. I have always been partial to X-Files episodes that were about monsters - like 'The Host.' So, I wanted to write an X-Files horror story. I also wanted to include a classic type of monster but with a bit of a twist to it. Comments, suggestions and healthy debate are always welcome. Flames? Flames are for roasting 'weenies'.

TIMESPAN/SPOILER WARNING.: I don't know when this story takes place. Ha. Maybe after "One Breath" but certainly before Scully's cancer. At any rate, it takes place during a long, hot summer, what the heck. I'm not including any spoilers really, but I do mention Phoebe Green (from 'Fire'), in passing.

KEYWORDS: x-file romance angst Scully Mulder NC-17

DISCLAIMER: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Byers, Langly, Frohike and Phoebe Green, belong to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions and 20th Century FOX Broadcasting. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made from their use. Lyrics from the song 'Can't Get Enuff' copyright Virgin Songs Inc./Verseau Music/Small Hope Ltd.,BMI/Virgin Music, Inc./Blue-32 Ltd./Julian Music, ASCAP. The song appears on Winger's 'In the Heart of the Young' CD.


Wisconsin Death Trip

by frogdoggie


The slide projector clicked again and Fox Mulder's voice droned on as the next slide popped onto the screen.

"Here's another example of classic cattle mutilation. This photo was taken just outside Albuquerque, New Mexico. Now, if you compare these slides with the following 4." The projector clicked slowly in succession, finally stopping on the last slide. "Do you notice anything significantly different Scully?"

Dana Scully walked forward in the darkened room to study the screen more closely, her brow wrinkled in thought. "Mulder, they don't look the same at all, really. In those other slides, the wounds are regular, almost surgical in appearance..."

"Yes, like the wounds in a typical cattle mutilation...." Mulder interrupted.

"All right." Scully replied, slightly annoyed, and raising an eyebrow. "But, in this last series, the wounds are totally different. They're irregular ripping wounds, the trauma is much more pronounced, more grievous...." Scully continued.

"Like?" Mulder prompted.

"Well, like they were caused by some type of large predator. A wolf or a big cat." She finished touching the screen and running her fingers along the image in an attempt to gauge the relative size of the injuries.

"'Super wolf', wouldn't you say, Scully?"

Scully remained silent for a moment and than turned to her partner as Mulder switched on the overhead lights and than shut off the projector. Scully had a slight frown on her face as she asked, "What does this have to do with the X-Files, Mulder?"

"What doesn't it have to do with them would be a more accurate question." Mulder smiled as he picked up some papers from his desk.

"Oh, come on Mulder, those cows in those last 4 slides were probably killed by some sort of wild dog or wolf pack or quite possibly a cougar." Scully argued.

"In rural Wisconsin?" Mulder asked brandishing the papers.

"Well, coyotes and wolves have been reported more frequently in Wisconsin, especially in the northern part of the state." Scully continued to defend her opinion. "And wild dogs are a nuisance problem even in Washington, DC."

"Well, maybe...but take a look at this." Mulder replied laying the papers down on his desk.

"What?" Scully asked.

"When I saw the reports about these current cattle mutilations something jogged my memory concerning an older X-File I'd seen. On a hunch, I poked around and found one. There wasn't much there, though. The file consisted of a couple photocopies of 75 year old newspaper articles. But, they came from the same area of Wisconsin. So, I had someone who owed me a favor at the Milwaukee field office do a little microfilm research as well as get some current photos. These are the newspaper reports from the area and the articles detail series of cattle mutilations dating back to the 1800s."

"So, they probably had even more wolves indigenous to the area back than.." Scully interrupted.

"Yeah, well, I'm sure they weren't killing people at the same time." Mulder stated.

"People?" Scully asked in surprise.

"Yes. Wolf attacks on people are extremely rare. But, it seems that about every 75 years or so there is a series of what looks like cattle mutilations around Addison, Wisconsin. The type of cattle doesn't seem to matter, beef or dairy it's all the same to whoever or whatever is doing it. At any rate, as soon as the cattle mutilations cease there are suddenly several murders, usually farmers. The wounds are pretty much identical to the cattle's wounds and no one has ever been apprehended in the killings. The most recent series of deaths occurred 75 years ago in the summer, so if we assume the mutilator is following a pattern, this could be a new cycle starting up now." Mulder finished.

Scully looked over the articles critically and than something did catch her eye. "Mulder, the names of the farmers that owned the mutilated cattle, they're the same names as those of the murder victims." she said looking up in Mulder's direction.

"An interesting coincidence, wouldn't you say?"

Scully at last raised a less disdainful eyebrow.

"Yeah, I thought so too. You'd better pack your sun tan oil, Scully, we're heading for Wisconsin tomorrow, and the weather reports say they're having a heat wave."

- End of Part 1-

TITLE: Wisconsin Death Trip

(Part 2 of 17)

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains graphic language, sexual situations and violence. Forewarned is forearmed. If you don't care for really graphic stuff, STOP HERE!

DISCLAIMER: The usual. See Part 1

As soon as they exited the terminal at Mitchell field in Milwaukee county early the next day, the term "heat wave" took on a whole new meaning. It was like a blast furnace even that early in the morning, with the humidity just about equal to the air temperature. The pilot had come on during the flight to warn all the passengers that Milwaukee county was under a 'Dangerous Heat Alert' and it was only too evident that he had not been exaggerating. Both Agents began to sweat almost immediately as they stood outside the doors to the baggage claim area.

Scully sniffed the air and with a look of disgust, turned to Mulder and asked, "God, Mulder what is that smell?"

Mulder lifted his arm, and sniffed his pit experimentally. "Gee, I don't think it's me, Scully, I put on my 'Degree' this morning."

"Mulder..." Scully began."Alewives." Mulder replied before she could say anything else.

"Alewives? Little fish?" Scully asked in amazement.

"Yep, believe it or not Scully, a bunch of pan sized filets are responsible for this elegant perfume. They die off wholesale this time of year and wash up all over the shores of Lake Michigan." Mulder answered "They're sort of the 'lemmings of the lake', I guess. If the wind's right...." he let his voice trail off, smirking slightly.

"Ugh, remind me not to order anchovies on my pizza while we're here, all right?" Scully stated.

Mulder chuckled, "Well, that particular cuisine isn't what Wisconsin's famous for anyway." Mulder replied.

"I know...." Scully began.

"Brats, beer and dairy products - as in cows." Mulder finished for her. "Let's go find the rental car."

They drove down the lakefront into downtown Milwaukee so that Mulder could stop off at the FBI field office. Scully thought the cool look of the lake was probably very deceptive on a day like this, and she was thankful for the car's air conditioner. They pulled into the Plaza East Parking garage at about 9 AM. The underground garage was cool and the elevator well air conditioned as they took it up into the building.

"Dana Scully, this is Janet Price, Mulder said, introducing his partner to a slightly built blond woman. She was so blond in fact as to be almost an albino and her watery blue eyes peered out from behind thick round spectacles.

"Janet is sort of the paranormal equivalent of Byers, Langly and Frohike all rolled into one." Mulder continued. "Except she works within the system, don't you Janet?""Put a sock on it, Mulder," she grinned extending a hand to Scully. Scully smiled back 'Ah ha, I like her all ready,' she thought. "Nice to meet you, Dana."

"My pleasure." Scully answered.

"When I first heard about these cattle mutilations, Janet was the first person I contacted." Mulder stated.

"Yeah. Mulder and I share similar tastes in casework, shall we say." Janet chuckled. "I may be stuck in records here, but I like it because it helps me keep track of things. My hobby is the bizarre, actually. I'm sort of a 'Wisconsin Death Trip' fan." she added. "So, when Mulder called about these cattle mutilations, I was way ahead of him in terms of following up on them. In an unofficial capacity, of course."

"Of course." Scully replied. Mulder was grinning.

"So, what have you got for us, Janet?" Mulder asked.

Janet pulled some 8 x 10 photos out of a manila envelope on her desk. She proffered them to Mulder and he spread them out on her desk top. Scully drew close for a better look."These are fresh, Mulder. Within the last 48 hours. I had Jimmy Rafferty of the Whisper Group go up to Addison and shoot these himself, so I know they're accurate."

"Whisper Group?" Scully asked.

"The local 'Ghostbusters' you might call them." Janet replied. "But, Mulder you can see what I meant, can't you, these are really awful. Scully studied the photos closely.

Mulder looked at the photos also, and pursed his lips. They were very graphic, the wounds on the animals more violent. In one instance, the cow had been completely decapitated. There were also signs that parts of the carcasses had been eaten. "I see what you mean." Mulder replied to the blond as she scooped the photos up, and put them back in the envelope for them.

"Were there any tracks around these animals? I mean, it must have taken a whole pack of wolves, or dogs, or a very large cat to do that kind of damage" Scully asked.

"No, the ground was way too churned up for any clear tracks to be seen. Also, it's rained up there during the night for the last few days so a lot of the evidence was probably washed away."

Her face grew very serious than, and she took her glasses off to clean them. Not looking at Scully, she instead peered myopically up at Mulder.

"So, Mulder, do you see what I mean? She whispered. "I know it sounds weird but Rafferty is starting to agree with me and he's a skeptic."

"Yeah, well we're going up there today, we'll get to the bottom of it." Mulder nodded reassuringly.

Scully looked from one to the other and sighed. She hated when Mulder treated her like she wasn't there. But, she knew if she waited long enough an explanation would be in the offing.

"OK, Mulder." Janet Price replied. "But, listen, be careful, all right. Besides the obvious danger, Jimmy said everyone is half crazy up there over these cattle deaths. There's guys running around with rifles all over the place." she finished.

"Thanks, Janet, we'll watch our step." Mulder replied.

"Yeah. Well, good luck and let me know how things turn out," she said "nice to meet you Dana." she added."Nice to meet you too Janet, stay cool." Scully replied smiling.

