Title: The Question
Author/pseudonym: Abydos Dweller.
Fandom: Stargate SG-1/Diagnosis Murder.
Pairing: Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill, Jesse Travis/Steve Sloan, Jack O'Neill/Steve Sloan. Jack O'Neill/Charlie Kawalsky.
Rating: NC-17.
Status: Very Incomplete.
Archive: Yes to anywhere. Just let me know.
E-mail address for feedback: WormholeXtreme@hotmail.com, Series/Sequel: Here And Now. Part 3.
Other websites: It's in the making. Get back to me.
Disclaimers: Nothing is mine except the plot.
Summary: It's the anniversary of Charlie's death and Jack gets an unexpected call.
Warnings: None so far.


The Question


"I'm going to kill him."

"Kill who?"


Jack stomped out into the garden and spotted his friend sitting on the wall of the front garden with Jesse wrapped in his arms.

"Steven Michael Sloan. Get your butt over here this instant before I come over there and rip it into FUCKING shreds."

Steve visibly paled at this onslaught and held Jesse tighter in front of him. Jack marched over to where Steve was sitting and Jesse broke free of Steve's grip and stood a few feet in front of him blocking Jack's path.

"Jack, I know I don't know you. But what use would killing Steve be? Besides. I'm kinda attached to him after these couple of years y'know?"

Normally, this kind of remark would have had Jack chuckling. But this time, he growled and the deadly glint in his eye sparkled. Jesse gulped and briskly walked over to where Mark and Amanda where standing watching the events unfold. Jack stood right in front of Steve making it impossible for him to stand up.

"Why did you tell him?"

"I'm sorry."

"That was not the right answer. Why. Did. You. Tell. Him?"

Daniel ran over and pulled Jack away from Steve.

"Jack. Leave it."

"Daniel. This man has just told you something I have managed to keep quiet for 6 fucking years. I want to kill him."

"Why? Why didn't you want me to find out?"

"I dunno, maybe I didn't wanna alienate you completely after that whole Maybourne and Makepeace ordeal? And before that, you were completely loyal to Sha're. What was I supposed to do?"

"Jack we're best friends! You coulda told me sometime! What about all those nights I sat with you on the roof watching the stars? What about that night we got completely plastered, and fell off the damn roof! You could've told me sooner."

Just then, Steve walked up behind Daniel keeping away from Jack.

"Were gonna go and look around the town for a bit. Leave you in peace. And I expect you to both be in ONE piece when we get back. K?"

Jack bared his teeth, still angry with Steve. Steve gulped and walked briskly to the waiting group. Daniel grabbed Jack's shoulders and steered him towards the house, slamming the door behind them. Daniel went and made some coffee while Jack went to the bathroom. Daniel entered the living room to find Jack sitting on the sofa shaking. He almost dropped the coffee deciding at the last minute the table was a better place for them than the floor, and messily deposited them with their hot contents sloshing everywhere. Daniel sat down next to Jack, and pulled a resisting Jack into his arms. Jack pulled back but Daniel had developed stronger muscles in the past few years and surprised himself at his ability to actually put up a struggle against Jack and pull him back into his chest.

"Jack. Look at me."

Jack deliberately lowered his head further and refused to meet Daniel's eyes.


Daniel put his finger under Jack's chin and slowly pushed up Jack's head so their eyes met.

"It's okay, Jack. It's okay."

Jack pushed away from Daniel again and this time Daniel let him get up.

"Jack I knew a long time ago. It doesn't matter to me."

Jack turned around and stared dumbfounded at the archaeologist on his sofa.

"What?!? …How…When?"

Daniel grinned.

"Jack I'm not as naive as everyone thinks. I've been around the block more than once y'know."

"Spill Jackson."

Daniel's grin got bigger.

"Nuh uh Jack. I gotta have some secrets."

Jack walked over to Daniel and knelt down so he was the same height as Daniel. Then tickled him for all he was worth. They crashed onto the floor and went flying towards the table, only stopping when Jack yelped. He looked down at his tee which was now coffee coloured. He stood up leaning on Daniel's head to lever himself up and walked into the kitchen. He grabbed a cloth and started dabbing at the shirt as Daniel walked into the kitchen. Daniel sighed and walked back out towards the master bedroom telling Jack to take his shirt off. As Daniel entered the kitchen he burst out laughing. Jack's head was stuck in the tee shirt.

"Daniel Melburn Jackson. Get your butt over here and help me."

Daniel made his way over to Jack whose nose and mouth were showing but it seemed the tee was caught on Jack's ears. Jack's arms were flapping around and after Daniel dodged two of them he grabbed Jack's arms by the wrists and held them down by Jack's sides.

"Jack hold still, for crying out loud. I can't get this thing off with you flapping around like a chicken!"

Jack left his arms by his side and Daniel crossed the kitchen and grabbed a pair of scissors off the side of the counter. He cut the shirt from bottom to top and carefully cut the part just in front of Jack's ear. The shirt popped open and fell down over there feet. Daniel dropped the scissors and knelt down to get them. Just as he touched them, Jack giggled. A god to honest giggle. Daniel looked up at him.

"What are you laughing at?"

Jack smiled and crossed his arms across his bare chest.

"I was just thinking about what our situation could look like. You're kneeling in a very suggestive position after you've just been told I'm gay."

Daniel gasped at Jack's suggestive tone. Then burst out laughing as well.

"Oh god…Jack…You have no idea how filthy that sounded!"

"Oh believe me. I do."

Jack offered a hand to Daniel, which he took. Jack pulled him up, and then put his hands on Daniel's shoulders.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"Well. I have a few questions. But as I said, I knew a while ago. So it doesn't bother me."

"Who told you? I know someone must have, there's only three people on base who know, and I find it hard believing it's either of them."

