Title: The Call.
Author/pseudonym: Abydos Dweller.
Fandom: Stargate SG-1/Diagnosis Murder.
Pairing: Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill, Jesse Travis/Steve Sloan, Jack O'Neill/Steve Sloan. Jack O'Neill/Charlie Kawalsky.
Rating: NC-17.
Status: Very Incomplete.
Archive: Yes to anywhere. Just let me know.
E-mail address for feedback: WormholeXtreme@hotmail.com
Series/Sequel: Here And Now. Part 1.
Other websites: It's in the making. Get back to me.
Disclaimers: Nothing is mine except the plot.
Summary: It's the anniversary of Charlie's death and Jack gets an unexpected call.
Warnings: None so far.


The Call


As Jack stepped through the gate to join his team on the ramp, he looked hopefully at the General, hoping either to get a very quick briefing out of the way, or to get a good nights sleep before the barrage of questions about the mining treaty on P3X-480.

"Colonel, you know the drill, de-briefing tomorrow at 1300 hours. Dismissed."

Jack nodded gratefully at the General and looked over at Sam.

"Carter you want showers first?"

Sam thought for a second, "Sure. Thanks."

Jack smiled. "Come on guys, let's go get prodded with a few dozen needles."

The three men made their way to the infirmary.

Once she had finished checking Teal'c, Janet turned her attention to Jack and Daniel. Jack, once released, hung around waiting for Daniel, wanting to walk with him to their private showering area. As the SGC's flagship team, they had certain privileges many other personnel didn't. Like their own showers for one, and exclusive access to the gym twice a week.

"Hey Daniel, you coming over tonight for the game?" Jack asked as he finished tugging his clean black T-shirt over his still damp hair.

"Sure, anything you want me to bring?" Daniel asked as he leaned into his locker trying to find something to wear.

"Nah, I need to stop by the store tonight anyway." Jack replied as he bundled his dirty b.d.u's into the washing trolley.

"Ok, see you around 1900," Daniel said as he leaned even further into his locker. By this time, over half of his head and shoulders had disappeared into the stainless steel structure.

Jack nodded and headed out of the showers. He heard a "EUREKA!" shouted by someone, followed by a loud bang, similar to the sound of someone's head hitting the top of a locker. Hard. Jack ran back into the room and saw Daniel sitting on the bench clutching his head.

"Danny, you okay?" Jack asked concerned that his friend was motionless on the bench. When no reply came from Daniel, Jack moved around and crouched down in front of the younger man. He looked up at Daniel's face and saw the tear tracks, the very scrunched up eyes, and the white teeth biting hard into the bottom lip. Jack absently stroked Daniel's cheek and rubbed his arm until the pain subsided enough for Daniel to talk and remove his hands.

"You okay?"

Daniel started to nod and thought better of it. He opened his mouth to say yes when he noticed Jack's hand rubbing up and down his arm in a soothing motion. The other hand stroking his cheek had stilled; it now rested on his bare waist, just above the towel he had on. He looked at the hand, and then its owner. Jack purposefully brought his hand up to Daniel's face. He wiped away the tears gently and looked Daniel in the eye. Daniel smiled and stood up. He felt quite dizzy but he knew it would pass. He hadn't done any serious damage, but his head was ringing. Jack sat on the bench and watched the archaeologist as he finished getting dressed and looked over at him.

"Come on, you're going to the infirmary to get your head checked out." Jack said in a stern but not harsh voice.

"Jack, I'm fine, really." Daniel protested but really thought he should let Janet check him out to make sure he didn't have a concussion.

"Daniel, please let Janet check it out. You hit your head hard - look, you even dented the metal work!" Jack pleaded with the man. He felt nervous about the impact Daniel's head had taken. His eyes had started to glaze over and Jack was getting more worried as the seconds passed.

"Whatever you say."

Jack picked up Daniel's bag and they made their way down the corridor towards the elevator. As they neared the second corner, Daniel stumbled and fell into Jack. Jack immediately dropped the bag and grabbed hold of Daniel. Looping Daniel's arm over his shoulder and Jack's own arm around the unsteady man's waist, they steadily made their way to the infirmary. As they walked in, the place was deserted except for the bed in the far corner, which contained Ferretti. Ferretti and Kawalsky had had some time off and had decided to visit Abydos to see their kids. Unfortunately the SGC forgot to inform Abydos of their guests and when they stepped through, they got an unwelcome surprise as Ferretti got shot in the leg and Kawalsky in the arm. Luckily for Kawalsky, his bullet wound had only been a graze. Ferretti's had gone straight through his leg and fractured the tibia on his left leg. Jack deposited Daniel on the nearest bed and went in search of Janet. He found her in her office.

