by Amiroq
Disclaimer: Character theft? Me? Never!
Thank Yous: Thank you to Turtle for introducing me to SYC - thank you to
SYC for being crazy and making me stay. Only you guys would wear
newspaper clothing to a 'formal' dinner. Thanks to Adam, the fire
warden, who brought in the wood for the fire, which I was sitting next to when I
had this idea ("It's in the shed that says 'FIREWOOD'
in big black letters!"). While I'm at it, thanks to the other
wardens: Doctor Shayle, Nurse Heather, Hayden the entertainment dude, and
Duane the poo warden. You guys rock. So do you, Nev - "If you love me
honey, smile." And thanks also to Luke, who stayed behind from the
snow with us so we could hang out in the lodge and play with the flying
"It's a very nice car," Harry said, looking at Tom's
Camaro. Tom cringed - he wasn't getting anywhere with this
"Oh, come on, Har!" he enthused. "It's a great
car. Just look at it. Now that is a speed machine."
"A real hotrod, huh?" Now he turned to face Tom, leaning back
against the driver's door, damned sexily.
"Absolutely. You've got to see this thing go."
Harry grinned wickedly, and Tom had to stop himself from melting right
then and there. "It's nice. Now do you wanna show me your
other hot rod?"