by Lesley-Ann

Rubbing his head gently Dr Jesse Travis fought the urge to throw up violently.

//What had happened?//

//Where was he?//

//Who was he?//

Looking around Jesse tried to fight the mind splitting headache to remember anything!!!!!

//This was so not good//

Forcing himself to climb up on shaky legs Jesse grasped the wall for much needed support as he once again looked around the room he was inside of.

The room was small and dirty with only a chair and mattress to take away from emptiness.

The only thing he knew for sure was he wasn't meant to be here and was in big trouble...

A couple of blocks away at the same time

Lt. Steve Sloan paced back and forward furiously as he waited for his backup units to call in.

Watching him was making Mark dizzy as he too waited for the OK to go in and rescue Jesse from his kidnappers.

For reasons unknown Dr Jesse Travis had been abducted and had been tracked to an derelict building in one of LA's worst neighbourhoods. But at long last they had it under surveillance and were awaiting the final command to sweep on the building and rescue the hapless young man.

Jumping at the call from Steve's walkie talkie Mark was dragged from his reverie as the command was finally given.

Practically running to his station Steve withdrew his gun from it's holster as he prepared to go in.

Looking to his right Mark exchanged a worried look with Dr Amanda Bentley as the unmistakable sounds of a gun fight began in earnest.

Ten minutes later...

Breaking into the small room in which Jesse was situated was a singularly easy task. One swift kick saw Steve busting through the small doorway gun drawn in case of attack.

The door busting open alone was enough to cause Jesse's heart to skip a beat but to see a large muscular man toting a gun appear was absolutely terrifying.

Backing away from the intruder he came against the dirty wall, flattening his palms against it he waiting as the stranger walked slowly towards him.

Relief at seeing his best friend alive and unharmed quickly turned to confusion as Jesse cowered away from him and hid against the wall. Sensing all was not well for the younger man Steve stopped abruptly and waited for Jesse to calm down enough to recognize him.

After several moments of silence impatience got the better of the confused detective.

"Jess what's wrong?"

Frowning at the tall man Jesse attempted to disappear into the wall behind him once more.

"Are you hurt? Come on pal - speak to me!"

The pleading note in his voice must have gotten through to the frightened man.

"Who are you? Where am I? Who am I?" Jesse's words rushed out as he looked pleadingly at the taller man.

"Who? Oh no Jess, what did they do to you?"

Before anymore words could be exchanged the expression on the doctor's face must have gave him away as Steve stepped forward just in time to catch his friend as he fell forward into his strong arms.

Later that night

Standing up Steve poured himself another cup of coffee while he waited for his father and Amanda to return from their visit to Jesse's room.

//What a day!//

Awoken by his father when Jesse failed to turn up for work. Several hours spent piecing together the young doctor's movements the night before after leaving the hospital. Leading them to a derelict building late that afternoon, Jesse's rescue and collapse into Steve embrace. Now several more hours had passed without word of his friend and it was all beginning to tell on the detective.

//Come on Dad, Amanda, anyone tell me how Jess is. Please!!!! //

Finally two very familiar figures appeared at the doorway to the doctor's lounge.

//At last//

Both faces wore expressions of concern and obvious worry as the looked at the man waiting anxiously for them inside the small room.


Stepping inside Mark carefully closed the door after them and motioned his son to sit down at the nearby table.

When all three were seated with cups of coffee in front of them Mark began.

"Son, it's not good..."

"How bad is he hurt?" Steve interrupted concern clear in his voice.

"There's barely a scratch on him Steve" Amanda comforted him laying a hand on his arm and patting gently.

"But?" Steve prodded looking his father directly in the eye.

"He seems to have forgotten some things Steve."

"What things?"

"Who he is for one" Mark replied taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes wearily.

"And who we are for another" Amanda put in hurt obvious in her voice.

Lying a comforting hand on top of hers Mark continued.

"Steve he's taken a blow to the head sometime today and it's caused an amnesiac reaction"

"Is it permanent?"

"We can't say for sure Steve but these cases usually clear themselves up within a few days. Complete amnesia is very very rare. Jesse will most probably be back completely within a week."

"But you can't be sure."

"Son nobody can give you a one hundred percent guarantee that he will come completely back."

"But his chances are good right?"

"Right Steve" Amanda confirmed attempting to smile encouragingly.

"So what do we do now?"

"Well we want to keep him in overnight for observation only, you know the drill son. But there is no reason why he can't be released first thing in the morning."

"But he'll need someone with him till just for a few days in case of any consequences" Amanda added.

"I thought he could come home with us to the beach house till he's back to normal. That's if it's all right with you Steve?"

"Of course it is Dad. I was about to suggest it myself. The last thing he needs is to be left alone in that apartment even with his memory intact. I swear that boy needs a keeper!!!!!!!"

Smiling at his son's exasperated words Mark nodded his agreement as he exchanged amused looks with Amanda. All three relieved beyond words that today was finally over and Jesse was safe and back with them where he belonged.

The next day.

Tossing Jesse's overnight case on his bed Steve turned around and looked at the confused young man.

"You OK Jess?"

"Just ...." Jesse waved his hands around in erratic circles at a loss for the right words.

"Just not yourself" Steve put in smiling at the doctor's nod of concurrence. "Don't worry too much pal. You heard what the doctor's said, your memories will return. That hard head of yours has it's uses after all. Good thing or that knock could have done some serious damage instead of just knocking a few memories loose."

Raising a large hand Steve gently knocked against Jesse's head teasingly.

Before he could completely remove his hand he found it caught in a smaller hand and looked inquisitively at his friend.

