Notes: This the fourth in the "Dying" mini-series within the Peru Universe. The earlier stories in this series are, in order, Dying, Heartbeat, and Zone. I know, very creative naming technique for a series, just call it by the name of the first story. While other stories in the Peru Universe can be read pretty much in any order, it is essential that stories in this series be read in order.

Actually, there is a missing scene between "Zone" and this story. Just imagine a very persistent Blair and a malleable Jim.


by Winds-of-Dawn

"You brought me back."

"No, you did."

"What? You came after me."

"No, I just followed you. You brought me back. Brought us back."

Blair scrunched his face in concentration.

"You followed me? Followed me, as in followed? Jim, what were you doing!?"

"Following you."

Blair slapped his hands onto the bed in exasperation.

"Jim, you can't just follow me."

"Yes, I can."

"I don't want you to!"

"I know, but you don't have any say in this."


Jim lightly pressed a finger against Blair's lips.

"You don't have any say in this." Pause. "Unless you come back, like you did this time."

"I... I can't, I can't be responsible for your life like this."

"No, you are not. It's my choice, my responsibility."


"I'm just not whole without you, Blair, don't you see?"

Blair gazed solemnly into the eyes of his Sentinel.

"Then why did you take so long to come to me?"

"Because I'm a stubborn old bastard."

"Hmph. That you are."

Blair leaned into Jim's arms.

"So what were you doing today while I was boring myself to death at the hospital?"

"We were following leads on Alex."

"Did you find anything?"

"Nope, not a thing."

"Do you think she's still in Cascade?"

"Actually, no."

"Why? Is it something you sense, or...?"

"We found no evidence to show either that she left or she stayed. She's disappeared without a trace."

"But you are sensing she's gone?"

"Yeah, Chief. It's hard to describe, but..."

"Maybe you could show me?"

"Think we can do that?"

"Won't know until we try, will we? Here, give me your hand... Now close your eyes, relax, deep breath. Follow where your animal spirit leads you..."

~A beach. Alex kissing Carl. A temple in the jungle. Alex reaching up and kissing Jim.~

"Wow. What was that? Jim? You all right?"

"Why the hell am I kissing Alex?"

"Jim, it's all right, calm down, it's a vision, it doesn't mean it'll happen."

"How do you know?"

"All right, I don't, but we'll deal with it, okay? You can control this, I know you can."

Jim glared. Blair stared back. Jim sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"That other man Alex was kissing, have you ever seen him?"

"Yes, actually. He passed by me once when I was leaving Alex's apartment."

"So it's possible he really does know Alex."

"Well, there's more than one apartment in that building, but yes, that would be a definite possibility." Pause. "So, what now?"

"I kept on seeing that guy. I had a police artist do a drawing. They are now running it through the database. Hopefully they'll have something in the morning."

"We are going after her, aren't we."

Jim didn't answer.

"If she's left Cascade, Jim... Maybe, just maybe, she's not our responsibility any more."

"Do you really believe that, Chief?"

Blair sighed. "No." Pause. "Sorry, I just had to try."

Long silence.

"Don't let me do this alone, Chief."

"I won't. You better not try to go off on your own, though."

"Let's go to sleep. Can we just go to sleep?"

"Okay, Jim. 'Night."

"'Night, Blair."

Unnoticed by the two men, a black jaguar and a grey wolf lay curled up together at the top of the stairs, between the dresser and the bed.

Peru Universe