Title: Prove It
Author: Lesley-Ann
Fandom: Diagnosis Murder
Pairing: Steve/Jesse (who else? this IS ME Guys!!!)
Archive: mine
Status: new/complete
Rating: PG 13 (Adult-ish, nothing graphic)
Series/Sequel: Nope
Disclaimers: Nothings mine. Belongs to someone else. Yadda Yadda..
Sumary: Fluff piece (PWP). Steve returns home after being away for a couple of days. Just a short piece I tapped out when I had an hour to spare and decided to while it away and finally actually post something ON the list.


Prove It!
by Lesley-Ann

Seeing his prey standing not twenty feet away Detective Steve Sloan used his years of police training to sneak up behind him.

As quietly as possible he positioned himself for attack, then he pounced.

Reaching to take the jar of pickles out of the refridgerator Dr Jesse Travis jumped when suddenly a strong pair of arms wrapped themselves around his waist firmly as a husky voice whispered in his ear.

"Freeze. Your under arrest!!"

Allowing his heart rate to slow once again Jesse turned inside the arms which had slackened only slightly.

Rearing his head back he looked up into the smiling eyes of his lover.

"Steve you scared me you big goof!"

"Is that any way to address your lover? I heard absence made the heart grow fonder - what went wrong with you?"

Responding to the taller man teasing Jesse smirked back at him.

"What absence? You mean you've been gone? Can't say I noticed!"

"What? I'm gone risking life and limb, fight my way back to your side only to be ridiculed and rejected."

Steve feined a hurt statement as he shot a cheeky grin back at his lover.

"Steve you've been to a seminar and it only lasted three days."

"You never know babe. All those women at that seminar were shooting me come hither looks, I remember those. You used to use them."

"Women? Come hither looks? You can do better than that big guy, I know I could."

Leaning down to rest his forehead against the other man's Steve dared him, "Prove It!"

Shaking out of his embrace Jesse walked to the door and turned, casting his most outrageous look at the tall man he flattered his eyelashs madly causing his lover to crack up.

To make his hilarity worse Jesse then strode slowly towards the bedroom making sure to wiggle his hips and cast glances over his shoulder at his still laughing mate.

Reaching the bedroom door Steve took in the sight which awaited him inside. All laughter ceased as he looked at his lover spread as seductively as possible over his bed completely naked.

"Aren't we a little over dressed Detective?" the other man practically purred.

Giving the impedus of an naked, aroused Jesse all cognitive thought escaped the said detective's brain. Nodding like a maniac Steve began to quickly and some what clumsily strip his clothes off his tall frame.

Finally ridding himself of his last piece of clothing he allowed himself to be dragged down on top of the prone man.

Indulging themselves in several deep kisses both men continued till they had their cocks in direct alinement. Rocking gently against one another.

It wasn't long before this way not enough for either man and their rocking became thrusting.

Feeling the man below him begin to tense up Steve knew his lover was near completion and he increased the speed of his movements.

Just as he felt his lover's seed spill over onto their joint pelvises he felt his own orgasm close in. Two thrusts later he joined his lover in ecstasy.

Several minutes of silence ensued in the dark bedroom before Steve finally completely removed himself from his mate before they found themselves physically stuck together for life.

Rising to his feet he quickly padded to the bedroom where he dampened a cloth and returned to clean up the man still sprawled on the bed. Once that was done he resettled himself in the bed this time below the smaller man in their favourite snuggling position.

Eventually gaining the strength to push himself up on his elbow Jesse looked down on his sleepy lover.

"Explain about these women and their come hither looks again will you?" he asked quirking an eyebrow at the man lying below him.

"What women? Just another boring seminar."

Closing his eyes he gently forced Jesse back down onto his chest and cuddled him even closer.

Smiling Jesse placed one final kiss on the broad chest beneath his head.

"Welcome Home." he whispered.

"Thanks. G'Night Babe. Love You." the voice slurred as he realised his lover had succumbed to probably the first sleep he had had in three days.

"Love You Too." he whispered to the now sleeping detective before snuggling down closer and went into the arms of sleep himself.

The End.