Title: Bliss
Author: Sajin
e-mail: sajin03@rogers.com
Series: 1/1
Feedback: Yes as much as possible. Sequel to Exhaustion.
Fandom: Diagnosis Murder
Pairing: Steve/Jesse
Archive: anywhere just let me know
Rating: PG

"Jesse"said Steve.

"Hmm"replied Jesse sleepily.

"It's time to wake up," Steve announced.

"Nuh-uh, it isn't time to go to work yet" replied Jesse groggily.

"No, it isn't, but the water is getting cold," shivered Steve with chattering teeth. "And I don't feel like getting pneumonia, after all"

Jesse turned his head around and let loose on Steve, a hot and passionate kiss. "Does that warm you up any?" he smiled

"Yes it does, but now that is the only part of me, that is warm. Come on get out of the tub, or I can't give you the next part of the night in all this cold water" commanded Steve laughingly.

"You mean there is more!" Jesse asked excitedly.

"Yes" said a smiling Steve after looking at the excitement in Jesse's beautiful eyes. "But we to dry off first, before we become prunes, Please"

"Jesse sighs "Okay, Okay".

They leave the tub, and rubbed themselves dry with big fluffy towels.

"Well what's next?" as Jesse wrapped his small tight body around Steve's large fuzzy one.

"We go out, and have supper in the kitchen" replied Steve kissing Jesse on the lips.

"Why don't we just get into bed and make love all night" a newly horny Jesse replied with a smile. "I see you put on the satin sheets"

Steve looked at Jesse and smiled, mischievously. "The hot oil massage isn't ready yet".

"Hot oil Massage?" rubbed Steve's hairy chest.

"Yes, the one I'm giving you, when it warms up" Steve smiled evilly.

Jesse replies "Well I did fall asleep, when you started the first one earlier".

"Did you think that was the whole massage? That was just the start of the evening. I wanted you to be relaxed before the real fun started." Steve smiled tenderly.

"Well, it worked I am relaxed now" smiled Jesse.

"Not all of you is" said Steve looking down between the two of them.

"You seem to have the same problem, so I guess we're even" replies Jesse lustily.

"Come on, let's eat" said a starving Steve.

Steve took Jesse by the hand, and they went to the kitchen while Steve started the hot oil Machine. Jesse lit the candles while Steve set up the food, on the kitchen table. Jesse sat down and looked hungrily at the spread of his and Steve's favourite Chinese food on the table. They sat and ate the delicious chinese food. Then Jesse got up to come and sit in Steve's lap.

"I was lonely over there by myself" smiled Jesse, kissing Steve on the lips.

"Oh really, is that so" smiled Steve licking soy sauce from the corner of Jesse's smiling mouth.

"Yep" said Jesse, leaning his back and head onto Steve's hairy chest. "This feels much better" Jesse sighed contendedly.

"You know, I agree" sighed a relaxed Steve.

Steve put his arms around Jesse and they cuddled in the kitchen chair together, occasionaly eating a bit of food, here and there.


"What was that?" Jesse started.

"I think it is the hot oil machine," Steve smiled.

"I think it is time to go to the bedroom, don't you" Jesse murmured seductively to Steve.

"I think so to" Steve carressed Jesse with his voice and hands.

Steve then stood up with Jesse in his arms and carried him to the bedroom, laying him down on the red satin covered bed. Steve kissed Jesse, tongues merging together inside his hot mouth. Then he got up and started to give Jesse his much-wanted full body massage. Steve started with Jesse's shoulder's and caressing gently, made his way down to Jesse's lower back. Then he kneaded the massage oil, into his small tight ass, which he devoted a lot of attention, much to the wriggling and moaning enjoyment of Jesse. Steve continued down each leg to the bottom of each foot and Jesse jumped everytime he touched his feet.

"I didn't realize, you're this ticklish, now I'll have some real fun with you very soon." Steve laughed.

"Don't you dare that's not fair" moaned Jesse.

"Okay I need you to turn over for me so I can do your front" murmured Steve lustily.

Jesse turned over on the bed, and Steve marveled at how compact and beautiful his lover looked. Jesse was very excited at the way Steve carressed his body with his eyes as he looked down at him. Jesse caught the direction of Steve's gaze on his body and and smiled to himself, looking down at his own raging erection standing up from his body. He looked at Steve and saw a mirrored reaction on Steve's own body although much larger.

"Jesse you look so beautiful I can't put it into words." Steve said tenderly.

"Steve I love the way you look as well, I can't believe the beauty of your own body" Jesse moaned happily.

Steve got some more oil and started to caress Jesse's face and neck. Steve worked his way down Jesse's well-developed chest, spending a few minutes caressing both nipples, much to the moaning enjoyment of his lover. Steve made his way down Jesse's sixpack from all the surfing, on his days off. Steve caressed Jesse's small trim waist and proceeded down each of Jesse's short compact muscled legs. Steve then terrorized each of Jesse's feet. for a few minutes.

Finally Steve moved to Jesse's cock, which is now hard as a rock. Steve gave his cock a long slow massage to prolong Jesse's pleasure. When Jesse began to moan, Steve put his lips to Jesse's cock. Jesse exploded in Steve's mouth, filling him with Jesse's white-hot seed. Jesse collapsed on the bed from exhaustion and afterglow. Steve turned off the massage machine and settles into bed with him. Steve gave Jesse a goodnight kiss and wraps his arms around Jesse, while they fall asleep in each others arms


The End