McShep Half-canon AU List

The Giant McShep AU List started out as a collection of stories where John and Rodney have non-canon jobs. Then a couple crept in where one or the other is the canon character. I eventually bowed to the inevitable, and here’s the list just for them. πŸ˜€

Latest additions:

\o/week starting 05-26-19 (10) (I’ll be removing the ‘+++’ notations in the next update.)

~~~week starting 04-28-19 (5)

$$$week starting 04-07-19 (15, plus one moved from the main list)

+++week starting 03-25-19 (3)

Currently: 67 entries

Alphabetical by John’s job*
*All pilots (except ‘ex-pilots’) are under ‘pilot’, with the sub-type in parentheses.

Sequel/backstory/companion pieces can be found just under the original entry.

β€˜Verses with separate stories listed are either not internally linked or not all posted on the same website – you can back arrow to the list so as not to miss anything.

Key = John’s job/Rodney’s job – link – word count


Author/Rodney = The Days of Miracle and Wonder by sabinelagrande – 4,619


$$$Bug!John/Drone = Pleasure Dome ‘verse by Brumeier – 36,750 (6 stories)


Construction worker/Rodney = Construction Work by neery – 2,162

$$$Cop/Rodney = Division 52 by popkin16 – 18,644


Doctor/Rodney = Life Less Ordinary β€˜verse by icantfollow – 9,027 (4 stories)


$$$Emissary/Rodney = Mercury Unbound by melagan – 13,784

$$$Ex-pilot abductee/Rodney = Close Encounter by Brumeier – 5,753

Ex-pilot assistant/Rodney = Without Love by lamardeuse – 21,827

$$$Ex-pilot cop/Rodney = Amadeus Knows Best by respoftw – 2,487

$$$Ex-pilot cruise crew/Passenger = From Atlantis To Atlantis by Elayna – 7,429

$$$Ex-pilot handyman/Recluse = Bunker Life ‘verse by McShipIt – 58,879 (3 stories)

$$$Ex-pilot husband/Rodney = What Happens in Vegas by sgamadison – 8,055

$$$Ex-pilot photographer/Rodney = Time to come home by gottalovev – 19,881

$$$Ex-pilot reintegrating/Rodney = Sight Unseen by Brumeier – 31,897

$$$Ex-pilot teacher/Rodney = The Oppenheimer Effect ‘verse by nagi_schwarz – 127,648 (83 stories)

Ex-pilot wounded vet/Rodney = Chance of a Lifetime by ca_pierson – 16,854

Ex-pilot wounded vet/Rodney = Taking the B Train by ldyanne – 19,570


Faith Healer/Rodney = Faith Healing by aesc – 11,300


Garbageman/Rodney = Citrus Hill ‘verse by elderwitty and squidgie – 49,175 (18 stories – 6 new since last update)
~~~**Snippet: 200 Years Of McKay by elderwitty and squidgie – 544 (fourth of five ficlets posted together)


Hooker/Rodney = Unexpected Consequences by goddess47 – 27,500


$$$John/Angel = Loophole by melagan – 8,830

John/Angel = Match Made in Heaven by lavvyan – 1,293

John/Angel = Rodney McKay, Fallen Angel by lavvyan – 1,152

$$$John/Cupid = The Cupid by Antares – 2,144

John/Merman = Through the Noise to the Sea by sardonicsmiley and sherriaisling – 18,450 (there are also four internally linked snippets)

John/Musician = Terraced Dynamics by pogrebin – 2,605

\o/John/Professor = Mob Mentality by czarina_kathryn – 9,842

John/Protocol expert = On Behaving by Elayna – 3,384

John/Teacher = The Children of the War by justbreathe80 – 9,477

\o/John/Terraformer = Waiting To Be Known by Brumeier – 1,006

John/Wizard = Calling Down the Lightning by dreamwaffles – 55,498


Mathematician/Rodney = Of Russian Assassins and Gateships by in_the_bottle – 2,197

Merman/Rodney – Falling Slowly by melonbutterfly – 39,305

Merman/Rodney = Hidden Depths by lamardeuse – 13,879

$$$Merman/Rodney = Turn the Tide by Brumeier – 13,651

Millionaire/Rodney = You Might by unadrift – 14,913

Mortuary worker/Rodney = The Ghost by Selenic – 1,276
-Sequel: Universe Enough for Now – 3,586


$$$Personal trainer/Astrophysicist = Pegasus Gym by respoftw – 8,114

\o/Pilot (Air Force)/Coffee shop owner = Blue Skies by aadarshinah – 6,767
\o/**Sequel: Silver Leaves – 697

