Continued from part 1 of the logs.

<Guest05> It's on more than one of their channels LE
<Guest05> Lianne there's three listed.
<LittleEva> I only have one Showtime :-(
<Lianne> Ah. The original movie, then the four episodes worth
<Guest03> in NY area, the Movie Channel lists 3 made for cable films.
<Lianne> Meanwhile, here in Canada Showcase has it in perpetual re-runs
<Lianne> Good old 'Show-it-again-Case'
<Lianne> Home of OAT, Due South, Forever Knight, Counterstrike, etc...
<Guest02> I need to get that channel beamed over to the UK
<Guest06> I don't know a lot of the shows, but I think Crossovers are fun :-)
* Guest02 has gone into Nick withdrawal
<Blue> Huh? :)
<Riticulan> They showed "It's a Beautiful Thing" last week
<LittleEva> me too Guest02.
<LittleEva> I need some Nick and fast.
<Guest03> what is 'beautiful thing' ?
<Riticulan> A gay movie about two teenagers, really touching story. Chanel 4 originally.
<Blue> Host03, don't tell me I missed OAT here, too? Who's got copies for me?
<Host01> Question to all: Why do you like/dislike cross fandom pairings.
<Host03> it was canned, Blue
<LittleEva> It never made it to the USA.
<Host03> they only showed four eps or something
<Lianne> what's not to like?
<Guest02> I've made 26 sets of copies of the OAT tapes I imported, so Liane is getting me some more originals
<Guest03> xovers give unlimited sets to pair Mulder with
<Guest02> so far they've gone to most countires in Europe
<Lianne> Taped straight off tv at SP speed, so as good as you can get
<LittleEva> but for some reason they don't show it in the USA...strange since Ivan Sergei is in a series here now.
<Lianne> And Nick Lea is fantastic
<Guest02> They're jealous becasue it's so good
<LittleEva> Oh yes Lianne he is!
<Lianne> But Fox deep-sixed doing the series, so a Canadian channel picked it up
<Lianne> And Blue, OAT *was* shown in Germany
<LittleEva> I don't know why FOX deep sixed it, I bet it was better than Harsh Relm.
<Riticulan> It's being shown in Finland now.
<rac> I like the expanded universes in which to have the characters roam, but I dislike it when their written "just to slash two characters". I dunno, I guess I dont' feel that every character need be slashed. Some just don't suit it, to
<Lianne> Finland???
<Guest03> who is un-slashable?
<Guest01> I agree with rac. Some characters shouldn't be slashed for sure.
<Riticulan> Yep, it's just started.
<Lianne> Spender Sr.
<Guest03> other than CSM
<LittleEva> well I've read CSM slash fic...
<LittleEva> I read a Spender/Krycek story once too.
<Guest03> frohike and krycek was kinda interesting
<Lianne> ewwwwww
<Guest02> I've read CSM/
<Guest01> CSM was Skinner's ex in one of my stories. Not a happy relationship. ROFL.
<Lianne> ewwwwww!!!!
<Guest05> ewwww! How could you?
* Guest08 snickers
<Guest03> who from other fandoms is not slashable with Mulder?
<Guest08> beautiful!
<Guest01> Well it wasn't exactly a relationship.
<Guest02> Was that why CSM was haunting Skinner's office so much at the beginning
<Blue> I have to find the guy(s) attractive and sexy. I love Methos, but I don't find him erotic, so D/M slash doesn't do much for me.
<Lianne> Mulder? Mulder is a slut. He can be paired with just about *anyone*
<rac> Guest03, I dunno, off the top of my head...umm.., but I know i've read a few.
<LittleEva> At first I thought Frank Black wasn't slashable until I did it <G>
<Guest01> My take on it was...that's was the mistake Skinner made...he fell for the wrong guy early on...or thought he had.
<Guest05> I feel a little out of the loop there too Blue, I'm not nearly the Methos fan my friends are.
<Guest07> I really don't want to see any Mulder/Bashir story...
Guest08 glares at Guest05
<Lianne> Blue! Methos is the *most* slashable character!
<Lianne> Methos <droooool>
<Guest05> Bashir!? That would be great. I could see them together.
