Title: Frustration
Author: Sajin
E-mail: sajin03@rogers.com
Fandom: Diagnosis Murder
Series: Part 3 in the TLC Series (Steve’s Turn) The first two parts in the Series were Exhaustion (Part 1) and Bliss (Part 2)
Archive: WWOMB, BBQBob’s, CKOS, Steve & Jesse’s Abode Anywhere else just let me know okay.
Rating: R
Also thanks to everyone especially Athea for her wonderful Beta work I really appreciate it.

It’s Steve’s Turn Now

It was 3:00 P.M. at County General.

Shift change was always when all the fun started. Mark and Jesse were just coming out of the Staff room after an extremely long shift. Or, maybe it just seemed that way.

Amanda came running by.

Mark asked “What’s the big rush, why are you in such a hurry?”

“Accident coming in, one officer shot and another one injured in the line of duty” called Amanda as she ran to the ER.

Jesse looked at Mark and said “Should we go and see if they need a hand?”

Mark replied “Yes, we’d better, just to be safe.”

They proceeded to the ER just as the officer’s were brought in. First they saw the officer with the gunshot wound, and it looked serious but not fatal. The second officer was then brought in, and Amanda was already with him. It was Steve.

Mark and Jesse both yelled. “Steve, what happened?”

“We were trying to apprehend an armed robbery suspect. We got his buddy, but you can see what happened to Joe and me,” said Steve clutching his arm in pain.

Amanda told them to go into Exam 3 and get an x-ray of the arm. “Mark, you and Jesse can wait out here or in the staff room” Amanda told them.

She then took Steve into Exam 3.

“I’m coming in” announced Mark.

“Me too” echoed Jesse.

“No” corrected Amanda. “Steve is my patient. You two are too close to the situation right now.”

“Now, if you want to wait in the staff room, while I do Steve’s examination then I will come and tell you, when everything is done” Amanda explained calmly.

“All right, but as soon as you know anything, you will come and tell us, right?” asked Mark anxiously.

“Yes I promise” sighed Amanda “Now let me get back to work, so both of you don’t have heart attacks on me. Okay?”

Amanda walked into Exam 3 and Mark and Jesse went to the staff room, and just sat there in numb silence for a few minutes.

“I can’t believe Steve got hurt. He has been on the force for so long without any injuries other anything minor.” Mark faltered.

“Listen Mark, Steve will be okay. Amanda didn’t seem that worried about his condition.” Jesse replied quietly. “Didn’t she just tell us, where to go to wait and talk?” “You know that if there was anything seriously wrong with Steve, Amanda wouldn’t have wasted anytime talking to either of us right?” Jesse cautioned.

“You’re right, Amanda would have left us and gone right to Steve if he was in any real danger.” Mark said with a hopeful smile. “And you are right she did tell us of a bit back there. didn’t she? That is the relaxed Amanda.”

Before either of them could get too worried, Amanda came in and explained Steve’s condition. “Well, Steve will be just fine in a couple of weeks. He is now on sick leave, effective immediately.” assured Amanda.

“What happened?” questioned Mark.

“Well, Steve tried to push Joe out of the way after he got shot, while trying to get the shooter at the same time,” Amanda said in exasperation.

“When he did that, he grabbed the shooter, and at the same time the shooter moved away so Steve sprained his shoulder trying to hold onto the guy” explained Amanda.

“So now he is in a sling with pain medication. No surgery required, I hope.” Amanda smiled” “But he is not to move the shoulder for any reason at least for the next 48 Hours.” She finished explaining to Mark and Jesse.

“Can the two of you manage that or do I have to keep him here in the hospital?” asked Amanda seriously.

“I think we can manage that, between the two of us.” replied Mark.

“Thank you, Amanda I love you” Jesse cried, hugging Amanda.

“”Me, and here I thought it was Steve you were in love with.” laughed Amanda “Go see him before the two of you go crazy.”

The three of them went to Exam 3, to find Steve already trying to take off the sling.


“I hate this thing and it hurts my neck, besides.” countered Steve.

“Well if you are going to be doing that then I will have no choice but to put you in a body cast.” Amanda replied. “You were told that you couldn’t move that shoulder.”

Steve looked at Mark and asked, “She can’t do that, can she?”

Mark smiled “If you don’t want surgery and if you won’t behave yourself, yes she easily could.”

Steve looked at Jesse, “Jesse?”