"I hear you!" the blond replied as the two agents left her office.

- End of Part 2-

TITLE: Wisconsin Death Trip

(Part 3 of 17)

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains graphic language, sexual situations and violence. Forewarned is forearmed. If you don't care for really graphic stuff, STOP HERE!

DISCLAIMER: The usual. See Part 1

Once back in the rental car Scully figured she'd waited patiently long enough. "All right, Mulder, I'll bite, what does the Whisper Group, or as Janet referred to them, the local GhostBusters, have to do with all this? And what in the heck was she alluding too back there? What obvious danger? I thought maybe you were hot on the trail of a new connection between UFOs and cattle mutilations, but now I'm totally confused." she finished in exasperation.

"Well, Scully my jury is still out on this one, but I have to say that Janet and her friends in the Whisper Group have a rather interesting idea about who or what might be committing these atrocities." Mulder attempted to explain.

"And that is what?" Scully asked.

"Werewolves." Mulder grinned as he steered the car onto the I94 entrance ramp.

Later that afternoon a perspiring Dana Scully and Fox Mulder were up to their ankles in the heat, cow dung and mud of an Addison, Wisconsin farm field. Mulder kicked a particularly gross lump of offal off his boot tip as Scully bent to examine the cow's body baking in the afternoon sun. The local law enforcement team, Sheriff Dan Pardy and his Deputy Ross Baker as well as the farms owner, Owen Keller stood off to the side near the squad cars, rental car and farmer's truck. Keller had supplied the rubber boots both agents were very happy to be wearing. He had also considerately thrown down a tarp for Scully to kneel on while she made her examination. Unfortunately, no one had thought to supply any type of shade and Dana Scully was not happy about that little oversight one bit.

Mulder gazed around at the flat landscape, the sky was crystal clear, and several red headed buzzards wheeled about above them. He wiped some sweat from his brow and looking down at Scully's back said, "You finding anything Scully?" Mulder was rapidly becoming green from the combination of heat and stench and he devoutly hoped Scully was almost through with picking at the carcass.

Scully glanced back up at him from above her surgical mask. Her eyes were flinty, and she at last stood up taking a step back off the tarp. "May I speak to you in private, Agent Mulder?" she asked formally. 'Oh, oh,' Mulder thought, 'I'm in trouble now."

He stepped aside out of earshot of the rest of the little group and braced himself for his partners invective. The Sheriff, Deputy, and farmer were involved in their own conversation as Scully rounded on Mulder, her face red with anger and exertion."Mulder, damn it! If you ever drag me out in the 90 plus degree heat and make me root around in some rotting steer's guts again - I'll have your guts for garters." she hissed, pulling off the surgical mask with vehemence.

"Ouch." he replied. "I thought you wore pantyhose."

"Cut the crap, you know what I mean." she answered using the surgical mask to wipe her sweaty neck and brow. "It wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that this carcass has been out here way too long, and as Janet mentioned, the rain has pretty much obliterated most of the evidence." she replied tired and annoyed.

"So you didn't find anything?" Mulder asked disappointment in his voice."I didn't say that." Scully replied producing a plastic medicine bottle from her pocket. "I did find some signs that the steer had been gnawed at - there are teeth marks indicative of wolf or dog predation on some of the rib bones. Also, I found this" she finished displaying the bottle for him to look at.

Mulder took it and held it up to the sunlight. There was some viscous material in the bottom along with some cow's blood. He squinted his eyes and looked over at Scully, eyebrows raised.

"It's saliva." Scully replied in answer to his unasked question.

"What kind of saliva?" Mulder asked. "Wolf?"

"How the hell should I know, Mulder. It's more than likely canine, possibly wolf - and I don't mean werewolf," she added sarcastically. I have to send it somewhere to be tested so we can find out for sure."

'Obviously, someone's a bit testy from the heat' Mulder griped mentally. But than he had a sudden pang of guilt. That wasn't very fair. It hadn't been that long ago that his partner had been on deaths door, after all. 'God, I should think about her health once in while.' he reprimanded himself.

"Ok, let's see if there's any place locally to test this stuff." he said looking towards the Sheriff, his Deputy and Owen Keller. As Scully turned to walk back over to the gathered group, Mulder touched her arm. "Scully, listen, thanks, ok? I know this was pretty terrible. I'm sorry for asking you to do it, really." Mulder looked into her eyes.

Scully blinked for a moment, and than smiling waived a hand in dismissal. "That's all right, Mulder. But you owe me big time." she replied, "dinner and a long cool drink. Deal?"

"Deal." Mulder replied smiling just as Sheriff Pardy was coming over to meet them. "If you folks are done with your private discussion here, would you mind telling us what, if anything you found?"

"Sorry, Sheriff," Mulder replied. "Agent Scully did find something actually, some type of saliva. We were wondering if there was anywhere around here to get an analysis on it?"

"Could it be wolf saliva?" Keller asked.

"We won't know that until we run some tests." Scully replied. "If there's someplace locally that can perform the analysis we can get the results a whole lot faster. Otherwise, I'll have to arrange to have the sample sent to Madison or Milwaukee and that could take a lot longer."

"My vet could probably take a look at it." Keller replied helpfully. He's top notch and I imagine he could at least tell you if it was canine saliva."

"All right, why don't we get it over to your veterinarian then?" Scully agreed.

-End of Part 3-

TITLE: Wisconsin Death Trip

(Part 4 of 17)

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains language, graphic sexual situations and violence. Forewarned is forearmed. If you don't care for really graphic stuff, STOP HERE!

DISCLAIMER: The usual. See Part 1

"Ross, would you take this sample over to Doc March, please." Sheriff Pardy called back to his Deputy. Baker had been standing over by the cow's corpse, staring down at it, and had seemed momentarily uninterested in the conversation. As he approached, Scully was struck for the first time on how tall the man actually was, tall and darkly handsome with eyes as pale and cold as a glacier. He seemed to stare right into her head through her eye sockets. He stretched his hand out and Scully placed the vial into his palm. Despite the heat she shivered suddenly as Baker said, "My pleasure, Agent Scully." His voice was deep and melodious and Scully found herself momentarily weak in the knees as Baker turned around to face the Sheriff. 'It must be the sun,' she thought. 'I'd better get back to the motel and get some liquids into me before I have a heat stroke' she thought.

As an afterthought she pulled an FBI business card out of her pocket and handed it to the Deputy. She had all ready written the phone and motel room numbers where they would be staying on the back. Her cell phone number was on the front so she figured she had covered all the bases. "Give this to the vet and tell him to please call me as soon as he has the results."

"Certainly, ma'am." Baker replied coolly, as he headed away from the group towards his waiting squad.

Mulder took in the scene between his partner and the Deputy. Scully was staring at the guy like he had walked off a UFO, or maybe off a museum pedestal. When she handed the vial over to him the Deputy's fingers gently touched her hand and Scully trembled like she was cold instead of sweating her make-up off. Mulder frowned. 'That isn't 'by the book' Scully is it?' he thought, perplexed. 'She looks like she's got the hots for that guy,' came into his mind suddenly. 'So what if she does? She's human after all, and he certainly is impressive, I guess - if you like 'em tall, dark and gruesome.' Mulder considered wryly. 'Why should I care,' he added but in the back of his mind the thought arose 'you bet I care, buddy, stay the hell away from her' but he filed it away with the rest of the disturbing feelings he sometimes had for Dana Scully. The ones that were pleasurable but painful and not very professional. He took a step forward and said, "Thanks Deputy, Sheriff Pardy. And thank you Mr. Keller. I hope we have some news for you soon."

"Well, I hope to God you do." Keller replied. "I don't know why the FBI's involved in this anyway, but I'll take all the help I can get. I can't afford to loose many more head like this, I can tell you," he sighed heading back to his truck.

"We'll be in touch as soon as we know anything." Scully added retrieving her medical bag from the tarp. The group trudged back to their transportation, Deputy Baker all ready in his squad and pulling away as the rest of them got into their cars and truck. The vehicles split up at that point as Mulder and Scully headed towards the little motel just outside Addison.

"God, Mulder, I need a shower." Scully sighed as they finished checking in and headed towards their adjoining rooms. "Well, why don't you go cool off and I'll haul the luggage in." Mulder offered taking in Scully's drooping demeanor. "You can knock on the connecting door or something when you're done." Mulder added.

"Thanks, just put my bags on one of the beds," she replied walking ahead of him, room key in hand as he went back to the car.

"I could use a dip in the pool,' Mulder considered, but he had neglected to bring his Speedo. 'Oh well, a cool shower will do just as well for me too' he thought, hefting the bags out of the trunk. He carried the bags into his room and than knocked on the half open connecting door, Scully's garment and medical bags in one hand.

"Are you decent Scully, I have your stuff." he called. Hearing only running water he assumed she was still in the shower. He walked in and placed the luggage on her bed and then went back into his room, closing the connecting door behind him.

Mulder was lying on the bed in a pair of jeans and t-shirt considerably refreshed from his shower, and with the TV on when Scully knocked on the connecting door.

"Come on in," he called. Scully entered. She was wearing a white blouse and jeans, and sneakers. She looked a whole lot better. Mulder motioned with his hand for her to take one of the cokes he'd gotten from the vending machine outside their room. "There's ice over in the ice bucket," he said. The TV weatherman was on the screen and Mulder added, "it's going to be a clear night tonight, Scully, no rain."

"And?" Scully asked as if she knew what he was about to say.

"Well, I think it might be a good idea if we took a little drive up to Farmer Keller's field this evening," he began.

"To stake-out a bunch of cows?" Scully asked, pouring herself one of the cokes.

"Yeah, why not?" Mulder replied.

"Well, because I think all we're likely to see is a hungry pack of wild dogs or wolves and it's probably a waste of time for us to spend all night sitting in the car, in the heat, and with the bugs. Unless of course, you want to shoot some half starved wolf as a trophy for the office wall." she complained uncharacteristically.