<LittleEva> oh dear Guest07. I have to agree with that.
<Guest01> Personally...I don't see Mulder as a slut...whatever that is actually. I've never written him that way.
<Guest03> no Mulder/Black, Skinner would get mad
<Lianne> I've seen one of those
<LittleEva> I've just never found Bashir sexy, but that's just me.
<Blue> Lianne, I find Methos absolutely cute. Just not erotic.
<Lianne> I'd do him. In a *second*
<rac> Methos is definitely slashable. He's lived 5000 years, thru all the eras where that was "normal".
<Lianne> Well, I'd take a little longer than that, but you get the idea
<LittleEva> I imagine Methos has done about everything sexual.
<Guest03> does methos have a big sword?
<Guest05> Or had it done to him, as seen in the fiction.
<Lianne> Now Duncan, on the other hand, does nothing for me
<rac> <G> depends on who's writing him <G> Don't know, Guest03... I imagine it like his whole body... thin and whippetlike
<Guest02> Can't really comment on Highlander as i've only got two episodes
<Guest03> i meant the silver sword
<Blue> LOL, Lianne... I find Duncan dead sexy!!! ROFL!
<Guest01> So, some of these pairings have like, standard tops and bottoms too? Like in XF - Skinner tops, Mulder doesn't?
<rac> As for Mulder, just watched the rerun of Dreamland 2, and loved whathisnames' line: This guy hasn't been laid in years! when he sees Mulder's bedroom.
<LittleEva> maybe I should have asked which sword you're talking about?
<Blue> What about pairings with Joe Dawson, what do you think about that?
<Guest01> Just curious.
<LittleEva> Now Mulder has a water bed or does he?
<rac> I forget which sword he uses, I should know...duh. It's fairly big, yes.
<Guest01> LIke I said - I don't have a lot of knowledge about crossovers.
<Lianne> He does. Wonder if he's figured out *how* he got it yet
<LittleEva> I once read a Joe Dawson story with Methos.
<Lianne> And Blue, I love Joe Dawson/Richie stories
<Guest05> It's an Ivanhoe isn't it?
<Blue> Guest01, I'm just thinking about a M/Sk snippet where Mulder is SK's Master, just as an experiment.
<Lianne> Yep, Guest05

<Host01> Question to all: What about research? Do you do research for an X-Over?
<Guest08> loved JiM's dawson story
<rac> Guest01, I dislike pigeonholing characters into standard tops and bottoms. I think the best can go either way.
<Guest01> IMHO...Mulder could top...he is a proflier...he'd have all the tools. Guest06 wrote an excellent story where he does.
<rac> I personally love to see the big guys get vulnerable <G>
<Lianne> Research is your friend. Research on the shows. Research on locations. Research on everything
<Blue> Guest08, could you give me the title? I love Joe!
<Guest08> jas, blue
<Guest01> Good for you rac. I dislike it intensely myself.
<Guest03> are the authers fans of the xover fandoms too?
<LittleEva> I usually talk it over with my beta reader and I watch the episodes again for research.
<rac> Yes, Lianne! Know Thy Shows. <G> Watch Thy Shows. <G> Or else, have a darn good feel for them.
<Blue> Thanks, Guest08
<Lianne> I've been doing a lot of Pretender research lately for New War
<Lianne> And most of the shows I write, I watch over and over again
<LittleEva> I really don't watch a lot of Pretender I'm afraid.
<Blue> Yes, I do reasearch when it comes to some of the weird stuff Mulder always tells. And when it comes to special occasions like dinner with Persian food. LOL.
<Guest03> lianne: what a shame to keep watching Oat tapes
<Blue> I seldom write ep-related stuff, but if I do, I watch the eps several times
<rac> Oh but Lianne, Joe/Richie? That's just OTT for me. Richie is one of those whom I don't see *easily* slashed, and few stories have ever convinced me.
<Lianne> Oh yeah. It's such a hardship to watch OAT over and over again
<Blue> I have read some Richie/Joe stuff, too, and found it great, just can't remember the author
<rac> Mona, most likely.
<Lianne> Mona Ramsey
<Guest05> Richie is the Jimmy Olson of HL imho
<rac> Good writer, but doesn't convince me.
