The Hero

By Amok

Chapter 1

I was trying to get some sleep but just couldn't forget where I was. The smell was putrid and seemed to permeate everything around me. No matter how far I went from the source it was always there choking the life out of me. At least the corner I was in was preferable to where I was less than an hour ago. The first night that I had to spend in Jabba's court had been the worse. Jabba had kept my chain shortened so that I was unable to go far. In the middle of the night one of the slimy slug like creature that In the middle of the night I would conjure up memories of my home even though it was on a star ship. I miss seeing my mom and Uncle Vic in the Galley or all the other crewmates I grew up with. I had been on a cargo transport ship since I was a child. I used to love playing in the Engine room even though my Mom told me it was dangerous to do so but I knew those parts like the back of my hand. It was no surprise that as I got older I became an Engineer.

My best friend Brian Kinney was a hotshot pilot who couldn't wait to do some real flying and join the rebel alliance. He eventually got his wish when we were eighteen. I wondered if I would ever see him again. Part of me wanted to sign up too but I had responsibilities to what I viewed as my family. We were reunited recently when Brian needed to travel unnoticed with a couple of friends. I managed to keep the Millennium Falcon in excellent working order even though parts were hard to come by. We were one of the fastest running cargo ships.

One of Brian's friends was a Zen master named Ben Bruckner. I never thought anyone like him would ever take interest in some one like me. During the time we were giving passage to Al'Duran Ben would end up telling the crew stories of all the places he been and things he had done over Dinner. What used to be a quick meal stretched to a few hours. One day I found Ben in the Engine room watching the slip drives. It had always been my favourite place to go. There was protective glass shielding the engines so that nothing could come in or out other than the fuel and the vacuum of space but the combination created an awesome light show. Ben started asking me about the type of modifications I had made and we spent what seemed forever talking. For the next week we always met in the same place and seemed to discuss everything and anything. On what was supposed to be our last night Ben kissed me passionately and told me he would miss my company. I didn't want it to end and suggested that he stay in my room till breakfast. We never made it out of the Engine room that night.

When the ship arrived at the coordinates of Al'Duran it was gone. The empire had gotten their first and destroyed everything, which left the alliance scrambling to try and keep their mission going. After that Brian and his friends became part of our crew. Mom said as long as the empire was out there our livelihood was at stake and it was in our best interest to help.

Brian became the new pilot and was impressed by the changes that had been made and always pushed the Falcon harder to test its limit. He had gotten us through quite a few scrapes but it was also annoying how much damage he caused.

To help me with the major repairs Brian assigned a man named Justin to help out. We never seemed to agree on how to do anything at first but gradually discovered where each other's talents lie and were able to form a partnership. I always wondered why Justin was part of the group and soon realized he was madly in love with Brian and would follow him anywhere.

Even with all the chaos I was able to find calm when I was with Ben. We began to build a life together knowing that at any moment it could all be destroyed. We just lived for the moment and tried not to think about what could happen.

Every time I think about my family I end up remembering the last time we were together. Brian had done extensive damage to the Falcon after landing us inside a space creature that had inhabitants that attacked the hull plating. We were becoming desperate for some parts but so far from any rebel outposts not that they had many supplies to suite our specific needs. Cloud Station was close by and had always offered assistance to cargo ships in the past and had a marketplace for almost everything. I had been part of the landing crew along with Brian and Ben. Justin stayed behind to begin the repair process. Brian ran into his old friend Kip that he had a very intimate relationship like almost all the other ports and stations. The two seemed to be catching up on old times while I planned on concentrating on getting the best parts we could afford. Ben on the other hand seemed apprehensive saying the place did not feel right but couldn't state why.

The station had been much approved since the last time I had been there. Part of the station was mining the planet for ore while it also served as a safe haven. Kip never mentioned how he had managed the improvements or kept the empire off his back. All the halls had been repainted white instead of the usual gunmetal grey and were kept so clean. Our rooms were the same with clean comfortable beds a small round plexi-glass table for eating and doors for storing clothes built into the walls. The rooms were small but most spent their time in the market place. During the day the main hall was full of lines of tables with merchants. The ceiling was protective glass that gave an unobstructed view of the stars. At night the place had a life of it owns as an adjacent area opened up serving drinks and loud music for dancing. Ben and I usually went to the market place at night preferring the quiet and the view. Brian and Kip frequented the bar and usually had to drag each other back to their quarters. Ben kept trying to rationalize why a place like this could exist with what was going outside of this haven. The only reason he could think of was that the station was giving kickbacks to the empire and that the sooner we could leave the better.

