Title: Turkey Day
Author: Juli
Archive: Yes, to the Abode and BBQ Bob’s
Status: New, complete
Category: Holiday
Series/Sequel: No
Fandom: Diagnosis Murder
Pairing: Jesse/Steve
Rating: T, for tease

Turkey Day
by Juli

The scent of roasting turkey driving him nuts, a peckish Steve Sloan entered the kitchen, a little holiday nibbling on his mind. Once he got in the oven-warmed room, however, the sight that met his eyes drove all thoughts of hunger right out of his thoughts.

At least, the sight of his lover's upturned ass as Jesse Travis bent over to inspect the contents of the oven drove all thoughts of *food*-related hunger right from the detective's mind. The view of those delectable cheeks, jeans stretched taut over the firm globes, only served to whet Steve's Jesse-appetite to the point of sudden starvation.

Gliding across the room, the big man slid behind his younger lover, caressing the denim-clad flesh with a proprietary hand.

Focused on his task, the doctor didn't hear the other man approach and so the caress startled him into straightening suddenly, resulting in a banged head. "Ouch! Geez, Steve, give a guy a warning, why don't cha?"

Unrepentant, the detective slid his arms around his lover from behind, pulling Jesse's compact body close to his. "Hmmmm... you're working too hard, babe."

Jesse grinned, relaxing into the warm embrace. "Work? You call this work? I'd hardly call basting a turkey strenuous, big guy."

Steve grabbed the turkey baster Jesse was using to punctuate his statement, "I've got a turkey for you to baste, little boy..." he purred, grinding his groin against the smaller man's ass.

"S-steve! Your dad's right out in the living room!"

With a sigh, the detective allowed his partner to squirm out of his arms. Most of the time he respected Jesse's shyness, but sometimes.... "Can I help it if I find Thanksgiving to be so sexy?"

Jesse shook his head in amusement. "You are a slave to your stomach. Only you would find a big meal to be sexy."

"I don't know about that," Steve retorted, "I think the turkey company thinks it's pretty sexy too."

"Really," Jesse said, arms crossed his chest as he challenged the older man. "Why do you say that?"

Steve wiggled his eyebrows and leered. "Why else would they name their product 'ButterBall'?"

~ finis ~