"Er…Well no-one told me per se, I just overheard someone in the locker room."

"Ferretti and Kawalsky?"

Daniel smiled. "Yep. It was two years to the day that you and Kawalsky had split I think. Ferretti asked if he was okay."

Jack smiled and lowered his head so Daniel couldn't see the tear welling in his eye. It rolled down his cheek and Daniel saw it.

"Jack go put a shirt on and I'll get us a drink."

Daniel pulled away and set to work in the kitchen, while Jack pushed himself off the bench and headed towards the bedroom. After he had grabbed a beer out of the fridge for Jack and made himself another coffee, he went and sat down in the front room and waited for Jack. After about 15 minutes, Daniel was still waiting. He stood up and made his way up the stairs. He saw Jack sitting on the edge of the bed in the master bedroom looking at something. He quietly pushed open the door and walked up behind Jack. He saw what Jack was looking at. It was a picture of Jack and Kawalsky with their arms around each others shoulders. They were by a beach and it was quite a few years old because neither man had any grey hair. Daniel sat down next to Jack and asked him when and where the picture was taken.

"Summer '87. Mexico. It was about 3 months before I met Sara."

"Why did you split up then?" Daniel was curious. He didn't think either man wanted to split up.

"We didn't have a serious relationship. Basically, we were fuck buddies. I wanted more but I didn't think Kawalsky did. I met Sara, I was drunk, we slept together, and went our separate ways. 3 months later I got a call saying she was pregnant and it was mine. I told Kawalsky and he said I should do the right thing and marry her. So I did. We got married at a registry office 2 months later, then another 4 months later, Charlie was born. We told Ferretti at the start, and although the man is terminally straight, and looks at everything in a skirt, he is a good man and didn't care. He came to me just after Kawalsky and I split and said that I was giving up a good thing. Was I sure I wanted to do that. I just dismissed it at the time. Then when we went to Abydos the first time, that party after we blew Ra to kingdom come? I heard them talking. They were talking about what happened to Charlie, and Ferretti asked Kawalsky why he wasn't showing more support for me. Kawalsky said, "I don't think I can Lou, I can't get too close to him. Not after last time." Lou asked what time, and Kawalsky replied that he loved me so much, the break up nearly killed him, he couldn't do that again."

Daniel stroked Jack's hair and placed a soft kiss on top of Jack's head. Jack turned his head and looked up at Daniel. Daniel placed another soft kiss on Jack's cheek. Jack pulled away from Daniel and stood by the window.

"Jack. Did I do something wrong?"

"Danny, don't. I think you should go before I do something I'll regret."

"Like what?"

"Like this."

Jack walked over to Daniel and pushed him onto his back so he was laying on the bed. Jack climbed up onto the bed and straddled Daniel. He leant down so he was nose to nose with Daniel and breathed in deeply.

"Daniel. Tell me to stop."

"What if I don't want you to?"

"Then God help you."

Daniel smiled and reached up and hooked an arm around the back of Jack's head pulling the older man down and kissing him firmly on the lips. Daniel growled and pushed his advantage of a dumb stricken Jack and rolled them over, so Daniel was on top. Daniel broke off the kiss and sat up straddling Jack.

"Jack. Are you sure you want this?"

"Daniel. Steve wasn't far off of the mark. I do have incredibly strong feelings about you."

Daniel raised an eyebrow in an incredibly Teal'c like fashion.

"What I'm trying to say is that I love you Daniel. Heart and Soul. I love you. I have since Abydos. That's why Kawalsky and me never got back together, and why I never tried to patch things up with Sara. Charlie was what kept us together. Without the glue to hold it together, everything falls apart."

"What's to stop us from falling apart?"

"The fact that I wouldn't let that happen? I couldn't Daniel. You're everything to me. There isn't anyone who means more to me. And if the airforce don't like it, they can kiss my ass goodbye."

"Good. Oh, I love you too by the way. Dibs on the timing too."

Jack grinned and reached up and hooked a hand around the back of Daniel's neck.

"Then I think we need to make up for lost time right now, what do you think?"

Daniel just smiled and leant down claiming Jack's lips. Their kisses escalated and Daniel started to kiss Jack's neck. He slowly made his way down taking his time finding the older man's hot spots. Jack groaned and squirmed as Daniel unbuttoned Jack's jeans slowly. Jack thrust up trying to get some contact but Daniel finished pulling the jeans off and threw them onto the wicker chair in the corner. Daniel looked down at the tented fabric and grinned.

"Nice boxer's Jack." Daniel laughed, as he grabbed the hem of Jack's Homer Simpson boxer's and slowly lowered them revealing the man's hard erection sticking straight up into the air.

"Danny, please!" Jack growled, getting impatient.

Daniel smiled and leant down and engulfed Jack in one swoop. Jack screamed and his arms reached out and grabbed each of the bedside cabinets either side of the bed as he hung on for dear life. A few long seconds later, and they both came with incredible force. Daniel laid perfectly still for a few minutes while his breathing returned too normal. As he slowly made his way back up Jack's body, he noticed something. There was no movement in the older man's body. At all. Daniel looked up at Jack's face, and burst out laughing. Jack had fainted. Gone. Completely out for the count. Daniel climbed off of Jack and walked into the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth and doused it in cold water. He cleaned up Jack and then as he turned to go back into the bathroom, he noticed something was strange. He looked back at the bed, and noticed Jack had regained consciousness and his eyes were following Daniel around the room.

"I love you." Jack said breaking the silence in the room.

"I know." Daniel replied, and threw the washcloth into the sink of the bathroom.

Jack patted the bed next to him and Daniel smiled and laid down next to him. Jack wrapped his arms around Daniel and pulled the quilt up and around them. They both drifted off to sleep, content, for the first time in years.


End 'The Question'

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