Being At Home With Sandburg

Being At Home With Sandburg
by Silk

Rating: PG

Beta: Tinnean

Illustration: Patt

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Being At Home With Sandburg
by Silk

"What's a ten-letter word for 'knows everything'?"

"Jim Ellison."

"That's two words." Blair continued to fill in the blanks on his crossword puzzle, hoping to find a clue to the word he sought. A frown creased his face, making him look way too serious. Jim reached over and ruffled his hair, mussing the deep brown curls.

"Hey, cut that out," Blair said crossly, but a twinkle in his bright blue eyes told Jim that his annoyance was not genuine.

The two men sat next to each other on the couch. The Sunday crossword puzzle open on his lap, Blair gnawed on the tip of an already chewed-up pencil.

Jim leaned heavily on Blair, eventually earning him another stern look from his lover. "What?"

"You make a nice pillow, Chief."

"I do?"

"Yeah. You have just the right amount of fur, you're soft in all the right places...."

Blair cleared his throat. "Ahem. Hard in a couple places, too."

"Hmmm...I should check you out. Wanna assume the position, Chief?"

"Bite your tongue, Jim."

"I'd rather bite yours," Jim said, raising an eyebrow. He couldn't do the "waggle" of the eyebrows that Blair did. The younger man snorted.

"Biting anything could be grounds for divorce, Jim."

"We're not married, Chief."

"We're not? Shit, I'm taking all the monograms off the bed linens, Jim."

"Aww, you've been sewing again?"

"Yeah, you know how it relaxes me."

Jim picked up the crossword puzzle, studied it for all of two seconds, and said one word. "Omniscient."


"Omniscient. Ten-letter word for 'knows everything'."

"Nah. They're wrong. It IS Jim Ellison."

"You said it was two words."

"I also think no one at the Times happens to know you well enough to put you into the Sunday puzzle, Jim. But if I was the editor, I'd put you there every week."

"You're just saying that cause you like sleeping with me."


"You don't like sleeping with me?" Jim asked incredulously.

Blair shook his head, his whole face softening as he gazed at the man he loved. "I love sleeping with you."

Jim slid the puzzle off Blair's lap, letting it slip noiselessly to the floor. Wrapping his arms around Blair's waist, Jim pressed his forehead to Blair's. "I love everything. I love going to bed with you, but I love waking up with you in my arms even more. I love the way life still surprises you, and I love the way you still surprise me. But most of all, Chief...."

Jim kissed Blair. It was a Sunday-Being-At-Home-With-Sandburg kiss.

"...I love you."

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