What should have taken at most three days to deliver our parts had stretched into seven and Ben looked like he was ready to crawl out of his skin. Even Brian seemed to be getting tired of this place and wanted to be on his way. We all knew they were stalling but felt helpless, a feeling we were not accustomed to. Justin had completed all he could without the parts. Our ship remained hidden but still within range of the small fighter we had used to come here. Without the parts the Falcon was not capable of out running anything. Ben decided to look into what was going on only to overhear a conversation that explained everything.

Kip had betrayed us to the empire and it was only a matter of time before we were all caught. A bounty hunter had already been dispatched to our location with orders to bring Ben and Brian in, preferably alive. The parts we were waiting for had always been available in one of the unused docking ports. Brian's conversations with Kip proved to be useful since he knew details about the station security but we had to act fast.

I managed to sneak my way down to the energy room and started disrupting the circuits. Chaos ensued as merchants as well as station personnel were trying to ensure the safety of the goods as well as the people. I then rushed to the dock containing our parts and pulled the locks facing off and twisting wires to override the lock.

Brian and Ben managed to obtain a station lift to carry the parts to our ship so we could leave. All seemed to go well until we had to make it back to our ship. In one of the hallways we ran into a bounty hunter intent on taking Ben and Brian. His first shots would have been on target if our parts had not been in the way. We quickly backtracked around the corner and crouched down to avoid getting hit. The hunter was about the same size as Ben and was covered head to foot in dark green body armour complete with a Helmet covering his face. Ben thought it best to give himself up but not easily to buy us time. Brian and I tried to argue with him that he was too important to the alliance as a negotiator as well as fighting skills but there was no reasoning with him. He never saw Brian's fist as he found a final settlement on the argument. We pulled our position back even farther as we dragged Ben to an elevator to one of the lower levels and into an unused storage space.

Although Ben was quite a few inches taller than me I changed into his clothes and prepared to make a mad dash in the other direction while Brian would Ben and our parts to the small fighter. All I needed to do was distract the bounty hunter until Brian was ready to take off. I took the long way around the station ensuring that the hunter and station security was still just barely in eyesight. Around what should have been the last corner I ran straight into Kip. We were the same height but I was unable to free my arm from his grasp. Moments later the bounty hunter grabbed me from behind. He was unhappy to see I was not his intended prey. Kip gave him the hanger number our ship was located. The last hallway I tried to drag my feet to slow them down. I ended up getting punched in the stomach and lifted over the bounty hunters shoulder. I couldn't breath at first but eventually air returned to my lungs slow and ragged. At the end of the hallway was the opening to our dock. Brian managed to see through the doors that company was coming and that I had been caught. He did the only thing he could, boarded the ship and left as quickly as possible.

I had hoped they would get to the Falcon in time to do the repairs and get away before the ship was located. The hunter dropped me on the floor swearing about all the effort and all for nothing. Then he looked down at my huddled form and said "well maybe I will be able to get something for my trouble".

The next week I found myself sold to Jabba the Hut along with a large shipload of people living on the cloud station including Kip. I was lucky I suppose after a week of working in the drilling pits for water I was chosen to be a house slave to keep Jabba and his guest entertained. I really didn't feel that lucky after that first night inside or the many to follow.

This morning they would all board Jabba's Air transport to go to the market and sell off more slaves. As the sun started to drift into the main room I heard Jabba start to wake. I quietly moved to where I was supposed to spend the night and awaited the inevitable.

Chapter 2

It was the first time I had been outside for the past 2 weeks and I welcomed the fresh air. I was slowly being pulled onto the top deck where most of Jabbas guests would stay during our journey. I could see the slave rustlers pushing all the slaves onto the ship through a ramp. Each slave was cuffed at the hand and leg. The lines moved in slow motion as most of the individuals looked ready to drop. The rustlers could care less about the condition of the slaves the faster they got the slaves loaded meant more pay. The rustlers stood out from the dessert sand and slaves all dressed in black. Filters that made traveling across the deserts searching for runaways easier covered their faces and the fabric protected them form the unforgiving sun. When I was one of the pit slaves we had no protection against any of the elements. I felt one more tug on my collar that had begun to bite into my neck as I finally entered the ship.

In all the commotion no one took note that there was one more rustler than had been requested.

