On October 24 the Office was proud to present "Penises
and Pens". Then some male slash authors will honor us with their presence.
SpookyBear and UnChuck
had agreed to be "grilled" in front of the audience.
"I have been watching the X Files from the beginning; the minute I saw Mulder, I said to myself that that fellow is a gay character. And when, some years later, I discovered slash, well...the rest, as they say, is history. I have been writing for years, but nothing every published - electronically or otherwise. I write mainly Krycek, but I have a Skinner in the works as well as a continuing X Files/Pretender crossover series. I also enjoy reading and watching X Files, Due South, Sentinal, and Once a Thief - What slash potential!" The stories: Closing
Time M/K NC-17
Brother by Choice - an X-Files/Pretender crossover series. I.
The Gold in the Glass M/K R
SpookyBear Mik is a 31-year-old, gay, leatherboy Seattleite who has extreme Skinner fantasies! He prefers reading and writing MiSker stories but has lately been haunted by Ratboy gnawing at the back of his mind. He currently lives alone with his two owners Pandora and Neelix, who much to their frustration, are trapped in the bodies of cats. Stories include: (all are on the MSSS
page. I don't have the URL.)
Current Projects:
UnChuck - aka the Lopsided Weevil, prefers to remain a man of mystery, only revealing myself in words, and by making the occasional appearance at cons around the globe. You can check out my story archive. I write mainly M/K stories, but one of my biggest ongoing works, the PROJECT series, features a significant role for Skinner. I've been writing slash for about a year and a half now, after discovering it some two years ago. And yes, Star Trek smut was the thing I tripped over in cyberspace. What am I working on now? Argh, I was afraid you were going to ask that question! Unfortunately, I haven't written a thing since last May! But in honor of this special chat, I've been working on a little story...<g> Those who've read my stuff can probably tell you that my stuff tends to be a little different, a little off-kilter (thus the name Lopsided...) and trust me, this one's different. I hope to post it to some of the lists a few days before the special chat. Well, enough about me! Hope to see y'all at the chat! Continue to the part 1 of the logs. |