<rac> LOLOL oh my god.... Guest05, yes!
<Guest03> isn't Joe/Richie a may/december relationship. it takes getting used to.
<Lianne> Guest05, do I dare mention that Fonzie/Richie Cunningham story I'm working on?
<Blue> Huh? May/december????
<Guest08> no, joe/*methos* is a may/december relationship
<LittleEva> what Lianne?
<Guest03> how about Fonzie/Krycek?
<rac> Neither of them are easily slashed, IMO. Read a Joe/Methos that did convince me, though. Rare.
<LittleEva> both do wear leather, Fonzie and Krycek.
<Guest05> With Fonzie/Krycek they could share the jacket. <g>
<Guest08> the JiM one I was thinking of was "After Archangel"
<rac> It's not the age *at all* (that's what that means, Blue, young/old)
<Blue> ah, thanks, rac
<rac> It's the characters, plain and simple.
<Guest05> Isn't Methos/anybody a may/december relationshiip?
<Guest03> after archangel?
<Blue> Question to all: Is age important to you when you slash characters?
<rac> Yes, JiM's was convincing.
<Lianne> As long as neither is underage... nope
<Blue> Even if it's consensual?
<rac> It's mental age/maturity/comprehension of life that's important to me, not physical age. I know lots of infantile people my age or older <G>
<Guest02> I have to find both the characters interesting - however some pairings squick me
<Guest02> even if I like them with someone else
<Lianne> like?
<rac> Good point, Guest02
<Blue> Yes, who squicks you, that's interesting
<Guest02> M/Sk
<rac> Why?
<Guest02> I like M/K and K/Sk
<Riticulan> Duck! <g>
<Lianne> Interesting
<Guest02> they seem too much like father and sone to me
<LittleEva> I like Jim/Blair and M/K, M/Sk, Sk/Frank Black.
<Guest01> I'm not even going to get into that M/K or Sk/K thing. ROFL. No way. Trouble.
<Riticulan> I find the Gunmen take a little getting used to, but they aren't really a squick.
<Lianne> Strangely enough, while I love M/Sk, I can't seem to write it. When I write, it's M/K all the way
<LittleEva> the Gumnen don't do it for me.
<Lianne> (well other than that brief Krycek/Kincaid interlude)
<rac> Guest06 picked up on that and wrote a great AU discipline series "Frontier" on her site, with father Skinner, son Mulder.
<Guest03> skinner/csm, to me it would be forced
<Guest07> *Yes*, Guest03, it would be <broad grin>.
<Blue> discipline... that's something I don't get. All the beating gets me hot and bothered, and then there's no sex.
<rac> I think there are elements of the father/son relationship there, but to me, it doesn't inform *all* of their relationship, by far.
<Blue> Yes, Guest03... CSM is icky
<Guest01> We don't know what Skinner was like when he was younger...we can guess...but after the war I would be he was very vulnerable. I think CSM, if he saw an opportunity could have suborned him then...even as a lover for a time...IMHO
<Host01> always depends on the scene... and who's into what, Blue, I think
<LittleEva> CSM ick.
<Guest01> Sorry I would bet I meant to type.
<rac> Yes, Guest01, the psychology works.
<Guest01> Exactly rac.
<LittleEva> There was an XF episode where it began showing Bill Mulder and CSM as very young men.
<Guest03> all due respect to WBD, Csm is 'ick'
<LittleEva> the guy who played the young CSM was kind of cute.
<Guest03> Chris Owens grows on you.
<Guest05> even if he was a sciopath.
<Guest01> Skinner would be devasted to find out it was a big mistake as well...and then CSM would hold the whole thing over him...threatening his career, his marriage, or his realationship with anyone else.
<rac> <cute> and <CSM> in same sentence......<SHUDDER> <G>
<Guest02> The one is Piper Maru was okay
<LittleEva> all the time blowing smoke in his face.
<Blue> Yes, LE, and Chris Owens is not ugly, either
<Riticulan> Drovar will have to read this log <lol>
<Guest03> who could CSM xover with?
<Guest02> Jeffy still hasn't grown on me
<rac> Exactly. It works. I've read similar scenarios with Krycek being suborned by CSM at young age.