Jesse smiling answered “Yes that is probably the only way to keep him safe.” Then Jesse then looked at Amanda and said, “But make sure the body cast leaves the important areas open for inspection and torture, okay”.

“Ha, Ha, really funny Jesse” Steve smirked.

They all laughed.

“Now if you behave and follow my rules, you can go home with your father and Jesse.” said Amanda.

“But if I find out from either of them,” she added pointing at Mark and Jesse, “that you haven’t been following doctor’s orders, you will be back here faster than you can say BBQ Bob’s”.

“Understood” sighed Steve.

“Okay get him out of here and I want to see him in two days for more x-rays.” Amanda told Jesse before turning to Steve. “Now for the instructions: no lifting of the arm, no stretching of the arm. Keep it in the sling at all time except when bathing. No showers, the water pressure might damage the shoulder.”

“Oh good, now I can have some fun” Jesse grinned.

“What do you mean by that?” Steve said with apprehension.

“Means I can give you a full bed bath,” smirked Jesse lovingly.

Steve looked at Jesse with smiling eyes and said “I can’t wait. What are the new x-rays for in a couple of days?”

“To make sure the swelling from the sprain has gone down, and to check the extent of the damage done to your shoulder and your arm.” explained Amanda.

“Okay, I will behave. Can I go now Doc?” smiled Steve.

“Yes, but you will obey my instructions or I will put into a body cast and let Jesse have at you so behave Okay?” Amanda smiled at him.

“Thanks for everything” Steve kissed her cheek.

“Hey, now I am jealous. Can I have one too, Steve?” Jesse laughed.

“Sure my love, come here” Steve ki ssed Jesse on the lips with a light touch. “There is that better?”

“Much better, Thanks” Jesse kissed him back.

“Out before I put both of you in matching body casts and send Norman to watch over you, with this years budget reports, and with orders to read from page 1-250 non-stop” teased Amanda.

“Run before she does just that” laughed Mark.

The three of them then went to the beach house where could Steve rest on the deck.

“Here before you get all sunburned” Jesse said as he covered Steve’s well muscled, fur covered chest, and stomach with suntan oil and sun block. Jesse took his time and caressed every portion of Steve’s chest.

He also paid special attention to Steve’s hard abs and pecs. Jesse looked at Steve and smiled while Steve took his bathing suit off. Jesse got the idea, and covered Steve’s hips, groin, and legs also with suntan lotion and block. Jesse made sure that Steve’s now very hard cock was well covered with lotion as well.

“Why don’t you join me Jesse? You’re always saying that I should have an all over tan?” Steve asked lovingly.

“Why not, since I have taken the next three days off as vacation anyway. I might as well start now” smiled Jesse. Jesse took his time stripping out of his, t-shirt and shorts. He then took the chair next to Steve on the deck.

“Jesse let me have that lotion. I still have one good arm,” Steve said as he grabbed for the lotion.

“Okay” laughed Jesse.

“Now, what do you mean you took the next three days off ?” Steve asked while he began to rub lotion and block on Jesse’s face and shoulders.

“Well, someone has to stay home and make sure that you behave yourself.” smirked Jesse.

“I’ll behave, I promise.” smiled Steve with one eyebrow lifted.

“Not good enough” snickered Jesse. “Now about you relaxing, I think that I have a cure to make you relax and actually get a little rest afterward. What do you think of that?”

“Well I think I would like to test out that theory, here or inside? Steve questioned.

“We do have some privacy, so here I think don’t you” Jesse took a quick look around.

“Okay you’re the doctor, Jesse” Steve said caressing Jesse’s Cheek with his hand.

Jesse didn’t say another word but knelt down between Steve’s long muscular legs and started to kiss his engorged penis. Jesse started kissing Steve’s long length from base to the large crown, much to the moaning pleasure of Steve. Jesse continued up the length of Steve’s rock hard erection to the tip of his penis and licked the crown.

That made Steve to lift his hips, and Jesse then engulfed Steve to the base. It didn’t take more than a couple of long caresses of Jesse’s very skilled mouth to bring Steve to a very loud and wonderful climax. Jesse then lifted himself up from Steve’s lap and moved both chairs together.

Steve looked up at Jesse and smiled. “Thank you for being the man I truly love”

Jesse kissed him tenderly, then sat down in the chair next to Steve and laid his head on Steve’s good shoulder. They promptly fell asleep in each others arms.

Mark came out onto the deck and found them asleep and said “Well, at least Jesse is making Steve follow doctor’s orders anyway.”


The end