* * * * *

Once the last of the slaves were placed in the cargo hold the stranger moved with the rustlers onto the ship. While his fellow rustlers discussed profits he slipped into the corridor and started to head to where he suspected the engine room would be. He slowly opened the metal door into a mess that at one point was probably a good engine. The machines covered any sounds he made as he located the engineer and knocked him out. The engine's parts where covered in a black sticky substance. Eventually he located the fuel injector. He started to change the valves, which controlled what amount of different substances. He had minimum experience with engines but had begun to realize that understanding technology was a real asset. He slowly stepped over the body that was blocking his way to the door to the hallway. There was barely ant light overhead which made it difficult to manage his way around but he had gone through this plan in his head so many times that he managed to get around. He carefully made his way to the docking bay and filled his speed racer bike with gas and hid it behind some boxes under a tarp. Now it was just a matter of sneaking up to the top deck.

As he neared his destination the bright sun momentarily blinded him. Where as he lower decks were neglected the top deck was extravagant. Hanging against the walls were red silk banners with Jabbas symbol. The deck was open to the outside on three side and had low tables covered with food against them. The tables themselves were covered with the same silk and made the silverware stand out. Unfortunately Jabbas choice of company where pigs and he couldn't help but wonder what the deck would look like after this trip. His attention was drawn to the back of a large chair that was against the only full wall. Jabba was sitting in it enjoying all of the festivities. Jabba was probably the most disgusting creature he had ever seen. His leather like tan skin seemed to be rolling into folds everywhere except for his face. His eyes were a sick looking yellow with ovals of black. His eyes travelled to beside the chair to his intended target. There was a brass collar that was placed around his neck with a chain attached that ran to a large chair. Michael's skin had become slightly darker with his stay on Tatoonie. His hair was longer it was now just brushing the top of his shoulders and had become curly. The only clothes covering Michael were a red silk loincloth that barely covered anything. Michael was sitting on a pillow below Jabba using a grass fan to keep his master cool. He was forced to silently watch as Jabba pulled Michael closer and used his tongue to taste the sweat on Michael's chest and neck. He wanted to rip that worms tongue out but he had come for a different reason.

* * * * *

I pulled away as soon as I could after being licked. The feel of the slobber made me want to rip off my skin. I felt out of it and surreal as the whole upper deck burst into commotion. My legs were shaking, correction the ship was shaking. I knew the sound of engines stalling not that any of Jabbas equipment was well maintained. The ship did a death rattle and then began to fall a few feet into the sand. Some of the bounty hunters ran to the sides trying to keep a lookout for sand creatures or natives that may take advantage of our situation. Jabba and a small entourage began to move to an emergency exit to Jabbas private transport bay. One of the rustlers had moved out of a hallway on the opposite side of the wall and seemed to be moving toward us. He probably wanted to be paid before he left. The door to the emergency exit closed behind us and I felt myself being propelled down a narrow stairway. At the bottom a pair of metal sliding door opened to reveal a hovercraft. It seemed in good condition and started with the first try. As they quickly loaded the craft I saw an open mechanics kit lying on the floor. As they tried to pull me aboard I pretended to trip and picked up what I hoped was a functioning laser knife tool. As we waited for the boarding doors to open I turned it on to reveal a thin blue blade and quickly swiped it against part of my chain. The door finally creaked open and I jumped off just as the ship pulled away. By the time they realized I was gone they had already cleared the bay and the doors began to close.

I found another door on the side of the bay and put the laser blade into the controls. The controls melted and part of the panel had begun to drip onto the floor. The doors were easy to slide off of the track and with a little effort I had managed to make my way to the hall. The bottom of the ship seemed eerily quiet while I ventured further into the unknown. It felt like an eternity had passed as I made my way to the end of the hall. Once there I could hear some one crying or whimpering to my left. I had to be close to where they kept the slaves who where still trapped in the cargo hold. I could hear Brian telling me to save yourself you don't owe them anything, but they was just like me, they wanted to go home. My feet seemed to pick up the pace as I turned left and started to follow the sounds.

* * * * *

Slowly his plan all came into place and then quickly fell apart. He had thought anyone wanting to get off the deck would have to pass by him including Michael. Slowly Jabba and his lackeys had assembled but instead of heading towards the main stairs headed towards a wall that was actually a hidden door. He started to make his way across the room but was unable to reach it before it separated him from his goal. It took him a while to find the doors access panel. He chastised himself for not paying more attention to what was done in past situations like this and swore never to do that again. After a few tries trying to hide what he was doing with his back to the group he finally found the right combination of wires. All those on deck were to preoccupied with either trying to find escape or staying alive to notice as he slipped through the door. At the bottom of the steps his heart sank he was too late, until he noticed the condition of the side door. The passage would have just been large enough for Michael. He nudged the door open a little further so that he could fit through and began a game of follow the leader. At the end of the hallway he could either go right or left. He tried going right but the further down he went the more his chest seemed to feel constrained. He kept asking himself What if your wrong? After a few feet he could no longer squelch his fears and backtracked until he reached the T intersection and continued straight hoping it was the path Michael had chosen.

