Author: Sajin
Series: 1/1
Feedback: Yes as much as possible. This is my first story so be kind
Fandom: Diagnosis Murder
Pairing: Steve/Jesse
Archive: anywhere just let me know
Rating: PG

3:30P.M. on Friday afternoon, the phone rings.

"Hi, Steve how are you doing?"

"Exhausted, it has been a rough week. What about Chinese for the night tonight?"

Jesse looks at the phone and says "Chinese?" As if he doesn't understand Steve.

"Well it is friday night, right."

"Oh I forgot. Well can we make it for tomorrow night? I am exhausted, it has been the busiest day/week here, this week."

"I know what you mean. Your really beat today?"

"Yes I am."

"Okay well than I will see you tomorrow you go home and get some sleep and don't worry about BBQ Bob's"

"I will check to make sure everything is okay there as well."

"Okay thanks steve, and I am sorry about tonight, okay."

"No problem Jesse I understand. You get home and get some rest what time will you be home by so that I can check up on you?"

"Oh I think about 7:00 tonight. That late, yeah it is really busy around here tonight."

"Okay I will call you later than."

"Bye Steve,"

"see you Jesse."

Steve saw the clock, it was 4:00pm.

I had better going, and stop and get some supplies Jesse will be home in a little while.

Steve left work and went to the bath supply house for relaxing bubble bath and massage oils. His next stop was to the candle store for enough scented candles to light a relaxation path.


Jesse got home and was totally exhausted. He came in and flipped on the light switch. It wouldn't turn on.

"Damn Light bulbs. I new I should have got the better bulbs."

That was when he smelt the scent in the air. He took a deep breath and got the Dragon's Blood scent deep into his lungs, and just stood there for a moment.

That was when he noticed the candle path to the bathroom.

"Steve, is that you?"

"Who else would it be. before you come any further STRIP. And then prepare to relax the night away."

Jesse didn't have to think twice about the command. Especially with Steve waiting for him. Jesse took off all his clothes and proceeded to the bathroom, following the lighted path.


As Jesse entered the bathroom, Steve said "at least I see not all of you is totally exhausted."

Jesse looked down and laughed. "Around you and an atmosphere like this, and you expect something different Steve."

For the first time Jesse looked at Steve. He thought, "that a tub filled with his 6ft 2in hairy chested lover covered completely in bubbles, would wake anybody up. No matter how exhausted they were."

Steve then raised his hand and called, "Come here, my love and let me rub all your troubles away for the night."

Jesse didn't say a word and climbed into the tub. He sank into Steve's embrace. He immediately began to relax and Steve began to massage his tired muscles and Jesse fell asleep in Steve's large embrace.

The End