To FiveSenses Inc.
Picks up where TSbyBS left off!
Tune in Wednesday's at 8 !
If TPTB had let our guys be partners in every sense of the word...
This is what may have happened...
By Wod
At 6:00 PM !!!
All Slash Network is strictly non-profit. No money is made by any of its activities, and all the people who contributed to creating this site did so on a voluntary basis.
All Slash Network programing is intended for mature audience only, and contains homoerotic content. Do not read the program descriptions if you are under age or you are offended by the idea of homosexuality.
Any references made to actors and other famous people on this site are in a spirit of fun, and not intended to imply anything about their personal or professional lives. All program descriptions are imaginary, and any resemblance to actual persons or events are strictly coincidential.
| Also to all these wonderful people for their kind assistance, Glenda, Mrs Fish, MelSharon, just move your cursor on the pics,graphics and logos for the info on each! Also, "Winds of Dawn" for all the html code help!S'Belle |