"Well, that's fine, Scully." Mulder answered getting genuinely annoyed himself now. 'This isn't like her,' he thought. 'She seems almost too reluctant to pursue every lead in this case.'

He pressed on, "But consider this. What if these killings are really in some kind of pattern, just like the one's 75 years ago. What if whoever is doing this..."

"Do you mean aliens, cultist or ....werewolves, Mulder" Scully interrupted sarcastically.

"Whatever, Scully. What I'm trying to say is, that if there is a pattern than these summer killings are going to lead up to a human death, and the victim is going to be Owen Keller." Mulder finished significantly. Scully seemed to snap out of whatever funk she was in at his words and took a large swig of her coke .

"I'm sorry Mulder. I don't mean to be so pissy about your theories. I guess I'm just a lot more dehydrated than I thought. The heat out there was pretty brutal." she finished. She really did feel out of touch, dizzy and disconnected. She had, since handing that medicine bottle over to Deputy Baker.

Mulder watched Scully as she turned something over in her mind, with concern. 'Maybe the sun was too much' he thought. 'Hell, I thought I was going to dissolve out there.'

"Scully, why don't you get some more rest." Mulder suggested I want to go over to the Addison public library and check out their local records. I can finish up there and than come back and take you to dinner, my treat of course," he added remembering their deal.

"And a big glass of lemonade?" Scully asked smiling.

"Whatever you want." Mulder grinned gently at her.

"All right. I should wait here anyway in case someone calls about the analysis on the saliva."

"Ok, I'll be back as soon as I can than. Sit tight." Mulder replied, getting his car keys, gun and badge from the night stand. As an afterthought he threw his suit coat on.

"That doesn't exactly go with the outfit." Scully advised him, with humor, as she was heading back through the connecting door.

"Yeah, I know, but I forgot a sport coat. Anyway, it wouldn't do for me to walk around with my piece hanging out. 'Ouch, that didn't sound right' he thought wryly.

Scully just glanced back in his direction, an amused little smile playing about her mouth.

"I hear that's illegal in this jurisdiction." she stated as she closed the door.

-End of Part 4-

TITLE: Wisconsin Death Trip

(Part 5 of 17)

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains graphic language, sexual situations and violence. Forewarned is forearmed. If you don't care for really graphic stuff, STOP HERE!

DISCLAIMER: The usual. See Part 1

The Addison public library just barely qualified as one, and Mulder hoped that he'd be able to find some old records to aid the case. The sign outside said he had an hour until it closed to try, so he vaulted the steps. The library may have been small, but it was air-conditioned and Mulder was grateful. He walked up to the main desk where two woman were sorting and placing books on a wheeled cart. The older woman looked up and smiling said, "May I help you, sir?" Addison was a very small town and despite the smile, her voice betrayed the fact that he was an obvious stranger to her.

"Yes, you could." he replied putting on his most ingratiating but business like G-man smile. "I'm Special Agent Fox Mulder, with the FBI," he added displaying his badge for both of them to see. "I'd just like to take a look at any newspapers you may have on file, if I could."

The older woman seemed immediately flustered and stammered for an answer but the younger woman, a really tall, gorgeous blond, looked him straight in the eye and asked, "Are you here about those cattle mutilations, Agent Mulder."

"Yes, actually we are investigating some aspects of the attacks. But, I'm not at liberty to discuss the case in detail, Ms?

"I'm Sian, she pronounced it 'Sean', Phillips, and this is Maisie Conroy," she replied indicating the still flustered older woman.

"How rude of me," Mrs. Conroy finally replied. "Your welcome to look through whatever newspapers you'd wish. Sian, would you help Agent Mulder?" she asked turning to the younger woman.

"Certainly." Sian replied coolly. We have some of the newspapers on microfiche. We just started having that done with some of our records. So, we could start there, if you'd like. Come this way, please," she said motioning towards the back of the library.As they headed to a small area with a microfilm viewer Mulder said "Ms. Phillips, the newspapers I'm interested in are old - from about 75 years ago, actually."

"Oh, well we haven't quite gotten the money to go back that far with our microfilm project yet. The records you want may be in the basement. We store all our old newspapers down there. I can show you." she offered.

"Thank you." Mulder replied following her to a stairwell off to the left. He couldn't help but notice the blonde's movements through her tight cotton skirt as she descended the stairs ahead of him. 'Christ, Mulder, get a grip' he thought. 'Or that comment about his walking around with his piece hanging out might not be too far from the truth.' As they descended into the basement it became slightly warmer and a bit stuffy. Sian turned lights on as they went. "I'll apologize for the atmosphere down here ahead of time," she said. "The air conditioning just isn't quite up to the task of making it through all this paper, I'm afraid. The newspaper is probably a real fire hazard also. I'm sure that's why the trustees want it all on microfilm."

"Insurance costs important to them?" Mulder asked with a slight smile.

"Yes, very perceptive of you, Agent Mulder," she replied, her clear green eyes boring into him.

"Well, yes." he gulped, starting to sweat again. "Uh, I'd be looking for papers from July and August, 75 years ago," he stated looking around at the flat stacks and filing cabinets filling the basement.

"Oh, those might be over here," she answered moving further into the room. If you want to take a seat at the table I'll see what I can pull out for you." she suggested.

Mulder sat down with embarrassment. He stared into his lap. He could not believe he had a hard on. 'What the hell was wrong with him? This was FBI business, an X-File for crying out loud, and investigative drudge work on top of it,' he wondered, chagrined, as Sian Phillips returned with a stack of newspapers. Placing them on the table she sat down in the chair across from him.

"I've found most of the papers I think will interest you Agent Mulder," she began, and as Mulder looked into her eyes the room spun. He was vaguely aware that the blond had taken one of his hands and was rubbing his palm gently as he perspired into his shorts. 'Good Lord,' he thought, I'm going to lose it all over this chair in a second.' But just as thoughts of ejaculation flew into his mind, they flew out again. His erection disappeared right along with them, and without benefit of any natural way he would have used to get rid of it.

The next thing he knew he was paging through the newspapers in front of him, and Sian Phillips was rising to leave. "If you need anything else, Agent Mulder, just yell up the stairs and I'll be happy to come back down and help you."

Mulder stared after her retreating figure, dizzy and disorientated. 'It certainly is hot and stuffy down here' he mused. He'd have to heed Scully's advice and drink some more fluids in this weather. It wouldn't do for him to start losing it during some critical moment.

Mulder headed back to the motel after the library closed to pick Scully up for dinner and for further planning of the evenings stake-out. He stopped by the local mini-mart and picked up a couple of bottles of 'Deep Woods Off' as well as four quarts of 'Gatorade'. 'That should hold us, Scully' he told himself, bemused. 'At least she couldn't grouch about the bugs and dehydration if the humidity stayed as high after dark.

-End of Part 5-

TITLE: Wisconsin Death Trip

(Part 6 of 17)

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains graphic language, sexual situations and violence. Forewarned is forearmed. If you don't care for really graphic stuff, STOP HERE!

DISCLAIMER: The usual. See Part 1

His research at the library had been fairly non-productive, most of the newspaper reports merely serving to back up the information all ready in his possession. There definitely was a pattern to the killings, they escalated in violence, and than they ended with several murders. All the victims had been the farmers who owned the mutilated cattle. There had been one interesting item however.

Seventy-five years ago the Sheriff investigating the case had been one Ronald Baker, an obvious relative of Ross Baker, as evidenced by the grainy photo accompanying the article. Looking further back, Mulder discovered that the Baker's had been quite the public servants in Addison over the years. There were Baker Mayors and Baker Sheriffs as well as Councilmen going back as far as the newspapers went. He wanted to get back to the motel to discuss this interesting development with Scully as soon as possible. He was beginning to form the opinion that something might be rotten in the Baker family tree. At the very least, the Baker connection warranted further investigation.

As he arrived at the motel, and pulled up in front of their rooms, he noticed a Sheriff department squad car parked out front. Scully appeared to be standing at her motel room door. Standing in front of her was Deputy Ross Baker. He was standing very close, almost looming over Scully, and an alarm bell went off in Mulder's mind as he put the car in park, and jumped out. For some irrational reason he had his hand on the butt of his gun as he approached the pair. 'What the fuck am I doing?' he half thought, as he removed his hand at the last instant.

Scully was leaning up against the door jam, facing Mulder and she looked very odd. Almost hypnotized in fact. But even more strangely, she was breathing heavily, flushed, in fact, and her blouse was unbuttoned. Mulder stared in shock "Scully?" he blurted in amazement.

She blinked several times, as if she was struggling to come to her senses. Baker's back was turned to Mulder but as the agent approached he turned slowly around. Mulder gaped. For a second the expression on the Deputy's face was incredibly feral and predatory in the shadows under the motel overhang. 'Shit, was that a trick of the light?' Mulder thought. His head swam. He blinked and Baker's face became suddenly neutral again. 'What is with this guy, is he coming on to her or what?'

For her part, Scully hastily pulled her blouse together, a bewildered look on her face. Baker stared at Mulder and in a gesture that was at once common, but somehow utterly eerie, ran his tongue slowly and erotically around the outside of his lips.

"Scully, uh, what's going on here?" Mulder asked his eyes hooded.

Scully just ogled him blankly and it was Baker that answered in that deep voice of his. "I was just reporting to Agent Scully that I dropped the bottle off at the veterinary clinic, but Dr. March was out on an emergency call. He won't be able to look at the sample until this evening," he replied taking a reluctant step back from Scully.

"Yes, that's right." Scully added, finally finding her voice. Mulder looked from one of them to the other and than said, "Fine, Deputy, thanks for filling us in, and thanks again for dropping off the sample."

Baker tipped his hat, and said "We aim to serve, Agent Fox."

