 provided by S'Belle



By Patt

After a hard days work, wouldn't you think that you could go to your home, your castle, your loft and just relax? NOT. Nope, not when you live with a certain Blair Sandburg. He is always up to something, trying to push buttons. Well, don't let him Ellison; just don't let him.

"Hey Jim," Blair asked, "Simon told me about an undercover assignment that I think we'd be perfect for but we'd both have to dye our hair."

"And this made you think of us, why?" Jim asked trying not to laugh.

"Well," Blair began, "I've always wanted to see us both with different colored hair. I can't help it. It's like a fantasy I've had."

Jim knew that he was in that Sandburg Zone and he wasn't sure he wanted to stay there. No, he knew he didn't want to.

"Chief," said Jim, trying to change the subject, "what's the assignment for?"

"It's really easy." Blair said, "We just have to go and hang out at this bar with a bunch of grunge people and wait for the dealers to make their move."

"And you think we'll fit in, how?" Jim asked again trying not to laugh.

"Well, smarty pants," Blair said, "I'll have you know that I've done some checking around on this and there are people our age in there all the time. In fact, very few young people go there at all."

"So it's a drug operation?" Jim asked, "At least we know what we're doing with that."

"That's what I was thinking too, Jim," Blair said, quite proud of himself.

"When do we start?" Jim asked, "And was Simon going to talk to me about it, being that I'm the actual cop?"

"Oh that's right," Blair snapped, "rub it in that I'm not a cop. You're as bad as Simon for gods sake."

"You know I didn't mean it that way." Jim said as he kissed Blair softly, "You're as good as any cop partner I've ever had."

"Oh Jim," Blair said, "You're really good at kissing. I completely forgot what we were arguing about. Good move, slick."

"Well, are we going to find out more about this case?" Jim asked. "Or are we just going to dye our hair and hang out with the other grunge people?"

Jim couldn't help it; he started laughing his ass off as soon as the words were out of his mouth but he stopped when he saw the glaring look Blair was giving him. Jim thought, boy, he has no sense of humor.

"Well, if you'd shut up, I'd fill you in." Blair said, "Simon told me all about it because you were still on stakeout and we have to go tonight."

"Tonight?" Jim asked, "Does anyone care that I haven't slept? Shit."

"You are such a wuss, tough guy." Blair said laughing as he walked into the bathroom to get the supplies to change their appearance.

"Up yours Blair," Jim said, using his finger to show him which direction.

Blair came walking out of the bathroom carrying all of the supplies for the hair change. What do you do, Ellison? You pick out the one for the blue hair and seem all right with it. What is up with you lately? Why do you keep talking to yourself?

"Cool, that leaves the red one for me." Blair said with excitement, "I've always wanted to be a red head. What do you think I'll look like, Jim?"

"Chief," Jim said patiently, "why would I know how you would look with red hair? It's not like you've ever done it before but I can't imagine you not looking great with any hair color."

Blair beamed at the compliment. He couldn't believe it. Jim Ellison just gave him a major compliment. Will wonders never cease, Sandburg?

"Jim," Blair said, "that's one of the nicest things you've ever said to me. Thank you."

"Blair, if that's one of the nicest, I need work." Jim said shaking his head, "I promise I'll try to show you more often how hot you are."

Blair smiled at Jim and said, "Sounds good to me, big man."

Blair got the hair dye out for Jim and said, "I need to do a patch test on your arm first."

"You planning on dying my arms, Chief?" Jim asked laughing.

"Very funny," Blair answered, "we need to be sure that you aren't allergic to it."

"It wouldn't be a good thing to have you be allergic. I could see it now." Blair said laughing, "You'd lose what little hair you have to an allergic reaction."

"Oh nice job, Chief," growled Jim, "make fun of the balding guy when he's down."

"What's wrong, Jim?" Blair asked with concern in his voice.

"I was kidding," Jim said, "but I loved the look of dread on your face." Trying not to laugh, he added, "It was worth it. Thanks."

"Sit down and shut up," Blair said as he slugged Jim on the arm, "I need to get started."