* * * * *

The left hallway had numerous turns that I followed as the sounds that had first attracted me became louder. I finally found a window that gave a view of the cargo bay and was horrified by what I saw. The slaves had been thrown into a small space where there was standing room only. Occasionally it looked like a section of slaves were jumping up a few inches in a wave like effect. The impact from the ship had attracted Sand Worms that were now trying to make their way through the ship. The slaves had nowhere to go except down. I picked up my pace in hopes that I would soon find the doors and hopefully give them a chance. The ship should occupy the Worm's attention while the rest of us made a run for it. Three more turns later I came up against large doors with extra reinforcement to ensure that thieves did not get in and slaves would not get out. The door controls were a bit more complicated and would require more than a laser tool to get it to open. I carefully used the tool to cut the control box open without touching the wires. After following numerous wire paths with my finger I pulled loose the two I need to override the lock. The doors made a grinding noise as they began to open and I came face to face with hollow cheeks and sunken eyes. They all seemed frozen into place trying to figure out what was happening. Suddenly the sand worm hit the bottom of the ship and the metal began to sound fatigued with the numerous impacts it had received. There was a great rush towards the open door and I was momentarily knocked up against the wall behind me. I slowly made my way through the sea of people to try and help those that were injured and slower moving. A few of the other slaves also tried to either carry or drag the others out. The room was almost clear when the Sand Worm gave the ship a final blow before it entered.

I stood still hoping that it wouldn't sense my presence. I realized I was the only one left as the last woman finally stumbled through the door. Screaming for help was out of the question, by the time help came I would be an appetizer. The worm resembled a thick trunk with its rough beige skin forming flaps running it length. The mouth of the worm I only got a glimpse of with three rings of sharp white teeth surrounded by a blood red throat. The worm seemed intent to continue its path right through the ship. The activated escape ships were attracting it. The drone of the engines against the upper floor promised the creature that something was alive up there it just had to get there first. Unfortunately for those above the floor of the midsection was not as reinforced as the bottom. It only took one try for the worm to reach them. Metal beams and supports began to shower down and all I could do was watch. My sight was trained on what was happening above and off to the side that when one of the pieces of falling debris hit me, I was caught off guard. The last sound I heard before losing consciousness was the scrap of metal against the worm's teeth and the screams.

* * * * *

He was trying to make his way to the end of the hallway when he was thrown off balance as the ship moved. A strange sound was coming down the hall some of it was voices but there was another sound that sent a cold chill down his spine, sand worms. As he turned yet another corner he ran into a wall of people blocking his path and knocking him to the ground. It took him a minute to realize it was the slaves from the cargo bay with a herd of others behind him. He quickly pulled himself against one wall and managed to pull himself up. His patience was wearing thin as he waited for the majority of the group to pass him. One of the slaves kept shouting "were free, were free" while others rudely told the others to get out of their way. As the group thinned out to those who could not move as fast as the others he was finally able to continue his journey down the hallway. When he finally reached the doors he realized his worst fears were a reality, a worm had ripped its way into the ship and to the mid section. The screams from above had died down and the worm was using it muscles to force it way through to the last level. He scanned for his reward, had Michael gotten past him? His eyes scanned the room closely while the worm reached the last level. That is when he saw the human form heaped on the ground covered with remnants of the floor above. With steady strides he made his way over and confirmed it was Michael. He slowly removed the barriers and picked up his prize carefully trying not to disturb the worm that was feasting on the upper deck.