+++Pilot (Air Force)/Rodney = Compatible Engagement ‘verse by velocitygrass – 50,134 (3 stories)

~~~Pilot (Air Force)/Rodney = The Law of Holes by esteefee – 22,280

Pilot (corporate)/Rodney = Guardian by Tarlan – 41,401

~~~Pilot (helicopter)/Rodney = But I paid for a private room! by Dammit_Jim – 3,140

Pilot (helicopter tour)/Rodney = Mau Loa β€˜verse by gaiaanarchy
Mau Loa Means the Time We Have – 13,608
Goodnight, Chesty, Wherever You Are – 8,430
Ho’i Hou Ke Aloha – 1,807

Pilot (private)/Rodney = Friday Night by bluflamingo – 5,137

Pilot (test)/Rodney = Getaway by laytoncolt – 2,441

Prisoner/Rodney = The Sweep of Easy Wind by Blackchaps – 63,990

Professor/SGA physicist = The Theory of Acquired Characters by toomuchplor – 8,335
**Sequel: The Theory of Allopatry – 1,590

~~~Public television show host/Public television show host = Viewers Like You by HYPERFocused – 1,641


Reporter/Rodney = Implausible Denial by Tarlan – 9,315

\o/Resistance fighter/Rodney = Absolute Corruption by seikaitsukimizu – 19,203
\o/**Sequel: Terra Atlantis – 3,632

Robot!John/Rodney = The Difference Engine by copperbadge – 22,031 (be sure to read the story notes that follow the epilogue)


\o/Security detail/Scientist = His Bodyguard ‘verse by Soraya (soraya2004) – 24,213 (2 stories)
\o/**Snippet for Chapter 2: Feelings, nothing more – 1,065
\o/**Associated works: Snippets from the “His Bodyguard” universe – 8,788 (6 stories, 4 linked from appropriate spots in the first story above)

+++SGC Colonel/Scientist = Course Correction by velocitygrass – 5,140

Sheriff/Rodney = Welcome to Blaine by rabidfan – 7,563

+++Ski instructor/Rodney = use these words for kindling by v_greyson (greyson) – 5,091


~~~Teacher/Rodney = A Different Sort of Life by Burningchaos – 22,356


\o/Various/Various = Four Universes Where John and Rodney Meet Before Antarctica, and One Where They Don’t by Argosy – 6,227

19 thoughts on “McShep Half-canon AU List

  1. I just saw this, which is why a number of them appear on the list I sent you, since there were Canon entries on the other. Sorry.

    1. Don’t be. This is something that’s been brewing for a while in my detail-oriented (some might say “OCD-ridden”) little brain. I tried to trick a couple of other people into starting one a while back, but it didn’t take. I’ve been trying to avoid it, but you know what the Borg say. πŸ™‚

    1. Hmmm, after reading it, I don’t think it fits on this list either. I’ve had a few others where they are both their canon selves – with a twist (Rodney is Pan! John is a Veela!) – and I think this would fit in that category, too.

      I was fun to read, though. Thanks for letting me know about it.

  2. So I guess this is the list where the Botanist!John fic (the fic I mentioned on the other list a while back) would go? Then again, Rodney not the Chief Science Officer [CSO] in that fic; so would Rodney still be considered canon!Rodney if he just an astrophysicist on the Atlantis expedition?

    1. Yep, this is where that one will go in the next batch.

      And yes, he’d be canon!Rodney in that, because he is an astrophysicist in the SGC realm. The other list was created for Johns and Rodneys who weren’t part of that (usually indicated by their jobs).

    2. Actually, now that I’ve read it again, it doesn’t fit this list either. I didn’t realize that John was a botanist IN Atlantis. That puts them both in the canon realm. Sorry.

    1. I just read that the other day and didn’t even think of sticking it on here. I was distracted by the pretty, will be my excuse. πŸ˜€


      1. Glad you liked it to distraction — it’s one I love to share.

        By the way, have you read her Collar Me? It’s in the “Take Off Clothes as Directed” skew of the BDSM universe so everyone is canon and I don’t think it fits in either collection BUT it is wonderful and if you haven’t read it — do so;0)

        1. I actually read all the stories she has posted there, except the two I’d read before. Thanks for filling my evening. πŸ˜€

          Poor John in Collar Me – when Rodney dropped his leash and left. I felt bad for the poor moron. For both of them. Thank goodness they managed to get their shit together finally.

          1. That’s the thing about her stories == she makes her characters so real, you care.

    1. This one I think doesn’t quite fit the list, even though I liked it. It’s just a bit too canon/canon – even with John’s injuries and job description. Thanks for the link, though. I hadn’t reread it in a while.

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