Blair did the patch test on Jim and it turned out all right, so he went ahead and started dying Jim's hair. Blair loved massaging it into Jim's hair. Every time his fingers began to massage Jim's head, Jim would lean back into him. Man, this was affecting Blair the same way it was Jim. Blair was hard as a rock. Blair could see that Jim was getting an erection from the massage alone. Jim was honestly moaning. By George, he likes this. Or would it be by Jim, he liked this? Blair chuckled to himself at the joke.

"What are you laughing about Chief?" Jim asked.

"Oh just thought of a joke." Blair said innocently.

"This isn't a good time to tease someone when you have hair dye on their head." Jim said smiling, "I could tell the police, I didn't mean to hurt you, it was the hair dye."

Blair asked, "Jim, what's wrong?" When he noticed that Jim was having trouble breathing.

"It's the smell Chief," Jim said, "don't worry, I'll be okay. Still wheezing and coughing, Jim said, "I just need to turn the dials down."

"I'm sorry I didn't remind you of that," Blair said, "This stuff really does have a terrible smell, doesn't it?"

"I'll be fine, Chief." Jim said as he pulled Blair down for a kiss.

Despondently pulling away from Jim, Blair set the timer on the stove for the amount needed for Jim's hair. Blair sat down at the table and started filling Jim in on the assignment. It was supposed to be a fairly easy case.

In between telling Jim about the assignment, Blair kept kissing him. "Blair, don't do this," Jim said pushing Blair away. Right now I have to keep my mind on the assignment. Blair swooped in for another kiss. "Blair," complained Jim, "I've got blue dye in my hair."

"You are such a bummer." Blair said laughing.

As soon as the timer went off, Blair led Jim over to the kitchen sink and pushed Jim's head into it so he could rinse out all of the hair dye. As he rinsed, Blair was having a hard time keeping from laughing. "Jim, this is just too far out there, man." Blair said finally, "I just never thought I would see the day I'd see blue hair on my partner and lover."

"Tell me about it, Chief," Jim said, "So is it scaring you, or will I pass for a grunge?"

"Actually tough guy," Blair said smiling, "You look pretty good."

"In fact, you look this good." Blair said as he grabbed Jim and yanked him down for a very passionate kiss. Blair ran his hand over Jim's cock and felt that Jim was hard. "Blair," Jim said trying to get his breath, "we need to finish this."

"You really are a bummer." Blair said as he pushed Jim towards the bathroom. When they got into the room, Jim started combing his hair. "Shit, I can't believe I had to do this." Jim complained again, "How long to get this out when we're done?"

Blair gave him a funny look and Jim said, "Shit, Chief, please tell me that it isn't permanent."

"Okay, I won't tell you." Blair said laughing.

"Well, shit." Jim growled at Blair, "I have to go to work with blue hair?"

"Well, you won't be alone." Blair said, "Mine is going to be bright red. I have to go around looking like Annie."

They walked into the kitchen and Jim got himself a big glass of ice water and was right in the middle of taking a drink when Blair asked, "Jim want to do me now?"

Jim swallowed wrong and spit it all over Blair, the kitchen and floor. "Whoa, tough guy," Blair laughed, "Need me to get you a straw or something?"

"Oh shut up." Jim replied, "Just give me the hair dye and we'll get this over with. Don't be asking me if I want to do you."

In the back of Jim's mind, that's all he could think about...doing Blair. God, sometimes Jim hated the fact that work seemed to always come first. Blair might be right; maybe he was a bummer.

Blair was still laughing as Jim drug him over to the sink. Jim rinsed Blair's hair until it was all wet and then started putting the red dye in. Jim had already done the patch test on Blair.

This time, Jim was smart enough to dial down his senses. The smell was almost unbearable even turned down. Jim just kept rubbing it into Blair's scalp and wasn't really noticing what he was doing, but Blair did. Blair was the one moaning now. A wonderful thing happened, Blair's arousal seemed to be the only thing that Jim could smell. Jim was getting hard again. Evidentially, you don't have to be the one getting it to get hard, you can receive it either way.