"Doc, can you come have a look at Danny's head?" Jack asked, the concern in his voice more than enough to alert Janet.

"What's happened?" she asked, also worried about the younger man. Everyone worried about Daniel. He didn't need it, they knew he didn't; but they felt it their duty to protect him.

"He hit his head on the inside of his locker. He took quite a blow, it took a few minutes before he could talk, then he collapsed on me on the way down here." Jack answered Janet quickly wanting to make sure that his best friend was not injured too badly. Of course in Jack's eyes, any amount of suffering was too much.

Janet checked out Daniel and reported that he had a mild concussion. Jack told her that Daniel was coming over to his place tonight anyway so Janet agreed that Jack could take him home as long as he kept an eye on him. Jack promised and went over to Daniel. He looked a lot better, and had some color in his cheeks again. He told him the plan, and Daniel agreed. He steadily got to his feet, and they made their way up to the surface to Jack's Wrangler. On the twenty-minute journey to the supermarket, Daniel nodded but Jack wouldn't let him go to sleep. Every time he saw Daniel's head nod forward, he placed a hand on Daniel's forearm and squeezed. Daniel's head jumped with a start each time and he kept bouncing his head off of the headrest. Jack knew this wasn't a good idea, so he opened both the front windows, and put on some music to try and keep Daniel awake. It worked. As they pulled into the parking lot, Jack looked over at Daniel.

"Do you want to come in or stay out here?" Jack asked. He didn't really want to leave Daniel in the car by himself, but he also didn't want to drag the injured man around the supermarket.

"I'll come in. I don't want to fall asleep and do myself more damage. I'm just so tired." Daniel sighed.

"I know, as soon as we get to my house, you can fall asleep. Okay?" Jack got out of the jeep and walked around to the other side to help Daniel out.

"Are you sure? I can go home. I don't wanna impose." Daniel batted away Jack's helping hands so he could get out of the car unaided.

"For Gods sake Daniel don't be ridiculous. You know you're always welcome." Jack sighed and stepped back to let Daniel out of the car. Daniel smiled at Jack as they made their way into the crowded supermarket. Jack gave Daniel control of the shopping cart so he had some support. They made their way up and down the aisles with Jack suddenly snatching a hand to the left or a hand to the right and dumping its contents into the shopping cart behind him. Daniel was amazed. Jack never even seemed to look at what he was buying. As they went down the hygiene aisle Daniel watched as Jack picked up a box of tampons.

"Uh Jack?" Daniel asked as he stared at the back of Jack who was still going down the aisle. Jack turned round.

"Yeah Danny?"

Daniel reached into the cart. Holding up the box he put on a cheeky grin and cocked his head to one side.

"You sure you want this type?"

Jack looked at the box in Daniel's hand and blushed bright red.

"Uh sorry. My mind's not on shopping tonight."

Jack walked up to Daniel and plucked the box out of his hand. He put the box back on the shelf and carried on walking. Daniel smiled smugly and followed Jack. The rest of the shopping was uneventful and Daniel noticed that Jack picked his favorite brand of coffee and three bags of chocolate-walnut cookies and placed them in the cart. Jack paid for the items, he and Daniel loaded them into the car, and they made their way home. As Jack pulled up into the drive, he looked over at his companion. Daniel had fallen asleep as they left the store. Jack didn't have it in him to wake him up again and decided to let him rest. Jack got out of the car and unlocked the front door; he took the groceries in and put them away. He realized Daniel was still asleep in the car so he went out and opened the passenger side door. He reached across and unbuckled Daniel's seatbelt. He placed either hand on Daniel's upper arms and shook him gently.

"Daniel. Daniel wake up." Jack softly whispered into Daniel's ear.
Daniel started awake and Jack held him into the seat so he didn't panic.

"Daniel it's Jack. Are you coming inside?"

Daniel mumbled something under his breath and got out of the car and followed Jack into the house. Daniel sat on the sofa and by the time Jack had locked the door he was already asleep again. Jack lay Daniel down onto the sofa and covered him with the throw from the back of the sofa. He knelt down beside him and stroked the younger man's soft blonde hair. Jack sighed and kissed his forehead, and got up and sat on the chair over the other side of the room. He sat and watched Daniel until he himself finally fell into a dreamless sleep around 0400. Jack awoke to the smell of bacon, eggs, and toast. He walked into the kitchen trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes and saw Daniel standing at the stove with a frying pan full of bacon in one hand, a spatula in the other, and a jug of juice in the other…Wait! That's not right! Jack blinked several times and noticed that Daniel wasn't actually holding the jug, it was just balancing on the very edge of the counter. Jack leapt over the chair that was for some reason in the middle of the doorway, grabbed the orange jug, and deposited it on the table.

