Title: Welcome Home
Author: Kathi C
Pairing: Steve/Jesse (well, duh)
Rating: NC-17
Archive: BBQ Bob's, Steve and Jesse's abode
Feedback: You betcha - KathiC61959@aol.com
Notes: None of these characters belong to me, dammit. If they did, they'd be having a lot more fun than they are now. I'm not making any money, so don't sue me. All you'll get is an empty checking account and a high maintenance fish named Murrey.
This is a story which contains consensual sex between two men in a loving relationship. If that doesn't float your boat, why are you on this list, anyway?
This is for my sister Dee who has always encouraged me in my writing.
Spellchecked but not beta'd. I wrote this tonight just to have a little fun. I hope you enjoy it.

Welcome Home
Kathi C

Jesse Travis sat at the table in the hospital lounge with his arms crossed on the table and his chin resting on them. He closed his eyes and smiled as the face of his lover crossed his mind.

Steve Sloan was an extraordinary man... at least Jesse thought so. He was a cop and a part owner of BBQ Bob's with Jesse. They had been friends for years and lovers for the past two months. They had worried that Steve's dad might not approve but they needn't of worried. Dr. Mark Sloan, Steve's dad and Jesse's boss at Community General Hospital, while surprised, approved of the match. He told them all he wanted for any of his kids was for them to be happy.

Jesse thought about how he and Steve finally got together. They were at Steve's house when a storm blew in. Mark was stuck at the hospital so they were alone. It wasn't long before the lights went out and they were stuck in the dark.

Steve found some candles and light them, bathing the place in a romantic glow. They began talking and one thing led to another.... He sighed.

"That's quite a sigh."

Jesse looked up. Mark was standing at the other end of the table. "Oh, hi, Mark," he said.

Mark raised an eyebrow at the younger doctor. "You sound depressed," he observed.

"Steve's out of town," Jesse said.

"Ah," Mark smiled as he sat down. "Your shift ended an hour ago. Why are you still here?"

"Steve's out of town," Jesse repeated.

Mark chuckled. "Jesse, go home," he said. "Steve will be home tomorrow which is, if I'm not mistaken, is your day off."

"But that's tomorrow," Jesse pouted.

"Go. Home."

"All right, all right," Jesse sighed, "but I won't enjoy it." He got up and walked out of the lounge, Mark's chuckles following him.

Jesse opened his apartment door and walked inside. Shutting the door behind him, he turned on the light and walked into the kitchen. He didn't notice the suitcase sitting by the couch. He got a glass and poured orange juice into it.

"Hi, honey, I'm home."

The glass crashed to the floor as Jesse whirled around. "Dammit, Steve!" he swore. "Give me a heart attack, will ya." He grabbed a rag and started to clean up the mess.

Three, two, one, Steve thought to himself with a smile.

"Steve!" Jesse shouted.

The next thing Steve knew, he had an armful of doctor and his face was being covered in kisses. Not that he minded, of course. He managed to get a few kisses in himself.

"I thought you weren't supposed to be back until tomorrow," Jesse said when he finally stopped to take a breath.

"I got an earlier flight," Steve smiled. "I can leave until tomorrow, it it'll make you happy." He started to move away.

"Don't you dare," Jesse growled.

"Why?" Steve asked innocently. "Don't tell me you missed me?"

"Yes, I missed you," Jesse said. He grabbed Steve's hand and started tugging him toward the bedroom.

"Where we going?" Steve asked.

"I'm going to show you just how much I missed you," Jesse growled.

"I can deal with that."

It didn't take Jesse long to get Steve out of his clothes once they got into the bedroom. Steve would have helped but Jesse would have none of it. When he was finally nude, Jesse pushed his lover onto the bed.

"Am I the only one at this party?" Steve asked, indicating Jesse's clothes.

"Not hardly," Jesse smiled. He undressed himself then crawled on top of Steve. He leaned down and kissed him. "Welcome home," he said.

"It's good to be home," Steve smiled.

Jesse began kissing Steve again. It wasn't long before both men were hard and moving against each other. Steve grabbed Jesse and turned them over so he was on top. He began kissing his way down Jesse's body until he came to his now leaking cock. He kissed the head, tasting his lover. He kissed the shaft all the way down and back up before taking the head in his mouth.

"Steve!" Jesse shouted, thrusting his hips up to get more in his lover's wonderful mouth.

Steve smiled to himself as he pressed Jesse's hips back onto the bed and held them there. Slowly, he moved his head down, taking more of Jesse into his mouth. He didn't stop until his nose touched the hair around the base.

"Omigod, omigod," Jesse was muttering over and over.

Steve began swallowing, knowing the action would massage the head of his lover's shaft. It didn't take long before Jesse shouted his name again and erupted down his throat. Steve pulled back a little so he could taste it as he swallowed. Jesse finally went limp on the bed.

Steve crawled up the relaxed body and kissed him. "Love you," he smiled.

"Love you, too," Jesse whispered. "In me, please. Want you in me."

Steve's cock jumped at the thought. "How do you want it?" he asked.

"On my back, hard and fast," Jesse said, his voice dropping to a seductive level.

Steve didn't answer. He leaned over and grabbed the lube they kept on the nightstand. Jesse spread his legs as Steve moved between them. He lubed his fingers and began to prepare his lover. By the time he was up to three fingers, Jesse was hard again and thrusting back on the fingers.

"Now, Steve, now!" Jesse urged.

"Easy, love," Steve told him.

He lubed his shaft and place the head at Jesse's entrance. He wanted hard and fast and that's what he would get. With a push, he entered Jesse, not stopping until he was all the way in. When he was in, the men groaned in unison.

Steve pulled slowly out until just the head was still in. Before Jesse could complain, he slammed back in. It didn't take long before he was giving Jesse just what he wanted. Nothing was heard in the room except the slap of skin on skin and the occasional moan or grunt.

Jesse reached down and began stroking his cock. They were both close and he knew it. Steve smiled at him.

"That's it, baby," he moaned. "Stroke yourself. Cum on my cock. You can do it. Cum for me, love. I want to see you cum. I know you can."

That's all it took. Jesse began cumming as his ass clamped down on Steve. Three more thrusts and Steve was cumming as well.

When it was over, Steve collapsed, barely catching himself so he wouldn't fall on Jesse. He eased out of Jesse then laid down next to him. With a sigh, Jesse cuddled up to Steve who wrapped his arms around him.

"Love you," Jesse mumbled. "I'm off tomorrow."

"Good," Steve smiled, kissing his forehead. "We can do this again."

"And again and again."

Steve chuckled. "Love you, too." With that, both men drifted off to sleep.

The end.