"That's Mulder, Agent Mulder." Mulder replied gritting his teeth.

"Sorry, sir, Agent Mulder." he replied sarcastically glancing for one last time at Scully as he turned and went back to his squad car. Mulder watched him start the car and gun it, as he screeched out of the parking lot. 'What a dick,' Mulder thought with venom and then turning, he grabbed Scully by the arm and yanked her into his motel room.

-End of Part 6-

TITLE: Wisconsin Death Trip

(Part 7 of 17)

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains graphic language, sexual situations and violence. Forewarned is forearmed. If you don't care for really graphic stuff, STOP HERE!

DISCLAIMER: The usual. See Part 1

"Ow, Mulder, you're hurting my arm." Scully complained as he shoved her down into a chair.

"What the hell was going on out there?" he asked his voice rising "What was that guy doing?" he continued, the color is his face rising to match.

"What do you mean, Mulder. We were just talking." Scully replied dreamily."Just talking? Christ, Scully it looked like he was trying to climb inside your pants." Mulder ground out, as he moved to stand very close over her.

Scully glared at him and replied, "And what if he was, Mulder, what possible difference would it make to you, anyway?"

'Because that's something I'd like to do' flashed instantly into his mind but instead he blurted out without thinking, 'because I don't want my partner acting like a bitch in heat, that's why."

Scully jumped up instantly from her seat and slapped him so hard he fell backwards onto the bed with a thud.

As he grabbed for his stinging jaw she fled the room, running through the connecting doors and slamming them as she went. Mulder was awestruck. "What had come over them?" he tried to reason. 'God, was he finally losing it? Was the combination of the Wisconsin heat and the unending strangeness of the X-Files finally threatening to send him off the deep end? Was he going to be wearing a shirt with no sleeves any day now? Shit. And what about Scully. She was behaving about as atypically as possible. It didn't make any sense.' he thought. 'I'd better try to talk to her' he added still confused. He got up off the bed and went to open the connecting door on his side. He hesitated a second and then knocked on Scully's connecting door.

"Scully?" he called. There was no answer. "Scully?" Nothing. He started to worry. "Come on, Dana" he yelled hoping to get a rise out of the use of her Christian name.

"You bastard," he heard a muffled voice say from the other side of the door.

"Oh, Jesus, Scully, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me, really. I must be suffering from heat stroke or something. 95 degrees in the shade and a stuffy library basement is just catching up with me, I guess. 'Not to mention a raging and than disappearing hard on' he thought dismally.

Scully was silent for a few more beats and than he sensed she was leaning up against the other side of the door. It sounded like her head thumped the wood.

"Mulder, you suck." she said.

"Uh, huh," he answered. "I guess that means dinner is out of the question?" he asked wincing.

The door across from him opened than and Scully stood awkwardly framed in it. Her eyes were stuck on her shoes and Mulder thought at that moment she looked utterly beautiful despite the fact that she was as red as a beet. When she looked up there was just a hint of tears in her eyes and Mulder felt like a real heel right away.

"Hey, Scully, he whispered, stretching out his hand. She took it and than he drew her close to his chest and hugged her fiercely. "Forgive me, ok, I was a real asshole." he asked quietly. "I really don't know what came over me," he added as she broke the embrace and went to sit down on the bed.

"Well, that makes two of us," she stated, the flush in her face still lingering.

"Listen, Scully I'm beginning to think something is not on the up and up with Deputy Ross Baker." Mulder replied sagging into the same chair Scully had just vacated.

"Ha! That's an understatement if I ever heard one, Mulder," she replied with a sigh. "But, just where are you going with this?" Scully asked rubbing her temples.

Mulder began to explain to Scully what he had found out at the library. He neglected to discuss his encounter with the enigmatic Sian Phillips. Scully was all ready freaked out enough over his actions. Describing his disappearing boner wouldn't help her mood any. However he did fill her in regarding the Baker dynasty and it's part in the life of Addison."Scully, what if this family has been killing cattle for years and when the farmers stumble on them in the act they just kill them as well?"

"Killing the cattle?" Scully asked, "Why?"

"Well, maybe they're a cult that uses them in a sacrifice of some kind and than partakes of the flesh during the ceremony."

"Or maybe they're aliens," Scully sighed."Or werewolves," Mulder suggested.

"Oh come on, Mulder.. it's too hot for this." Scully replied.

"No, hear me out, Scully" "Janet Price and her friends are really sincere in their investigation of the occult and supernatural. She was really convinced that these attacks are being committed by some kind of creature based on her research. Some kind of monster that has been in the Addison area for hundreds of years, periodically kills, and than goes underground in some kind of bloody cycle every 75 years or so. She's gone back much further in her research than we have, all the way back to Native American legends on the topic."

"Mulder..." Scully began again.

"All right, I know it sounds pretty strange, even for me." Mulder exhaled. "But you'll have to admit at least, that Baker had some kind of strange effect on you a while ago. What if he has some kind of ability to influence people's minds. It's not like we haven't seen that MO before. Doesn't that make him a trifle dangerous and worth investigating further?"

"Of course, Mulder, I agree we should look into the matter, for Mr. Keller's sake if nothing else." Scully replied.

"All right, good." Mulder said relieved. "What do you say we have dinner and than as soon as it gets dark, drive up to Keller's farm. Maybe we'll get lucky and catch whoever it is, in the act."

"Fine, Mulder, let me pull myself together and we can go get something to eat. I'm going to need some carbs if I'm going to have the energy for an all night vigil."

As she headed back to her room she said over her shoulder. "At least the vet has my cell phone number. If he does call and tells us he's looking at wolf saliva, we'll probably have found an alternative for the Deputy Baker theory." she stated.

"Right, and Scully..." Mulder agreed, displaying his mini-mart bag with a flourish.

"What is that?" Scully asked half in dread. Mulder drew out a bottle of 'Off' and than 'Gatorade' with a grin.

"Well, aren't we 'Eddie Ever-ready'," Scully grinned with genuine humor as she went through the connecting door.

Mulder watched her go. He reached for the motel telephone as soon as she shut the connecting doors. Than he sat staring at the receiver in bewilderment. 'Who am I calling anyway?' he thought. In the back of his mind a tiny voice was saying "Call Sheriff Pardy and arrange for back-up and by the way, tell him his Deputy is a cattle mutilator." Unfortunately, the little voice was quickly stilled and Mulder replaced the receiver, and rising from the chair headed to take Scully to dinner.

-End of Part 7-

TITLE: Wisconsin Death Trip

(Part 8 of 17)

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains graphic language, sexual situations and violence. Forewarned is forearmed. If you don't care for really graphic stuff, STOP HERE!

DISCLAIMER: The usual. See Part 1

The humidity was indeed as high after dark as it had been during the day. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, and no moon, so Mulder and Scully could see all the stars through the windshield of their rental car. The Agents had parked in a small copse of trees just next to Owen Keller's pasture. Cows grazed or dozed in shadow as far as the eye could see. The inside of the car smelled like a mixture of "Deep Woods Off' and sweat. Scully shifted in her seat for about the hundredth time in the last hour, as Mulder took a huge gulp from one of the quarts of 'Gatorade'.

"Better have some more 'Gatorade' Scully," he advised, offering her the bottle. She took it, and without even bothering to wipe the top, tipped it up to her lips. Mulder smiled in the darkness.

"So, Scully, did you park a lot in high school?" he asked suddenly.

Scully coughed violently, spraying 'Gatorade' all over herself. "God, Mulder are you trying to cause me to choke to death." she asked.

"Cooled you off didn't it?" he asked grinning.

"I don't think bathing in a tub full of this stuff would cool me off right now." she wheezed wiping at her blouse with her hand. "And not much." she added.

"Not much what?" Mulder asked caught off guard.

"I didn't park much in high school." she replied quietly.

"Oh." Mulder said. "Didn't find the right guy?" he asked, half seriously.

"Something like that," she smiled back at him.

"How about now?" he asked, fishing.

"Well, I'm parked here with y...." her answer was interrupted by the sudden, high pitched shriek of what sounded like a woman in mortal agony or terror. It was only after a split second that Mulder realized it was a man's scream, and than suddenly the sound was followed by the deafening roar of a shotgun somewhere to their left.

Both Agents were out of the car simultaneously, flashlights sweeping ahead and guns drawn. Mulder headed to the fence to climb over and Scully quickly grabbed him from behind. The cattle in the pasture were bellowing and running everywhere. "Don't go in there Mulder, they're stampeding, you'll be squashed like a bug. I think that scream came from down the left hand fence line anyway,' she yelled taking off in that direction at a dead run.

Mulder followed her, legs pumping, as the air was rent with another high pitched wail. That scream was abruptly cut off. Scully plowed ahead and as she rounded an irregular jog in the fence line she fell sprawling over something lying at the side of the pasture. She rolled over desperately into a sitting position as Mulder reached her. "Oh my God, Mulder." she whispered. Lying next to her, facing skyward with unseeing eyes and shotgun in hand, was the body of Owen Keller, his throat ripped out.

"Crap..." Mulder began and suddenly he was hit from behind and thrown violently towards the ground. He could hear Scully's shrill and very 'un-Scully-like' scream of "Mulderrrrrr!" and than the rapid pop, pop, pop as she fired her service revolver into whatever was riding him down. Mulder was vaguely aware of a large animal presence breathing hotly and noisily against his cheek as the creature grunted and bucked with each slug that tore into it. Mulder struggled mightily to shift his weight and throw the beast off, but to no avail. He tried to turn his gun up and into the things side, but his gun hand was swatted away and the crunching sound and excruciating pain that accompanied the swat told him that his wrist was broken.

