FAQ Alt.StarTrek.Creative, Posting Codes Version 2.03 September 1, 2001

The complete FAQ is located here.

Series Codes:
This tells you which series a story is in.

TOS:   The Original Series
TNG:   The Next Generation
DS9:   Deep Space Nine
DSN:   Deep Space Nine (infrequent)
VOY:   Voyager
VGR:   Voyager (infrequent)
ENT:   Enterprise
OCC:   Original Characters & Crew
MIS:   None of the above.

The following Series are MIS or OCC, but have earned the right to their own code on ASC.

INF:   Infinity
MAJ:   Majestic
AMA:   Amagosa Universe

Rating Codes
We use the MPAA rating system, as it's the most well known and deeply entrenched in the group. Those ratings are [G], [PG], [PG-13], [R], [NC-17] Note the use of the []. We place them around the ratings to make them look different than several character codes and ease filtering

[G]   all ages, no parental guidance necessary. No sex, no violence, no unpleasant situations.

[PG]   all ages, but parental guidance is suggested, meaning there may be language or situations that parents may want to consider whether or not the story is age-appropriate for their children.

[PG-13]   all ages, but parental guidance is suggested, for the same reasons as above. In addition and in particular parents should strongly consider whether their children under the age of 13 are ready for some of the material contained. This might be for language, action/violence, or situations that might require explanation by the parents (such as racism, sexual situations, etc.). [R]   adult content. This could be due to language, violence or sexual situations, or other adult situations.

[NC-17]   means the story is either highly violent, largely concerned with sex and/or sexual exploration., or contains sexual material which may be offensive or troublesome to readers. This does not mean that graphic sex is included in a story.

[NR]    The author has chosen not to rate this story.

For more information on Ratings.

Ordering and Use of Character Codes:
Character codes are used to referance the main characters and romance pairings in the subject line. Several separators are used to denote how the codes (and characters) relate:

/   Sexually Involved, or nearly so

&   Relationship only (No Sex, generally Friendship)

,   Featured

The character codes are generally ordered in seniority or age order. A character with a code is always before one who doesn't have one. The order of the codes are now in typical seniority order. There are of course, exceptions to the rules. Also, due to some common pairings using the same letters but different series, the order is mandated in some cases. Exceptions will be listed at the end of each section.

You can always spell out a character's name in the event it is not listed above.

The Original Series. . .

K    James T. Kirk
S   Spock
Mc   Dr. Leonard Horatio McCoy
Sc   Scotty (Montgomery Scott)
Su   (Walter Hikaru) Sulu
U   Nyota Uhura
C   Pavel Androveitch Chekov
Ch   Christine Chapel
R   Janice Rand
Sa   Sarek
Am   Amanda Grayson (wife of Sarek)

The Next Generation. . .

P   Jean-Luc Picard
R   William Thomas Riker
C   Beverly Crusher
D   Data
La   Geordi La Forge
W   Worf
T   Deanna Troi
Y   Na(tasha) Yar
Wes   Wesley Crusher
L   Lore
Lx   Lwaxana Troi

Deep Space Nine. . .

S   Benjamin Layfitte Sisko
K   Kira Nerys
O   Odo
G   Garak
O'B   Miles O'Brien
B   Julian Subatoi Bashir
W   Worf
D   Jadzia Dax
Qu   Quark
Ez   Ezri Dax
Ja    Jake Sisko
KO'B    Keiko O'Brien
R    Rom
Bl    Bariel
Br    Brunt
Du    Dukat
Dmr    Damar
I   Intendant (alternate universe Kira)
Kev   Keevan
L   Leeta
MO'B   Molly O'Brien
We   Weyoun
Zek   Zek
Z   Tora Ziyal
G/B   Garak and Bashir
O/K   Kira and Odo
J/J   Bashir and Jadzia Dax
O'Bs   Miles and Keiko O'Brien

Voyager. . .

J   Kathryn Elizabeth Janeway
C   Chakotay
Tu   Tuvok
Doc/EMH   The Doctor
P   Thomas Eugene Paris
T   B'Elanna Torres
K   Harry (Stephan Liu) Kim
N   Neelix
Kes   Kes, of course
Ka   Kashyk
S   Seska
Vo   Vorik
7/Seven   Seven of Nine
C/P   Chakotay and Paris
P/T   Paris and Torres
P/K   Paris and Kim
P/K/T   Paris, Kim, and Torres
K/7   Kim and Seven of Nine

Enterprise. . .

A   Jonathan Archer
T   T'Pol
P   Phlox
R   Malcolm Reed
Ma   Travis Mayweather
S   Hoshi Sato
Tu   Charles Tucker

Others. . .

Q   Q played by John Delance
Suzy-Q   female Q from "The Q and the Gray
Q2   male Q from The Next Generation episode "Deja Q"
Q(m)   a male Q
Q(f)   a female Q
SS   Shuttlecraft, starships, etc.
m   A male not listed above
f   A female not listed above

Story Type:
Several types of writing have been defined. Those are:

xover (infrequent)   Crossover between Trek and a Non-Trek Show. Indicate Series

xo   Crossover

poem   Poetry

drabble   A story of exactly 100 words

filk   A song reworded to fit Star Trek

au   alternate universe

It is suggested that these be indicated in the subject line, and for archiving purposes be identified at least in the story header on the Codes line.

Content Codes:
The content codes are nice things to have but are not required. In fact, many people say they can do without them. So, these are provided for those that want to use them. They are strictly optional. Most of these come from the Alt.Sex.Stories Story Codes for Readers FAQ.

act   action-based story


bd/b&d   bondage

ds   dominance and submission; sometimes D/s

h-c   hurt comfort

mc   mind control

nc   non-consensual

sm/s&m   sadomasochism

viol   violence

This FAQ was prepared based on material previously found in the Introduction, Advice for Authors, and Reader's Guide FAQs.
That material was compiled with the help of:
Alara Rogers, Archivist (1995-8)
Ruth Gifford, ASCEM FAQ (1995-9)
Ned Fox, ASCEM FAQ (1999-2000)
Dina Lerret, ASC Archivist (1998-2000)
Datalaur, Golden Os Website Maintainer (1999-)
Katie Redshoes, Archive Team (1998-)
Meghan Elizabeth, ASCA Summary Editor (2000-)
Greywolf, ASCEM FAQ (2000-)
Kattz, ASC Awards (2000-)
Mary Ellen Curtin, Golden Os (2000) and other members of the ASC Staff.

The FAQ is currently maintained by Stephen Ratliff