"Chief," Jim said, "I think we both should start going for scalp massages from now on. We seem to like them."

Both men laughed as Jim pulled Blair over to the table and had him sit down. Jim went over and set the timer for Blair's hair.

They discussed the case more and Blair told Jim to call Simon.

Jim dialed Simon's number and heard, "Banks."

"Simon?" Jim asked, "I just wanted to let you know that I have my hair dyed, and we're going to be on the assignment as planned."

"So, which color did you choose, Jim?" Simon asked trying not to laugh out loud. "Well, sir, I wasn't thinking," Jim started saying, "and picked the blue one."

"Is Sandburg laughing at you?" Simon asked.

"No, actually, Sandburg keeps running his hands through my hair." Jim said smiling, "I think he likes it, sir."

"Stop right there." Simon said, "I don't want to know."

"Well, I have to go, Simon," Jim said, "I'll talk to you when we get back or tomorrow morning."

"Good luck to both of you." Simon said, "And don't forget that your backup will be Rafe and Conner."

"Why Rafe and Conner?" Jim asked.

"They won the draw." Simon said laughing this time, "Everyone at the station had a chance at it."

"So, everyone is laughing at us, sir?" Jim asked.

"No," Simon said seriously, "Not everyone."

"Fine, sir," Jim growled, "we'll keep Rafe and Conner informed of what's going down."

"They should be able to see us easily," Blair said laughing, "Tell Simon I said hello."

"Chief," Jim said angrily, "stop the laughing, they'll be laughing at you too."

"Tell Simon I said hello, man." Blair said.

"Sir, Sandburg says hello." Jim said quietly.

"Tell him I said hello." Simon said still laughing, "Now you two be careful and we'll talk to you all later tonight."

Jim and Blair talked more about the assignment and then timer went off. They both made their way over to the sink and Blair leaned into it as Jim started rinsing all the red out. It was taking forever. Blair had so much damn hair that this was going to take all night long. Once the red was no longer in the water, Jim added the conditioner. If he didn't, Blair would never be able to get it combed out. Once he was done, Jim could smell the arousal on Blair.

Jim pulled Blair into his arms and kissed him soundly. Then he pushed him towards the bathroom. The entire time Jim was trying not to laugh.

They walked into the room and Blair looked into the mirror and laughed out loud. "Holy Shit, Batman," Blair said laughing hard, "I look like Annie."

"Chief," Jim whispered as he leaned down, "you look nothing like Annie." Then Jim bent down further and kissed Blair's lips softly. Blair kissed him back and they both opened their eyes and smiled at each other.

"Chief," Jim said, "you better get that hair combed out, and then we'll take this up where we left off." Jim walked out of the bathroom as Blair started doing his hair. When Blair came out about 20 minutes later, looking wonderful, Jim smiled at him and said, "Oh yeah."

Blair smiled and asked, "Want to make love as two different people?"

"Lead the way!" Jim told Blair.

"Do we have time, Jim?" Blair asked, "Why didn't you tell me you had a thing for redheads?"

"Why didn't you tell me you wanted me to change my hair color?" Jim asked in return.

"I was afraid you wouldn't take it well." Blair answered. "You never seemed the type."

"Did you know that most of the couples at the grunge place are same sex couples? Blair asked innocently, "This is going to work out well." Still smiling Blair walked up to their room to get ready.

Jim yelled as he walked up the stairs, "So are we fucking, or dressing?"

"Dressing, we don't have time to fuck." Blair said sadly, "It's getting late." "Your clothes are on our bed and don't make a fuss." Blair said, "It took me a long time to get that stuff just right."

"Chief," Jim yelled as he got upstairs, "what did you do to my jeans and shirt? I can't believe you ruined a decent pair of jeans and a good tee-shirt for this assignment."

"Oh get a grip, Jim." Blair said, "You're going to look great."

"Chief, I'm not going to look great." Jim stated.

"You have to have holes in your clothing." Blair continued, "So that's what I did all day long."

"I can't believe you did this on purpose." Jim said whining.