Mulder let out his own scream than, "Scully, for God's sake run, get out of here," he yelled at his partner, as the beast yanked his head up by the hair. Scully was yelling his name over and over, as she continued to fire, until Mulder heard the clip click impotently, empty at last. The beast didn't budge and Mulder thought 'So, this is it then, this is how it ends. He thought of Samantha 'maybe I'll find out what really happened to her at last,' he mused, dirt mixing with blood in his mouth. But his last thoughts were of Scully as the beast slammed his skull into the ground and everything went black.

-End of Part 8-

TITLE: Wisconsin Death Trip

(Part 9 of 17)

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains graphic language, sexual situations and violence. Forewarned is forearmed. If you don't care for really graphic stuff, STOP HERE!

DISCLAIMER: The usual. See Part 1

Mulder came to gradually, and even after coming fully awake he thought his senses weren't quite all there. He seemed to be blind in one eye. Than it occurred to him that his eye was merely stuck shut with dried blood. He tried to wipe it with his hand but he couldn't move the hand, so he wiped his face against whatever he was lying on. The movement of his head caused him to nearly black out again, so he lay very still and tried to assess the situation. He remembered what had happened but found it incredible. Was it a cougar or wolf that had attacked him? No, that couldn't be right, when it had picked up his head it felt like, it felt like human hands had gripped his hair.

His train of thought was really confused, but he didn't dare shake his head to clear it. It came to him also that he was lying in his boxer's and t-shirt, and face down on a bed. There was a pale blue comforter under him but no pillow. Also, his ankles and wrists were shackled to all four bed posts with chains. He found out the hard way that he definitely had a broken wrist, when he tested the shackles on his gun hand. The room was semi-dark, being illuminated by some weak light source somewhere behind him and out of his field of vision. The room was also as hot as a sauna, and Mulder was bathed in sweat. Distantly he was aware of some kind of loud throbbing music.

'Scully, Oh Christ, where's Scully,' his mind jolted and he looked from side to side disregarding the short, sharp, shocks in his head. There she was, also lying in her underwear on a matching twin bed next to him. Scully was lying face up, and apparently unconscious. She also had all four limbs neatly and securely shackled. He fought down his rising panic, because in the shadows, it was very hard to see whether she was breathing or not. However, in a moment he could just discern the gentle rise and fall of her chest. He could also just make out a livid bruise that stretched down the side of her face from her scalp line to the bottom of her jaw. She seemed to be breathing regularly, however, and Mulder calmed down a bit. 'Where in the hell are we?' he thought dully as he still tried to get a better look around the room. Suddenly a door opened at his back and extremely loud heavy metal music intruded through the open door and into his aching skull. Somehow the lyrics were very appropriate in a horribly warped sort of way.

It's all right

It feels good

when I'm in your chains

it's understood

that you're my owner

My only will

Come and get me

while I'm quiet and still

The door closed abruptly and the music faded again to a loud thumping reverberation. Mulder was aware of a soft breathing and snuffling sound, and than something that sounded large crossed towards the beds. There was a clicking noise against the wood floor and Mulder thought 'claws, it sounds like a dog that needs it's nails trimmed.' But he lay very still hoping whatever it was, would think him still unconscious.

Through half lidded eyes he watched however, and suddenly right before his face appeared the muzzle of a very large, dark wolf-like thing with ice cold glacier colored eyes. Mulder's own eyes flew open almost of their own volition, and he had all he could do to stop from yelling as the creature looked at him with what appeared to be an expression of amusement. Then it opened it's mouth and extending it's tongue, lapped him across the cheek. It's breath was rank, smelling of blood and rancid, rotting flesh and Mulder gagged. The wolf made a low growling sound in it's throat, it almost sounded like a laugh, and than it turned and backed out from between the beds, heading over to the far side of the twin bed Scully was lying on.

Mulder really started to struggle then, straining and pulling against the shackles in a vain attempt to reach his unconscious partner. "Don't touch her, you bastard," he screamed as the wolf worked his head up over the side of the bed and sniffed at Scully's crotch. "Jesus. I'll kill you, get away from her," he yelled, almost incoherently as the wolf thing suddenly began to stand up, towering over Dana Scully's prostrate body. Mulder's yell was cut off in mid shriek as he saw the wolf's body, with it's powerful shaggy chest, huge biceps and unmistakably human like hands equipped with razor sharp talons. His eyes took in it's flat muscular stomach and than the fact that the wolf was unmistakably male between it's oddly jointed legs. Mulder yanked against his chains as the wolf opened it's mouth and grinned down at Scully with impossibly large teeth. 'The better to eat you with...' flashed through Mulder's brain, and he yanked and screamed, and the searing pain in his head and wrist caused him to collapse, and he blacked out, just as the monster reared back it's head and howled.

-End of Part 9-

TITLE: Wisconsin Death Trip

(Part 10 of 17)

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains graphic language, sexual situations and violence. Forewarned is forearmed. If you don't care for really graphic stuff, STOP HERE!

DISCLAIMER: The usual. See Part 1

Later he awoke again, and the room was quiet but still stifling hot. Perspiration ran down into his eyes, and he again tried to wipe his face against the comforter. Once Mulder could see better, he noticed there was no nightmarish wolf monster in his field of vision. Scully was still lying on the bed next to him. He was aware of the acrid stench of the thing all around him though, permeating his nostrils and clinging to his skin. He craned his neck to look at Scully and whispered hoarsely.

"Scully? Are you awake? Scully?" But there was no answer. Suddenly he was aware of another presence in the room, and as he listened the hard animal breathing became obvious. 'Oh God, it's still here' Mulder thought and he prepared himself for the worst. But the creature seemed to be in distress this time. It mewled and coughed, crying out in pain. Than there was a strange snapping and popping sound, and finally a very human curse.

"Fuck, I hate when that happens." It was the voice of Addison Deputy Sheriff, Ross Baker. Mulder groaned as he heard the voice, and presently the totally naked Baker came over and sat on the bed next to him. "Surprise!" he blurted out cheerfully directly into Mulder's face.

"Get away from me, you prick." Mulder hissed. In reply, Baker reached forward and gave his gun hand shackle a quick twist. Mulder shouted in pain but quickly suppressed it as Addison chuckled. "Maybe that will teach you to be more polite, Mr. Federal Agent," he growled in a low, feral voice.

"What do you want with us?" Mulder asked the obvious question. He wasn't sure he'd get an accurate answer, but it was worth a shot.

"Want with you?" he replied. "Well, with you - let's just say I want to make you realize who's top dog around here." he grinned at Mulder.

"Let me hazard a guess, you?" Mulder said carefully.

"I'd think that was obvious wouldn't you, Fox?" he smiled. "Yes, you hit the nail right on the head. I come from a long line of top dogs, Mr. Mulder, and now I'm really ready to come into my own, you might say."

"What do you mean?" Mulder asked hoping to keep him going, get him boasting, so that he could gain more knowledge of their situation.

"Let me tell you a little story, Agent Mulder. We're going to call this "Little Red Riding Hood, except this is a very 90s version of that fable. In this version the wolf wins, well, sort of wins." Baker chortled slightly. "Hundreds of years ago, one of my ancestors made a wicked deal with a Native American witch, not a shaman, a female sorceress. Those bitches didn't heal, they worked really bad magic instead. My ancestor wanted a big favor - he worked this deal with the witch to give him wealth and power over all the people in this area, forever. Or at least as long as his family still continued to produce heirs." Baker laughed again. "His every wish was granted, but I guess the guy was so ungrateful that the witch took a dislike to my ancestor. So, the old guy bumped her off to protect his own skin. But, before the old crone croaked she cursed him. She gave him the curse of shapeshifing and forced him and all his male heirs to follow the ways of the wolf every 75 years."

"Ways of the wolf?" Mulder asked.

"Yeah, you know, killing and eating prey animals, running with the pack, fighting for dominance and territory, that sort of thing?" Baker patiently answered.

"So, Owen Keller came under the prey animal heading, did he?" Mulder carefully questioned.

"No, you idiot, the cattle came under the heading of prey. Keller came under the heading of fighting for territory. Eventually when the old fuck's land comes up for auction, I'll buy it and add it to this, my father's plot. It's a 165 acre parcel all ready and I'm thinking of quitting the law and starting to finally farm some of it. I can always use more land - more space for some cattle of my own. And incidentally, this house sits in the middle of the acreage, so if you were thinking of yelling for help, forget it, no one will hear you."

"Thanks for the advice." Mulder shot back.

"You are most welcome," Baker replied tapping Mulder's aching cranium for emphasis with each word. This time Mulder was able to stifle his groan as Baker continued.

"Can you guess the rest of the story?" he asked Mulder, licking his lips with his impossibly long pink tongue.

-End of Part 10-

TITLE: Wisconsin Death Trip

(Part 11 of 17)

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains graphic language, sexual situations and violence. Forewarned is forearmed. If you don't care for really graphic stuff, STOP HERE!

DISCLAIMER: The usual. See Part 1

"The fighting for dominance?" Mulder guessed.

"Yeah, that's where you come in." Baker smiled down at him as he stood up and wandered around the room. "You see I've decided to institute something a bit different in Addison. As I said, this is the 90s, man. The age of corporate culture and such. It's not like it was in my Dad's day, you need to organize now to be successful. So, I've decided to organize a little pack unit here to run things efficiently. Every pack needs an alpha male. That's me of course, by birthright now that my father's passed on.

Mulder stared at Baker half in disbelief.

"Oh, don't worry Mr. Mulder, I assure you it's true. I fought for dominance when I came of age and my father stuck around, but he was never the same, and I was 'King Wolf' even before the day he died. But that brings me back to you." he leered.

"I was afraid of that," Mulder yawned sleepily. He had lost total track of time and now his sleepiness told him that it was either bed time or the ache in his head was most likely a concussion, and he was in real danger if he did fall asleep.

"Yes, well, every pack needs it's lower, subservient wolves to help in the hunt and when it comes down to it Agent Mulder, you're a pretty good hunter. You just need a little, well, dominating to show you the pecking order around here." he finished with a nod of his head.