<Host02> There's some really cute pics of him around.
<Guest01> Right, rac.
<rac> Guest03, how about Darth Maul? <eg>
<Guest01> CSM and Diana Fowley...the opportunity was missed unfortunately.
<Guest03> rac - yeah, someone with as much power
<Blue> Acks, Diana....
<rac> We don't know that....they could've been having a relationship all this time.
<rac> (CSM and Diana)
<Guest01> Well I thought so, rac. I thought they were actually.
<Guest03> Csm with the Senator in phantom menace
<rac> me, too, really.
<LittleEva> is an interesting photo.
<rac> I still thought they'd come out and make her the phantom ex-wife of Mulder.
<Blue> OK, I want Jar Jar with Mulder. LOL.
<rac> oh GOD, Blue, I really should bump you now. <G>
<Guest05> No tpm! Argh!
<Guest01> I wondered about that too, rac. Would have been interesting.
<LittleEva> "weesa having sex!"
<Guest01> Jar Jar was an insult. I hated that character and sorry...couldn't stand the film either to be real honest.
<Guest08> bad bad
<Guest03> eva - that does sound like phantom fanfic
<LittleEva> I don't even know if Jar Jar has the equipment.
<LittleEva> Yes, it was from Phantom Menace fanfic.
<Guest02> I thought Phantom menace was a pile of horse manure
<Guest01> He has a hell of a tongue.
<rac> PM film was dry and emotion at ALL except during death scene. Havne't seen such a dry film in years.
<Guest01> Here, here, Guest02. I agree
<rac> All gimics and no depth.
<Host01> Question to all: Did you ever think of an X-Over with anything but another TV show? (Book, play, shortstory, movie etc)
<Guest03> i did read of Jar Jar's tongue and
<Blue> Well, Data of ST:TNG was "fully equipped" and we never saw it... btw, some new x-over ideas pop into my head...
<Guest03> Qui gon
<LittleEva> Yes, I did wonder about slashing "The Matrix."
<Guest05> Keanu!!! Yum, yum,yum,!
<rac> Oh. Yum.
<Lianne> I think about it, but I don't use novels in slash. Movies, maybe
<Guest01> The Matrix was a great film
<Guest03> Neo and ?
<rac> That's doable.
<Host01> or take Farf from Total Recall - I mean, that guy is temptation, right?
<LittleEva> I'll have to watch the know a few that's hard right?
<LittleEva> Neo and Morphus.
<Blue> Yes, I've been thinking about Skinner and Lestat... or Mulder and Lestat and David...
<Host02> Interesting, Little Eva - keep us posted!
<LittleEva> Depends if I'm in a Keanu mood <G>
<rac> I haven't personally been inspired to use another media to slash.
<Guest03> vampires and anybody! yum
<Guest01> Skinner would fit better in a werewolf scenario IMHO. I have an idea on the backburner for that one.
<Lianne> <blink> oooooh, sounds neat
<rac> I like it when Skinner grows...anything.
<Blue> Guest01!!! Werewolfs are *hairy*!!! LOL. Vampires are erotic, at least Anne Rice's.
<Guest01> Yeah, I have to get up the enery to write it. My stuff is so long...ROFL. I takes a while.
<Guest01> My werewolves are...very erotic.
<Guest01> ROFL
<Lianne> oh, Blue. Werewolves can be *very* sexy
<Guest02> My first written slash was about book characters - before I knew what slash was <g>
<LittleEva> which characters?
<Guest02> Biggles books
<Guest02> I was about 13 at the time
<Blue> Ok, Guest01, whatever you say... I want Skinner with a long staff. Hehe. And hair.
<Guest05> My first written slash was about two guys on my jr high school wrestling team... Guess that falls into the rl/actor slash domain.
<Guest03> how about Mulder and the Canterville Ghost? the scene was set with ghost that stole xmas
<Blue> What are Biggles books?
<LittleEva> long staff?
<Guest01> ROFL. Blue. If I can ever get it up to write it I don'
<LittleEva> Like Sleepy Hollow?
<Guest01> sorry....don't think you'll be disappointed
<LittleEva> Biggles books?