Once he was out of the worms reach with Michael placed over his back panic got the better of him and he began to run. The hallway was easier to navigate since he was just going the reverse of before. Once he came to the T he turned right and located the stairs that would take him to the midsection and eventually the transport bay. The halls seem to be alive as the ship moaned with the invasion of the worm. It was only a short run to the bay but the worm was still in the bay. It had missed the hover bike he had hidden and no one seemed to notice it or just preferred the large ships available. The bike was a series of thin shafts with two small engines attached to the back and a seat just large enough for two. He slumped Michael onto the seat and moved to one of the other damaged hovercrafts. He manoeuvred the vehicle so that it was in front of the worms neck started the engine and placed the gear in reverse. He ran to the bike with Michael leaning back into him and his hands on the controls. The worm was howling in pain as the hovercraft slammed back into it's neck. He used his window of opportunity and was off through the bay doors on his bike. The bike was easy to control and faster. He took a quick look back as the ship was being pulled into the sands and the last of the slaves were visible escaping in different directions. He returned his attention to what was in front of him. He needed to get to the temporary shelter he had set up fast before Jabba came back for what he believed to be his. The trip was enjoyable knowing he had succeeded in getting what he wanted and no one was going to take it away from him. A large rock with a deep red and orange swirl pattern became visible that held his secret hideout. He stashed the bike near the entrance but out of the site of any patrol and carried Michael deeper into the cave where it was cooler and water was nearby.

Chapter 3

I awoke with a splitting headache as I slowly tried to open my eyes. Some torches had been placed in what appeared to be a cave. I concentrated on how the flames played against the red clay walls hoping they would give me some sign of where I was. Down one of the corridors came the sound of footsteps. I closed my eyes hoping they wouldn't realize I was awake. Maybe this was the chance I had been waiting for to escape.

* * * * *

After he had laid his cape on the ground and wrapped Michael in it he realized he had forgotten his provisions. He made sure Michael was comfortable and took the short trip back to grab his bag attached to the back of the bike. Inside it contained some first aid supplies as well as food for a few days. He returned to find that Michael was still unconscious, which frightened him. All he could do was clean Michael's cuts and put salves on his injuries so they would not get infected but he could not force him to wake up. He removed the filter covering his face and the see through fabric that masked his hair and eyes from the sand. Pulling his bag in front of him he started to unpack his and set the medical supplies in front of him. First he needed to clean him off, there were so many cuts it was probably easier to take him into the pool of water nearby and bathe him. Then he could put on the slaves once he dried him off and hopefully get some food into him. Slowly he approached Michael to remove the soiled loincloth but he was afraid what might lie underneath. He had no idea what Michael had been through the last few weeks and part of him didn't want to. He chided himself for being so foolish and started to untie one of the corners and pulled it from Michael body. He said a whisper of thanks that he had no marks or bruises. He slipped the soap from his pack into his pocket and lifted Michael into his arms. Michael was so close he felt surrounded by the spicy smell of his skin. He stepped into the pool midway up to his calves and rested Michael on an outcropping of moss covered rocks. The water came up to his neck and had submerged part of his hair. He watched as the darks locks swirl in the pool and Michael's skin began to turn slightly pink as a result of the heat. He pulled one of his legs above the water and worked the soap from his pocket into a lather then set the soap on a nearby rock. He worked the suds onto Michael's foot making sure to scrub in between his toes up to the ankle; the calf and part of his thigh then submerged it back into the water to wash away the lather and soap. He repeated this action again and when he was sure it was clean he kissed Michael's ankle, then the back of his knee and lifted Michael's other leg for bathing. He lavished the same attention to Michael's arm and then kissed the palm of his hand, and the crook in his elbow. He pulled Michael's head back to wet his hair and started to wash it when he felt Michael pushing him and once again lost his balance.

* * * * *

I could feel the moment he had entered the cave I was in and it took all my will power to keep my breath steady. I could hear him beside me as he was rustling with something. Next I felt his hands on my hips removing the only piece of clothing I had. Part of me wanted to jump out my skin, few people had seen me naked and I would have preferred it to stay that way. Before I could formulate how I should attack I was being lifted and was placed in hot water that was a welcomed feeling to my aching body. I was so lost in the sensation of the water pooling all around me and relieving my aches I barely noticed he was bathing me. I did however notice the kisses that followed. I felt a lump in my throat as it reminded me of my time with Ben. He was always so gentle and a great kisser. The thought of being with him again helped to give me the strength I needed. As he bent my head lower to wash my hair I waited till I could feel him leaning over me and his hand began to release the back of my head. I opened my eyes and used my arms to push him backwards. I had caught him off guard and watched his form sink in the water till he hit the bottom of the pool. The pool was shallow and sitting up his head was still above the water barely. I moved as quickly as I could to straddle him and prepare to push him under. I was sitting on his legs when his arms came up around me. They were bringing me closer till I was sitting in his lap and could feel his engorged member through the fabric against my stomach. I looked up into a tanned face with the most beautiful blue eyes. His Dark blond hair was soaking wet and looked like a medium brown shade. I felt instant relief as I found my voice "Ben".