"And the rest of the pack?" Mulder asked, sudden apprehension building in his chest.

"Yes, the rest. Well, Agent Mulder, that's where you're lovely partner comes in," Baker stated matter-of-factly as he ceased his wandering of the room. He was now carrying a switch blade knife he'd picked up during his restless circuit. He stopped and sat on the edge of Scully's bed. The knife made a little 'schnick' sound as the blade popped out of it's handle. The werewolf gazed down on her with a look of lust and possessiveness that sent a chill up Mulder's spine. Baker reached over and touched Scully's breast with the knife, stroking a small circle around her nipple. Scully's nipple came to attention through her bra and Mulder strained up off the mattress, "I said keep your hands off her you filthy piece of shit." he violently ground out between clenched teeth.

Baker laughed very loudly and withdrew his hand. "Ha, See," he said gesturing at her breast "she'll make the most delightful brood bitch, I'm sure." Mulder flailed against his bonds than, but Baker sat patiently while he struggled, until Mulder was finally too weak to pull anymore.

"Taking her from you is all part of the plan, Agent Mulder. Part of your subjugation to my will. I know how you feel about her you see, and actually she feels the same about you, I might add. So, we'll have to work on that I guess. Yeah, I could smell your feelings for each other all over the both of you, believe me. It really pissed me off too, thinking she'd prefer a tight assed little G-man like you over someone like me. But, hey. I'm sure she'll make a better decision before very long."

"Fat chance, Deputy Dog." Mulder replied.

"Well, whatever," Baker sighed. "But, at any rate Fox, only the alpha male and alpha female in the pack are allowed to breed. And, I intend to make Agent Scully my alpha bitch, and there's very little you, or she, will be able to do to stop me." he grinned.

-End of Part 11-

TITLE: Wisconsin Death Trip

(Part 12 of 17)

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains graphic language, sexual situations and violence. Forewarned is forearmed. If you don't care for really graphic stuff, STOP HERE!

DISCLAIMER: The usual. See Part 1

Mulder fell back down flat on the bed, the effort of holding himself against his bonds too much at last. "And how do you expect to accomplish all this crap, Baker? I mean we're human, for Christ sake. What makes you think either Scully or I are going to be able to physically fulfill your master plan much less want to. It was pretty obvious that Baker wasn't completely human any longer. His incredible transformation was evidence of that, even if Mulder had heard, rather than actually seen it. It was obvious the guy was a shapeshifter and it seemed, a megalomaniac on top of it. A werewolf no longer content to live with the status quo, and hot to change it.

"Well, you must realize that I have a certain, shall we say, influence over people? I would have thought my effect on Agent Scully was obvious to you this afternoon," Baker explained. "And, don't you think she was just a tad uncooperative during your investigation here? She sleeps even now because I'm not really ready for her to awaken and witness our little lessons," he added. "And what about your actions, Mr. FBI, don't you think they were a little odd, as well? And last but not least, who do you think put the idea into your head to forget about calling for back up tonight?" he finished grinning slyly."

"You?" Mulder exhaled with fatigue.

"Yes, indeed, yours truly. Also, I'm sure it's a no brainer that I didn't turn that sample into the vet. It would have yielded some really strange results and I can't afford to draw any attention to myself, now can I?" he finished.

"Yeah, OK fine, so you can get into our heads and force us to do things. But what about the physical part. There's no way in hell I'm going to be able to keep up with you in your fucking fuzzy faced form." Mulder grated.

"Well, that's not exactly true, Fox," Baker replied.

Mulder stared at the man blankly, as Baker got up and crossed back over to sit down next to Mulder on the bed. "You see, Mulder - I had to change back to human form a while ago because your partner drilled me with all the bullets in her ammo clip before I knocked the two of you out. The stress of getting you both back here, combined with the bullet wounds forced me to revert to heal. It's sort of an odd way to do things, but it works. However, in just a few hours, I should be able to change again and than I'll come in here, give each of you a playful little love bite, and viola - two new pups join the pack."

Mulder stared at him in shock as Baker smiled back at him. Baker reached over impulsively, and stroked Mulder's hair as if he was all ready a big hairy wolf that needed petting. Mulder jerked his head away as best he could and Baker cuffed him hard. The sound of the cuffing brought a tiny groan from the other bed, and Scully shifted slightly in her bonds.

"Oh, oh, not yet." Baker growled and jumped back over to touch Scully lightly on the forehead. "Go back to sleep, baby, we're not ready for you yet," he admonished Scully, stroking her forehead gently. Scully shifted and sighed against him. Baker smiled down at her and than glanced over at Mulder. "Then again, maybe I should take a sample, just to test the goods before the big event," he sneered looking Mulder directly in the eyes.

Mulder struggled back against his exhaustion, pain and shock as Baker shifted and climbed onto the bed.

"Don't go near her, you cocksucker," he yelled. "Leave her alone!" he howled.

Baker replied without really looking at him. "Let this be your first pack lesson, Fox. The alpha wolf always gets everything first. And in Dana's case, you don't even get sloppy seconds," Baker hissed as he roughly parted Scully's legs. Scully's shackles clanked as he began to use the switchblade in an attempt to cut through the material of her underpants.

"Please, Baker, don't do this, you rotten son of a bitch. I'll do whatever you ask, all right, just don't, just don't rape her in front of me, please." Mulder pleaded. 'I don't think I can take it' he thought. 'I can't see her humiliated that way, even if she is out cold.'

"Do you want me to wake her up?" Baker asked, as if he could read Mulder's mind.

Mulder was almost shamefully near tears now, the grinding pain in his head, broken wrist, room's heat and impotency in the situation, taking their toll. "Baker, please, no..." he began.

"Are you begging me, Fox?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm begging you." Mulder replied breathing heavily.

"And you'd do anything to stop me?" Baker added.

"Yes, anything, God damn it."

"All right." Baker finally replied. He got off Scully's bed and walked over to stand next to Mulder. "Than I want you to take her place." he replied as he brandished the knife in his hand.

"What?" Mulder replied dully, not getting the man's drift, and than suddenly the meaning of Baker's words came to him, and he craned his head over to look at the Deputy Sheriff.

"Are you serious?" he sighed, pretty much knowing the answer and beyond hope that he had any recourse.

"Yes, I'm serious, little Fox or should I say, little wolf." Baker replied. "I want you to get on your knees and hold onto those bed posts, buddy, because you're about to really get a lesson in domination."

-End of Part 12-

TITLE: Wisconsin Death Trip

(Part 13 of 17)

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains graphic language, sexual situations and violence. Forewarned is forearmed. If you don't care for really graphic stuff, STOP HERE!

DISCLAIMER: The usual. See Part 1

Mulder's stomach took a violent leap and than his mind suddenly decided to do the same. He let it happen, and hoped he'd disassociate completely in view of what was coming. He remembered years ago at Oxford, when he and Phoebe Green had been involved, and she had once invited one of her former lovers into their bed. It had happened after a drunken party, and all three were totally wasted, but as horny as hell. Mulder was shocked at first but the booze, his naturally inherent curiosity, and his youthful, raging libido, caused him to go along with the game. It had been his first and last homosexual experience and being entered in that manner was pleasantly and erotically interesting but in the long run not his cup of tea. But the fucking had been consensual, and he'd enjoyed it, even if he had been embarrassed by the incident afterwards. Mulder had the distinct feeling that this second experience with anal sex was going to be anything but enjoyable. And it certainly wasn't going to be consensual.

He started to struggle fiercely against his bonds again, and Baker grabbed him painfully by the hair. "Be still, Mulder. If you so much as squeak I'm going to hurt you first, and than I'm going to hurt her." he whispered. "I have to undo your ankles and I'm warning you - don't try anything funny or you'll regret it for the rest of your short and miserable life."

Mulder was finally still and submitted to being unbound and than having his boxers pulled from his body. He gritted his teeth and spat out at Baker, as the other man pulled him up roughly by the waist, "Don't I even get the benefit of a condom, you asshole?"

"Condom? Oh, you don't have to worry about protection. I wouldn't expose such a potentially valuable pack member to any disease. I'm clean if that's what you mean."

"Well how do you know I am?" Mulder shot back in one last ditch effort to forestall the inevitable.

"Oh, get real, G-man, even if you were sick, I can't catch anything. And you won't be able to after the change either.' And with those last words he drove into Mulder without any further warning. The pain was incredible and Mulder fell forward into the wrist shackles as Baker pushed him all the way forward into the head board. Mulder's skull connected with the wood, and he cried out with both pain and humiliation as Baker grunted and strained behind him. Baker's efforts pushed Mulder forward violently again. Evidently the man-wolf was lost in the moment, and his earlier thoughts about damaging his potentially valuable slave were forgotten. Mulder was sent crashing into the headboard and against his broken wrist for yet a third time and as Baker howled in orgasmic frenzy, Mulder passed out cold beneath him.

Much later as Mulder swam in and out of consciousness he thought he heard a voice anxiously calling his name. He struggled to hear it, the voice was so familiar, but it was so very far away. "Mulder, wake up, Mulder, are you all right? Mulder..." It was very insistent and finally he pushed his way through the darkness and answered it's call.

"Whattttt?" he groaned, annoyed at the interruption to his blissful, forgetful sleep.

"Mulder, it's Scully, come on, come back, wake up, please." Scully called quietly "Fox Mulder, snap out of it," she ordered and the command in her voice finally brought him into complete wakefulness.

"Scully, are you all right?" he asked weakly looking over at her. He immediately realized that he was no longer chained face down on the bed. Instead he was face up, and he could finally see the door to the room, as well as the small Coleman lamp that served as their only illumination. He could also almost turn his whole body to see Scully. She was fully awake and for the first time during their ordeal, a feeling of total relief beyond description, swept over Fox Mulder. Scully was still in her underwear and sweating profusely, but she looked alert, concerned for him, and really angry all at the same time.