<Blue> Guest01, you don't get your staff up anymore? Can I help? ROFL.
<Guest02> They are a series of Books written for boys <g>
<Guest02> and being a tomboy I enjoyed them very much
<Guest02> Four men lived together <g>
<Guest01> ROFL. The staff is's the spirits that tired. I need a break. Triple Counterpoint is at the beta and the sucker was something like 230 pages! ROFL.
<Guest01> Like 900+KB of M/SK coming your way soon.
<Guest01> sorry M/SK/SC
<Guest01> Scully
<Guest01> It's a threesome
<Guest03> Guest01 the stephen king of M/Sk fanfic
<Blue> WOW!!! Now that's really something to look forward to! Ahem... is Scully in there? Having sex with either of the guys? Tell me no, please...
<LittleEva> Ah. I read this web site where it was Mulder/Skully and Krycek.
<Blue> Ah, heck. I just read your answer.
<Guest01> Sorry Blue...she does the wild thing with them both...and they also get it on together.
<Guest01> Something for everyone.
<Guest01> Lots of M/SK though.
<Host02> Sounds quite neat
<Guest02> <pout> no Krycek?
<LittleEva> I read a sweet story with Scully/Krycek. They met before she was partnered with Mulder.
<Guest01> In my Krycek in bed with them. No. No. No. ROFL. Sorry.
<Guest03> no krycek or any NL incarnation?
<Blue> Well Guest01... you don't like Krycek in the guys' bed, I don't like Scully in it... LOL. Although I love Scully, I just can't imagine her as a seuxal being.
<Guest04> I might try a mm/xf universe
<LittleEva> I wouldn't mind Krycek in bed with me <G>
<Guest04> frank black/skinner
<rac> Let me (further) plug Wounded Heroes...there's my xover, Duncan MacLeod/SKinner, and Melina's, a fourth
sequel to Bone's Look series (Ellison/MacLeod), and finally, Lyrica's Sen/XF xover. One of each.
<LittleEva> Guest04, oh yes I like that one.
<Guest04> I am parttial to Walt
<Guest05> rac -- you are so focused. I'm just bouncing waiting for it to get here. :)
<rac> I'm bouncing waiting to be able to MAIL it. Still waiting on last illos. (sigh)
<Guest02> <VBG> I'm just foucssed on Nick
<Blue> Nick Lea is beautiful and he has a sexy voice.
<Guest01> On the show, Scully is my ROFL. Yeah, I agree with you though. They make her look dysfunctional on the show.
<Guest02> He sure is
<rac> Alex is in one story, by Barb G...fabulous XF piece.
<Guest02> Is that the rats and ships one?
<Guest01> NL is ok. He's a fine actor. Great on the show. I have no interest in slashing him or having him get sexual with any of the leads. Now I could see him with Marita for sure because that was done. IMHO there's a good, tragic
backstory there too.
<rac> re: Scully- her psychology, tho, is fairly consistent, actually, no matter how much it drives audience crazy. She is *fear* driven, always has been.
<Host01> More a general slash question now for all: Do you ever get your characters into "kinky" situations, like in BDSM, or have them develop a fetish of some kind?
<rac> Guest02: rats and ships? No, "Guardian Angel", a new piece. All stories are brand new.
<Guest01> Scully comes from the type of background that would be bound to make her repressed. I'm surprised she slept with that other agent early on in her career.
<Riticulan> All The Time <g>
<Lianne> Nope, can't say that I have. I'm pretty vanilla when it comes to sex
<Guest02> I'll have to find Guardian Angel
<Blue> Host01, I'm just writing on a piece with a nice BDSM part, it's a threesome
<LittleEva> I don't think I've ever had anyone have a fetish, though I had Krycek tape Skinner when they were together.
<rac> My first xover was a threesome, guess that's more than vanilla.
<Host02> Who's in it, Blue?
<Guest01> Not BDSM per se. Some people consider three ways kinky though I guess.
<Guest03> who in other fandoms could have a fetish that would xover?
<Blue> What do you think, Host02er... Sk/M/K, of course <BG>
<LittleEva> I once did a four way didn't think it was kinky though.
<LittleEva> I wonder what Frank Black's fetish would be.