Holding the strong hand inside both his own Jesse felt a surge of excitement race through his body.

//What exactly was his relationship to this man? He was obviously attracted to him but was it two way?//

"Steve promise not to be mad?"

"Jess what's wrong?"

"I need to ask you something"

Jesse lowered his head unable to look the other man directly in the face. His face flushed red as he considered his next question.

Steve used his other hand to cup Jesse's jaw and he gently brought his face up till he could look into the smaller man's eyes.

"You know you can ask me anything. Actually you don't. DAMN this is difficult to get used to. But you can ask anything you want we're friends."

"That's what I need to ask you. About us being friends."

"What about it?"

"What kind of friends are we?"

"I'm not sure what you mean Jess"

"How close are we?"

"We're close. We're partners ..."

Before he could continue Jesse relaxed noticeably causing Steve to stop talking.

Finding out what he thought he wanted to know Jesse felt a weight leave him.

//Thank you God!!//

Jesse released his hold on Steve hand which caused a pang to vibrate through the surprised detective. Before he could react the smaller man threw both his arms around him hugging hard.

Feeling Jesse's need for reassurance Steve returned the hug as hard as he dared without hurting the other man.

Breathing in deeply Jesse felt a warmth twist around his heart as he felt Steve return his hug. After allowing himself to enjoy the embrace for a few more minutes he pulled back and looked up into his friend's face which was so near his.

Smiling warmly at him Jesse felt his heart skip a beat as Steve returned his smile just as warmly.

Deciding it was time to up the stakes a little Jesse lent forward till he was resting his forehead against Steve's. Then tilting his head to the side he deliberately rubbed noses with the much taller man before touching his lips to the other man's.

Surprise ricochets through Steve as soft lips touched his own.

//But not a nasty surprise!!//

A little voice echoed in his head as he felt the wet tip of a tongue trace his lips. Without a second thought he allowed his mouth to be opened and was soon returning what he thought was the sweetest first kiss he had ever experienced!!

Allowing his hands to journey over the taller man's body Jesse set about examining it as thoroughly as his tongue was examining the warm mouth.

Steve couldn't believe what was happening!!!

Here he was standing in his small apartment kissing - YES K-I-S-S-I-N-G!! - his friend. His MALE friend. And what was even more amazing was the fact he was enjoying it immensely.

Loosening the buttons separating him from the strong chest which beckoned to him Jesse continued to map the mouth attached to his. Duelling with a tongue determined to map his mouth just as thoroughly.

Feeling cool hands stroke his fevered skin Steve groaned deeply as Jesse continued to touch and feel his way over his suddenly hot skin. Unable to stop himself he pulled the shirt loose from the khaki's Jesse wore Steve ran his own hands up the smooth back beneath.

Soon these touches proved insufficient to both men as clothing was discarded without thought.

Deciding comfort was definitely desired now Steve steered them back into his bedroom kicking shut the door behind them.

Tumbling onto the bed now totally naked both men rubbed roughly against each other refusing to break the contact of their mouths.

The first touch of cock on cock caused sparks to shoot through both of their systems.

Groaning loudly Jesse rubbed down harder onto his taller mate.

Tearing his mouth away from the hungry lips above his Steve gasped in much needed air.


"What?" came the whispered reply.

"God ....."

Steve groaned loudly and clasped the smaller man's buttocks tightly to force their trapped erections closer together.

"Please Jess, I need you.."

"OK OK " Jess murmured beginning to rock more strongly against his lover.

Soon all thoughts were made impossible as a easily recognizable tightening in his groin signalled release.

Feeling the scolding splash against their joint skin triggered Jesse own release as he threw his head back and howled.

For several minutes afterward all the sounds in the room were ragged gasps of air as both men floated down from their orgasms.

Opening his eyes Steve looked up into Jesse's smiling face.

"That was ..."

"I know" the younger man chuckled.

"Jesse we aren't ..." Steve tried to explain but was cut off by his partner.

"I know"

"You know?"

"Yeah. I'm back!"


"When I came it did too" Jesse blushed and ducked his head down resting his face against Steve's broad chest.

For the second time that day Steve tilted his friend's face up to look at his.

"Jess it's okay. Really"


"Oh yeah." the detective agreed pulled Jesse face to his to engage his mate in a deep kiss.

Breaking for air several minutes later Jesse looked Steve straight in the eye before asking shyly.

"Steve are you sure?"

"Don't I feel sure?" Steve rubbed his awakening groin against his smaller mate's.

"Oh Yeah!" Jesse returned echoing Steve's earlier answer causing both men to laugh.

A couple of hours, and orgasms, later Steve and Jesse settled down for a much needed nap. Before dozing off Jesse jerked suddenly disturbing the man he was resting atop of.

"What is it Jess?"

"Steve I ..."


"ILoveYou" came his mumbled reply.


"I Love You Steve."


Looking up at his mate's face Jesse awaited his reply and luckily Steve chose not to make him wait too long.

"I Love You Too Jess " Steve assured his now beaming lover before dragging him down onto his chest once more and stroking him till sleep overtook both of the happy lovers entwined on the bed.

Steve's last thought before drifting off into the arms of Morpheus was //got the get a bigger bed now//.

Both men were still sound asleep two hours later when Mark looked in on the two men asleep in the single bed with contented smiles still evident on their faces.

Smiling to himself he quietly pulled closed the door behind and made his way up to his own half of the house to inform his dinner companion that they would be dining alone this evening.

But he doubted Amanda would be upset.

In fact he was sure she would be as happy as he was at this news!!!

The End.