Mother Love
-- an experimental episode --

Part One by Alyjude

Continued by


Jim wasn't a threat, not to her. She knew he would never do anything to hurt her, not if he cared for Blair as much as she did. Naomi reached for Blair again but halted when the click of a gun being cocked registered in her ears. She turned back to look disbelievingly at the man who had become her son's entire world. The light in the room shone dully on his semi-automatic pistol, which he had pointed directly at her.

"Back away from him, slowly." Jim said, his voice completely cold and professional.

"Jim, it's not what you think." She said, smiling sweetly. She could see by the way he was standing that he was still favoring his leg after being shot. Which reminded her suddenly that Jim was a sentinel; he had heard everything.

"Oh really," Jim's expression didn't change. "Do you actually know what this looks like to me? Do you have any concept of what I just caught you in the act of doing?"

Naomi blinked and looked down at her son, who scrambled off the floor, ducked under Jim's aimed gun and got behind the detective. "I- I was just..." Her eyes filled with tears. "I just needed to know Blair still loved me."

"After everything that has happened over the past few weeks, after all the shit we've gone through trying to clean up the mess that happened..." Jim shook his head. "I was just at the point that I had forgiven you, because I knew your heart was in the right place. Now this? You come into our home and violate my trust again by doing that?"

"Jim..." Blair's voice was soft. "Don't hurt her, please."

Jim turned to look at his partner in disbelief. He was shaken and pale; there was a stench of fear and anger about him. His shorts were still askew, the tip of his penis poking out of the slit, though there was no sign of arousal now.

Naomi was weeping as she reached out to her son. "Sweety, please, tell him it's alright. We've always been so close."

"No, it's not alright." Blair whispered harshly, his voice gravelly with emotion. "We had an agreement. You promised you wouldn't touch me like that again."

"But it's been so long, Honey." She pleaded with her eyes. "And I needed to know that you still loved me."

"I want you out of here, Naomi." Jim said, his voice filled with disgust. "Get dressed, I want you gone in five minutes, or I swear I'll drag you out of here bodily."

"Blair?" Naomi looked to her son, hoping he would contradict Jim.

"Please, just go." Blair replied, not able to meet her gaze.

Naomi stood slowly, not hiding her naked body from either of them. She turned and bent down and retrieved her dress then slipped it on over her head. When the French doors came back into view, neither man was visible. She swallowed hard and finished dressing. When she exited Blair's room, she found her son standing at the kitchen stove, his head bent as he took great care in setting the tea kettle over one of the burners.

She took a step toward him but was stopped by a hand that descended on her shoulder. Though the grip was not painful, she couldn't pull away. "Don't. Just leave, I'll call you when we're ready to talk to you, but right now, you better not come anywhere near him, and trust me, I'll know."

"I guess you would." She sighed, as Jim released his grip on her. "I guess I'll be going." Naomi gathered her coat and purse and fished into her purse for her keys, only to find them missing.

"Are you looking for these?" Blair asked, holding up her key chain.

"Thank you, Honey." She smiled a little, until he tossed them at her from across the kitchen island. She caught them and looked back up at Blair, stunned to see him holding a key in his hand.

"I'm going to keep this. I hope you don't think me petty, but I need a little insurance against that." Blair said quietly. "Like Jim said, we'll call you. Now good night."

Tears streaming anew from her eyes, Naomi fled the home of her son.


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