"I tried to make it look really natural," Blair asked, "Do you think it worked?"

As Jim put them on, he could smell the arousal again. Blair was eyeing him like he never had before. You could see Jim's great chest through the holes in the shirt. And in the jeans, a part of his ass was showing and Jim was going commando. Jim loved doing these things to Blair.

Then Jim really looked at Blair. Besides his hair looking gorgeous, flowing all over the place, Blair also had on the ripped jeans and shirt and Blair was also going commando. Jim pulled Blair into his arms and said, "How long do we have to stay there if nothing seems to be happening?"

"Simon said until we find someone." Blair said. "So just calm down, Jim."

"Chief," Jim said, "I have to hand it to you, you are one of the few that could pull this off and do it with style. You look fantastic in red hair."

As they walked out the door both men had one of their hands on each other's ass. Oh yeah, this was a great assignment.

Blair said, "How about I dye the rest of your body hair later, to match the hair on your head?" As soon as this was out of his mouth, he was off and running. Jim started running after him, knowing he'd either be a dead man or his. Jim voted for his. Jim told himself to be sure to stop in and thank Simon tomorrow sometime for this assignment. He'd ask Jim why, but Jim could just give him the same smile that he was giving Blair right now and Simon would know better than to ask anymore.

Jim and Blair had other things to worry about. What the hell were they going to do with everyone teasing them at work tomorrow?

"Chief?" Jim asked, "Do you think we could pick up some dark hair color dye and put that in before we have to go to the station?"

"Man, that's a really good idea, Jim." Blair said, "That way we don't have to leave ourselves wide open for the teasing by Rafe and Brown, not to mention Joel and Simon. I don't even want to think about Conner."

They stopped at the drug store and bought some regular hair dye and got a lot of very strange looks from other customers. Jim gave everyone the evil eye, but Blair just smiled at everyone.

"Jim, you always have to be such a tough guy," Blair said on the way out, "Just smile at them and they'll see you're as handsome with blue hair as with any color."

Jim bent down and kissed Blair right in front of the store. Blair had never seen Jim be so open about showing affection in public. Blair went into Jim's arms and someone stared at them and Jim did as Blair had mentioned; he smiled at them and they smiled back.

"Shit, Chief," Jim said, "it worked. I smiled and they smiled back. They were staring, I figured it was because we were two guys, but I think they just wanted to see what I'd do."

"Man," Blair said, "it's really tough being right all of the time." They both laughed as they got into the truck and took off for their grunge assignment.

While at the hangout, Jim witnessed what he needed to; Blair called for their backup and made the arrests. When the fight started, Jim was just as surprised as everyone else. He really thought they'd be able to get done and go home and take care of the hair business before filling out paperwork. But, nooooooo.

"Chief, we need to go and fill out those papers right away." Jim said, getting things under control. "There is no way of getting around it. Sorry."

"Don't worry about it, Jim." Blair said, "I have an idea that will take them off guard and they won't care after that."

"Chief," Jim asked trying not to whine, "does this involve embarrassing me?"

"Nope." Blair said, "You just wait and see."

When they got to the station, Jim was dreading getting off the elevator. He wondered what the hell Blair was going to do and why did Blair keep smiling at him?

As they walked off the elevator, before anyone could say a thing, Blair opened his mouth and started singing,

"The sun'll come out. Tomorrow.
Bet your bottom dollar That tomorrow There'll be sun!
Just thinkin' about Tomorrow Clears away the cobwebs, And the sorrow' Til there's none!
When I'm stuck with a day That's gray, And lonely, I just stick out my chin And Grin, And Say, Oh
The sun'll come out Tomorrow So ya gotta hang on 'til tomorrow Come what may
Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya Tomorrow You're always A day A way!"

The laughter started, but it wasn't at him, it was with him. Jim realized that Blair had made the joke, so now it would be easier.

"It must be really hard," Jim said, "Being right all the time."

"It's a dirty job, Jim," Blair answered, "But someone has to do it."

The end.

Coming Next Week! More in the Sentinel Virtual Season! Stay tuned!