"I came here to rescue you but after that episode I don't think you need me to"

"I'll always need you"

Ben placed his hand between Michael's legs and lifted him till he was resting on his knees. He grabbed the soap again and washed his upper torso placing special attention to his nipples. He ran his finger over the now stiff peaks as Michael let out a stifled groan. He cupped his hand to pick up some water and let it trickle thru his finger onto Michael. His hand lowered to the water again diving between Michaels leg and using the buoyancy of the water to expose more of Michael to him. This time he washed Michaels privates loving the moans it ripped out of Michael. He lowered his lover into the water and with his thumb started to wash away the suds.

"Michael, will this hurt you"

"No, please Ben"

With that answer Ben moved his fingers lower until he was playing with Michael's testicles. Michael's body bucked in the water tell his chest was touching Bens. He lowered his mouth to devour Ben. When they both had to stop for air Michael pulled slightly away from Ben so he could run his hands down Bens ample chest and play with his nipples, squeezing and pinching. Ben moaned with each touch until he felt like he needed Michael now. His hands moved to Michael's waiting hole teasing the surface.

He slowly pushed a finger inside as his arm wrapped around Michael pulling him closer so that every part of him was touching his lover. Michael wrapped his arms around Ben's neck and starting tracing the whorls of Ben's ear with his tongue. Ben could feel Michael's hips moving to match that of his finger so he entered another digit pushing in and out. Michael moaned in his ear and seemed to lose himself in Ben's embrace. When Michael seemed close to coming he pulled his fingers out and moved them out of the pool onto the makeshift bed.

Ben removed his shirt and used it to dry off Michael and himself. In certain areas he lingered while staring into the deep chocolate eyes. He grabbed some of the salve he had put out earlier and started to work it into all the cuts and abrasions. He could feel Michaels muscles relax under his hands. He thought Michael might have fallen asleep when a hand reached around both of their backs forcing them closer together. Ben's penis was still covered by his pants but was also nested against Michael's ass as the body below him began to move suggestively. He pulled himself up a little causing a groan from both of them because of the separation. Ben made quick work of disposing his pants and underwear so that he could feel bare skin against skin. Michael's head turned to one side as he captured Ben's lips in a searing kiss. When they finally separated for air Ben plunged into the heat of his lover. At first it started slow but he eventually picked up the pace. He pulled Michael into a sitting position so that he was impaled even deeper then before. With his hands on Michaels hips he was able to bring them both to completion.

When their hearts finally seemed to return to a normal pace Ben got up to get some food. Michael lay back on the bed trying to recover. He only drifted out of his satisfied state when Ben returned to his side and pressed some food to his lips.

"Eat up baby, you need to regain some of your strength"

Michael accepted the food offered to him. With the last bit of their flat bread rations he pulled one of Bens fingers into his mouth and began to suck the sweet flour taste the food had left behind. Ben pulled his finger out and traced the outline of Michael's full lips. He could feel the soft skin tremble in anticipation under his touch. He wanted to taste him all over again. His fingers travelled along his jaw line when they came in contact with the slave collar. On the thick brass metal was Jabba's name claiming ownership to those who wore it. Ben moved over to his sack and pulled out a tool kit Michael had given him on one of their first missions together. He could still remember the look of concern in those eyes as he felt the pouch pressed into his fingers. It was always better to be prepared and he was grateful that he still carried them with him although it was usually a reminder of who was waiting for him. He pulled out a small chisel and inserted it into the key slot. It took a while until he heard the rewarding click as the collar came off. Michaels neck the device had left some nasty red marks where the collar had bitten into his skin. Ben ran his fingers over the marks then his tongue to try and smooth the skin. The collar had caused some marks that were going to remain as scars. He resented the idea of a constant reminder that someone else had tried to take his Michael. His hands travelled to his own throat as if trying to remove the lump in his throat. His finger came in contact with the last gift his mother ever gave him. The stone was a pendulum and was a piece of a home he had to leave behind to pursue his studies as a Zen master. Ben removed the necklace he wore and placed it on Michaels skin. Michael opened his eyes as he became aware of the feel of the leather against his skin. The warm quartz that was attached seemed to glisten against Michaels skin.

"Ben, you never take that off it means so much. It belongs with you."

"So do you."

Ben pulled Michael close intending to spend the whole night proving they belonged to each other.

End of "The Hero" by Amok -- email

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