Title: Big Green Monster
Author/pseudonym: Juli
Fandom: Diagnosis Murder
Pairing: Jesse/Steve
Rating: G
Status: New, Complete
Archive: Yes, to BBQ Bob's and Steve & Jesse's Abode
E-mail address for feedback: challisgal@yahoo.com
Series/Sequel: None
Other websites: None
Disclaimers: "Diagnosis Murder" and its characters belong to Viacom and CBS. This story is written purely for entertainment purposes. No money is being made from it and no copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Someone doesn't approve of Jesse's Halloween costume.


"You are not leaving the house dressed that way."

Jesse Travis looked up from smoothing the folds of his toga, a bemused expression on his face. "Gee, Steve, I don't think I've heard that phrase since high school."

The two lovers were getting dressed for Community General's annual Halloween benefit party. Busy schedules had prevented the couple from coordinating their costumes and, as a result, they were seeing each other in full Halloween regalia for the first time. Steve's already intimidating physique was made all the more impressive by the big boots, neck bolts, and green paint of his Frankenstein outfit. Jesse had opted for a more classic look, dressed in the sandals and toga of a Roman gladiator.

It was a very short toga, as Steve had immediately noticed.

"Seriously, Jesse. You're not planning on going out in public in that, are you?"

The younger man held his arms up and slowly turned around so his lover could view his outfit at all angles. "What's the matter with it? 'Gladiator' won the Academy Award, so it's a really great costume this year. Don't you think it sets off my assets?"

Steve struggled for patience. "That's the problem, baby. You bend over in that get-up, you'll be showing your assets to the whole room."

Jesse's eyes narrowed. Normally the doctor was a very good-natured character and didn't mind his mate's overprotective tendencies. Actually, it usually made the young man feel cherished and safe. Every once in a while, however, the detective crossed an invisible line and came across as more controlling than protective. The current situation was a good example. "Are you saying that you forbid me to wear it?"

Steve took in the change in his lover's expression and knew it was time to do some damage control. "No, absolutely not. You wear what you want to the party." The big man had held out his hands, waving them back and forth to emphasize his point. "It's just that, well, I'm a little uncomfortable with everyone seeing…" The detective struggled for the right words. "… Seeing so much of you."

The younger blond looked down, realizing for the first time how much of his flesh was exposed. Truthfully, Jesse had primarily been thinking of the appreciative look that would be in Steve's eyes when he saw him in the skimpy outfit, not the other party attendees. Blushing, he admitted, "Well, maybe it reveals just a little too much."

Steve breathed a quiet sigh of relief. "Baby, you wear that to the party, and the Christians and the lions will seem like a Little League game."

Jesse's face fell. "I look that silly, huh?"

"Oh, no," the older man assured him, moving to gather the woebegone figure into his arms. "Baby, you are that beautiful. One look at you dressed like that and I'll be beating them off with a stick."

Jesse chuckled, not convinced that he could be anywhere near that attractive, but gratified to hear his lover make the claim. After his amused reaction, however, reality set in. "Okay, if I'm not going to wear this, what am I going to wear? It's Halloween, the costume shops will have bare shelves by now."

Having a half-clad Jesse in his arms had the expected affect on Steve and he felt his body stiffen in reaction. "Well, baby, we don't have to go to the party, you know. We already bought our tickets, so we've done our bit for charity. We could stay at home and have our own celebration. What do you say?"

Jesse blushed and looked up at his lover through his lashes. "What do I say? How about 'trick or treat?'"

Steve growled, sounding amazingly like the Frankenstein monster that he was dressed as. Swinging his sexy mate over his shoulder, he lumbered his way towards the bedroom.

The younger man laughed at his lover's antics. Before the bedroom door closed behind the pair, his voice could be heard to ask,

"Hey, how far down does that green paint go, anyway?"

~the end~