"Oh, Mulder..." Scully gasped as she got a good look at her partner. Scully assessed the damage with difficulty in the shadowed room, dread in her heart. Mulder was bleeding from his nose slightly, as well as from a scalp laceration. His lips were cut and from the odd angle of his right wrist she guessed it was broken. But the thing that really alarmed her was his lassitude and unfocused eyes. She wished she could examine his pupils for a more accurate diagnosis but she thought Mulder most likely had a concussion, and the idea terrified her.

"That bad huh?" Mulder asked thickly struggling to swallow. The room was still horribly hot and he wished he had a quart of that 'Gatorade' they'd left in the rental car.

"Well, you've looked better." Scully whispered quietly shaking her chains lightly as she shifted to look at him more closely. Mulder noticed that her eyes drifted down below his waist and as he glanced down he sighed abysmally. He was sans boxers. 'Wonderful' he thought. He really wished Baker had left him on his stomach. He moaned slightly as a stab of pain shot through his abdomen and he realized there was something wet and sticky beneath his ass, and than he remembered what had happened, and his embarrassment and humiliation were totally and utterly complete.

When he looked back over at Scully she had averted her eyes and was instead studying each of her shackles in turn, testing them with a strong tug.

"Don't waste your time, Scully, he's got us manacled good and tight."

"Who?" Scully asked her eyes squinting through the gloom.

"Ross Baker."

"Good God. Mulder I saw, I thought I saw, no, I saw..." Scully began.

"A wolf?" Mulder sighed.

"That was no wolf, Mulder." Scully hissed. "I shot that thing, and it kept pounding your head into the ground, and than it just lunged over and knocked me senseless." "God, it was so strong, Mulder! Are you telling me that was Ross Baker?" she asked still not half believing.

"Oh, it's him all right." Mulder answered and he filled Scully in on what had transpired while she was sleeping. He didn't leave out a single detail because he still had hope somehow that they would come out of this predicament with their humanity and lives intact. Anything he left out might jeopardize their chances for survival.

-End of Part 13-

TITLE: Wisconsin Death Trip

(Part 14 of 17)

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains graphic language, sexual situations and violence. Forewarned is forearmed. If you don't care for really graphic stuff, STOP HERE!

DISCLAIMER: The usual. See Part 1

After his recitation he didn't want to look Scully in the eyes because he was afraid what he might see there. He couldn't stand it if he saw loathing or worse yet, pity for him.

"If I can get out of these chains, I'm going to kill that son of a bitch." Scully whispered with vehemence. "Who the hell does he think he is?" she blustered.

"He thinks he's the 'Leader of the Pack,' Scully that's who he thinks he is," Mulder giggled slightly and with the giggle he realized that he was very close to the edge, and he struggled desperately to stop from tipping over into insanity. His head lolled sideways and he thought 'Gee, it would really be nice to go back to sleep,' as his eyes began to close.

"Mulder, listen to me," Scully began to speak rapidly. "You probably have a concussion, all right. You have to concentrate. Don't give in to the feelings you're having. Try to stay alert! Stay sharp! And for God's sake, don't fall asleep."

"But, I'm just so tired, Scully," he sighed.

"I know Mulder, but please, fight it. I need you to stay awake." Scully pleaded. And than she began to talk to him in a gentle whisper her voice trying to keep death away.

"Mulder, I know what you must be thinking. Baker is a monster. He had no right to do what he did to you. But, that doesn't mean he's really dominated or broken you. You're stronger than that, I've seen it. Mulder, Fox, please, don't imagine what he did to you will make me pity you or loathe you or..." she stopped for a moment. Mulder shifted slightly to stare at her, a bit more alert.

"... stop loving you." she suddenly blurted out. Mulder blinked back sweat out of his eyes and breathed out, "Oh, Scully," in a very low voice.

A tear was leaking from Scully's right eye and trailing down across the livid bruise on her cheek. As she gazed over at him with a look of love, and compassion, and worry for his safety on her face, a cruel voice came from the room's doorway.

"Oh, how touching," Ross Baker hissed as he stalked, naked into the room.

Mulder looked groggily over his stomach at the Deputy Sheriff. "Depitty Dawg" he drawled sarcastically as the big man walked up to his bed.

"In the flesh, little brother." Baker growled as he reached forward and gave Mulder's penis a hard yank. Mulder yelped and Scully shrieked at the top of her lungs.

"You sick bastard!"

Baker turned his head towards Scully and grinned at her. "Isn't that just like a woman, Mulder. She doesn't know a good thing when she's got it." he spat out, dropping Mulder's aching member back down onto his balls. 'I guess I'm thankful he didn't pull on those,' Mulder thought distantly as Scully twisted mightily against her chains.

"Come over here and say that, you shit," she hissed. "I'll show you just what that feels like," she added with venom.

"Oh, I'll be with you directly, Dana, don't worry." Baker said as he stretched luxuriously, and cracked his back.

"Well, folks, I have good news. Time's almost up, so none of us will have to wait much longer for this floorshow to end. In the meantime, I have a little something that I think each of you will appreciate. He walked back over to the open bedroom door and reaching outside it, brought a bottle of 'Gatorade' into the room.

"I got this out of your rental car, guys. I thought you could use a little refreshment right about now," he finished walking over to Scully's bed, bottle in hand. He uncapped it, and lifting Scully's upper body for support, began to pour some of the green liquid down her throat. Scully struggled and choked, but she was obviously very thirsty, because she did manage to gulp down as much of the fluid as she could manage.

"That's good, Scully. You really need to keep your strength up, you're going to need it." Baker smiled at her, and than he crossed over to Mulder's bed. He repeated the same procedure and Mulder drank eagerly as the man-wolf cradled his head almost gently.

"See, Fox, I can be kind as well as cruel. If you cooperate everything is going to go much more smoothly, and than afterwards you're not going to care about fighting me anymore anyway," Baker stated as he stood up and placed the bottle on the night stand between the beds. He walked back to Mulder's feet.

Mulder gazed up at him. He all ready didn't care about much of anything, anymore. The only thing that he was able to focus on at all was Scully, and what she'd said to him, and the fact that he knew he loved her too. Of course, now he'd never be able to tell her just how very much she meant to him. His eyes focused on Baker and he said, "Baker, can you just shut the hell up and get this show on the road, you're boring the shit out of me," and than he managed to give the man a really sarcastic grin.

Scully blanched. She could practically see the hair on Baker's body stand straight out in anger. The man beast bellowed mightily back at her shackled partner. Scully began to pray that the irate monster wasn't going to kill Mulder right in front of her eyes.

"Bored! You fucking Fed, I'll show you a cure for boredom, you little shit!" and than Baker started to transform. The sight was horrible and somehow beautiful in its deadliness and Mulder thought 'this is how a deer must feel just before the wolf breaks it's neck.' Both agents stared transfixed as Ross Baker's bones cracked and reshaped themselves. He howled, and than the thing that had been a man stood before them, eyes glowing coldly, and saliva dripping from it's open, fang filled mouth.

-End of Part 14-

TITLE: Wisconsin Death Trip

(Part 15 of 17)

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains graphic language, sexual situations and violence. Forewarned is forearmed. If you don't care for really graphic stuff, STOP HERE!

DISCLAIMER: The usual. See Part 1

Scully's breath came in short, labored gasps and she moaned, "Oh my God," as her arms yanked against her restraints. 'I'll be damned if I'll let him touch me without a fight' she vowed to herself as she mentally prepared for the battle to come. The wolf thing was wheezing heavily and it's head swiveled from one Agent to the other, and as it threatened to settle on Scully, Mulder marshaled every ounce of strength he had in him and called out, "hey, butt fucker, remember me? Your lone wolf? Come and get it, you piece of white trash, if you think you have the balls for it." His words had their intended effect. The Baker thing opened it's mouth and with a sound between a howl and a human curse launched itself at Fox Mulder. Scully screamed.

Actually it was Baker's first real mistake during the entire ordeal. As he jumped onto the twin bed that held the shackled Agent, their combined weight sent the bed crashing in on itself. Wood splintered everywhere as the wolf creature thrashed about, Mulder half pinned beneath him. Somehow the bed posts broke free and Mulder's arms and legs were suddenly loose, and he fought like a demon. He fought for his own life, but mostly he fought to protect Scully. His left hand was still attached to one of the bed posts by a chain and he used it as a flail, bringing the detached length of wood up to connect with the lupine head of Ross Baker. The impact made a satisfying crunch and the wolf thing fell backward just enough for Mulder to back pedal out from under him.

"Mulder!" Scully yelled as the wolf launched himself at Mulder again and their two bodies collapsed in a roiling heap amongst the bed's broken frame and bedding. Mulder smashed the all ready splintered bed post up against the wolf's muzzle again and again, and than he drove the sharp end home - right into one of Baker's cold, blue-white glacier eyes. The wolf thing screamed in agony and grabbing Mulder hoisted him over his head. He tossed the struggling Agent across the short space and he landed with a thwack on top of Scully, and the other twin bed was sent crashing over onto it's side with the impact.

Mulder and Scully were trapped between the mattress and the wall. Mulder was stuck slightly to the side, and under Scully and he had the wind knocked out of him. He could just look up into Scully's bruised face though, so he mouthed what he thought might be the final words he ever spoke to her, "I love you." Tears were in her eyes and she bent forward in the shackles and kissed him gently on the lips and than incredibly she tried to shield his body because the wolf was standing over them, blood dripping from his ruptured eye socket.

A low growling, gurgling voice came out from between Baker's black feral lips and Mulder stared hazily in wonder at the almost human voice that came out. "Together at last, I see," it rasped. "Well, not for very much longer. I'm going to gut you, deadboy," he growled at Mulder and than he bent down to shift the bed. Mulder closed his eyes and bending up tried to reach Scully. He managed to just touch one of her hands. He prepared himself to die as Scully's body was jerked violently out of his grasp as the werewolf shifted the bed away.