<Guest05> To me XF just screams for kinky sex. But other fandoms don't necessarily.
<Guest01> Plus I do have a rather extreme sex scene in Triple Counterpoint coming up. Something some people consider kinky I guess.
<Lianne> Then again, I did do a threesome where two of them tied up the third and had their wicked way with him
<Guest03> Mulder in the Middle would be described as kink
<Guest02> rac: is there any more Krycek in it?
<rac> LE: having control taken awy from him.
<rac> Guest02, no, just that one story. :-)
<LittleEva> I agree rac. I could see Frank Black getting off on getting dominated.
<Guest01> Skinner as well, LE and rac.
<Guest02> I'll wait for it on the net then
<Guest01> I think losing control would appeal to him as well.
<rac> Skinner as sub.....<oh yeah> thunk.
<Guest03> where are all the Mulder in handcuffs that should have come from 6 extinction/AF?
<Lianne> Mulder in the Middle is a headache! I have trouble remembering who's doing what to whom. Doesn't stop me from reading and loving them, though <g>
<Riticulan> A while ago, someone did a Krycek as Frank Black's illigitimate son, and Frank had sex with Mudler, sex with your sons boyfriend is a little kinky.
<LittleEva> In Millennium there was an episode where Frank Black was dominated by Lucy Butler I believe.
<Blue> I just read a wonderful story by Sergeeva, "Mistress mine". Skinner in the hands of a Dominatrix. Great.
<LittleEva> Riticulan, what story is that???
<Lianne> Riticulan! Where! Who wrote it and what title?
<Riticulan> Wish I could rememer the name, but there is a series of them.
<LittleEva> Addy please Riticulan!
<LittleEva> oh....
<Riticulan> Wish I could dear, when I find it, I'll email.
<rac> Keep reading Guest06's 24/7 series...she plans on writing about Skinner's early-on history in the BDSM world, well prior to Mulder's advent.
<Guest01> I saw Sergeeva wrote that one. Wish I could read it. I have personal problems with that type of scenario unfortunately.
<Guest01> Sergeeva's a wonderful writer.
<Blue> Yes, Guest01, to both. I love Sergeeva, she's my beta. I had a big problem seeing Skinner a) as a sub resp. slave and b) in the hands of a woman. But this story was an exception for me.
<Guest05> I've been wallowing in your P/K stories again Guest10. :)
<Guest02> Hi Guest10
<Guest02> The Krycek as Frank Black's son are by Fleur
<LittleEva> hi Guest10!
<LittleEva> Fleur.
<Guest02> I'll try to find the URL - brb
<Host01> Guest10 - what would be your favorite XF crossover pairing?
<Guest01> I can see Skinner as a submissive because it would be just the opposite of what he has to do with his life all the time. He might consider it as a relief.
<Guest10> The XF crossover pairing that I would love to see is Scully and Amanda from HL...
<Guest01> IMHO, I could see Scully as his dominatrix...and at this point in the storyline on the show...he'd want her to punish him anyway for what he's done.
<Host03> oh yeah
<Blue> I agree, Guest01. Once I read Sergeeva's story, something made click and I totally could see him submissive
<Host02> Yes, it's a classic situation: big boss needs to let go.
<LittleEva> Oh Guest01, yes.
<Blue> Just not with Scully... ROFL
<LittleEva> Maybe Skinner with Amanda from HL?
<Blue> I find Scully great and really beautiful, but totally un-sexy
<Guest05> I agree Blue.
<Guest03> skinner and the director from Oat. she's already got the leather
<rac> oh Guest10, *what* a combo. wild wicked Amanda making buttoned-up Scully take her hair down. So to speak.
<LittleEva> LOL Guest03, yes The Director.
<Guest10> It'd work for me, rac. :-)
<Blue> A woman I really adored was Jadzia Dax. I'd love to see her with one of the guys
<Guest03> the director can 'do' just about anybody
<Guest05> Jadzia, yum! I like your taste Blue. But I'm a Xena fan myself. Can't cross that with anything.
<Blue> Yes, I'd love to see Scully and Amanda! Great idea!
<Guest02> Fleur's stories were posted to X/
<Guest03> Ares and.......?