"Oh, hi Jack. I didn't know you were awake." Daniel said as he turned towards Jack brandishing the spatula as if it were a sword. Jack dodged the spatula and sat down at the table.

"I am vertical Daniel, it does not mean I am awake." Jack deadpanned sounding suspiciously like Teal'c. He glanced at the clock and noted it only said 0930. He put his head back into his hands and groaned. Daniel put Jack's breakfast down in front of him and then set his own down opposite. He then fetched two glasses and filled them with orange juice. He then fetched the silverware. Jack listened in amazement as Daniel moved around his kitchen as though it was his own.

'When did Daniel learn where I kept the frying pan?' Jack thought to himself as he sat up and looked at his breakfast. The idea of food repulsed him at first but as the smell of bacon and eggs drifted into his nostrils he realized he was absolutely famished after not eating in just under twenty-four hours. He reached for his fork, and started to eat. After he had half cleared his plate he looked at Daniel. He was slowly picking at his food and Jack could tell he was thinking. Jack put his knife and fork down and sat and watched Daniel for the next ten minutes.
As he continued on his current train of thought, Daniel realized someone was watching him. His senses weren't as good as Jack's, but he still knew when he was being watched. He looked up and he caught the chocolate brown eyes of his companion over the table. They held each other's gaze for a long time. Daniel stood up and picked up his plate and put it into the sink behind him. He reached for Jack's but the older man grabbed his hand. Jack stood up and plucked the plate out of Daniel's hand.
He put an arm over Daniel's shoulders, and steered him into the sitting room.

After making sure Daniel was on the sofa to stay, Jack walked over towards the phone and started dialling. Daniel realized that Jack had called the base, but didn't know which part.

Back at base, nothing had really changed much. SG-5 had come back unscathed apart from a fractured trigger finger of the CO, Ferretti was finally out of sickbay but still wasn't allowed back on duty, and Kawalsky and the rest of SG-2 were bugging him to be let off-world. The General sighed. He sat down at his desk, and reached for an envelope that had arrived on his desk earlier. The phone rang and he picked it up without thinking. He was surprised to hear his second in command on the other end of it.

"General Hammond,"

"Sir, Good morning. I'm afraid I have some bad news."

"Good morning yourself Colonel. What's wrong?"

"Its nothing much sir. Daniel just managed to give himself concussion last night. He stayed with me overnight but I still don't like the look of him. I was wondering if we could postpone the briefing another day?"

The general sighed. 'That boy could injure himself in a padded room', he thought ruefully, then remembered the incident with Machello's devices.

"Forget the briefing, I'm sure Teal'c and Sam can fill me in on anything important.
SG-1 are on stand down for three days. Call me if he gets any worse."

"Yes sir. Thank you."

General Hammond hung up the phone and went back to his ever growing mound of paperwork. Although he gave most of the menial stuff to Jack, there was still a lot to get through. The klaxons went off, and George looked at his watch. He stood up and walked to the control room.

Jack replaced the handset and went and sat down next to Daniel.

"Jack, why did you just lie to the general?!" Daniel asked in disbelief.

"I didn't lie," Jack replied defensively.

"Yes you did. I'm fine!" Daniel replied getting up and standing in front of Jack.

"Ok so I lied to him! Big deal, its only one day, it's not as if we're gonna explode if we lie to him! But my head might explode if I don't get a day off to damn well sort it out!!" Jack shouted and walked over to the big glass windows that faced out onto the front lawn.

"If WE lie to him?! I had nothing to do with this Jack. Nothing. This is all your fault!" Daniel shouted, storming out to the kitchen.

"That's exactly what Sara said to me 6 years ago." Jack said.

Daniel stopped his storming around and went back into the front room. He saw Jack still facing the window but his forehead was now touching the glass.

"Jack. What day is it today?" Daniel asked carefully. He thought he knew which day it was, but didn't want to damage things anymore by saying the wrong thing.

Jack sighed then drew in a deep, shaky breath.

"Today Daniel, is the 6th anniversary of my son's death. I killed him 6 years ago today." Jack said very carefully trying not to put any emotion into his voice.

Daniel went pale. He was right. He went up behind Jack and turned him around. Jack was crying. Not the violent kind. Just the kind where the tears flow. Daniel enveloped Jack into a tight hug. They stood at the window for hours.

The phone broke them out of their reverie. Jack walked over to the phone and picked it up.


End 'The Call'

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