Suddenly, however, before the Baker creature could grab Mulder, the bedroom door burst open with a resounding thump. Something large, and white, and hairy crashed into the room and landed squarely on Baker's back pulling him away from the two Agents. Mulder crawled over to Scully and helped her to work loose the bed posts and slip the chains off as the two huge hairy forms rolled, and bit, and fought all over the floor, just missing the small table where the Coleman lamp sat lighting the conflict.

Scully took Mulder into her arms as the adrenaline rush he had been running on faded away. He collapsed senseless, and she cradled him, waiting for the fights outcome. She hoped beyond hope that Mulder wasn't dying. Scully watched, fascinated and horrified as the smaller beast, obviously a female, faced off on all fours against the somewhat larger, and darker male. She dashed in at his throat and with a roaring growl, managed to gain a strangle hold as the male went crashing onto his back. He tried to kick up into her stomach with the deadly talons on his rear feet but the female beast thing sat on his thighs, and bore down on his throat with renewed vigor. Finally the male gave a strangled cry as the female's jaws snapped down tight with a wet click. She had severed his spinal column and the male wolf thing collapsed under her, dead.

TITLE: Wisconsin Death Trip

(Part 16 of 17)

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains graphic language, sexual situations and violence. Forewarned is forearmed. If you don't care for really graphic stuff, STOP HERE!

DISCLAIMER: The usual. See Part 1

The female beast, breathing heavily, looked up and surveyed the room. 'She really has lovely green eyes' Scully thought weakly as the beast's muzzle pointed in her direction. There was blood all over her mouth and the female creature extended her tongue and licked it off.

As the wolf thing advanced towards Scully, she gripped Mulder more tightly, "Stay away from us, you bitch," she barked as the beast stopped just short of reaching her, and than sat down in a very dog like fashion. Scully heard the familiar sound of bones popping and re-shaping and presently the beast had transformed itself into a really stunning blond, and completely naked, woman.

"Agent Scully?" the woman asked kindly.

"Yes, who the hell are you?" Scully shot back, shaking. Mulder groaned in her arms. Scully, still staring at the blond, felt around and than pulled one of the crumpled bed sheets from the floor over Mulder's naked lower body.

"My name is Sian Phillips, I'm one of the town librarians, Mr. Mulder and I met several days ago," she smiled.

"Librarian?" Scully replied, a bubble of hysterical laughter threatening to escape from her chest.

"Well, we all have to earn a living, Agent Scully." Sian replied with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Is he all right?" she asked real concern in her eyes as she looked at Mulder.

"God, I don't know. Baker, he, he raped him on top of beating him senseless." she whispered. Than she went into Doctor Scully mode, prying Mulder's eye lids up, and than taking his good wrist to check his pulse. His eyes looked better than she had expected but even in the poor light it was still possible to see that he had a concussion. His pulse seemed to be strong, however. 'God, he is so battered,' Scully thought and she looked over at Sian and replied, "I can't do anything for him here, I have to get him to a hospital."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I tried to get here sooner, but Ross was so good at covering his tracks it took me this long to track you down."

"Tracks?" Scully asked dully.

"Yes. Did Mr. Mulder tell you anything about Ross, Dana?" she asked.

"Yes, he told me Baker was living under some type of curse, and every 75 years members of his family had to live the 'way of the wolf' with everything that entails," she answered sagging against Mulder feeling her own fatigue for the first time.

"Well, that's half true anyway. His family wasn't cursed, they chose this path and some of us didn't like their choice. Did he tell Mulder a load of garbage about some Indian witch putting the curse on one of his ancestors?"

"Yes." Scully answered

"Ha, that's Ross Baker all over. He was such a lying piece of shit. Listen, Agent Scully. We do come from an ancient race. A lot of legends talk about us, and some of them are right and some of them are wrong. Ross and I are members of, let's call it, a very exclusive society. This society is made up of shapeshifters and we go to great lengths to hide ourselves from the rest of mankind - mostly to protect our own skins. We've been watching Ross and his family line for a long time and well, quite frankly we couldn't put up with any more of their bullshit. If they had kept up their murderous ways we would all soon be in danger, and we couldn't take that risk."

"Are you telling me that there's a society of creatures out there, all just like you, and we've never known about it?" Scully asked, her skeptics mind refusing even now to wrap itself around the obvious evidence.

"Oh, I assure you Agent Scully, we are out there." Sian replied with a smile.

"And they sent you as their 'one wolf-woman hit squad' to remove this guy because he was drawing attention to you?" Scully asked.

"Right. We had to eliminate him, especially before he produced a male heir, and before he killed again." Sian answered glancing over at Baker's body. In death, the man-wolf had reverted back to human form and now he lay staring, glassy eyed, up at the room's ceiling.

Scully sighed. "All right, Sian, fine. I guess I don't have any choice but to believe you. All of this has been rather convincing" she added laughing weakly, as she swept the room with one hand. "But please, no more talk, can you just help me get Mulder to a hospital," she asked in desperation.

"All right, but Dana, I have to ask you one more question." Sian stated.

-End of Part 16-

TITLE: Wisconsin Death Trip

(Part 17 of 17)

NAME: frogdoggie

E-MAIL: frogdoggie@hotmail.com


RATING: NC-17, and I mean it. This story contains graphic language, sexual situations and violence. Forewarned is forearmed. If you don't care for really graphic stuff, STOP HERE!

DISCLAIMER: The usual. See Part 1

"Fine, what is it." Scully asked, turning Mulder onto his stomach and laying him gently flat on the floor as she prepared to rise. The other woman gripped her arm and stared into her eyes, "I have to ask you to forget any of this ever happened. Now, I can make you forget, but just between you and me, you know, woman to woman, I'd rather not force you. So, can I trust you to keep my secret?" Sian asked.

Scully looked into her green eyes and despite the trappings of humanity, she saw something totally alien there. She was afraid that no matter how mild mannered and polite the librarian wolf woman seemed, if Scully answered in the negative she and Mulder wouldn't make it out of that house alive.

"You have my word, Sian, I'll never reveal your secret." Scully stated emphatically.

Sian studied Scully for a moment and than she said, "Good. All right, let me help you with Mulder. Oh, and here, I have your clothes outside. They were just lying in a heap outside the door," she added leaving the room to retrieve the garments.

Scully bent over Mulder and stroked his hair. He looked so vulnerable and lost that her heart almost broke.'God, I love him,'she thought. She'd admitted it at last and she was glad. She knew he had suffered horribly and been humiliated for her in that hot, horrid, Wisconsin farmhouse. "Oh, Mulder," she sighed leaning over him, "If there was only something I could do to make it all different, to make you forget." she cried silently.

Sian had re-entered the room and she witnessed Dana Scully crying over the prostrate form of her partner. The sex pheromones in the room were very heavy and Sian sniffed the heady aroma with a slight smile playing around her lips. 'That's nice', she thought, 'she loves and wants him as her mate and he loves and wants her for his, how sweet,' the she-wolf smiled as Scully voiced her wish for Fox Mulder.

She walked over to Scully and said, "I can make him forget, you know, Dana, if you think he'd want it." she advised.

Scully jerked her head up and peered carefully at the other woman, "All of it?" she asked in verification.

"Or selectively, if you'd prefer," Sian replied smiling down at Scully.

Scully considered Sian's offer. Yes, she decided, she did want Mulder to forget. He had suffered so much in his life all ready, it would only be fair if one horrible experience could be erased, never to trouble him again."

"All right, Sian, but just the part about the rape, all right, nothing else. Make him think he was a hero for a change, make him think he killed Baker and than saved my life." Scully sighed, wiping the tears from her cheek.

"All right, Dana." Sian replied patting Scully gently on the shoulder.


Later, in a Madison, Wisconsin hospital, Scully sat next to Mulder's bed. As it turned out Mulder had been lucky. Only a mild concussion, a rather ugly scalp wound, the broken wrist, and a gazillion bruises all over his body. The wrist had been set with pins and a cast but the emergency room doctors had said it would be fine, and Mulder would be back on the firing range in no time flat. Scully marveled at his luck and than she thought 'maybe Sian had something to do with all that too' because she remembered the shapeshifter gently stroking Mulder's head, and wrist, and body back in the farm house in Addison. The house was gone, along with Ross Baker's body. Burned to the ground in the fire from the Coleman lamp that Scully had helped Sian Phillips set just before she called for back-up and an ambulance on her cell phone.

Scully held Mulder's hand and as she watched his face, a little squeeze pressed her fingers and Mulder gradually opened his eyes.

"Sculleee," he huskily whispered, smiling up at her. A slight look of confusion crossed his brow.

"You're in a Madison hospital, Mulder. You're going to be fine," she smiled back, squeezing his hand in return.

"Baker?" he asked.

"He's dead, you killed him. The house caught on fire from that damn Coleman lantern during your struggle and it burned to the ground. His body was still in it." Scully quickly explained as Mulder winced glancing at his wrist cast.

"The doctor that set your wrist said to aim high from now on." Scully teased and she was rewarded with a grin from Mulder.

"What did you tell Sheriff Pardy and the rest of the authorities?" he asked, serious again.

"Don't worry about that, ok, we can talk about it later, get some rest." she answered patting him on the arm.

"Scully, I... I'm glad you're all right." he sighed his eyes growing heavy.

"Hey, thanks to you, Mulder. You were a bit of a hero back there, you know," she smiled wistfully down at him.

Mulder opened his eyes again and struggled to grip both of Scully's hands, "I guess we have a lot to talk about later," he whispered.

Scully bent forward and kissed him gently on his broken wrist "A whole lot." she replied quietly as Mulder fell asleep.