<Blue> I didn't watch Xena, unfortunately. My RL job makes me work on weekends too often.
<rac> Well, I have a big Blair/Walter kink, and thanks to Blue, had it fed, then also thanks to Lyrica, who is feeding it *endlessly* for the zine. <G>
<Guest05> Blair/Walter? But what will poor Jim do???
<Blue> Hehe, glad you liked it, rac. Thanks. Can I find Lyrica's stuff in an archive, too?
<rac> Watch <G> Heh.
<Guest05> Guess he'll have to find comfort from Mulder.
<rac> Oh yes, you are so right.
<Blue> I let Blair make Walter confess his love to Mulder - *after* the hot sex.
<rac> Lyrica's at....shoot, can't find her site addy at the moment. This story, tho, is in WH.
<Host02> Guest05, in Blue's story Skinner is a catalyst, sort of ... and Blair as well;-) They get to their partners - that's something I liked very much in your story, Blue.
<Guest05> I really liked that story -- Blue
<Guest03> blue - when are you writing it?
<Guest08> me too, blue!
<Blue> And I *will* write something where Skinner and Ellison watch Mulder and Sandburg, then do each other.
<Host04> ooooh
<Guest05> Lyrica's on Owlet's the Forest page.
<Guest05> Blue! That's so hot. I love the idea of Skinner/Ellison. Have an xo of my own in the works for that one. :)
<Blue> Thank you, Host02, Guest05! Guest03, it's already written, it's at The Smiling Pectoral God Archive.
<LittleEva> So Fleur's stories are on X slash?
<Guest03> where is this 'god' archive?
<Guest02> they should be in the archive - I saved them from when they appeared on the list
<Blue> Guest05, let's exchange our stories when they are ready, ok???
<LittleEva> I did a story about Ellison and Skinner but they'd been lovers in the past.
<rac> where, LE? at your site?
<Guest05> Blue, mines will be a long time in coming, i've had it outlined for over a year. <sigh>
<Blue> Thanks for Lyricas addy!
<LittleEva> Yes rac
<Guest08> but it'll be good...
<LittleEva> "My Old Lover Works for the FBI."
<Blue> Guest05, mine will take time, too. RL is an evil thing and I have so many ideas... <sighs> I need a millionaire!
<Guest05> That was a great story LE
<Blue> Or, no, the millions would be enough
<LittleEva> thanks Guest05
<Guest01> We all need to win the Lottery. ROFL.
<rac> now that's an idea!
<Guest01> So many little time...and I write so many long stories. ROFL.
<Riticulan> We'd form the Slash :Collective <G>
<Host02> Yes... then buy "Slashers' Island"...
<Guest02> They are on Archive X
<Guest05> yup that's the place Host02! :)
<Guest01> ROFL. There you go.
<Blue> LE, where is your site, please?
<LittleEva> I think that's it.
<Blue> Slasher's Island... oh man... what a Think Tank!
<Blue> Thanks, Eva!
<Host01> Dear slashers and friends. The official part of Today's Feature Chat XF CROSSOVERS is now officially over. Please stay and chat away, have fun! Every Saturday slash chat at 1pm EST - please drop by again.
<LittleEva> Though it's not really "my" site, some good person set it up for me since I don't have a decent computer.
<Guest01> Exactly, Blue. ROFL. Tha'ts what I was thinking.
<Host01> Thank you, BlueMohairbear, Lianne, Little Eva, rac, and Riticulan ! We had a splendid time "grilling you"
<bg> Thank you for being frank and elaborate with us!
<Guest01> Oh...good chat! Congrats to you all.
<Host04> Tons of thanks to the guests!
<Guest01> frank/elaborate, a new pairing!
<Guest03> what are the usual saturday chats like?
<Blue> Thanks for inviting me, I was touched to be invited and I had lots of fun!
<Host04> informal slashy fun:)
<LittleEva> thanks for inviting me.
<Guest08> thanks for the chat, everyone
<Host02> Thanks for being with us, dear guests!!! {{{{}}}}
<Guest08> I've got to get back to work <g>
<Lianne> Grilling? It that where those funny sunburnt lines came from?

The End.


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